“She Betrayed Me!”

My friend “Benji,” a coloring book artist, told me that, after discussing with her friend an idea that she was working on, that same friend went off and created and published the very same kind of work.

crying-500w“What really bugged me was not just that she stole my idea, but that she posted it as her own idea, without giving any mention or credit to me!”

Benji said that she felt “like someone gut-kicked” her. Totally betrayed. “Now I’m thinking, how can I ever trust her again?”


After we took a bit to process and defuse her feelings about this incident, Benji’s next question was: should you share your ideas with people when you get the idea, or while you’re in process? Or do you keep your ideas to yourself until they’re signed and sealed?

Continue reading

COLOR: Special Collector’s Edition


LYON-color-3d-5h-coverMy first hard-cover collector’s edition of my abstract paintings is finally out!

This is huge for me! Huge! I’m so very excited about it!

I’m adding pix of a whole bunch of pages below to let you see how I’ve taken the alcohol inks, which are featured in this book, in many directions.

I hope it inspires you to do something huge in your own life.

The book:

COLOR: Special Collector’s Edition
A Feast of Color-Rich Abstract paintings by Angela Treat Lyon
• 132 pages
• the book measures 12” x 12” and is about .75” thick
• has very thick, rich quality lustre paper
• hard-bound with black end sheets front and back
• 60 full color abstract painting images
Limited Collector’s Edition
Signed & Dedicated Limited Collector’s Edition
Contact me if you want to order one. I’m limiting the edition, so act now.

(See the inside pix by clicking on ‘continue reading’ – and you can click on each image to see a bigger view)

Continue reading

Do You Allow Your Inner Guidance?

LYON-BEAMING-LOVE-TO-YOUHave you ever wanted to keep doing something you love, but it just seemed like something was in the way?

I’ve felt like that. I couldn’t figure out what what to do. Finally, I made a very simple, very powerful decision: that I’d let my intuition and connection to Spirit guide me more than ever.

And what did my inner guidance say when I bitched and moaned when I started missing what I had been used to doing?

It said, “patience.” And I said, “Hm. OK – well, that’s easy for you to say, but I miss my peeps and I need something to DO!”

It said, “paint, draw, books.” That was it – simple, nothing fancy.

So, since I had just found a new kind of ink that was absolutely amazing and awesome fun to use, I started there. I did over 100 (small) paintings in about a 2-month period. Some were horrible, a lot were fantastic. And then, zap! The energy for that disappeared.

So instead of whining about why I wasn’t getting inspired anymore for these paintings, I asked, “OK, what’s next?”

And Spirit replied….

I was moved to take a class on how to use photoshop in a new way to illustrate books. The idea to write and illustrate a fairy tale book came right out of the blue. I said, OK, I will. And I did, and it was way fun, so I did another, using this new method to tweak my illustrations. I published them using print-on-demand publishing. They were beautiful, and it was such great fun.

People like them and they continue to sell – and – I have moved on. That’s the cool thing about books – you write and publish them, and the books stay ready and able to help or entertain people in the background. Passive income can’t be argued with, either.

Again, I asked, “What’s next?” And Spirit replied….

“Take this class on creating coloring books.”

3D-LOVEColoring books? Are you nuts? Well, OK. I did. And – oh my. Fun isn’t the word – try mega-master-monster-huge-incredible fun! A whole new world opened for me!

So I did one, then another, and a third…and a fourth…. I’ve created over 1000 drawings and published 7 coloring books (two of them hot steamy erotic ones! hah!). That’s amazing for me – I usually paint or carve, but hardly ever draw.

Then, I saw how I could use the same drawings for other stuff – like pillows, totes, leggings, duvets, even fabric, wallpaper, wrapping paper – you name it. Oh boy – more fun!

Listen to your inner guidance!

Can you see how listening to spirit got me into something I adore and have tons of fun at – and can actually make some dough at it, too – and never let me down?

Instead of whining about why you’re not getting inspired anymore for something, ask, “What’s next?” And Spirit will whisper something to you, the way it does with me.

Listen more deeply

Something else – when I first decided to expand my connection with Spirit, I also committed to listening more deeply, and >taking action immediately< on what I heard – not putting it off or ignoring it. That made a huge difference.

So if you’re at a standstill, or about to go on a new adventure, or wanting to boost your adventure to a higher level, maybe your deep inner guidance knows something you don’t.

Trust it. Ask it what it wants for you.

Because it’s doing its best to aim you towards the fulfillment of your heart’s deepest desire.

Allow it, and watch and appreciate as the magic unfolds right before you in your own life.

When asking for guidance, what do you hear?

The answer should be short and fun and easy – no fancy or huge earth-shaking or people saving goals. Just small things, each of which stack up with the others you’ve done to suddenly be a Big Thing you’ve wanted to do for a long, long time.

Down the road, after you have asked and done as your inner guidance has said, I’d love to hear what you’re doing that hits the Deep Spot of fulfillment for you.

You know I love you!

Aloha –

p.s. I decided to make a list of all the things I’ve done this year (below). I’m blown away – I never thought I’d ever do as much stuff in ten years, much less one!

I’m also giving you the link to the class I took on coloring books – it’s the best class I’ve ever taken from anyone. He’s a no-fluff, amazingly smart and  knowledgeable teacher, and we have an incredible FB page where we participate every day. (Yes, it’s an aff link. I’m proud to share it.)

If you’re an artist, I suggest you check it out – you might just find yourself a new stream of income you never thought possible. I love my monthly amazon payments!

If you’re not an artist, check it out anyway – he tells you how to make books even if you’re not arty at all. Just in the intro video alone he shows you some awesome info.

What I’ve done this year:

(Sounds like my English teacher’s request for stories about “What I did this summer”! Can you hear me laughing?)
•  Created 100+ alcohol ink paintings
•  Created and published COLOR, the Collector’s Edition, a huge (12” x 12” x .75”) high-quality book with 60 pages showing my alcohol ink paintings that sells for $224.99 (think of it like this – if you bought all 60 images as prints, it would be $2300 plus!)

•  Wrote and illustrated 2 fairy tale books
Harlan and Griffyn Get Lost
The Big Bad Wolf Steals the Magic

•  Created over 1000 drawings for coloring books
•  Created and published 7 coloring books (so far)
Delight (50 images)
Horses (15 images)
I Love You (50 images)
Simplicity (50 images)
Wild Things (50 images)
Lovers (30 images)
Play with Me (30 images)

What about YOU?

So. Do you see how allowing my inner guidance has enabled me to do more stuff in one year than I’d have ever dreamed, myself? And there’s still a month and a half of the year left!

What would it be like if you allowed your Inner Guidance to speak up and guide you even more than it does now?

Did You Get Your FREE Book yet?

TRMS-COVER-3D-0815-5hThe Real Money Secrets is a book I created several years ago as a spoof on all the weird, funny and wacky ways people strive to get more money.

I decided to update and republish it because, at the very least, it was make you laugh, helping you make your day a little lighter.

And maybe one or more of the real ways I included to change your mind, your thinking, your atitude and go about really making money will work for you!

CLICK HERE or on the book cover image to download your copy for free – and enjoy it – my gift to you!

HINT: Do NOT open and read it in your browser, because when you close the window, it will be gone – poof! Download it to your device or computer first!

I’d love to hear from you how you liked my little book – was it fun? Did it lighten your day? Did it give you new ideas?

Twisted Tales Book #2 is out!

The Big Bad Wolf Steals the Magic

BBW-3d-5.5h-72I’m so excited to announce that book #2 in the Twisted Tales series, The Big Bad Wolf Steals the Magic, is now ready in print on Amazon.com and also on the Kindle!

I just got my copies in the mail today, and they look gorgeous – nice white paper and crispy clear brilliant colors. Woohoo!

What’s it about?

One Day in the Great Deep Dark Black Forest… The Big Bad Wolf sneaks up behind Little Red Riding Hood and, covering her mouth so she can’t cry out, slings her over his sharp pointy shoulder and quickly disappears onto one of his secret paths that leads far back into the Great Deep Dark Black Forest.

What shock and surprise awaits her there? What does the Big Bad Wolf want with the Violet Velvet Bag he steals from Little Red Riding Hood’s Grammy? Who is the dreaded Dark One, and why will the entire Forest and everyone in it perish if he escapes his centuries’ old prison?

The Big Bad Wolf Steals the Magic is scary-fun and keeps you on your seat’s edge from start to finish. Richly delicious color-saturated countrysides, odd cloaked people and bite-your-tongue suspense! What are you waiting for?


My New Book Is Out!

Harlyn and Griffyn Get Lost

Harlyn and Griffyn Get LostI’m so excited to announce that my new book is now ready in print on Amazon.com and also on the Kindle!

I just got my copies today, and they look gorgeous – nice white paper and crispy clear brilliant colors. Woohoo!

What’s it about?

Harlyn and Griffyn, twin brother and sister, go out to play one afternoon, and get terribly lost in the Great Deep Dark Black Forest.

Little do they know they will soon find and vanquish a sly enemy and meet a new friend who is over 400 years old!

Get your copies now – and stay tuned for book #2 in the Twisted Old Tales Series! Read more about it at TwistedOldTales.com.

Do You Speak UP?

“How Do You Speak Up Fearlessly?”

speakingI’ve been speaking up a lot on Facebook about the recent situation in Indiana where war has pretty much been declared on gay people.

They are trying to instigate a new law there saying that it’s OK for businesses to discriminate against and not serve gay people.

I received two interesting notes: one from someone saying “you must be gay since you are standing up for gay people, and why don’t you shut up!”

The other note was from someone admiring me for speaking up, and how ever did I have the nerve to do it!

The first person had it all wrong. No, I’m not gay (even if I was – so what?). Whether or not I am is not even the issue. No I won’t shut up (!). And no, I don’t put up with bigots, so I un-friended him.


It’s very clear that if businesses are allowed to discriminate against one section of the populace willy-nilly, it won’t be long before it’s OK for them to exclude blacks, latinos, breast-feeding mothers, single women, left-handed cowboys and sandy beach bums. In other words, anyone.

I Remember

Because I remember very clearly what it was like in the 50s and 60s before we fought for black freedom. I was there in that fight, and the fight for abortion, and the fight for women to have bank accounts and to be able to buy a house or just sign a contract without having a husband, as well as the many other fights we have won over the years.

We fought hard to legalize those rights, and to see them erode before my eyes makes me furious and sick to my stomach.

This is wrong, and I won’t stand for it and I won’t shut up. I “have the nerve” to speak up because my passion drives me. I know what we, as a people, will lose if I and others don’t speak up.


Courage, Clarity & Confidence

What happens when you lack courage?

sm-shy-3hYou think about what you’d like to do…but then you just cave in and don’t do it, right?


And then you wonder why you aren’t where you want to be in your life or business.

Opportunities that would allow you more freedom and prosperity flow by you every day, but you either don’t even see them through your veil of fears, or you don’t have the energy, strength or courage to reach out and grab them.

You then kick yourself left-wise from Sunday, and spend precious time wondering why things are going so badly, or why you can’t take your success to the next level.

You might even blame someone or something, thinking or saying it’s their fault.

You end up saying, “next time!” Well … what if there IS no next time?


So the loop goes like this: opportunity > no thanks > self-blame or other-person-blame > next time! > opportunity > no thanks > self-blame or other-person-blame > next time….

Aren’t you tired of that? Wouldn’t you like to end that loop of internal destruction?

It’s pretty simple, really, and I’d like to show you how I do it.


See, you may not know this, but many years ago I was so shy I could barely look people in the eye, much less think clearly enough to form coherent sentences or even speak them loud enough to hear.

If I had an appointment with someone, every moment of my day right up to the meeting was filled with anxiety, fretting and worry – I couldn’t even think about doing anything else.

But I found a way to reverse that 180 degrees, and now people are more likely to tell me I’m full of energy, enthusiasm and inspiration.

I talk to everyone. I even have a radio show! If you’d told me even 10 years ago that I’d be a radio show host, I’d have laughed and declared that that would be impossible, who did you think you were trying to kid?


heart-loveSo tell me: which version of yourself would you prefer – the fearful one or the courageous, confident one?

Did you know? The root word for Courage is Couer – which means Heart! Your courage comes from your lion-heart!

Want to know how to reverse your shyness, worry and lack of confidence?

All the way from little things like invitations to lunch, to big things that would be of great benefit to you, like being able to sell your work or pursue your passion! Here’s your chance to take this thing by the horns and turn it around.

I put together a teleseminar just for you, so you could create clarity, banish lack of courage and transform fear into confidence – forever.



I Posted, “I Need A Hug!” and Got over 100!

hugDo you ask for what you want … and get it?

Last week I had a pretty big upset about something. It ran very deep, and made me feel like I wanted to just pop out of my skin and run away and hide.

But I’m one of the lucky ones! I have a lovely following on facebook – full of supporters, friends, clients and people who have like-ideas. So, I thought, why not ask for a hug?

So I did – and was bowled over by the huge amount of immediate, overwhelmingly loving replies – including a picture of flowers, a video of a sweet manatee, and more.


Only a few years ago, I’d have thought it was better to suffer in silence. You know what I mean – the “I don’t want to burden you with my bummer” kind of thinking.

Truth is, people really DO want to support you, and even if you’re down, they’re most likely not, and are happy to send you good wishes, huggies and kissies and all kinds of uplifting thoughts.

Don’t bother with the ones who don’t really listen but want to tell you what to do, give you cheery, inappropriate bolstering or want you to brush it off. They only hurt you more.

Even if you only know one person who can listen to you and be with you without judgement when you’re in that dark place, that person is worth more than a gold mine. Call that person and say, “hey, I’m in a dark place, can you help me remember who I really am?” They will.

Try it some time when you just can’t lift one more finger to help yourself. You’ll be amazed at the response you get.


I was sooooo very grateful – those posts on facebook really helped me turn my downward spiral into a newer, greater sense of self-respect, self-acceptance, love and peace.

As a coach, it’s what I do all day every day – helping people find the ways that are unique to them that they can use to make their lives better. So it was such a gift to receive all that love.

If you were one of the people who shared your love with me that day,  bless you and thank you!

Remember, I love you!

Aloha –

p.s. If you have ever wished you had someone who would listen to you like that … Click HERE


Wish You Had Someone Who’d Listen to You & Give You Insights, Strategies & Action Steps?

love2That’s me. I’ll absolutely do that for you! I’m really good at it, because I really care about you and want you to succeed – whatever that personally means for you.

And I have this amazing (even to me!) knack of being able to see how you can do things better in your life, emotions, thinking and business so your entire life shifts up notch after notch as we work together.


I had a talk with someone a few years ago that lasted fifteen fast minutes.

In those few minutes, she gave me information that completely transformed my ability to coach effectively, and to make my coaching available at levels I’d never even considered before. Fifteen little minutes!

Imagine spending focused time with someone who cares about you, holds the space of success for you, and who can give you insights and ways to do things better that you’d never have thought of or seen before.


Stop a second and think for a moment. Ask yourself, “how would it be if things really changed for me?”How would it be? Can you see it?

Whether you are an author, coach, speaker, or any other kind of entrepreneur, you know as well as I do that if you don’t see your success, it won’t happen. And – you can see it all day long, but if you don’t get out of the rut you’re in right now and take action, that vision will die on the vine, unfullfilled.

What is it you want?

  • To have more fun?
  • Spend more time with friends & family?
  • Help create peace on the planet?
  • To have more impact?
  • Make a bigger difference?
  • Help more people?
  • Make more money?

I know from first-hand experience that getting an outside viewpoint can shift EVERYthing for you. How long do you want to stay where you are now? How acceptable is that to you?

Your life and business CAN radically change…or stay the same. It’s up to you.


Get coaching with me, one-on-one, for only $125! I invite you to put aside your doubts and take action now.

Register for at least one 1-to-1 session with me so you can get past your risk-taking fear, and step into whatever new level of success you desire – whether on a personal level, or business. At least get started.

Then if you want more, you can do that, If not – not. Besides, you get a savings of $450 – how can you lose?!?

I invite you to check out the different programs I created just for you where ever you’re at right now – JUST CLICK HERE

I’m Back! Retiring Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be!

paMany years ago, my dad, who was a sought-after executive recruiter in New York City, retired at the age of 65.

(Yup, he really did wear bow-ties – and tied them himself – none of those cheater clip on things!)

At first, he loved all that time on his hands! He spent hours in his long-neglected wood-working workshop; going sailing; walking around the neighborhood…bugging my mother….

After a few months, he realized he missed the hustle and bustle of the city, his friends in business, and the excitement of meeting new people and placing them in Just Right for Them employment positions.

So he went back to work. At 66.

And then he died. He was 67.

I always wondered what would have happened if he hadn’t retired. I think he’d still be here today – he would be 101 years old!

As you might know I’ve been out of coaching for about 8 months now, although I’ve stepped up and done a few teleclasses now and then (the one on money last week was amazing – thanks to everyone who came!). It just seemed like the right thing to do to refocus my attention on my artwork.

Well, you know how when things don’t Go Right you feel kind of numb inside? That’s how I knew something wasn’t aligned, something wasn’t working, something wasn’t Right. Then the income started falling – that’s always a pretty good indicator of Things aren’t Working!

we-do-itI realized I was missing all the people I usually speak with or teach or coach during my weeks.

I missed you! I got lonely, being all alone in the studio, or all alone at my desk as I posted my work on FB and other online portals!

So, I decided I’d put together some coaching sessions at really, really affordable fees, and post them so I could reconnect with you and get you going where you might feel like you need a boost.

I’ve got some cool teleclasses in the works, but I wanted to get you going with some 1 on 1s first. Just in case you feel stuck, or like you need a boost in time for the holidays, or maybe you’re eager to jump to a higher level of success and need just that one little Something you don’t know quite what it is but that a coach could help you find and explore!

And, I’ve got a series of tools and techniques that help people shift fast to share with you, too, at some point, that will really help you a lot if you’re a coach, speaker or teacher.

I invite you to go HERE
to see which Session Types fit for you!

  • feel stuck, or
  • want to jump to a higher level of success, or
  • are struggling with unwelcome emotions thoughts and habits, or
  • want a half or a full-day Intensive where we master-plan your marketing map, or get your emotional upset handled, or discover and begin to create a new Dream for you….

… you’ll find something just right for you HERE.

1 on 1 Solo Sessions:
I created almost ridiculous enormous savings on 1 on 1s for you – at $125, they are $450 off my regular coaching fees!

1 on 1 Packages of 3:
And packs of 3 sessions for even greater savings.

Believe me, that won’t last long – get yours now while you can!

I may have thought I wanted to retire, too, but I’m choosing to stick around, not croak at 67. I’ll be 99 before I quit this planet, even if my dad’s over there waiting for me!

I look forward to meeting with you once again on the phone, working together in expanding your mind, expanding your business and personal successes! Woohoo!


“Bad Request” Message


Sometimes when I click on a page link or a pay link, I get the message below. Very annoying, and for a long time I had no idea what to do about it!

Then I found out: first, highlight and copy the link. Then, go up to FILE, click on New Private Window, and paste the link into the browser bar. Now you’ll be able to open the link in that window! Yes!



Do You Know How to Use the Secret Mirror?

sm-playIf you have ever felt like you just didn’t have it in you to do something (like marketing your work!), and dithered along believing that you just couldn’t do it, or didn’t want to even try – for months! years! – here’s something that will help.

Recently I was turned on to Dr. Joe Vitale’s Secret Mirror technique. The technique itself has actually been around for many years, but he’s refined it. The way he does it is pretty neat, and gets shifts right away.

I want to turn you onto it, too! And he has a pretty amazing coaching program that is so inexpensive it’s almost a crime.

Time to stop it with those destructive beliefs that destroy your confidence and success!

CLICK HERE to find out more, and sign up for the free videos.


The Land of Ammaze Greeting Cards Have a New Outlet In Bellingham, Washington!

Im NOT AloneI’m really delighted to be able to tell you that my Land of Ammaze Greeting Cards are now available at the Community Food Co-op!

Here’s the address:
1220 North Forest Street,
Bellingham, Washington.

The Land of Ammaze? Wassat?!?

The image to the left is I’m NOT Alone! and is one of the Land of Ammaze Series you can get through the Community Food Co-op store.

See more images and read more about it HERE.


Sage Magazine Interviews Angela Treat Lyon on Art and the Art of Healing


I’m so happy and pleased and honored to announce that I was interviewed for Sage Magazine about my Art, and the Art of Healing, and how EFT saved my life.

sage-cover-5hThe interview is out on the online ‘shelves’ now, and ready for you to enjoyCLICK HERE.

The interviewer was visiting in Hawaii all the way from Singapore, and called to see if he could interview me! Wow!

We met way last July, and I had no idea  which pix of mine they’d use, so I sent them a bunch – and I’m blown away that they used them all!

For the whole (beautiful) September issue of Sage Magazine, chock full of art go HERE.

Thank you, Sage Magazine!


I Love Low-Key Marketing!

sage magazine 2-pg spread-700

I’m not a hypester or brash self-promo kind of person, so pushing my work has always been hard for me. I mention my latest article HERE because, yes, of course I want you to go see my artwork and read the article…. AND, because it’s a great example of very low-key marketing.

Thai Nguyen, one of Sage Magazine’s writers, emailed me, and asked if he could interview me. I didn’t hardly have to lift a finger!

Since the article came out, through my posts on my Facebook profile and Art pages about the article, I have gotten almost 1000 likes and many wonderful comments and shares, as well as on twitter and my website. Great exposure, soft selling to the max!

How do you do it, too?

Find magazines that are in your niche. Start following them on twitter and Facebook, and make comments on their posts.

Write the editors and ask them what topics they need articles written on for future publications. Build a relationship with them that they will win from as well as you.

Not too long ago, Sage Magazine asked me if they could use one of my paintings (shown above) on an article they had been searching for an appropriate one for, but hadn’t found a suitable one yet.

It was about 6 months from the time I contacted Sage to be interviewed for the new article. Things move fast in the digital world – prepare to be surprised!


Dianne Collins on Daring Dreamers Radio: Do You Know How to Quantum Think?


I’m really pleased to bring you Dianne Collins, the amazing woman who wrote, Do You Quantum Think? New Thinking that Will Rock Your World.

I think most of us can relate to what Dianne discusses re living your dream and making money – this was a fun interview for me!

You’ve probably heard the expression, “they made a Quantum Leap” a million times. But what does it really mean?

dianne-book3h-atlHow do we make Quantum Thinking a practical part of our own everyday lives?

CLICK HERE to listen in as my guest Dianne Collins helps us dive deeply into the idea of using Quantum Thinking on an everyday, practical level – and how to make Quantum Leaps for yourself.

AND – CLICK HERE to get Dianne’s book, Do You Quantum Think? New Thinking that Will Rock Your World


The Pleiadian Protocol to Reduce Excess Body Mass

sm-depression-2Have you ever had a long spell of feeling really great, and then, completely out of the blue, one day you wake up almost in panic, or extreme distress?

That’s what happened to me last week, with a very deeply felt personal worry.

Even tapping only went so far to get me any relief. Just allowing the smallest thought about this problem made my heart beat like crazy and my chest feel like I had chains around it that were getting tighter and tighter.

My hands were dripping sweat, and I had this unshakable conviction that if I started crying, I would never stop, ever.

I felt Hulk-sized pile-driver pressure behind my eyes, giving me a massive headache. Massive.

After a full morning of this, I was beside myself, because it was so horrid I didn’t see how I could shift it, much less ride it out.

Yes, I was tapping, doing my usual “something-amazing-is-happening-right-now” conscious thinking – and yet – under it all was this hideous pain.

Yes, I’m an experienced tapper and perspective-shifter and creative reality-shifter.

Rebecca Marina MessengerYes, even those of us who are, still get bowled over by life’s challenges! This is part of the shamanic process we all go through to let go of what isn’t working, and creating something new out of it.

Only the letting go part wasn’t happening for me.

I told my buddy Rebecca Marina Messenger about it, and she suggested I come to her class that she just happened to be teaching that afternoon.

Then she told me the name of it. Great name, I thought to myself…but…


I wasn’t sure it would, since the topic of the class wasn’t on what was specifically going on for me.

But I really trust Rebecca, so I attended anyway. And, sure enough,  within the first five minutes of the first process she took us through, I had the most powerful, most profound shift I’ve ever had. Ever.

(Impatient? CLICK HERE to get it – and use the word ME in the coupon box for a savings!)

Within a fraction of a second of doing the last part of the very first exercise, ALL of the constriction in my chest, the too-fast beating heart, the sweaty palms, the worry and incessant repeating self-talk in my mind, and the intense pressure behind my eyes and massive headache were gone.

Snap-your-finers gone!

Totally. How many words can I use to convey the miracle of it? Utterly, completely, magically gone.

And there had been no tapping, no going over stories, what was wrong with me, no talk about parents, feelings or past events – just *poof* – the entire thing was gone.

It was a good thing I was lying down, because the short, fast process was so powerful that I literally zonked out from it – my conscious mind was suddenly presented with something so completely out of the norm that it couldn’t make it fit within the usual same-old-same-old mindset it was used to holding, and it went into wait-a-minute-while-I-adjust-here-folks mode.


Continue reading

Published! YES: How to Get What You Want!

YES-BKI’m very stoked to announce that my new book, YES: How to Get What You Want! is published both in print and as eBooks!

This is one of the funnest books I’ve ever written – full of reminders of how to stay centered and present, and the formula with the simple steps you can take any time to get what you want. Really!

Get them here: AngelaTreatLyonBooks.com


Published: The Land of Ammaze Books!

LOA-bookI’m very stoked to announce that the books with my well-loved drawings from the Land of Ammaze are finally published!

I’ve been wanting to make the Land of Ammaze series of images into a book for 15 years, and finally, it’s done!

They are available both in print and as eBooks. I’m so pleased with them – they’re beautiful! You can read about and get them here: AngelaTreatLyonBooks.com


Two New “Carving My Life” Books!

I’m very stoked to announce that the first two books in my Carving My Life series are published! They are available both in print and as eBooks. I’m so pleased with them – they’re beautiful! You can read about and get them here: AngelaTreatLyonBooks.com


Are You Exhausted, Brain-Fogged, Procrastinating? Here’s what to DO!

During the weeks I was flat with pneumonia recently, I had a hard time putting one thought after the next. I didn’t even feel like reading. Now that’s not me at all – you KNOW how much I love to read!

Rebecca Marina MessengerI’m used to having a razor-sharp mind, and I hated feeling so muzzy and non-functional.

Tapping helped, but didn’t quite get at the core of what was going on, and remained frustratingly foggy.

My good friend Rebecca Marina Messenger told me about her teleclass in which I could clear up my head.

She maintained that if your hypothalamus was ‘shrouded’ by any one or all of 3 triggers, you just couldn’t think straight or have the energy you need to get through each day.

She said that by clearing your “Shrouded Hypothalamus,” you could “fix your metabolism, get charged pp, and have brilliant ideas, feel wonderful…”


I was excited – and frankly, a smidge skeptical.

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No More Living Life Like a Zombie!

Pondering....How do you go about announcing that you feel like you’re coming back from the land of the almost-dead?

Well. Maybe that says it!

See, five years ago, I had two near-fatal internal organ failures. I got into surgery by the skin of my teeth, and somehow I am still here today to be grateful and tell about it.


There were two key things that happened that impacted my life heavily – one in the emergency ward and one after the surgery.

The first one was when the duty doc examined me and found what he assumed to be impossible blood pressure readings. He sat back, shook his head and said, with a loud, very authoritative voice, “You should be dead – I don’t know how you aren’t!”

Something in my system grabbed that sentence and stashed it deep within my being. I didn’t even know the impact it had until this month.

The second one was after the surgery. I gained and gained and gained so much weight that I began to look like a stuffed elephant.

Not that I didn’t try to get my body back to balance again! I did the HCG diet and lost 20 pounds…and then regained 40. I kept trying, feeling more and more frustrated each time. I did this program, that diet, the other cleanse.

Nothing did it for me.

Now though, I have finally found something that really works, and doesn’t make me feel deprived, angry and irritable. I’ve been impatiently waiting to see if it really does work – and hold, because I wanted to show you specific results. And yes, it’s working, and holding! (link to see pix at end of this note)


During a session with my coach, I was asked if there was anything that I could think of that would get in the way of dropping the extra pounds on my body, and getting back into balance physically.

I was shocked and amazed to hear the voice of that emergency ward doctor speaking right in my ear – “You should be dead!”

A part of me had been living as if my life was a secret – if I ‘should’ be dead, someone might catch me! Someone might punish me! Someone might kill me to get me where I ‘should’ be – dead!

How can you live a successful, fulfilled life if part of you believes –
and lives through – junk like that?!?

You can’t! Need to do a little tapping, Angela?

Yup – and you can bet I did!

And don’tcha know it, within a day or two, I had a call from an old friend who introduced me to the metabolic reset program with which I have now (trumpets, please!) dropped 9 pounds and shrunk 9″ overall – so far.

Once you get through the deniers of life parts of you that hang out in your mind, you can start crankin’!


What’s lurking in your mind that needs to be handled so you can live a healthy, fulfilling life?

If you’ve been piling on extra poundage over the years and have done every last thing you could think of to drop it off, let me tell ya – it’s not your body you need to focus on first, it’s your mind.

Once you have one or two of the most powerful detractor-factors taken care of – pow! – the Universe moves to help you fill your desires. If one of them is regaining your strength and health, guess what – the methods to do that will appear!

That’s what’s happened for me. And now, even my neck is smaller by 2.25″ – I mean, who can exercise their neck? It’s just…happened.

Can you say, “Angela’s doing a Happy Dance”?


I’m looking for 5 people who want to clean out old stuff like I did.

If that’s you, let me know. You and I will meet on my conference line and do some tapping to resolve and handle the nay-sayers that keep you from being healthy and feeling fantastic.

I give you the session and record the session for you. You give me the OK to make the audio part of my free offerings to people who decide to use the metabolic reset program. (You can use an alias if you’d like.) That way you can help others who feel the same way you do right now.

Here’s how to find out if you are a candidate for a FREE 20 to 30-minute session with me.

Think about:
•   dropping extra pounds or
•   getting your health back after surgery or
•   getting relief from or eliminating the physical pain you’ve gotten so accustomed to or
•   not spending a fortune on doctors or pain pills anymore and
•   feeling energetic and strong like you haven’t in years….
•   (add your own desire __________________ )

What comes up in your mind?

Does it sound like this?

•   No way – I’ll never be able to look good again.
•   I’m afraid I’ll feel hungry and deprived.
•   I’m too old.
•   I’ve tried everything, it just will never go away.
•   I bet this program won’t handle (fill in with your specific health complaint(s) _______ ).
•   If I get slender, men/women will hit on me again and I’ll feel      really uncomfortable.
•   If I regain my strength I’ll have to start working harder again.
•   My spouse controls the money and s/he’ll just laugh and say, again, “don’t be silly, that last thing you tried didn’t work, why throw good money after bad?”
•   It’s just another thing that works for everyone else on the planet      but me.
•   Add yours _______________________

Anything like that hit your mind?

Yes? Let’s get it handled!

Contact me – just use the red contact form on the left side of this page. (Or, if you don’t see it, go to the Contact tab in the menu at the top of the page.)

Now – PAY ATTENTION! This is what to do:

1. Tell me one to three things you’d like to do – like, drop pounds, eliminate pain, transform your fear of ____ – whatever it is you want to do.

2. Tell me one thing that is standing in your way. Even if it’s, “I don’t know but I know now is the time.”

3. Fill in your contact info and hit send.

I will get back to you with a way to schedule your call with me. And then we will get together and rock and roll, baby!

DON’T WAIT! I don’t know how many will respond to this freebie!

Besides, what if something really could work for you?

What if you really could get your strength and health and fit body back?

What might that be like, eh? Reply now!

You know I love you!

Aloha love from a slenderer, totally more energetic rocket ship me –


p.s. When you read my article on what this reset program did for me, I ask you: please do NOT buy it before talking with me so I can help you get the right program for you and your individual needs. I can help you save time and money. Thanks!


3 Invitations!

I invite you to choose 1, 2 or even all 3 options below. When you click on the links, you’ll be taken to the signup forms. Please enter your name and email address, so you can receive my Goodies!!

Emotional Freedom

This is for you if: You want to easily transform the limiting thoughts, beliefs and habits that get in the way of your life, health, wealth and happiness. You want to know more about and do more EFT/tapping and TBT, Trauma Busting. I’ll be letting you know of my upcoming teleclasses and trainings that help you do that. Yes?

CLICK HERE to be part of this group

As a thank-you treat, you not only get my FREEbie fun ebook, Bloom not Gloom! but also an important, powerful EFT session Ebook, Tap to Eliminate Abandonment and Pain that you can actually tap along with, where you’ll watch as a man was able to let go of pain he’d had for more than 50 years.

Low-Key, High-Results Marketing Training for Coaches

This is for you if: You’re an entrepreneur and/or coach, and you’re sick of hype and slick selling. You want to know how to do casual, heart-based, low-key, high-result marketing for your business, and how to finally stop hating marketing and networking. You want high-dollar results from your efforts! Through the trainings I create for you, you can make more money so you can help more people, and make more of a difference in the world. Yes?

CLICK HERE to be part of this group

As a thank-you treat, you get my FREEbie Ebook, Are You Making These 3 Critical Networking Mistakes? Why? Because when you use the 3 tips in this one ebook alone, you can finally forget all about that boring old elevator speech you never could get to work well, and finally reach and engage people who will be excited to hear all about you…and pass the word on to others.

Original Art & Prints by … moi!

This is for you if: You want to hear all about my new paintings and sculptures, ebooks on how they were created, and savings on prints and originals. Yes?

CLICK HERE to be part of this group

As a thank-you treat, you get my FREEbie detailed ebook, The Carving of We Two, showing you the journey from blank stone on the table in my yard to the finished, polished stone sculpture called “We Two.”

I look forward to having you in one or more of my new groups!


Does YOUR Website Reflect Your Brand and Your Personality?


I’m really tired of hyped-up programs telling you how to build a website that cost you thousands. It just isn’t necessary. So I’m always on the lookout for people who do good honest work for way less than the norm.

I found Pamela Wilson a couple weeks ago, and I like her work a whole lot. She has an amazing knack for lining up very simple things to do that can revamp your website fast.

If you’ve been looking at your website and wondering how to make it pop more, I think you might like this.

The FREE 30-Minute Website Makeover:
4 Simple Things YOU Can Change to Take Your Site from Drab to Fab

You’ll see website experts Wendy Cholbi and Pamela Wilson take an ordinary website and give it some visual oomph with just a few simple steps. You’ll see how you can:

•  Make 2 very simple choices early on to give your site “personality” and a memorable style (this is so cool!)
•  How to use specific simple items to pull your readers’ eyes into the words on your pages
•  Do an easy copy and paste to build your email list or direct visitors to important pages on your site

CLICK HERE to get it – helps you build a site with a look that matches your personality.

No fluff, no blather, good stuff. See you there!

Who Do You Know Who Is Suffering Needlessly?

angerI bet you know at least one person who’s fighting anger, depression, irritability, nightmares and unwanted memories.

Maybe a vet, or a public service person from any arm of the military, police, coast guard or fire department.

Maybe someone who’s been abused, gone through any kind of shock or accident, or loss of a spouse or child.

Maybe a woman who’s been raped, hit, degraded or made to think little of herself.

Do they seem like they’re living a happy, contented life?

I didn’t think so.

“Oh, don’t worry about me….”

Many people who have gone through traumatic experiences might seem OK on the surface, saying, “Oh I”m alright, don’t bother with me!”

But I guarantee you they really, really suffer when they’re alone and no one’s watching.

And of course, some can’t hold the anger or hurt in – hitting their spouses, children or even friends, striking out from the unrelenting, ceaseless, intense pain inside them. Even though they hate themselves later for striking out. Even though they do their best not to.

No one should have to go through that. NO one.

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DO Something!

computer-joyLately I’ve been cruising Facebook a bunch. Probably too much. I get hooked by the posts on what’s happening out there in the world.

Many of them are really upsetting to me – reports of heinous things people do to each other, and what we, human kind – or rather, humans-not-so-kind – are doing to the planet.

But what upsets me the most is the multitude of people who believe there is nothing they can do about anything.

They whine, bitch and complain, but never offer any viable solutions to anything. Nor do they make any attempt to sign petitions or support the movements already in place that are directed towards resolving what these people are moaning about.

Those upsetting things just keep on keeping on, with people sitting on their butts, watching, complaining or being critical, but doing nothing.

Complaining is great – but only if you do it enough to fully see and understand what it is you really, really do NOT want in the world or in your life.

But then it’s time to ask yourself, “what would I prefer, instead? And what is at least one step I can take towards creating what I prefer?”

We are very, very definitely not helpless.

Even such a small thing as signing an online petition is helpful. I used to scoff and laugh, thinking online petitions were a farce. But in the past couple of years I have seen some mighty victories achieved because thousands of people were concerned enough to put their names on petitons about issues they cared about.

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How to Get Unstuck Easily and Quickly for Clear Mind and Energy

how dare you? what a nerve!Over the past few weeks, many of you have written me saying you feel stuck right now. Yes. It’s the change of seasons, and if you understand such things, it’s also Mercury retrograde. You’re not alone.

Dealing with being stuck has been a very common theme in my life. I used to want to end my life, before I found EFT. That’s been gone for 12 years now, and I don’t miss it it a whit, I can tell you!

Over the years when I did feel like exiting the planet just to be rid of the despair I felt, I developed a few tried and true ways to deal with stuckness.

I want to share with you a couple of my tiny but powerful exercises that I know will work for you, too. I’ve used them a lot this summer as I struggled with intermittant illness and fatigue, and what a blessing they have been!

Here’s what to do….

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What to Do When You Feel Like, “I Just Can’t Decide, and It’s Making Me Feel Nuts!”

I-miss-youI received a note from someone today who said she felt torn between doing this and that and couldn’t make up her mind, and it was starting to make her feel crazy.

Can you relate? I sure can! It’s never a question of WHAT to do, it’s always a question of WHEN.

A few years ago in the hospital recovering from surgery, I felt pretty overwhelmed by pain and hallucinations from the drug they were giving me. I found that the only way out was to focus within. When I got out of the hospital, I decided to see how to use that little technique in regular daily life. And it works!

Each time you feel like you need to do this but your heart wants to do that…or…you better do this to make some money or do that to help your kids…or, fill in the blank  _____ just do this:

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Quote of the Day: It’s Inside….


People go through their whole lives chasing everything in the material world, and they fail to discover the greatest treasure of all, which is within them.

Shut your eyes to the outside world. Direct your thoughts and words to the inside of you. The Master within you is the key to all the treasures in the world.

~ Rhonda Byrne, The Secret
