I fully believe that no matter the intensity and depth of the swamp and the mire and the mud and the insanity that we are going through – and probably will go through a lot more of in the coming days – even so, sanity will rise and prevail.

Bring the Light© LYON 2024

I feel if I don’t have the faith and trust in that, I might as well give up and go dig a hole and crawl in and die. I refuse to do that. I can not, actually – it isn’t within me to give up. Ever. Even when life seems impossible.

I believe that we as artists need to hold the Vision for what is true and just. And even within the suffering, the pain and disillusions, we must hold onto and talk about and make art of and display our own movement within our visions of peace and real prosperity of Spirit and Wholeness.

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As you know, I’ve been recovering from a two-month ordeal of having been environmentally poisoned.

Roses for You © LYON 2025

Doing the requisite rest everyone tells me to do drives me crazy – seems like it makes the healing take longer than I’d like.

I know, I know, don’t push the damn river! So yesterday I thought I’d give myself some playtime as I made myself sit down and rest.

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I Was Poisoned

This is why I haven’t written since January.

Sick and tuckered out. © Lyon ‘22

I was physically and mentally incapable of writing at all. For two months.

I awoke on Christmas Day to the stench of something dead in my house. Within an hour, I was so nauseated I felt like I had to vomit. Add a dizzy-migraine on top, and I just climbed back into bed, pulling the sheets over my head. It was one of the very worst Christmas Days I’ve ever been through.

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How Long Are You Going to Continue Being Ruled by Depression and Anxiety?

What if you could top chewing on your pain? It’s tiring, boring, and it’s just spiraling you deep into exhaustion.

– Vitality –

Right now you’re probably stuck in a closed mental/emotional loop that goes nowhere, and makes you feel bad, badder, and baddest.
You play your woe-is-me scenario over and over in your mind, like gnawing on a persistent hangnail.
You post images on social media of places you used to live that you had to leave.
Or people you used to love.
Or you complain about things that happened in your work.
But you forget that in those places, you were treated badly or almost lost everything.
Or maybe you did lose everything.

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I want to share this with you right quick – I just ordered one of these magnificent rugs for myself!!! I rarely get to keep my own pieces, so I’m excited!

The top image shows a rug made for a bathroom. No tassels, but non-skid bottom, and soft and cushy to walk on!

Above is the one I ordered – it’s tasseled, 59″x24″ – I can’t wait to have it right smack dab in the middle of my house in the hallway – I’ll get to oogle it and drool over how pretty it is every time I walk to the kitchen, or back to my studio!

Want one, too? Let me know – my site is where you can find some of the new products – it’s near finished!

© Angela Treat Lyon 2024



Over the past few weeks, I have found myself glued to my screen, watching tiktok and FB reels. I come into my studio with a long list of things to do – and every single one of those items promptly slides right on out of my head.


Instead of Doing what I Oughta Do, I spend 900 million hours sitting here watching these things. At one point last week, my inner critic was silently berating me harshly for ‘wasting time.’

But in truth, when I looked closer, I was in actuality learning a lot – about the happenings in the world, about how people act under pressure, in love, when they are hungry, at home, in school, or in business.

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You do! I value YOU, and every one of the people who show up, view, appreciate and buy my work, make comments, send support dollars – it means the world to me!

I wish you a very happy after-Christmas/holiday-in-between week, and an amazing, incredible, productive, take-care-of-you, fun, loving new year! You’re just the best!

Stay tuned for some new adventures – I’ll be releasing new art and products very soon!


You Light Up My Life
© Angela Treat Lyon 2024



I had a dream tonight that woke me up and made me come running here into my studio to sit down and write it out.

Stormy Seas

In my dream, all of my light-filled friends and allies in the entire world got together and sent wave after wave of pure love to all the people in thrall to the dark, and all the demons, devils and creatures of the dark forces.

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An enormous spout of splashy water came fountaining up – and up – and up –

Every once in a while, the amount I miss the beach almost clobbers me down onto my knees. I miss the sounds, the waves, walking in the sand, the sun, the smell of the ocean, the fishies, the fresh seafood . . .

And I miss seeing the whales jump and dive and splash around like little kids in the backyard pool . . .

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I Wonder Why You Clap but Not Comment on Medium

I’m almost done with Medium. I’m disgusted.

Bears and Buddies

The other day, I posted that it was my birthday. That post got 18 claps. Really? You supposedly read my post, clapped, but didn’t even have the courtesy to wish me a happy birthday? You couldn’t even do the 50 claps Medium suggests?

Another post that surprised me with zero comments was my post on possibilities. Being a very curious person, I almost always want to know new possibilities – aren’t you interested? Why are you not asking questions? Commenting?

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Today it’s my birthday – I can hardly believe I have lived this long.

I frankly never thought I’d make it past 26. (We won’t talk about Ms Wild Child in the past, now, will we!?!)

I posted on my FB feed it was my birthday, and so many people commented that I’m blown away – since FB has had me in ‘jail’ for almost a year, there were people I haven’t seen or read posts from in all this time. So nice to see them all!

I’m so grateful for all of you followers and friends! Thank you for making my day much better than it started out!


© Angela Treat Lyon 2020

I Had to Block An Attack on My Websites Today

I have been targeted lately by some chin*se assholes who keep asking me if I have registered some of my websites in ch*na, and that they want to do so, themselves. Even going as far as wanting to register

I’m thinking, wtf are they going to do with a website with MY name on it? Steal my content, too?

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I guess I’m just the typical 79-year-old teenager who never got over loving and fantasizing about having horses. 

Conversation in the Garden

My parents had a boat we got to sail all summer – they said that was enough! No horses!

I said, ‘But, but, we have a barn! And I’ll keep the tack in good shape, and clean out the stall every day! And …”

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There is so much threatening our freedom right now! So – what to DO???

Leaves, love, and light make everything Possible

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all who celebrate, and to all who do not!

I choose this image named Possibilities for today because times are scary right now, and instead of decrying all day what’s wrong, what’s wrong, and whining and crying and tearing our hair out . . . I believe that it’s up to us to focus the best we can ONLY on what we can do to create peace, love, joy, prosperity and generosity on this planet we call home.

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I got all the way to my mid-teens before it suddenly came home to me one day that other people didn’t just suddenly get complete downloads of ideas the way I did.


People asked me, “Where do you get your ideas?” They thought I was lying when I told them. It was then that I was shocked to discover that some people didn’t get any.

Back then, I’d get complete start-to-finish packages. If it was a sculpture, I’d see the stone, uncarved – what kind of stone, what color, what tools to use, the texture – and I’d see all the stages of creation, one at a time, until it got to its final completion.

These visions came fast – lightning visions, I called them. Seared into my inner eyes.

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I Refuse to Let Life Crush Me

People are reeling at the chaos created by recent events! We have to manage our minds better!

“Hey,” she exclaimed, “A wave!” He replied, “Yah! Let’s surf it!”  -  © Lyon 2024

Being with people recently, whether live or on social media, feels like being in an emotional washing machine, tossed around like a piece of old worn out lint.

I refuse to be smashed!
I shall remain calm.
I shall remain focused on creating beautiful art.
I rise above the fear.
I shall remain grounded.
I open my arms to love, joy and sanity.

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Listening to Shanna spout crap like that made my belly churn. What the heck was she thinking??? But suddenly, she went into this kind of glassy-eyed trance . . .

Raccoons playing with their fishie friends in the waterfall – © Angela Treat Lyon 2023

Shanna came back over today to tell me she was so grateful to me for stopping her panic attack yesterday. And, all excited, told me about the ideas she was going to follow up on.

But suddenly, she went into this kind of glassy-eyed trance, and started reminiscing about how she had loved living in Hawaii ‘back then’ (in truth, she had hated it and could never stop talking about ‘getting outta here’) and how her life was better then (it definitely was not!) . . .

After a minute or two of this, I waved my hands around like a crazy person, interrupting her monotone. Listening to her spout crap like that made my belly churn. What the heck was she thinking???

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My neighbor Shanna came over, crying, utterly bereft about the election.

I told her to put her big-girl panties back on and quit indulging in weeping and wailing and moaning and being angry and sad, moping around like a victim, wasting her energy

Use your golden energy to effect change! Art © Angela Treat Lyon 2024

She yelled at me.

I don’t do well with being yelled at.

So I got in her face, and shoved a piece of paper at her.

Told her, “On the left side, write down 10 things you’re afraid will change, go away, or be worse, now that the present group is in the WH.”

I made her sit down and do it right then!

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If only I had the means to comfort everyone!

Let me hold you

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had someone whose arms you could just fall into, snuggle up against them and revel in the comfort of their Being?

No need for crying, no complaining, no woes  -  just a nice, warm hey-I-love-you-let’s-hug kinda thing.

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Ferny Fern Fern, I Love You

I used to go out into my yard in Hawaii, sit in my favorite chair, and hold hands with my ferns. They loved it (they told me so!) and I loved it. I miss that.

Ferns in my garden. Original art © Angela Treat Lyon 2024

Where I live now, I go outside and there’s no place to even put a chair, or sit with the sun, never mind any plants. Wah!

But that’s OK  -  I get to draw my garden! In my head (and thousands of file folders) I have scads of plants and flowers and bees and buttyflies and ladyishbugs and wind and rain and happy-nesses.

And I make designs for silk scarves that I can wear to help me remember how it felt.
And that other people can wear to help them feel connected to the earth, under the blue sky and milky moon.

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I’m used to being one of those annoying full-of-juice, c’mon-let’s-go people who get everyone else motivated and moving and having way too much fun as we make waves in the world with our artful creations.

Orchids of a different feather

So now it surprises the shit out of me when sometimes I feel like I’ve been rolled over by a semi truck, and can’t even get up out of bed, much less open my eyes or lift a finger.

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Some of us, who are perfect in every other possible way (ahem!), have a terrible, dark secret.

I loves my chips!

That secret, if known, would probably make everyone on the planet shun, condemn, and make fun of us! We might even be deleted from existence if it was known!

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Having a basically shy nature, it’s beyond me how people are so obsessed with making selfies.

Selfie Bear looks for just the right angle

I just don’t get it. Why would anyone want to plaster themselves all over a world-wide platform? Can you tell me?

I’m thinking in particular about one video posted by a gal who filmed herself all gussied up, slamming out of her car, violently twerking her way into her ex-BF’s workplace, hoping (I think) to get him back into her arms – only to find said guy gone.

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Back in the 90s, I lived in two of the bays of an old abandoned fire house, where the town fire trucks had been kept.

Playing with My Buddies

There was a big parking lot out front. At the beginnings of our daily walks out into the desert, my dog IO (pron. Ee-oh) would come out into the lot and run big circles around me, round and round, with a huge shit-eating grin on her face.

Before that, we lived in the Winch House south of town.

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I’ve studied healing plants for years, and have always wanted to honor them somehow – the ones I have used always did such wonders for me and my family.

False Hellebore, False Solomon’s Seal, Ginseng

So I’m working on creating a series of designs featuring plants used for healing. Each one of them has specific properties that help with various different types of pain or illness.

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There are some days when things in life seem so shitty that I can’t get my mind bent around a single thing – except drawing. Drawing is my life-saver.

Salmon playing in the waves

Today was one of those days. I’ve been completely occupied with the travesty happening in North Carolina - I got totally sucked in.

I try to not do that if possible, so I avoid as best I can all the news and shows that drain your energy like vampires.

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I Was Surprised by My Own Artwork

I’m so used to creating bold designs using bright colors that I forget the there are people who prefer more quiet beauty.

Violets repeat design, in coral-ly pink

I was doing the primary design of this piece, all full of really bright colors and bold strokes. The app I use to draw on only has a few basic colors, so I’m kinda stuck using them. After I have completed the original drawing, I import it into photoshop to modify it.

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Every year, hundreds of birds would swoop down and eat all the cherries on our trees, whether they were ripe or not.

Birdies, Snails, and Wormies all loved the cherries

We finally trimmed the branches of the trees so it would be shorter, and much easier to put birdie-proof nets over them the next year.

Success! We got full crops from then on, and the birdies had to make do with the ones that dropped to the ground. Oh darn so sorry, not sorry!

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THE BUNNY & THE TORTOISE Give Up the Race and Have a Party Instead

There are days I’m so full of ideas and images they feel like popcorn popping and bursting and trying to get out of my noggin.

The Bunny & the Tortoise Give Up the Race and Have a Party Instead

Let’s stop running and have a party and invite all our friends and eat all the cherries!

Today was one of those days.

Usually, before I open my eyes to fully wake up, I spend a bit of time appreciating what I’m most grateful for, and then going over my basic plans for the day.

Today that wasn’t possible. I had so many images rushing through my mind that I thought it would crack my skull. So many critters and scenes and colors and ideas!

It was so intense it was ecstatic.

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My ma had the most awesome organic garden. She had every veggie known to man and some we had no clue what they were.

Despite it being the source of so much deliciousness, we kids hated that garden, because we had to go out and weed it every weekend.

It was only when I finally had a garden of my own, when we lived way out in the hills of northern California, that I really appreciated having gown up with such bounty. Or how much more work it was than Ma’s garden! Hers was small – ours was a full acre!

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