I don’t care if you love someone of the opposite sex, the same sex, no sex, weird sex, pronoun sex, or any sex I forgot to mention.

I don’t care what rules any outside agency sets up.

I don’t care what your mother, father, sister, brother, aunty, uncly or other family member believes about love. Or your teacher, doctor, lawyer, or Indian chief.

Love is love is love.

Only the heart gets to decide.

Sometimes it decides pretty well, other times it’s a disaster in the making.

But love is love is love, and no one can dictate to it without calamitous results – ask me, I know!

My heartfelt wish is that people would just leave love the fk alone, arreddy, with their judgements, rules, regulations, laws, assumptions, beliefs and their damned declarations about how things ‘should’ be.

Just leave it alone, and let people love.


This is an early version of a design yet to be refined. I like how raw it is. I like the colors. I like the FEEL of it.
I hope you like it, too!


I Love You
© Angela Treat Lyon 2024

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