Money: Got Challenges?

sm-disappointment-2“Agh! Such chaotic times!!” That’s what a good friend of mine said to me yesterday. We were speaking about how, while life seems to be speeding by at an unprecedented rate, so many people we know are having such difficult times on so many levels.

She said, “if it isn’t money, it’s relationships, if it isn’t that, it’s business – you name it, people are practically flipping out crazy exhausted or swamped in fear and overwhelm!” (And then we tapped on our mo.ney beliefs….)

Maybe you can relate to the fear and craziness, too. I can – remember I told you I was going to do more carving and get my artwork out there more? It’s been like wading through half-set superglue with all the previously hidden beliefs that have been coming up begging to be cleared. I’ve tapped myself silly these last few weeks. And it’s helped – a lot.

Here are some of the phrases I hear from some of my coaching clients recently – are any of them what you hear yourself say?

I’m scared
I never have enough mo.ney
I hate feeling such dread every day
I feel like a failure
I feel disappointed and even bitter at times
It wasn’t supposed to be like this

I have mo.ney but I want more!
I don’t know how to get it

I don’t know what I want to do
I don’t even know who I am

I’m shy
I have low confidence
Why would anyone pay me for this tapping thing?
I want to make a difference but I feel like a fraud if I can’t ‘get there’ before I help others to do it

If you said yes to ANY of those, I heartily invite you to do yourself the huge favor of joining me this weekend for the first Round Table Tapping Group Teleclass.

sm-creativity-2If you’d like to…
•  quit your day job
•  grow your business substantially
•  make money and get to
•  do what you like for rest of your life
•  become an effective leader
•  help others to succeed
•  get your income to skyrocket
•  feel amazingly good – expanded, free, excited, calm and happy
You can do that!

In this 90-min teleclass (that includes tapping on your issues and Q&A afterwards), you’ll get major support in doing exactly that. Imagine the power of the group tapping on your challenges and desires – it expands the energy by multiples!

I suggest that you just come for one call and see how much better you’ll feel afterwards, and how much more open to options and opportunities you’ll be. If you’re new to tapping, you’ll probably be surprised as you come off the call tingling with energy!

I said I’ve been tapping a lot on myself – I want to make sure you have the advantage of being able to tap through your stuff with someone who’s been there, done that and come out the other side – me.

===> Not only are you going you feel better, but you’ll have more room for expanded options, ideas and opportunities that you simply don’t see right now if you’re in a constricted state.

You’ve heard me say that success is a feeling; that life is a journey. And if you can feel good along the journey, you’ve already created success – all you need to do now is expand it!

So it’s imperative to shed the dread, shun the fear, drop the depression, blues, I’m-a-failure and I-can’t, and come along and tap those things into usable creative energy you can use to feel…not good…not better…but GREAT. I’ll help you do that.

I invite you to register now and grab your seat. Of course, if you got the whole kit and kaboodle and did all three calls in the upcoming month, you’d get Sunday’s call and two others, too, for the price of two classes. Your choice. Feel great once, or feel great three times for not much more.

Ditch Dread & Fear & Open to More Money Doing What You Love
HERE: $29.97

Round Table Group: 3 Calls:
HERE: $59.97

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

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