What if you could top chewing on your pain? It’s tiring, boring, and it’s just spiraling you deep into exhaustion.

– Vitality –
Right now you’re probably stuck in a closed mental/emotional loop that goes nowhere, and makes you feel bad, badder, and baddest.
You play your woe-is-me scenario over and over in your mind, like gnawing on a persistent hangnail.
You post images on social media of places you used to live that you had to leave.
Or people you used to love.
Or you complain about things that happened in your work.
But you forget that in those places, you were treated badly or almost lost everything.
Or maybe you did lose everything.
You’re caught in a morass of blind reminiscence – glossing over how bad it was because you wish you could have the good parts again.
You feel totally sorry for yourself.
You feel completely helpless and powerless.
You don’t believe that you can do a single thing to help yourself.
You’ve convinced yourself that ‘it’s all impossible.’
Aren’t you getting bored with all that?
What happened to your creativity?
What happened to your curiosity?
Make the DECISION to get them back again!
DECIDE to take control of your thoughts!
You MUST make up your mind to dig yourself out.
When the next poor-me thought comes up, say to yourself, “thank you, self, I’m bored with that thought. What is something I could have more fun at?”
The mind loves questions, and will go to all sorts of lengths to give answers. Allow them!
Stop isolating!
Stop thinking you have to dig yourself out all by yourself!
Start learning to ask for help!
There are a skajillion public resources to get help from, if you can push yourself past your shame and anger.
If you can’t do that, ask god.
Even if you don’t believe in god.
Or ask an angel.
Ask your guardian angel.
Don’t believe in those things?
Then pretend.
Because pretending to believe in something is better than replaying your old poor-poor-me tapes in your head.
It sets up a new pattern, with which you can energize and inspire yourself to get out of your rut.
Just think of who you’re asking, and say, “I need help. Please help me get out of my stinky mental thinking. Show me something more fun to think about.”
Start asking god, the creator, source – whatever you call it – to give you the idea of ONE small thing to do that would be something you CAN do.
Don’t make it save-the-world heavy-duty important.
Make it a small thing.
• Like take a nap. A nap? Really? Yes. Because taking a nap will help your mind interrupt the fear cycle.
• Like make a phone call to a friend, and ONLY talk about things you love. No complaining or yearning for the past. You absolutely must cut those mental pathways off at the start.
• Like go for a walk.Take pictures of odd things you see, things you walked right past before today. Don’t make it a monumental task – just do it, and see how it feels.
Your small thing just needs to be something that will allow you to lead your thinking on a new path.
And surprise!
What if the results you got were something others would enjoy finding out about?
Now go do it.
Just go DO it.
And do your best to allow yourself to feel better!
Then post about it.
Tell us about the cool things you allowed yourself to start thinking about.
Tell us about the intriguing things you saw down by the lake.
Or the amazing sunrise that treated you to its glorious colors.
Or the funny cat or bird or kangaroo you saw,
Silently thank whoever or whatever gave you the idea for the small thing.
Then ask for another small thing.
And do that.
And so on.
Keep doing those small things.
Soon you’ll start to choose the upward thoughts instead of the downward ones, and you’ll notice yourself feeling better.
If you yearn for a place you used to live, consider what it was that you loved about it.
There was probably a time you felt safe there. Or loved, or rich, or healthy, or adventurous, or courageous.
Wish for those things, instead of the place itself.
Make note of the feeling you want to have back.
Find the seed of it, plant it, nurture it, and grow it, intentionally.
Here is what I decided to do.
I haven’t been depressed, but I’ve noticed being groggy and unclear. I don’t like that, so I decided to shift out of it.
I decided I’d do one small thing every day that I formerly didn’t like, or didn’t want to do, or didn’t want to make time for.
Something that would be conducive to my biz, or that would help me feel like I’m nurturing something important to me.
What? Why?
Because I watched a reel where someone was saying when you do stuff you don’t usually like to do, or want to do, it bolsters your self-confidence!
How weird is that!
So I decided to try it.
So far, I’ve cleaned my fridge, sorted out a horrid cabinet that was jam-packed with just-in-case stuff – gave stuff away and threw the rest out.
I consolidated my to-do list.
I even started doing the first thing on it.
And I started some admin work I usually detest doing – and got it done!
I’ve only just started, but I’m pleased with how good I feel!
So join me, and start doing your small things, and doing things you don’t really want to do but that you know will get you some good results.
Make your mind your good, faithful servant.
Don’t let it drag you down into mental gluck, or boss you around anymore.
Be your own boss!
NOTE: Look up Dr. Eric Berg. He’s an expert on vitamin deficiencies. Did you know that depression can simply be a lack of a specific vitamin in your body, and have nothing at all to do with the story you’re telling yourself?
He also said that lower back pain can be not enough vitamin D3 (and K).
So I started taking more.
Guess what is a lot less painful, only 3 days later!
© Angela Treat Lyon 2025