I fully believe that no matter the intensity and depth of the swamp and the mire and the mud and the insanity that we are going through – and probably will go through a lot more of in the coming days – even so, sanity will rise and prevail.
I feel if I don’t have the faith and trust in that, I might as well give up and go dig a hole and crawl in and die. I refuse to do that. I can not, actually – it isn’t within me to give up. Ever. Even when life seems impossible.
I believe that we as artists need to hold the Vision for what is true and just. And even within the suffering, the pain and disillusions, we must hold onto and talk about and make art of and display our own movement within our visions of peace and real prosperity of Spirit and Wholeness.
Our drawings and paintings and sculptures and music and writings and other creations offer that sanctuary.
We must keep holding on – we are the sanctuaries, the actual rafts for people to reach for and cling to in the storm.
We cannot let ourselves be overcome with fear, anger, bitterness, despair or vengeance, because then who will make or be the rafts?
We can’t count on politicians, or socialites, or influencers, or even healers. WE hold the vision.
Without the Vision, all is lost.
We have to focus on it as much as we can for as long as we can.
So creators, please, please – take heart. Hold your vision of peace and love and prosperity and and creativity and freedom high for people to reach out for and to emulate and replicate.
As a creator, you ARE, and you hold, the vision.
You ARE the rafts.
© Angela Treat Lyon 2025
image: BRING the LIGHT
© Angela Treat Lyon 2024