Should Artists Have Just A Website, or Just a Facebook Page?

computer-joySomeone asked on FB if she should have a website or a FB biz page for her art. Someone said to set up a print site as well (FAA) as her site or FB.

This is what I answered:

I sell pretty steadily from (FAA). But really, you asked about whether to have a website, or to use FB instead.

From experience, I say do both. And actually, do all three!

1. Have a solid portfolio site you can send people to to see the best examples of your work (and sell originals).
2. Have your FAA site to sell prints of your best work, so you can leverage your originals (get your own FAA account here).
3. Have FB and build your ‘fan’ base so you can send them to yr site and FAA.

FB is eternally screwing with code and deleting stuff – if you depend on them to maintain your business connection, you’re just asking for trouble, because your FB pages are NOT yours – they are FB’s. And as such, if they decide to shut you down, or if they change algorithms or anything else, you can’t do a damn thing about it.

So create YOUR own solid foundation with an attractive portfolio site – with purchase functions if you can sell your work online – and use FB to connect with ppl.


How to Increase Your Confidence

InspirationIf you think you have too little money and too much overwhelm, you’ll probably want to read this!! (If you don’t experience that, maybe someone you know might, and this could help them!)

Lately, I’ve been meditating. A LOT.

Because I find that, when I connect, I see beauty, kindness, generosity and so much love my heart almost feels like it will burst sometimes.

When I connect, and suddenly each thing I used to see as ‘wrong with the world’ becomes another opportunity for me to say, “hey! We need to speak up and see that that changes!” and make some little post on FB or twitter. That, I have enough energy to accomplish.

I connect, and see that every last instant in my life is an opportunity for me to feel, radiate and shed love on myself, someone else, some thing or some place.

I’ve noticed many people saying, “I don’t have confidence in myself” or “I need more money,” and “I feel so overwhelmed!”

Thoughts create reality.

Q: If your thoughts really do create what you experience, and you think don’t have enough money … what thoughts could you start thinking that would create more money in your life?

A: Ditch the thoughts you’re so used to having run through your head, and create new ones. And think them. A Lot. Especially if and when the old crappy ones try to come back!

Q: If your thoughts create overwhelm, what thoughts could you start thinking that would relieve that overwhelm?

A. Replace the old ones and start rethinking your life into the way you want it to be. That’s called being a creator! You, the Artist of your life!


Women of Power Reclaimed from the Dusty Shelves of History

Women of Power Revealed SeriesRecently I’ve been posting a series on Facebook of specific women in history, and each post is accompanied by pertinent information about each woman.

The series has enjoyed a pretty resounding success, and I’m very pleased!

People have been thanking me for the series, saying it has been educational, inspiring and exciting. They are enjoying seeing how these women overcame cultural or family opposition, how they did incredible things and contributed to science and other disciplines in a big way.

And often they had to live their dreams hidden from sight, concealing their true sex, or undergoing tremendous physical exertion.

And they succeeded, even when they were run over or ignored by the men in their fields, and even completely forgotten within a short time after their deaths. Sometimes even obliterated from history by power-hungry sons.

So, I thought I’d create another series – short, downloadable ebooks, with more pictures and a longer, more in-depth write-up about each one. This is volume #1. I hope you enjoy reading it and appreciating who each woman in it was, and how cool the things they did were.

If you’d like a copy of the FREE first volume containing the first set of amazing women of old, just click HERE (opens in a new window). I’d sure appreciate it if you let me know if you like the series enough for more.

I’m considering charging for future volumes and donating a hefty part to some women’s organization – not sure which one(s) yet. What do you think?

If you’d like to get my intermittent down-to-earth, inspirational newsletters, just register for the free report on the right side of this page about calling people.


How to Soften & Connect with the Divine w/o Becoming a Total Wimp

we-do-itIt’s time to soften. From what I see in the media, we’re about to lose the health of our entire planet. It’s time for the love of power and the warrior mindset in the power-seeking greed-saturated armed forces, police forces and government, to end.

I’m not sure where the rough, cruel, brutal and barbaric mentality started to be OK in the mainstream, but I’m really, really tired of it. Okra farms being raided by SWAT teams? Little old ladies who are handicapped being pulled out of their cars and thrown on the ground by big beefy cops? 14-year old girls arrested for FB posts? Come on, this is unreal and should NOT be a part of our every day reality!

If you look at movies that were made before the early 70s, you’d think they were slow-moving and vapid compared to the fast-moving, hard-hitting, power-action movies we’re so used to now. The acceptance of brutality has came about slowly and insidiously over the past 30+ years. TV, increasinlgy war-oriented movies and our war-obsessed media has increased our numbness to the harshness portrayed. Yes, man has been brutal down the ages. In war. Looting, raping, pillaging…after conquering places. But EVERY DAY? It’s wrong wrong wrong.

The ‘ethics’ of war changed radically in WWII when, all of a sudden, it was deemed OK to bomb civilians. Used to be only military installations. But now not only civilians are bombed, it’s done by mechanisms far away or completely hidden from the intended targets. No ‘intelligence’ about the hits at all. So what if it’s 40 village leaders sitting at peace talks! Kill ’em! So what if it’s a bunch of women and children, or a wedding, or a school – kill ’em! Send that stealth bomber in! It’s wrong wrong wrong. (These are all real things that have actually happened.)

Do you remember seeing anyone dressed up like storm troopers before seeing Star Wars? Now we see them all the time – in huge weapon-laden black outfits prepped to withstand all kinds of attack, on SWAT teams and sneak elite ninja anti-bad-guy raiders. In white as chemical warfare agents. We’re so used to seeing these guys we don’t think twice about it anymore. Big black helicopters hovering over your house? No biggie. The low hum of jets overhead at night from the local air base? No biggie. Our own gov spraying chemicals on us in the atmosphere? No biggie. It’s wrong wrong wrong.

In my maybe not-so-humble opinion, this warrior mentality has to stop being the be-all, end-all mindset for our times. I want to see all of us who care go within and start to soften the hard attitudes keeping us from connecting to our divine source. I figure that as long as I am in fear, anger, grief, rage, arrogance, I cannot connect – cannot even hear or see or feel the way in.

How to go in and soften? How to go in and soften and not become a complete wimp?

Sit still. Close your eyes. Listen. Allow the regular sounds of the world just be – they just ARE, and that’s OK. Let your attention to your thoughts and the world slip away. Listen deeper, for the hum of the earth, of life itself. It can sound like the deep thrum of the ocean. It can sound like the shushing of night insects, or even the shush of traffic. It can sound like the wind in the tress – even though there may not be any wind.

Listen to those deeper sounds. Allow them to take you to that place in your mind where you are way more than just a hunk of flesh. Where your awareness extends out light years.

Now look at your life and find the things you are truly grateful for. Simple things, like the way your dog rushes to welcomes you home or cuddles up to you when you’re sitting down. The look of innocence and delight in your child’s eyes. The way music moves you like nothing else can. The way your pillow feels when you hit the bed at night and the way your body can sink into your bed and be comfortable. I think of all the people lying on cold stone or dirt floors and am so grateful for this bit of comfort.

Allow the hum of the world to keep saturating your inner hearing. Allow it to continue as you go about your day. Allow it to help you remember that it’s not necessary to be cruel, brutal or barbaric in any of your dealings. Focus on how your heart feels.

Remember to be kind, generous, creative, bold and soft all at once. Be in love with love, rather than the love of power. Take a stand and speak up for the things you think count. DO love. That’s softening without becoming a wimp.

I Just Want to Be Me

I created this little Artist’s Bitch and Moan and Happy Ending Ebook just to have fun.

If you’ve ever wondered about ‘having’ to exercise, ‘having’ to ‘eat right’ or ‘having’ to market or go to a J.O.B. (just over broke) – you’ll enjoy this little poke at our society’s rules.

Go HERE and scroll down a bit and you’ll see it under FREE Ebooks!

What Would You Have to Believe….

laugh-3hI heard this question from someone and thought it was brilliant: “What would you have to believe about yourself in order to feel successful?”

For me, it first brought up the question of what success meant to me. I had to define it in my own terms in order to have a relevant answer.

And then, ‘what I would have to believe’ would be in feeling terms, not dollar terms, the way so many people gauge their success.

I want to feel calm, relaxed, excited and enthusiastic, inspired and inspiring and like I’m Doing My Life Right.

So I’d have to believe that I have value, that I CAN inspire people, that having the pleasure of feeling calm, excited and enthusiastic and relaxed is not only OK, but my true nature.

And I’d have to believe I actually am doing my life right, even if I goof up. That’s always been the hardest for me, since I’ve historically been pretty hard on myself, and because I like to have my fingers in so many pies at once. Can you relate?

So just for fun, and to keep myself on track, I often ask myself, what else could I be doing that would make me feel really good about my life? When I get the intuitive answer, I take appropriate action.

In over the past couple of years, I’ve been simplifying more and more. As a result, I’m better able to I integrate all the aspects of my life that I love the best into a more congruent whole.


So, I’m really curious. What would you say if someone asked you, “what would you have to believe about yourself in order to feel successful?”

Stop right now and write out your answer, and come back to this when you’re done.

And how do you define ‘success’ to yourself in your own life, on your own terms?

What does success mean for you, relevant to money, friends, family, location, how you feel about you, etc.?

Stop right now and write out your answer, and come back to this when you’re done.


Book Promo Success for My Kindle Author Group!

I’m so pleased about our results from our recent Kindle Book Promotion! Check this out – am I proud of my wonderful authors? You betcha!

(I have included the links to their pages on amazon if you’d like to get their books – they are not on sale right now, but most of them are under ten bucks, and very good reads. Mine is still at 99 cents if you want it – get it soon though!)

bookcover6-4hGayla Chepourkoff
How To Make Simple Soft Cheese – #1
Dr. Pamela Maloney  
Even Better Sex After Prostate Cancer – #13
JenneLee Gallicchio  
The Secret to Getting Your Dog To Do What You Want – #2
Coral AJ Bell
HERBS: Quick Uses: Rosemary – #14
Mia Doucet
FIBROMYALGIA: Secrets of a Fibro Survivor – #8
Angela Treat Lyon
Change Your Mind! with EFT – #1

Now THIS is taking action – DOing your beliefs!

I invite you to look at your own life and look around for things you do, too, that reflect your inner values. And pat yourself on the back for doing them!

And then say, “what ELSE can I do that would make my inner world obvious in the outer world?” And then DO it! Yeah!


What to DO?

wah!Today I woke up feeling really sad. Then it changed to anger. And then I had 3 phone calls all in a row, all from people who said, “I woke up feeling so sad today!”

Why does that happen?

I believe that we live in an energetic river. Not on it – IN it. Like being a star in the Milky Way – the star isn’t riding ON it, it’s IN it, an integral part of it.

And once in a while, a mood-current passes by, and we get caught by it – or not.

How do you know whether it’s yours, or just a mood-current in the cosmos?

I ask myself, “if I’m really sad about something in my life, what could it possibly be?”

I check all the levels of my life – work, family, play, past, present, future, etc. – and if there isn’t anything to really pin the feeling on – except for maybe an old, worn out story I’ve repeated since forever – then – it must be The River’s!

So I pretend I’m The River, and I tap on “I feel so sad!” and intend peace and joy.

If I find something within my life that brings up sadness, then…guess what! I tap on it, and intend peace and joy.

It really doesn’t matter if it’s yours or not – just tap and intend peace and joy. And get the energy running through your body smoothly and clearly.

And then, look around and see what you can do NOW, TODAY, to bring to the ‘outer’ world a reflection of your ‘inner’ world.

DO something that says, “I value Beauty,” or “I value kindness,” or “I value sharing EFT with a complete stranger.”

You’ll feel really good when you do.

Don’t know about tapping? Get the #1 Best-Selling Book HERE: Change Your Mind! with EFT: the Basics (after you get the book, you get a link to another, FREE ebook)


Don’t End Your Life!

hugI was really shocked and surprised this weekend when I was called three separate times by three complete strangers for help with suicidal feelings!

How grateful do you think I am to have the ability to calm someone down and help them see different, more peaceful and self-loving perspectives? 13 years ago I couldn’t have, because I didn’t know EFT yet.

And even though I work as a biz and marketing coach, and more recently as a Kindle Book Author Coach, how could I refuse these people? NOT!

I’ve heard from all 3 today, and all 3 feel better. I’m a lucky, lucky gal.

What are YOU lucky about?

What do YOUR skills and talents enable you to do that make you feel grateful – whether you make money from whatever it is or not?


Found This Cool Sprouting jar!

Quart Sprouting Jar by Handy Pantry

This 1-Quart sprouting jar is everything you need to learn and grow sprouts at home.

A perfect way to get started in sprouting. Great for small quantities or occasional use.

Includes a sprouting jar lid and 2 Oz. of organic alfalfa seeds.

Price: 10.99


This quart sprouting jar includes a sturdy sprouting jar strainer lid and 2 Oz. of organic alfalfa seeds to get you started.
Instructions are printed on the water-proof label.
It’s everything you need to learn and grow sprouts using the jar method. Use multiple jars to run multiple crops, or to have fresh sprouts maturing all the time.

Handy Pantry Quart Sprouting Jar Includes:

•  Handy Pantry 1 Quart Sprout Jar w/ Strainer Lid
•  Sprouting Instructions on Waterproof Label
•  2 Oz. pack of Certified Organic Alfalfa Sprouting Seed
•   Made in the USA
•  BPA Free
•  Seed provided is Certified Organic
•  Easy & Fun

Jondi Whitis of EFT Radio Interviews Author, Artist, Biz Coach Angela Treat Lyon

I was interviewed by EFT Tap Fest’s Jondi Whitis last week, as to “Why You MUST Show Up.”

We had a blast, talking about how critical it is right now in our human journey to speak our truths, to show up and say it like it is.

With this query, Jondi made me think of an old-time mentor of mine who used to say, “If you don’t show up for yourself, how will Your People recognize you?”

Please join us here and listen in – do you agree? Disagree? What do you think?

Listen to internet radio with EFT Radio on Blog Talk Radio


New Author Rocks with Her Little Bitty Kindle Books!

Gayla Chepourcoff, the Kindle Course author
I told you about a couple of weeks ago, whose first book was Recipes from Always Enough Ranch: How To Make Simple Soft Cheese, has done it again!

She not only has written and published her second book, but has already moved close to 300 of them!

I think you’ll like the little story: It’s Not Your Pig!


I felt a difference when I woke up on the day after the tele-class. My feelings of overwhelm had disappeared, and I can only attribute this to borrowing benefits, even though I was not physically part of the class when you did the tapping! Thanks so much, this course has changed so much for me!
~ Coral Bell
This is so inspiring and bringing a new perspective…. You do so much more than just help with book writing – you bring in so many other things that are helpful, like “How to make promoting as much fun as writing”. These things are so important to other areas of our business life and bring a breath of, well, fun to it! I totally appreciate what you are doing for us, as in doing them for us, you do them for you. The circle of community, gotta love it! :^)
~ Theresa Garces Johnson
All I can say is “Wow, your coaching has been great. You cover so many tidbits that are worth their weight in gold, not to mention all the meat and potatoes info you’ve compiled, thanks.”
~ Lena Think-Tank Banks

All Soon-to-be-New Authors because of my Create Passive Income with Your Little Kindle Books Course!

What’s Next After the Pain?

OfferingsI have a question for you: once you have tapped through your downward spiraling, painful beliefs about yourself, what will you do next?

Have you thought about that?

When I first started tapping, my thoughts and my emotions were so tangled up, and my experience of life was so painful, that if you had asked me that question

I’d have laughed and exclaimed, “there’s actually something beyond this? Are you kidding? There’s something else?”

I didn’t see how absurd that was – if I didn’t believe there was something better, why would I bother to try and tap? Ah well.

But 6 weeks later, after tapping every day, my 35-year depression was gone, my suicidal thoughts were gone, and rays of light were bursting through into my head where there had been not much more than sheer will to get by and try my best and what seemed to be huge, overwhelming darkness.

Many of the you here on my newsletter list have been swinging along with me almost ten years – you must have been able to clear a ton of rocks from your pain pile by now!

What are you doing with your freedom, now that there is light coming through and into what used to be your dark inner room of fear and self-doubt?


You know, even if you have NOT gotten completely clear of a hunk of pain, it’s still time to get down and dirty and hunker into your deepest dreams.

We need you.

The whole planet does. Because you have something of value that not one single other person out there has.

And we need you to share that with us.

Maybe it’s the way you use EFT.
Maybe it’s the way you write with tongue-in-cheek, black hysterical humor that gives us a new perspective on life.

Maybe it’s the way you absolutely adore your kids.
Maybe it’s how you cheer us up on FB.
Or maybe it’s how you talk about politics and help us make more sense of it.
Maybe it’s simply the way you make cheese.

Whatever it is, I want you to expand on it NOW.

Quit focusing on what’s wrong with you or your life, and focus on what’s lovely, loving, generous, fun and bright.

And write about it, sing about it, play your guitar or kazzoo about it, stand up on a podium and speak about it, send in articles to magazines, newspapers and blog- sites and facebook, tickle your kids with it, have an exotic night with your lover about it…be it, feel it, share it!


Because life is NOT about feeling miserable, broke, hungry, depressed or afraid! And that’s what all this tapping is focusing on!

EVERY TIME YOU TAP, I want you to do this:
for every single thing you tap about,
choose the opposite to tap yourself into.

For example:
If you say to yourself, I feel terrible because I don’t have any money, first you tap on how you feel: I feel angry, hurt, sad, afraid, helpless…

Then you ask yourself what is really true? Even if you only have a penny, you can’t say you don’t have any money! You’d be lying! So here’s what you tap and say: “I have money, and I can have more!”
And you tap until that feels great to you.

1. Ask yourself; “what’s going on?”
2. How do you feel about it?
3. Ask your heart, “If you and I could be/have and do anything at all, what would it be?
4. How will you feel when you have that reality?
6. When you feel calm and more expanded, ask yourself now: “What are 3 mini-things I can do right NOW to help that happen?”

(Mini means really, really small! Like, take a nap, make a phone call, pet your dog for a minute, hang with your kid, feel your heart, clear your schedule for today….MINI.

7. Now go DO those things. One at a time.
8. Ask again, and DO again…and stay connected to your heart and its honest, simple desires.


That’s why I’m focusing on helping people write Kindle book! It’s time they got out of their little shells and started sharing their skills, knowledge and expertise with the rest of us.

What will YOU do once you get yourself out from under the pain-pile?

DO it now! OK? Don’t even wait for the pain to go away.

Because the rest of us need you and your perspective,your humor, your intelligence, your love!

Think of it like this:
You’re driving from Houston to NY. Are you going to
1. Drive at 2 miles an hour, stopping and examining and focusing on each pain-pothole along the way so your road will be clear and you can move on…
2. Focusing on having fun driving to NY, watching the signs, taking the right turnoffs, slowing down and going around potholes, filling them in as you go, and moving on again?

I hope you said #2!

Remember I love you!!!

aloha –

p.s. Don’t know about EFT?

Go here: and


She DID It! She’s A Published Author Now! Woohoo!

sue-bk-coverI’m so pleased and excited to be able to tell you that one of my Kindle Course students, the amazing Sue Campbell, just wrote and published her first Kindle book, “Write Dynamite Letters“!

She even finished it lying in bed in the hospital with a broken hip – pretty courageous and determined!

Woohoo! So proud of her! It’s here – check it out:

If you have trouble writing powerful letters, you might want to even buy it!

In case you don’t know, when you publish your book as a result of the Create Passive Income with Your Little Kindle Books Course, I do a major shout-out to all my FB friends, and my entire list, so they can have a boost in publicity to about 10K people.

I also get the others in the course to do the same, because that what they’ll get, too, once they are published. It’s a win-win-win!

We’ll do the same for you and your book when you get yours done, if you sign up for the Create Passive Income with Your Little Kindle Books Course.

I show you how to write a little book FAST, and then use the same Marketing Wheel I invented that integrates all your marketing efforts – including your:
•  emails to your list,
•  freebies,
•  both print and ebooks and Kindle books,
•  social media of your choice,
•  speaking engagements
•  videos,
•  teaching & teleclasses,
•  products & programs, etc. –
into a powerful force for Good where you use your knowledge and expertise to serve your preferred audience.

You’ll have even more impact on more people and make more money so you can do it some more and feel great!

The Create Passive Income with Your Little Kindle Books Course starts March 6th, and it’s only 79 bucks for a powerful 6-week immersion – are you ready?

Do you dare come out of your shell and start writing and serving people on a higher level than ever?

WhY IS MY course any different from the others out there?

BECAUSE I show you how to combine what you love, who you love to work with, your passion for what you do and your writing and marketing into an easy system.

We TAP for inside traps and fears and doubts to help you stay on track. Who else does that?!? No one that I know of! Come on!

Remember I love you!!!

aloha –


How I Ditched My Suicidal Thoughts, Shame, Distrust and Fear

sm-disappointment-2For 35 years, I spent untold time every day quietly contemplating ways to do myself in. Even if the thoughts were only in the back of my mind. Thankfully, I never had even a fraction of the courage/stupidity to do it.

I wasn’t ill and dying, or it might have made a little sense. I just hurt inside, and didn’t know how to get relief. Ever since I was in my mid-teens, I’d felt abandoned and betrayed.

Honestly? I don’t even remember why. But my life looked valueless, hopeless and futile.

Oh, I played cheerful and bright and strong and powerful during the day when I was with other people – especially later on as an adult when I was with my painting and carving students.

But at night I cried myself to sleep. Every night.

One morning in June of 2001, something happened. As usual, I struggled to wake up from fear-filled chase dreams. I unwound from my nightly fetal position, and my regular habit of crying myself into the new, unwelcome day began.

But just then, a little, brilliant sliver of sun sneaked through a hole in my heavy, dark curtains, right onto my face.

It felt so good, that little ray. I lay there for a bit, just enjoying the warmth and the light.

And then…

Continue reading

What Story Do You Repeat About Yourself Day In and Day Out?

and-then-smallIf I asked you to tell me a story, what would you say?

Most people I ask say, “I’m not a storyteller!”

But you know what? You are. You’re the narrator of your very own, inner drama. The Show Special of a Lifetime. The Act of all Ages.

And I bet that you have at least one of those droning boring undermining voices that tells you a daily story of, “I can’t”.

Aren’t you bored with that? Really, really tired of it?

What if you could change that “I can’t” story to, “I can and I am!”?

You can. First you have to pay attention to your story to find out where you want to make changes.

See, every little nuance of your personal story is important, because it affects every other part of your story. Imagine changing one small part of it, so you can change all of it! It’s true, it works.

“I DON’T HAVE ____ ”

Here’s a story I hear again and again:
“I don’t have any money.”

Look in your wallet. Look down in the folds of your couch. In your penny jar. In your pockets. On your dresser. I bet you have small change there. I bet you have at least a dollar’s worth of change in your purse!

So when you say, “I don’t have any money,” guess what? It’s not true, is it?

“But Angela, what can I do with small change?”

It’s the small changes that make the big ones. You don’t always have to make a quantum leap – especially if you’re stuck in the mud and can’t even walk, much less leap!

Nano-steps. That’s what you need right now. Later, when you’re free of the mire of your constricting thoughts, you can leap. But you need to get out of the mud first. Here’s how:
Continue reading

Why Doing What You Hate is a Life-Killer

If you have a job or are doing something Angerright now where you spend most of your time hating what you do, this is for you.

Be careful what you choose to do. Why?

Because as you spend your life minutes and precious life energy on doing whatever it is, you are spending it hating!

That’s not living. That’s dying, inch by inch. That’s not what you’re here for!

Because, as you know, everything is energy. Vibrations, frequencies. And you’re grinding away on a job you hate?

a lot to offer!Guess what you’re adding to the Field! Hate!

Do you really want to do that?

I want you to drill down and ask yourself intense questions, so you can find the things in your life that you adore thinking about, fiddling with, telling other people about, creating and making and enjoying the process.

Even the drudge parts that aren’t so much fun but support the essence of the Dream.

When you do that, you send love vibrations out and out and out, and you – and every single one of us on the planet – benefit from it.



Are You Intending to Create More Passive Income in 2013 than You Ever Have Before?

Passive Income in 2013!How would you like to stop struggling with money, as of 2013?


I want the year 2013 to be a pivotal year for you!

How can it be? When you decide to create real, solid, perpetual prosperity in your life! And if you already feel prosperous, why not more?

There are two things you can do right now, today, to create a pivotal year for yourself – heck, I’ve already started!

Go here and pay close attention to my interview on Daring Dreamers Radio with money-mentor, Joan Sotkin’s message!

The next is…are you ready? Write a Kindle ebook!

UH-OH! Don’t see yourself as an author?

Please KEEP READING – you’ll see how simple it can be!


Aren’t those outdated?
And why Kindle?

1. No, ebooks are not outdated by any means.

2. Because it’s an easy way for you to start creating passive income for yourself (I’ll show you how).

3. And, if you already have passive income, it’s an easy way for you to create more!


No matter what you do for a living right now, if you don’t have some kind of payment from some source quietly coming in month after month without your having to lift a finger, you don’t have passive income.

And I can pretty much wager safely that you’ve worried what would happen to you or your family if you fell down and got hurt, or if you got sick and landed in the hospital for a time. What would happen to you?

Well, I can tell you from personal experience, even if you have insurance, maybe part or all of your hospital bill might get paid, but what will replace the money you usually make every day? Nothing. That can hurt, big-time.

Siren! Red light! Siren! Red flag! Siren!

You don’t have to push that scary scenario to the back of your mind anymore, because I’m going to show you how you can take the very simplest path to create a regular, steady passive income.

Even if you bring in only a few hundred dollars a month – it’s still more passive income than you have now! Could you use more money coming in?


Two months ago, an author hired me to create a cover for his newest ebook.

During the course of our work together, he mentioned that he wanted to start promoting it during the holidays on Amazon and Kindle. He had 4 or 5 other books he’d written before, from which he gets very good monthly income.

I thought, “I can do that, too!”


And – you can create passive income with subjects and topics that aren’t even in the least related to what you regularly do for a living!

Now – before you go into paroxysms of worry and doubt and “I can’t do that!” exclamations, stop a minute and listen VERY carefully.

Because what I’m going to share with you is so simple and so fall-over-easy that when you see it, you’ll just laugh, instead.

So just keep reading, and stay calm, OK? (Until you feel so excited you can’t sit still anymore, that is!)


When I thought about writing books for the Kindle, I was thinking about taking information I usually teach in teleclasses and was mentally re-creating it all in ebooks, and it felt overwhelming. I’ve created heaps of info, so if I did that, it would be a LOT of work. I almost threw the idea out.

Then I just happened to see a webinar about writing kids’ books for the Kindle – what an eye opener!

Did you know that there are kids’ books of only 20 pages…half of which are pictures, and the other half one-liner pages???

What??? Can it really be that simple?

I began to think about all the other different things I could write about that have not one thing to do with my life as a coach, artist or radio show host. I could write 2, 4 or 10 page reports! Hey! Who said I had to write 100-page books?!?

So I made a list of all the things I’m good at doing and could write about easily. Then I chose one – cooking! I have some pretty amazing recipes – why not use them to start with?

There are hundreds of how-to books on Amazon – what if I made my favorite recipes into little tiny ebooks? Simple, basic, 2 page ones? And so I started writing.


Stop reading for a minute, and jot down 2, or 4, or even 10 things you’re really good at.

Why? Because I really want you to enjoy your writing. So choose things that you love to do. Things that you could talk about or write about easily – like a simple how-to.

Now, out of those topics you listed, I want you to just choose one. ONE. Because I want it to be simple and easy, and avoid overwhelm.


1. a topic that you’re really good at,
2. that you love to do,
3. that you can explain in simple words,
4. and that people have always complimented you on, asked you about, or wanted from you.

The one people say any of these about:
“Oh, that’s so cool!” or
“Wow, how do you do that?” or
“Can you do that for me, too?” or,
“You’re so good at that, you should sell it!”


1. When I was a kid, people used to ask me to make pencil portraits of them. I was good at it, and I brought in some money each time I did them. But – how could I do that for a Kindle book? I couldn’t see how, nor do I love it enough to write an ebook. So that’s out.

That’s one example of how to eliminate a topic.

2. OK, what then? Hm. Let’s see. I make the world’s most to-die-for home made fudge. It’s the darkest, richest, most addictive, delicious, can’t-help-yourself- from-reaching-for-more-until-it’s-only-crumbs fudge you have ever eaten.

A few years ago, I wrote it down, step by step, and took pictures along the way, and I created an ebook out of it.

But even that’s too complicated. I want it to be easier.

3. Since there are thousands of things you can do in cooking, I decided to take ONE category: soups. What could be easier and more simple?

So in the past 2 weeks, I’ve written out and published three 2-page recipes on Kindle. Three!

Plus, I even wrote a little report on how to swallow pills without gagging! It is a problem for many people, including me. I figured out how to not gag, and I wanted to share my secret.

See how easy it can be?


Pick a topic or subject that is:
•  easiest for you to explain
•  people exclaim the most about
•  you enjoy doing the most
•  a problem people struggle with that you have a solution for
•  and it is very, very simple to write out

See how easy choosing a topic is?

Now I want to share even more with you:
•  how to write your book, booklet or report right
•  how to save tons of time writing
•  how to create a book-selling cover
•  how to publish your book on Kindle

I INVITE YOU to get the 51-minute downloadable AUDIO MP3 recording from the Intro Teleclass for my course: How to Create Passive Income with Your Kindle Books. CLICK HERE to get the audio.

YOU GET The FREE teleclass Audio MP3 in which I show you:
•  WHY publish little books on Kindle
•  WHY I want YOU to succeed using your little books on Kindle
•  HOW to choose what to write and/or create (sooo many choices!)
•  HOW to begin to create your selling book cover
•  WHY to publish it on the Kindle
•  TIPS that keep you from making little goofs that would result in your book getting removed from Kindle
•  HOW to choose the voice you’ll use (expert, interviewer, etc.), and why
•  and a whole lot more….



So these are the first ones I just published – want to see? Woohoo! I’m becoming the Kindle Soup Cooking Queen! Check this out:

Exotic Veggie Soup

Santa Fe Chile-Corn-Potato Soup

India Baked Beans

How to Swallow Pills Without Gagging


What’s the Real Bottom Line? Is It Money?

intentRecently I was invited to take a position as a top expert on a very well-known website for people interested in self-growth.

I felt pleased and honored, and am considering the position. It would mean more possible income and exposure.

But I’m being very careful about whether or not I say yes. Why?

Because everything is some form of energy exchange, and I have a history of give-give-give…exhaustion/burnout/sadness/depression, I am really careful about what I say yes to now.

I ask myself, will I get paid in some form? That might sound mercenary, but let’s be real – I only have so much time and so much physical energy, and I have to be fed in order to keep giving.

Think airplane oxygen scenario – you put your own mask on before you help your kids with theirs. If you’re not breathing, you can’t help them. If I don’t eat or am not fed emotionally, mentally or spiritually, I can’t give, passionate or not.

So I always ask myself: in what form will this thing serve me, so I can keep feeling great and continue to serve others? Will it…
•   Make me feel good about me: maybe allow me to serve others in a selective way that makes me feel like I’m doing my life right?
•   Exposure: to whom, and how many, and would they
be joining my mailing list, and will they appreciate/buy
my products and services…or are they tire-kickers?
•   Time: will this thing help me save or compress time so I can do more of my passion?
•   Material goods: maybe there’s a gift to an event, or books, or any number of goodies I wouldn’t ordinarily have or get myself, but that I would like.
•   Pleasure: maybe this thing I’m offered will make me feel good – like a massage or some health treatment, or energy treatment.
•   Money: and if so, will it match what I make now or better, and can I feel good, hold onto my passion, and keep my personal integrity upon receiving it?

The biggest, bottom line Q: is this thing aligned with my heart’s deepest desire?

If not, if it won’t serve me in a way that will allow me to continue to build and expand on what I’m loving doing now – I say no.

How do you decide? Please add your comments here!


The Writing on the Wall

I thought you might enjoy a few pix that I found on, a site featuring delightful, ironic, sad, angry and funny pictures of graffiti on all kinds of walls.

I compiled some of the images into a kind of rough line of visual conversation here. Takes you from despair to delight and hope. Right click here or on the image below to download the pdf. Enjoy!

Writing on Walls



Say Goodbye to the Chaos & Craziness of 2012, Bring in the New Rich, Fun, Happy 2013!

How about we start this next year with a FREEbie teleclass:

Clear Out the Old, Make Room for the New!

How about if you could say bye-bye to all your chaotic, crazy 2012 energy!?! You know, the energy that makes you feel crazy, scattered, worried, frustrated, anxious or unhappy?

You can! We’re doing it today, and you’re invited. We’re not only going tot ap on all the upsetting stuff, but we’re going to tap to continue the good stuff, so you can make more money and have more impact as you make more of a difference in your world.

I’m also going to introduce to you a way you can start to create multiple streams of passive income that you can build up over the next year so you never have to worry about money again.

Join me! WEDNESDAY, from 7 to 8pm NY time (EDT).

We’ll tap on, relieve, and make new choices for:

….. •  what bugs you
….. •  what you wish would end
….. •  what you hate about your life
….. •  what you feel is impossible
….. •  what you hate doing in your biz
….. •  what you don’t have and wish you had

…and more! All the NOTS in your life – we’ll untangle them as much as we can!

And we will also tap on the YESes in your life, so you can get a start on creating a new vision for your future – in your life, business, relationships, time & money.

Why is having a clear vision important? To be simple, without at least knowing where you want to end up, you’ll find yourself in East Otherwhere.


So if you want to feel great about yourself and what you’re going to do during the 12 months of 2013, let’s get a good head start right now!

I invite you to join me in my upcoming FREEbie teleclass:
Clear Out the Old, Make Room for the New!
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 7 to 8 pm NY time.

EFT for Pain



TELECLASS with Audio Included:


All participants get a FREE copy of my ebook, “Using EFT for Pain“!


Everyone who gets the teleclass and the audio also get my complete course: How to Do Teleclasses! Read more about it HERE – specializes in how to do all the back-end systems set ups, planning, scheduling, etc. Value $179


I’m also going to show you how to create multiple channels of month-after-month income that you can set and forget, and watch the money come rolling in all by itself.

Don’t get me wrong – it’ll involve work! But it will be easy, fast and fun work you’ll love to do.

Make sure you register today!


It’s Not About the Guns!

I’m hearing people say, “stop allowing people to have access to guns.” But I wonder….

President Obama ended his speech today with this: “Heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds.”

Is there any deeper call to action to those of us with such powerful tools as EFT, EMDR, NLP, etc., that are so very effective helping people reclaim emotional and mental stability?

We can help people who were like the victims of this shooting in CT. Of course they need counseling and consoling. But the shooter, too, as well as the people in his family!


Just imagine that you feel volcanically angry, hurt and enraged at people because you’ve felt so alone, rejected, victimized or shunned by everyone your entire life.

You feel so terrible that life is no longer worth living, and you can’t hold in the powerful rage one more second. You’ve wanted to hurt just any body, because maybe it would get you a little revenge, maybe stop your pain a little.

I’m not saying that YOU would do that, but can you SEE that, if you felt that terrible and wanted to hurt someone, even if you didn’t have guns, you might use whatever is at hand? You might have a string of big, powerful fireworks, or grenades, or a crossbow, or a set of throwing knives.

You’d use whatever you could when you try to get back at the ones who you perceived had hurt you or who had enabled that hurt to happen.

And what’s even worse for you is that after you do the unthinkable deed, you’re going to be reviled even worse than any other time in his entire life! So much for vengeance.

Can you see that it’s not about the guns? That it’s about the lack of mental and emotional stability that caused this to occur?

I can’t say that I know even a sliver of the grand plan of the universe. But I can say that I do believe that if the shooter had had mental and emotional support early on in his life there is probably a good chance that he would never have contemplated perpetrating such a horror.

Our work is before us: I repeat President Obama’s words, “Heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds.”

So I say to you EFT / energy practitioners: if you continually wonder, “why would anyone hire me? What worth do I have to deliver for people?” Stop that destructive internal dialog nonsense right this second.

Because you know as well as I do that your work is critical for people who suffer from unresolved emotional and mental pressures.

That when you help people using your amazing energy tools, you help transform lives.

You help people climb out from under depression, suicide, hatred, rage. From long-standing physical illness and pain. From unresolved relationship issues.

That and that alone is what today’s shooting was about – unresolved emotional and mental pressure. Not guns.

Please stop self-obsessing with debilitating questions that keep you from functioning and doing your work. Start helping more people.

When people ask you what you do, don’t tell them, “I’m an EFT practitioner.”

  • Tell them you help people erase emotional pain!
  • Tell them you help people get over fear, anger, depression!
  • Tell people you help them find new ways to resolve old problems, get to the next level in business, or stop worrying about money!
  • Tell them you help people get over test anxiety, rent worries, fear of getting onstage, even fear of being famous, or not being able to perform as expected!

Because that’s what you do, right?

Then ask them what their lives would be like if they could get over their inner devils. BE with them until they see that it’s not only possible, but crucial so they can feel better, do better, live better!

You DO have value, silly bean! Even if you only helped one person, you’ve helped many more people who’d have been affected by that person. It ripples out.

I say to you once, more – our work is before us: we have the tools, we can help people heal their broken hearts and bind up their wounds. Have at it.



Yes, you really do help people. But remember, it’s not just to ‘get rid of’ broken, unresolved and miserable feelings. It’s about helping people find their deepest heart’s desire and bring it to the world.

Because THAT’s what we’re all really here for…to find, create, and live our deepest heart’s desire!

Can you tell I totally believe in the power of love?

A Shocking Reading

Yesterday, I was given an astrology reading by a well-meaning, very dear-to-me, much-loving old friend.

I’m think astrology is a good thing – even studied it for a bit – but I don’t normally go out of my way to get readings.

But since it was a gift, and offered with such good intention, I thought, how nice! Thank you! And I showed up on the phone.

Then the astrologer proceeded to tell me that my chart showed that my houses of recognition and family were “in ruins,” and that even though Leo in the 5th house (and more) showed I was “a creative genius,” because of other aspects, my artwork would “never support” me.

And he said that he considered it a “cruel cosmic joke to be such a creative genius,” and yet be so restricted by the other aspects of my chart.

He said I had to do some “major internal shifting” and that I should “focus on writing, teaching and communication,” which would, indeed, support me.

Wow. Did I go away stunned? Yep.
And later, sad. And mad. And MAD.
You can assume correctly that yes, I tapped. A LOT.

Not necessarily on a supposedly impossible art career,

Continue reading

Half the Sky

I watched a documentary last night called Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.

Ever hear of it? It’s also the name of a book written by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, a NY Times reporter and his wife, also a writer for the Times.

In each of the two 2-hour segments, they carefully explore several very tough, very volatile areas of women’s suffering and abuse, and show great examples of what people are doing about it.

From sex trafficking to prostitution to female genital mutilation to women finally learning how to start their own businesses after years of degradation, beatings and even being tortured and killed by their own men.

Women whose kids literally sleep under the bed as their mothers ‘entertain’ their customers, assume they’ll grow up into the life of prostitution, and who never get an inch of education.

Not nice subjects, I know. I’d heard of and even seen footage of some of the things they showed, I was horrified anew.

But inspired, as well, by people like John Wood, who used to sell Windows for Microsoft, who started up and runs Room to Read (, helping literally tens of thousands of kids in Viet Nam and other areas learn to read, and helping them go to school.

One of the amazing women who was interviewed was an older black woman in Somalia. She’d had a very high, very prestigious position at the UN. Her father was a well-known, highly respected doctor. She decided to take her own experience as a doctor and midwife home. So when she retired, she decided that she wanted to do something about the high rate of women dying in child-birth in her country.

After starting out meeting and beginning to treat pregnant women under a TREE because she had no office, that Somalian doctor has by now built her own magnificent hospital, trained local women in midwifery, and has lowered the mortality rate in her area to one-quarter of the country’s average.

I was so struck when she said, Continue reading is Up!!!


I’m so pleased to tell you that my new Greeting Cards site is UP! is done, fully functional and ready to rock and roll!

Now you can get greeting cards with my unique designs on them for the holidays!

Be the first to get some – no one else has even seen them yet!

Can you tell I’m really stoked to have them ready?!?

And I invite you to send the link from this page to your friends and buddies!



One More Week! Woohoo!

Malinda Zarate of has been kind enough to leave my interview with her up for another week because of the hurricane.

Woohoo! Thanks!

If you have struggled with overwhelming feelings of anger, sadness, fear, etc. you’ll want to hear this.

And nope, I did NOT use EFT to show Malinda how to turn her anger into an ally, and it did NOT take forever with a lot of processing – it took under 7 minutes!

I think that this is one of the best interviews I’ve ever done!

Thank you for your wisdom, your important sharing to the world. I like the part that people at your age find a fascinating world, and that you are opening a different path to women . That’s a very healing way of thinking. it is a way of life.
~ L.M.H.

Love the Barbara Streisand story and the flat tire….
~ N.B.


Raise Your Vibes Despite Election Chaos and Mean, Nasty, Gossipy BS

I’m supposing that 99.9% of those who send out newsletters to their self-growth lists wouldn’t mention the upcoming US elections. Well. I will, and I am.

Here’s why: every last thing we do and think effects our vibratory rate. The higher frequency we vibrate at, the higher the energetic message we send out. So it’s within our own interest to keep our vibes high, right?

And – if we get caught up in the hate, the lies, the I’m better than you or he’s a jerk stuff, we are deliberately descending through vibratory levels, and cannot help but end up feeling really cruddy. Do we need this? No.

So I’m sharing with you the note I sent out on FB last night, because I’m up to here with the rhetoric and shocking images and the gossip…I’m done with it. I’ve even deleted everyone who is a blaster. Ahhhh, nice calm news feed today!

So here it is: I hope you enjoy it and get some ideas from it.

How to create a sober election aura for 2012

The hate, the lies, the fear and the rampant emotions around this election are such a waste of energy.

People say it’s worse than it’s ever been, but I think it’s just that we have such instant, wide-spread communication that we can hear more of it faster and easier.

I SAY stop it.
I SAY get sober.

I don’t mean stop drinking or whatever it is you do … I mean stop allowing your resentments and fears and gossip and your tendency to rant and rave about the Other Guy to control you.

I SAY quit using the F word and other de-energizing words. Yes, you do have the right to use them, but you forget the consequences OF using them. Your use of those words turn off many of the people you would love to bring over to your side. Is that what you really want?

You might feel like you have a nice cozy fellowship of F-word users, but are there enough to win the election? I don’t think so.

So I invite you to consider using words that intend to elevate rather than shock or surprise or stun someone. You might shock someone, but you won’t convince them of your message.

I’d really like to take my sh*t shield down so I can be present enough to really hear what you have to say, without having to worry about getting splattered with ughy stuff.

AND I SAY, stop a minute and see if you can think of at least one good thing about the Other Guy.

Maybe even 10 things.

Make a list, so you can compare. Because the list that adds up to have the most appreciated things on your list will be the one you vote for, right?

First, though, maybe you could put your radical emotions on the back burner – believe me, they will be there for you anytime you want to call them back! Tap a little to calm down, if you have to.

Now make your list:

What are 10 things you appreciate, within the context of your beliefs, ideas, wishes and agendas for our country and yourself and your family…

• what does he stand for?
• what has he accomplished that you approve of?
• what has he said that rings true for you?
• what does he promise he will do within the next 4 years that you appreciate if he really did them and if those things should actually come about?
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________
5. ________________________
6. ________________________
7. ________________________
8. ________________________
9. ________________________
10. _______________________

What are 10 things you appreciate, within the context of your beliefs, ideas, wishes and agendas for our country and yourself and your family…

• what does he stand for?
• what has he accomplished that you approve of?
• what has he said that rings true for you?
• what does he promise he will do within the next 4 years that you appreciate if he really did them and if those things should actually come about?
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________
5. ________________________
6. ________________________
7. ________________________
8. ________________________
9. ________________________
10. _______________________

Whose list do you like the most? He’s your Guy.

Now talk about those things in your rants and social media and to your friends, NOT what you hate about the Other Guy.

You’ll win more people over. And maybe your guy will
win the election.

© Angela Treat Lyon 2012


“How DARE You Call Me A Dead Weight?”

I sent out an email to my list yesterday, asking people for feedback and input on issues they wanted to solve.

At the end, I wrote this: “…if you’re not willing to put yourself out and do something for yourself, to invest in yourself, to take a risk, to learn something new, to get some hand-holding from an experienced tapper and mentor, maybe it’s time for you to find someone else’s list to be on, because you’re just being dead weight in your own life, and that isn’t who I serve.”

Check out what happened next!

I got two really wonderful notes from someone who called me crazy (and a lot more!), and was infuriated that I called her ‘dead weight.’

Because they were so illuminating, I asked her for her permission to share her notes (which I tweaked a little because english is not her mother tongue, and reformatted a bit for easier reading). She was happy to share them with you.

I think you’ll enjoy them. Note #1:

“You are the craziest, meanest, cruelest  person and a complete monster. I’m unsubscribing right now. I want to tear your eyes out! I can’t believe you say you market from the heart and then call people dead weight if they don’t do what you think they should do! How DARE you?”

And then she Continue reading

Come See Me on Spiritus, the Spiritual Marketing Directory!

AND…as if good things don’t happen alone…how cool is this?

I was featured today on Spiritus, the spiritual marketing directory – a nice shorty article on my thoughts about spirituality integrated with biz.


Are you a member of Spiritus?

If you like the idea of embedding your ideas and values in your work and marketing, that’s spiritual marketing. I suggest you check it out and find and possibly work with all kinds of other like-minded business owners.


Interviewed Today by Malinda Zarate at!

I was so pleased to have been interviewed today by Malinda Zarate of

She invites guests every month who she feels contributes to the invisible, energetic growth of our planet – what an honor to have been invited!

We had great fun, and I got to talk about how I finally conquered my 35-year-long suicidal thoughts in 6 weeks and how I did that….PLUS why anger and fear are two of your biggest allies if you’ll let them be!

Register now for the interview so you don’t miss it!

It’s tomorrow –
DATE: TUESDAY, October 30th
TIME:  2 pm ET  
(And making Anger and Fear your allies!)
