Are You Making These 3 Huge Mistakes?
(Not a coach? If you are an Entrepreneur who wants to market your products and services, an MLMer, a psychic, medium or channel, or have a service-based business, this information will serve you well, too.)
If you are making these mistakes, I can guarantee that you’re feeling frustrated that you don’t have either more of, or the right kind of clients, and that you’re spending way too much time making way too little money.
I invite you to come to my FREEbie teleclass:
Expand Your Coaching Biz Success on
WEDNESDAY, January 26 from 8 to 9pm NY time.
Here are some big ones – see if you can fill in the blanks:
You focus on doing sessions rather than on ________ and ________ & ________ .
Not understanding the real meaning of ________ , you hate selling and ________
You use three very specific ________ on your website that completely turn people off (or have no website at all)!
You are billing your coaching clients ________ , and can only do ________ .
Your ________ is either nonexistent, weak and/or inconsistent
You don’t get the enormous value of being ________ .
If you have written and published a book, you focus just on _______ it.
You hate and resist ________ and allow it to slow you down or even completely sabotage you.
Could you fill in any of those?
Listen, I know you want to:
• make it easy for your right-for-you clients to find and purchase your services and your products
• get the word out AND be aligned with and in integrity with your values
• create more recurring income
• contribute in a big way to more people
• find out how to work less for more pay
I can help you do that – all of it. So….
I invite you to come to my FREEbie teleclass:
Expand Your Coaching Biz Success on
WEDNESDAY, January 26 from 8 to 9pm NY time.
Grab your spot – go here and scroll down to the red box:
I strongly urge you to register now, because I only have 200 spots, and some of them have already gone to my coaching students and clients.
Yes, I will be recording it.
No, there will be no transcription.
Do plan to be on the call LIVE, as I will be giving something special away that later-on audio-listeners will NOT get!
I look forward to ‘seeing’ you next Wednesday!
Remember I love you –
aloha –