My ma had the most awesome organic garden. She had every veggie known to man and some we had no clue what they were.

Despite it being the source of so much deliciousness, we kids hated that garden, because we had to go out and weed it every weekend.

It was only when I finally had a garden of my own, when we lived way out in the hills of northern California, that I really appreciated having gown up with such bounty. Or how much more work it was than Ma’s garden! Hers was small – ours was a full acre!

But I loved it when hummingbirds came and flew around my head when I wore my red bandana, and huge bright yellow, gold and black and white butterflies would come gather around all the flowers I planted between the veggies. That was indeed a heavenly garden.

We were really, really bad fence builders, so the deer had their way with everything until we finally got the fencing down. They tried to get the fruit from our little trees, but nah-ahh! No can have!


© Angela Treat Lyon 2024

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