Can You Really Make Good Money with Your Art?

If you are not an artist, stick around, because I’m going to show you how you can help your artist friends. If you ARE an artist – well! See what you can do!

Drawing through the night

A couple months ago, I enrolled in a comprehensive 8-week art business course called Leverage Your Art, taught by 7-figure artist, Stacie Bloomfield.

To say the course has had a significant impact on my life is just a bit of an understatement! EVerything in my business has changed as a result – I couldn’t be more thrilled.


One thing I found most useful was that she tells us we don’t have to create anything new for the course – we can leverage art we already have.

This is unusual for an art course – usually you make new stuff throughout. It was such a relief not to have to create new items when I already have literally thousands of pieces of art!


The other standout thing: she lays out her blueprint for making your art successful in today’s world, where you not only have original art, but prints, products, and books, too. Not just through gallery sales. This is big. And she shows how to do it.

She also demonstrates exactly how to develop your style and your brand, and how to create specific portfolios, so you can license and/or wholesale your work.

She provides a long list of print-on-demand companies, as well as companies she licenses with and wholesales to, how to contact them, what legal and copyright stuff to be aware of, and lots more.

Just about everything she shows us how to do was not possible a mere ten years ago – maybe even five. Otherwise, I’d have said I wish I’d had this course in art school – but none of the tech was there in the 60s! None of the infrastructure was there. And licensing/wholesaling was an elite world hard to get into, if at all.


Can you tell I’m really impressed? Hear me laughing? Because I’m to the moon about it!!! I’ve made more progress in organizing and streamlining my biz in the last 2 months that I have in the last 50 years. I think that might be saying something!

And I’m taking art I already had and turning it into beautiful products. Yes, I have been using print-on-demand for years, but never in an organized, intentional way like Stacie showed us. I’m even making portfolios for licensing, something I hadn’t considered before.

Here are a few of the things I have already created, and will put in an upcoming online store. I’d never thought of making bandanas or tea towels or napkins before!


Tell them there’s a course coming up in September 2024 that you can turn them onto that will help them take their art and make money from it. Real money, not just peanuts. Good money.

If you are the artist, same message to you.

I’ll be letting you know as soon as Stacie announces it.

As you might guess, it ain’t cheap – it’ll probably be around two grand. And it’s worth every last red penny. I’d have paid five, knowing how incredibly valuable the course is.

So if that’s a lot of money for you, don’t give up, start saving! Set up a GoFundMe! Borrow or beg friends and family – do what it takes to BE there!


What are you doing right now?

I know, it’s summer. Most folks like to think it’s time for time off. Well, it’s also time to cogitate, consider, plan and prepare! So –

What are you doing, or planning to do:

• to build your business?
• expand your skills?
• improve relationships – both personal and biz?
• to expand your expertise?
• to get the word out about your work, art or not art?
• are you podcasting, or being a guest on podcasts?

Start making lists of things to do to grow your biz.

Prioritize your list.
Take action, even if you only do one thing every day, or every other day.
Start ticking off the items one by one.

By the end of a month, you will have completed between 15 and 30 things you wouldn’t normally have done.

And your biz will have improved substantially!

I want to see you get your work out into the world!

Your unique voice needs to be heard!

Your unique vision needs to be shared!

I’ve told you what I’m doing – what are YOU doing? I’d love to hear from you – hit the comments, and let me know in a few sentences!

Can you tell I’m excited? You bet! I hope you’ll be inspired to take a little energy from my excitement and put it into your own biz – because . . .

You know I love you!

I hope this has helped you.


Can you really make good money with your art?
© Angela Treat Lyon 2024


I invite you to check out my latest drawings and lots of other art:

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