As I drove down an obscure, insanely rough, red-dirt road in Baja, I came around a corner, there on my right suddenly reared up an enormous storm-grey rock, as big as a two-story house. What is that doing there?!? I … Continue reading
Category Archives: Art by Angela
Today we had 101 degree heat. I melt at such high temps. My mind disappears into the deepest crack in the sea, and try as I might to sit up and work, my body refuses to function. Just about all … Continue reading
When I was a kid, I loved running out in the spring rain, jumping in puddles and splashing until I was soaking wet drenched, head to foot. Now, of course, I’m staid and demure, like a proper old lady should … Continue reading
Penguins are the silliest looking critters, aren’t they? But I love how sweet their mannerisms are, and how amazing they are underwater. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- © Angela Treat Lyon 2024 … Continue reading
Do you like hot, spicy foods? I do, but my body? Not so much! Instant reactions! So here we are, eating our favorite east Indian dinner – and then – Ooooooh!!! Hotttt!!!! Yeowie! Yikes! Whew! Hand me the napkins! Wouldn’t … Continue reading
I have this Thing for Hummingbirds. I think they are some of the most miraculous beings on the planet. Imagine having to suck multiple times your body weight in liquid food through a long skinny pipe every day! And being … Continue reading
In a kind of odd moment as I sat glomping my lunch a couple days ago, I looked out my window to see my neighbor’s cats sunning themselves on the window sill, and they just looked so happy. Have you … Continue reading
Supposedly . . . As you know, I’ve been taking a highly intense, galactically-comprehensive course on the business of being an artist. Comprehensive is the biggest understatement ever! … Continue reading
No one else can possibly do what you do. . They may do something similar, but what you do has your breath within it, has your dreams behind it, and has your signature energy inside it. . There are days … Continue reading
I’ve had this phrase running in my mind all day long – driving me crazy! I finally realized it wanted me to draw it. So I did! I can be pretty slow sometimes . . . but eventually I get … Continue reading
My newest scarf! It’s 26″ square, rich colors on a lovely pure silk charmeuse – I love it! A friend told me about how he’d gone fishing, and actually watched as the fish gathered around his hook and bait and, … Continue reading
I just got this sample in the mail – it’s a 12″ square kind of plaque thing. . It’s printed on a 1/8″ board, has a satin mat finish, wonderful rich color – and a twiney thing to hang it … Continue reading
Very smoky here today – hard to see or breathe. Not fun at all. This image is how I feel about you. I’m so fortunate to have your loving support. It’s been such an emotional rolly-coasty this week! Huge gratitude … Continue reading
This last week has been such hell. 119 degree heat, the threat of the big California Park Fire being within 3 miles of my house, the smoky air burning our eyes – I don’t remember any August here in Chico … Continue reading
Isn’t this how it oughta be? Friends getting together, hanging out, playing, singing, dancing, celebrating life, in all its beauty? I say yes! I’m completely overwhelmed and exhausted by all the upset, violence, anger and fear coating every aspect of … Continue reading
I got a wild hair and started working on next year’s calendar! (Like I don’t already have plenty to do!!!)! Here’s the December page – waddya think? I love it! I left it crude this time (no image trace). I … Continue reading
With this ring, and yellow flower, and bunny dance, and birdies, and meeces, and ferrets, and sun, and pink and red flowers, and the sun, I thee wed! Sometimes ya just gotta shed the got-to list and do the fun … Continue reading
Can’t keep our friends out of the water! . Let them go! Let them go! Here’s another one with those bright colors. I’ve been hesitant to show the drawings with these garish colors, bcz from what I’ve seen elsewhere, people … Continue reading
I don’t care if you love someone of the opposite sex, the same sex, no sex, weird sex, pronoun sex, or any sex I forgot to mention. I don’t care what rules any outside agency sets up. I don’t care … Continue reading
Here’s a little inspiration for you if you are worried, anxious, scared, or having a desperately hard time. Or maybe it’s for someone you know. I’ve heard you say, “I failed.” I’ve heard you say, “I’m so tired.” And “I’m … Continue reading
Do you ever start something and end up doing something completely and utterly radically different? I fought it, but that’s what happened today. I started out tonight intending to write a story about a disastrous sailing adventure I had when … Continue reading
If you are not an artist, stick around, because I’m going to show you how you can help your artist friends. If you ARE an artist – well! See what you can do! A couple months ago, I enrolled in … Continue reading
A fellow artist asked me: You’ve sent a company your images to see if they’d like to carry your line on their products. How do you know they won’t steal your artwork and put it on their products and sell … Continue reading
I want you to be out front, SEEN, and appreciated. Here are seven tips you can employ right now that will help you be more brilliant than you already are. Are you writing, podcasting, or delivering webinars? Amongst a million … Continue reading
Source energies curl and furl in my palms. They remain there until I start working on something. Sometimes they churn and make my hands tingle. As soon as I begin to focus, the energy passes through to my fingers. Way … Continue reading
You have to know the value of what you create. To me, whether it’s my visual art or my writing, it is the Divine Voice speaking with my voice and hands. Its value is incalculable. Never let anyone dissuade you … Continue reading
I was taught that “great artists wait for inspiration to come to them, and then they create.” So obviously, if I wanted to become a great artist, I needed to wait for inspiration to come. Well that’s just total BS. … Continue reading
My buddies love it when I read to them! We gather together and sit on my bed with piles of snacks, and they help me choose which books to read. We love the Mysterious Island, and all of Nathan Lowell’s … Continue reading
I discovered that practice meant giving up trying to achieve perfection. What it really gave me was a calm, quiet belly. Many long years ago, I practiced Tai Chi Sword, and Naginata, a women’s sword-fighting art, where the sword is … Continue reading
I used to love to fish. Down at the dock, I’d dangle my feet off the end, feeling the outright peace being saturated with sun and calm and things-are-just-right brings. Sometimes I’d row a skiff out, and float around in … Continue reading