
Fantastic! Thank you!

I’m so glad you got my new art ebook! Thank you so very much for appreciating my work! I hope you enjoy all the artwork in it!

Click HERE, or on the ebook cover to download it all the way to your computer. (Right click on the link, then choose ‘save as’ or ‘save file’, or whatever your device pops up for you.)

Do NOT open the pdf in your browser, because once you close it – *poof* it will be gone! Then you’ll email me and wail, “Angela, poor me! I lost the book!” And then we’ll have to back and forth until you get it again. Boring. Let’s avoid that right now. If you need help, just let me know.


Want a print of any of the images in the book?

8″ x 11″ prints are usually $89 (including S&H).

How does 20% savings sound to you?

$89 – no!

$65 – yes!

Get a beautiful print on lovely, heavy bright velvety paper for just $65 –
you save $24.00!!!

Bookmark this page so you can come back to it when you’re ready.
Then, email me
at Lyon at AngelaTreatLyon.com.
Let me know the name of the image you want a print of, and we will make it happen!

Don’t wait though – I might take this down at any time…