Coming Back to My Deepest Heart’s Passion: Painting and Carving Stone Sculpture!

Recently, I decided to return to the passions of my life: painting and stone sculpture.

I had stopped carving and painting at the end of my time in New Zealand as Artist-in-Residence, in 2002.

Over the last ten years, I had been focusing on my practice as an energy practitioner, helping people resolve fear, pain, resistance to success, and other feelings that left them in emotional turmoil.

I became an EFT practioner and, eventually, an energy practices trainer and teleclass leader – facilitating teleclasses for people who wanted help consciously creating more health, wealth, success and more money for themselves. (EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques*)

I wanted to help inspire people to live their dreams, so I created the Daring Dreamers Radio Show and became a radio show host, focusing on people like me – creators, speakers, coaches, artists and energy practitioners – all small biz owners and entrepreneurs – at

And I worked hard as a business and marketing mindset coach helping entrepreneurs become successful.

Very rewarding, exciting and fulfilling, and all of it gave me an opportunity to really develop social skills I really needed to improve, and it helped me build up my confidence and self-regard.

As soon as I made the decision to start focusing on my artwork again, though, it was just as if I hadn’t even left it a day – all the old beliefs that used to make me cry myself to sleep at night – like, I couldn’t make it as an artist, no one wants my work, no one will buy it, etc. – screamed up to the surface of my mind!

I did a lot of EFT tapping (a LOT!) on those beliefs because they were totally stopping me from believing in myself, in my work and my contribution in the world.

I also tapped on intending for people to find me out of the blue. I worked hard to transform my thoughts and feelings about marketing my artwork, and about finding and connecting with, and marketing to the people out there who would indeed want it!

Not even an hour after the last round of intentional tapping, Lane Tompkins, the co-editor of the NorthWest Sculptors Association Quarterly Magazine calls, and wants to feature my work in his prestigious magazine – and…

Woohoo! Only one month later, and…I’m a cover girl! My sculpture was featured on the cover this week! Cool! They did a grand job of making the article inside beautiful, too – awesome!!! Think I might be stoked?? Hah! (more art at

It was printed in black and white on really nice quality, heavy paper, and the whole magazine beautifully designed and thought out. See below for the inner pages.

If you would like to subscribe, the NorthWest Sculptors Association website is

I posted the entire article page span here on Facebook if you’d like to see the cover and the other images, and read the article.

* Don’t know what tapping / EFT is? Go here: and get a free online demo –

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