Pdf-Maker & an Easy Free Autoresponder Service

People ask me all the time how I create pdfs. I use InDesign, myself, because I create ebooks and print books for people, but it’s an expensive application most people don’t need.

I had thought it was pretty common knowledge that you can save a Word doc to print and choose save as pdf and make one that way. There are freebie pdf-makers online if you google ‘how to make pdfs’.

I learned recently that at openoffice.com there are resources for pdf-making there. They also have a plain-text doc application, which is important to use if you’re writing web copy (if you use Word to pre-write your copy, the underlying code in Word corrupts your website html code and you get those nasty black diamond-shaped symbols where punctuation would be).

I also found out about a free service (they also have for-fee upgrades) you can use if you’re just starting out and can’t swing 1shoppingcart.com or even aweber.com’s services.

You may have already heard of it before, but I had not: MailChimp.com. You can email up to 12,000 people at once and set up a slew of auto-responders for free. A very, very good deal.

I’ve been going through it to see how easy and simple it is – simple is my keyword – and it is, indeed, very simple. Easy…well, maybe an 8 out of 10. They have very good video tutorials,  but I was annoyed that the tutorial was one of those dark window things imposed over the page I was working on so I couldn’t hit pause and do as she did in the video. So I opened a new window in which to watch the tutorial, and that worked great.

So if you need an auto-responder and you’re just starting out and don’t want to pay those the wazoo, it’s a very good way to go.

A word of caution: be crystal clear that you need to set it up in a clear, organized fashion. Because your list will grow over time, and if you have this list and that list connected to this site and that product, when one day you want to move your list to a bigger-capacity service, it’s going to be an absolute nightmare that takes ten times the time and energy you would have spent if you were well-organized.

Granted, by then you’ll probably have people who can do that for you, but you’re still paying them for the time!

10 Power Breakthrough Questions You Can Use on Yourself and with Your Clients for Faster, More Effective Coaching Results

For EFTers & ENERGY COACHES, and Anyone committed to Inner Growth

Yesterday I wrote you about the 10 Power Breakthrough Questions that I use both on myself and with my clients.

If you’re an EFT/energy practitioner, you’ll want to know these questions, because after the thrill of being able to really help people simmers down a bit and you’ve sat there on the phone or in your office all day listening to long, sad tales and doing a lot of tapping, you’re going to want to speed things up a bit.

Yes – even while you get your people moving faster, you still can give them the full value of your excellent attention, knowledge, expertise, listening skills and compassion.

Fast does not always mean less quality!

I want you to discover how you can give your ear and your heart to your clients…as well as getting them on the road to recovery, renewal and re-inspiration…in half the time – or less.

It’ll help you save lots of precious time and energy, and will help you make you more money so you ca do more of what you love to do. Who wouldn’t want that?

I’m also going to let you in on one of the biggest mistakes I see coaches and energy practitioners making and how you can resolve it easily. http://bit.ly/10-BTQs

Once you stop making this one big mistake, your coaching or use of your energy or self-help tools will improve dramatically.

Because you’ll: Continue reading

10 Power Breakthrough Questions

Just yesterday I had a 26-minute business breakthrough session with one of my mentors.

It enabled me to get past something I’ve been struggling with that caused me to leave about $30K on the table just since March. Ouch.

How did he do it? He asked me one question. That’s it. One.

With that one question, he totally popped me out of where I was at and into a completely shifted reality where I felt empowered and the so-called problem was no longer even a relevant thought.

And…double benefits…the question is one that now I can use myself in my own coaching.

Maybe you love to be with your clients – going over what’s going on with them, and helping them out. Yes! That’s great!

And…you probably already know that you can only work with so many people a week without feeling drained or burned out.

Well, what if you had specific ways to speed up the process so you can get them into action faster and more powerfully, getting the results they want to get…in less time than it takes you now?

That’s why I use my Power Questions.

Instead of going over and over what’s happened in the past, dwelling on the pain, the stories, the endless analyzation and shoulda-couldas…what if you could get them turned around and sprinting on the just-right-for-them path NOW?

Let’s say you have ten people a week who come to you for an hour each. Ten hours.

What would it be like if you could handle all ten in 5 hours? Or less?

I can hear you saying, “Ohhh, but…you can’t charge your usual rate for ‘only’ half an hour!”

Wrong. See, it isn’t about you spending an hour with them that’s important! If they want someone to talk to for an hour, they need a loving friend, spouse, counsellor or therapist, not a coach! You are a coach because you help your clients get specific results. So whether it takes you 10 or 30 minutes is irrelevant!

Do you think I cared that my call yesterday lasted 26 minutes instead of 60? Not a whit – because I got what I needed, and was hot to trot – I didn’t WANT to stay on the line for one second more!

I was paying for value, not minutes. I got way more than 26 minutes!

I got a future-filled bank account, clients I want to work with asking me if I would work with them, and ease in getting them going. What coach wouldn’t want that?

Want to discover how you can add more value to your clients’lives in less time – with less work – even as you raise your rates?

Well, so what?

Here’s what:

  • you’ll have more of the kind of confidence that comes from that deep space of “I know I can do that”
  • you can have as many 1-1 calls as you want in the week without burning out
  • you’ll feel utterly comfortable and competant – espcially in your group programs
  • your clients get the  breakthrough or new perspective they want in 10 to 20 minutes – or less…
  • and they run out the door or get off the phone hot to trot and ready to go full blast
  • you can get fast breakthroughs without sacrificing the energetic importance of the emotions and feelings that your client is experiencing – this is not about denial but redirection of creative energy!
  • and – you can use these same questions on YOU!

I use these same questions on myself all the time! Because they keep me focused, sharp, inspired, creative and moving powerfully forward in my life and my business.

This is beyond getting unstuck.

This is about helping people pop rapidly through whatever they are struggling with.

It’s about helping them easily and smoothly take that next step.

They stay committed, on track through thick and thin, calmly empowered and in the light.

I want to show you how to do this so you can help more people in less time with less effort. Think that might make your day a little lighter? It sure does mine!

I invite you to join me on THURSDAY, JUNE 30 from 8 to 9pm NY time for The 10 Power Breakthrough QS Teleseminar.

  • If you are the powerful coach I think you are, you’ll see the value of questions like these and take full advantage of this call.
  • If you’re not a coach, but are committed to your growth and evolution, and you know the value of empowering questions, this is for you.

In Thursday’s 10 Power Breakthrough Qs Teleseminar, I walk you through what the questions are, where to ask them and how to do it so you get the best results – whether you’re using them with your clients or on yourself.

I’m keeping the live attendance at 12 people to preserve the integrity of the live interaction.

Use this link if you want to be on the call live:

You can come on the call without interaction, or only get the audios, that’s fine, too.

Yup. $97. These questions are part of my secret toolbox. I use the same Qs to get the dynamic results I’m used to getting. I want you to have them, too – they will super-charge your coaching forever.

What if I told you that…

  • by using these questions you could double your income easily – with less work. Would that make a difference to you? Sure has for me!
  • your clients shift radically into action-inspired go-getters who adore their work and lives
  • the majority of people who I ask these questions love them to bits (and some have even asked me why I never used them before!) because they get results so fast

It’s all true. So if you are as dedicated to helping as many people as you can in your coaching, what are you waiting for?

Remember I love you –
aloha –

p.s. Use this link if you want to be on the call live, or come on the call without interaction, or only get the audios, that’s fine, too. Use this link here: http://bit.ly/10-BTQs

Yes, it’s $97. Because this is advanced information you need to know now, and I don’t just give it away!

Want to Be a (Unique Kind of) Health Coach?

Bring light to people - be a health coach!If you’re looking for a great way to serve people as a health coach, but haven’t known how to do that, you’ll be interested in this upcoming FREEbie teleclass.

(Impatient? Go here:

DID YOU KNOW how dramatically Health Coaching is changing the healthcare world? Why? Because, aside from helping people with their problems, health coaches help people not to get sick in the first place!

There is a huge shortage of qualified health coaches! That’s where you come in….

Want to be an integral part of the next billion dollar business? You can!

So I want to urge you to come to a very cool FREE 90-minute Health Coach event that shows you how build a great practice and earn good money as a Professional Health Coach.

This teleconference call/webinar will show you exactly what to do to get started. This 90-minute presentation, led by Health Coach Expert Debora Reilly, is a training/coaching event, at which you will learn a simple way to do health coaching…and get this – how to get paying clients.

This FREEbie webinar is presented by Hilton Johnson Productions. They’re the ones who pioneered their unique professional web-based technology in Health Coaching.

Here’s where to find out more and register right away:

And you’ll especially like this part: you can find out how to be a successful health coach without any selling, prospecting, or using any persuasive techniques! How’s that? Very cool.

IMPORTANT: This Health Coach training program isn’t just any old health coach training! You’re fully supported with their cutting-edge web based systems that make your business, coaching and record-keeping a breeze – it’s almost like a done-for-you program with a lot of value and incredible flexibility.

DAY: Wednesday
DATE: June 29th
TIME: 2:00 PM ET (NY Time)

All you need to do to attend this FREEbie Teleclass is call in on your phone – no travelling!

Go for it – you deserve the best!

Remember I love you!
aloha –

p.s. I invite you to give yourself the opportunity to slide into a great coaching practice with ease: click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web-browser now: http://bit.ly/want-to-be-a-health-coach

p.p.s. I’ll be presenting a FREEbie Teleseminar next month for Hilton Johnson – stay tuned!

Are All Those Freebies You Listen to and Watch Really Free?

Computer Blues © Lyon 2009Hate to tell ya – “FREE” just simply…isn’t.

Play with this: let’s just pretend you make 100 bucks an hour.

Now add up all the hours you spend reading or watching freebie stuff (that say pretty much the same thing in different ways) in one week. Go on, just guesstimate it right here. No one’s looking but you!

Be prepared to be very shocked! Because if you watch just 4 hours’ free videos a week, you’ve ‘spent’ 400 bucks’ worth of time you could have used to do what you’re good at and for which you could have charged money!

Instead, you were spending it looking for freebies. You thought you were saving money. But you were spending it, instead. Ouch.

And here’s a kicker…you and I both know that the time you spend doing ‘free’ stuff online every week is in reality a whole lot more than 4 hours, isn’t it?

What to do? Take the info you got from ONE freebie. Take that time you’d have spent looking for more info online, and use it to IMPLEMENT what that one freebie has shown you!

Then do another one, and another one, and do it again – until you’ve gotten some tangible results! Little step by little step, you’ll get where you want to go.

Want real success? Quit it with the freebies, and stick with one expert you know, like and respect, whose stuff you like. And spend your time DOing what they suggest.

No More “Everything is FREE” Online….

My Dreams Come in Floating Moonfulls © Lyon 1999Get used to stuff online costing money. The days of “everything on the internet is free” are looooong gone!

The reality is that whatever freebie video or ebook you see on someone’s site is going to be a promotion for their further teaching or products.

Think about it like this: it’s just like those people who have tables with freebie cookies or chips at the grocery store – they want you to have a taste so you can choose to buy more.

Each person who puts out freebies knows there are a certain group of people who will really like and trust his or her materials. So they put out the freebies as little tastes, so ‘their’ people will find them and sign on.

People who either don’t want what they have to offer, or can’t make the payments, or who are simply freebie cruisers will all drop away. The marketer ends up with just the right people.

And there’s not one thing wrong with doing that.

Now that you know that, you can ask yourself some of these questions:

  • Do I like the taste I got from this person?
  • Do I like the way he or she speaks to me?
  • Do I like the stuff being offered?
  • Will I get good results if I invest in more?
  • Am I OK with what is being charged according to the results I’m going to get from it?

    Those are the real questions you need to contemplate.

Then be really choosy. When you find someone you really like and whose info and hand-holding work for you, I sugges that you stick with that one main ‘expert’ to start with, and maybe a couple of others whose work you admire and get good info from.

Ditch the others. Unsubscribe. Why? Because sifting through their stuff is just going to take up more time, distract you and confuse you with conflicting information. Choose one, and then take action on what you’ve learned.

Why Do I Use Affiliate & Bit.ly Links?

Why not tell you about others' stuff?This is something I’ve been wanting to write about for a while – and yesterday someone asked me about it, so I guess it’s time to talk about it.

Maybe you notice that, 1. I use bit.ly links. And that 2. I sometimes tell you about other people’s offers – books, marketing advice, products – that I think you could use.

Well, why would telling you about other people’s stuff  not be OK?

I tell you about it because I know that I can’t possiblly coach you all! And some of the things you need for your progress to success is beyond my capabilities, or maybe it’s stuff I have no desire to teach. So I tell you about other people’s prodcuts and services to you to make sure you have access to what you need for your practice and your business success.

Now, here’s what’s different Continue reading

How Can Your Archetypes Help You Get Unstuck?

Yesterday I worked with “Anne,” a transformational energy coach who uses EFT and other tools for shifting consciousness.

(Perk your ears up – you’ll relate to this if you’re a coach of some sort.)

In a soft, weak little voice, Anne told me that she felt helpless, unfocused, tired all the time, and always angry at herself for not doing enough…but didn’t know what to do or how to resolve that. She said, “I feel inauthentic, wimpy and powerless.”

I’ve mentioned using Archetypes before to you – here’s how I used hers to help her.

(Curious about using Archetypes to help with your money and marketing? Go here: arche-money-marketing-I and arche-money-marketing-II)

Anne’s main Archetype is “Alchemist,” the visionary, catalyst, healer, transformer. The one who helps people make their dreams come true. I used that to help her see her way out, because she had misplaced her connection to her own Beingness.

An alchemist is all about possibility. As a coach, you’re a transformer – can you feel that? Can you see how you evoke change in people, just by the way you speak and act?

But Anne had forgotten to do that for herself! Consequently she ended up feeling constricted, discouraged and disconnected, because she wasn’t living her inner truth.

I asked her this: “If you were really all about possibility, openings, magic, and making a powerful difference in surprising or even mysterious ways, what would that be like for you?”

She contemplated for a minute, and when she replied, all of a sudden, she was      Continue reading

Money & Marketing with Archetypes

People have been asking me why knowing what their Archetypes are is important, and what knowing the inside info on them can do for them…especially in terms of money and marketing.

Imagine you are a coach who helps abused women. Your marketing is going to have a very different tone than someone who markets to young boys who love dirt-bikes! It’s going to include very different colors, words, phrases, images and symbols.

I market to dynamic business women, mostly transformational coaches. You might market to women who want a love relationship. Can you imagine how utterly different the words, images and symbols either of us uses are going to be? I’ll be using words like powerful, success, money, marketing, women entrepreneurs, while you might be using words like romance, sex, lover, intimacy.

OK, now let’s go a little deeper. What if you, too, are a business coach, and your main archetype (there are three main influencers) is Romantic?

How would you use the words and images that are aligned with your archetype? It might seem that you couldn’t, but you can – I know for a fact that someone whose main archetype is Romantic is a very successful business coach!

My own main Marketing Archetype is Alchemist. Transformation is the name of my game. Can you see how that fits for me in coaching transformational Coaches and Thought Leaders? And underneath the sheets, my Money Archetype is…Jester!

How on earth do I use that, when I want to make sure people take what I say seriously?

I won’t go into it here – my intention was to give you just a hint of what archetypes can mean for you. Let it sit a bit and see if you can come up with how the Jester can help a business coach market to coaches and thought leaders.

Think about this: if your soul-aligned marketing could bring you one more client a week, what would that do to your bottom line? Even that small a number can powerfully change your business success. Now imagine that you have a waiting list that goes out around the block – how would that feel?

Archetypes Intensive Teleseminar coming soon!

What Are Archetypes and Why Would They Affect Your Marketing and Your Money?

Maybe you didn’t know this, but there are 12 powerful, invisible, energetic forces called Archetypes that have been associated with you since birth!

Each one of us has these dynamic energies swirling around us and interwoven into each thread of our lives.

You can either ignore the realm of the Archetype and go about life as usual, wondering why sometimes inexplicable stuff happens to you…

Or you can do some exploring and find out what yours are and how they have been tinting your entire life from the very get-go.

When you do find out what yours are, you can finally do something about the things you thought were fixed, forever immutable.

So in a few days, I’m going to let you know how you, too, can at last discover how to use your personal Archetypes to:

•  Amp up your marketing in the most amazing ways
(For example: How would you like to know what to say to draw in your right-for-you people … and what NOT to say that repels them?!?)

•  Find and finally clear up a lot of the money mistakes you may not even know you’re making….
… and way, way more.

When I found out what my specific Archetypes’ words, images and colors were, I was blown away by how I’d been missing key elements in my marketing that could have been so easy to integrate. You can bet I’m doing it now!

And just one 4-word phrase from my personal Money Archetype Card allowed me to have a breakthrough I’d been searching for my entire life!

I’ll let you in on it soon –

Facebook ‘Likes’ – Good or Bad for Bringing You More Traffic?

Do you have a ‘Like’ button function enabled in your blog or website?

This is an excerpt of an article by Cris Crum at WebProNews.com I enjoyed today I thought you might want to read – read the rest of it here.

“…Like buttons get 3 – 5 times more clicks if 1. versions that show thumbnails of friends are used, 2. they allow people to add comments, 3. they appear at both the top and the bottom of content, and 4. they appear near visual content like videos or graphics. He looks at a specific example with Metacafe, which originally had a Like button at the bottom of its videos, but after adding one to the top in addition to it, tripled its number of daily likes and doubled its amount of referral traffic from Facebook.”

One like button added to the top as well as the bottom tripled the likes and doubled the traffic. Pretty powerful.

Heart-to-Heart Communications

Did you know that there are five distinct stages to any relationship?

And that 2 of those stages can be very definitely un-fun – and even totally destructive – if you don’t know what they are, how to spot them and how to handle them?

I know darn well which stage has always tripped me up, and when I learned this info I was sitting there nodding my head, going, “yup, that’s me!”

Well, I just caught wind of the new Heart-to-Heart release my buddies Paul and Layne Cutright (popular, top-notch relationship experts) are sneaking in under the radar (I like how mellow they are!), and I’ve wangled you a way to watch their FREEbie 3-minute 5-Stages video and to get their Special Relationships Report.

Which stage do you get tripped on on?

Here’s the FREEbie video that lets you in on the secrets of how to find out, and handle what comes up: http://bit.ly/5-stages-of-relationships

Have at it – I know you’ll enjoy watching and discovering which stage you’re best at and which one might have  cut your relationships off at the knees!

AND … This is also very cool: you’ll also find out about their new Heart to Heart Talks Deluxe Communication Program. And (here’s the cool thing!) they even agreed to give you a full 50% savings on the tuition for this program…for a limited time.

So I invite you to get your tush on over there right now – watch for which stage you fall down at, and check out their program:

You’ve heard that success is all about relationships. Paul and Layne’s programs are dedicated to helping you make yours great!

I also invite you to listen in on the interview I did with them for the Daring Dreamers Showcase at IDareYouRadio.com!


Are You A Tapping Insider Yet?

It’s a celebration!

EFT champion Alex Ortner is updating The Tapping Insiders Club to version 2.0!

Lots more goodies there and deep savings … I invite you to make sure to take action now before the fee goes back up!

You know I’m a staunch advocate of EFT, and I love this program particularly, because it’s made it possible for  so many thousands of people world-wide to get so much value.

Not only does The Tapping Insiders Club introduce people to finding out how to literally tap into big emotional relief, confidence and joy, but Alex & his gang spread the joy in a very big way with their huge donations to EFT projects that really deserve it.

Make sure you don’t miss out on this! http://bit.ly/tapping-insiders

Milana Leshinsky, Classical Musician-Turned-Millionaire Online Marketing Expert

I felt very honored to be able to interview extraordinary Classical-Musician-Turned-Millionaire-Marketer Milana Leshinky recently.

Milana shared how she came to the US thinking she’d continue in her advanced music training, but ended up … well, I’ll let her tell you.

It’s pretty amazing what one person, with 2 small kids and speaking no English can do in a very short amount of time!

I loved her sincerity and humbleness, and the way she always goes for powerful simplicity. I was amazed at her generosity and candidness – Milana shares more simple, doable marketing tips and ideas than you usually hear in a teleclass!

Here’s where to go to listen in on my interview on The Daring Draemers Showcase with her, and to hear her tips and strategies: Click here: http://bit.ly/IDYR-Milana-Interview

And if you’d like to check out the program she tells us about near the end of the interview, use this link: http://bit.ly/Milana-Launch-Program

In her FREEbie video she reveals:
•  Exactly what she did in her very first product launch to generate $40K+ in only four weeks

•  11 different areas she left money on the table, which probably cost her an additional $100K in lost revenue (Ouch! That’s honesty!)

•   A simple 28-day product launch plan even a complete “newbie” can follow!

Click here or on the banner below: http://bit.ly/Milana-Launch-Program



You Mean You Can TALK to Animals? Heal Them from A Distance?

Colleen Flanagan Animal ExpertFinally! Now you can really help your critters, yourself!

Did you know that when something’s wrong with an animal, but medical exams or lab work shows no reasons why, fear-based emotions can be the culprit?

Some animals are just more emotional than others. They can have many fears…about having been adopted, leaving their animal families, being abused, sick, starved, neglected, punished or abandoned…you name it!

That’s why Animal Expert Colleen Flanagan wrote The ATT: Animal Tapping Techniques ebook. She recognizes how frustrating it is when your pet or animal is sick and you don’t know where to turn or what to do next – and did something about it that works! Here’s where to get the ebook: http://bit.ly/heal-your-pets

Haven’t you wished you could:

  • Discover how to easily communicate with your pets
  • Find out what’s bothering your animals
  • Help them with soothing stress/fear release
  • I sure have! (Impatient? http://bit.ly/heal-your-pets)

Colleen was one of the first EFTers to become an animal expert – when everyone else was tapping on people, Colleen was out in the corral tapping with horses and tapping on dogs, cats and other critters.

She finally decided she could help more animals if she did it on the phone with their humans! Wouldn’t you just love to know how to do that??

The ATT: Animal Tapping Techniques reflects her years of experience working with pets and their humans, and both tame and wild animals.

What do you get?

Tips, scripts and set-up statements all designed to hasten your animal’s release of painful emotions, tapping surrogately on yourself on the animal’s behalf. These can be used on wild animals in zoos, wildlife parks and in nature, too!

Animal caregivers worldwide have used and praised The ATT: Animal Tapping Techniques now for 2 years – if you’ve got a critter at home, out on the farm or ranch, or care for wild critters near you, I bet you’ll like it, too.

I invite you to get this important resource guide here: http://bit.ly/heal-your-pets

Getting Unstuck – with Gusto!

The MONEY MAVERICK TELECLASS Audios and Transcript are ready now for the Getting Unstuck System!

Get it here: http://bit.ly/MM-3-get-unstuck-1

Get Unstuck – and be able to keep getting unstuck every time!

Linda T., who helps kids use tapping to regain their self-esteem, and teaches them the Law of Attraction on Guam (way remote Pacific outpost!) said this about Friday’s call: “WOW!! So glad I purchased the audio, so much in there…You make it seem so easy – YES, I will listen again.”

AND…We tapped on:

•   Pressure from a skeptical spouse
(this is a real biggie for a lot of people!)
•   I’m stuck in my EFT practice
* not enough clients
* not doing follow up on clients
* not doing/renewing flyers, business cards
* not working enough on my website
* deeply reluctant to promotion (marketing)
* not writing my eft blog
* not making videos for Youtube
* not writing for products (ebook)
* not record trainings, workshops (video or audio)
* and wondering if it is worth it to continue…

Yes, it is worth it – it’s worth every single behind-the-scenes struggle, hassle, boring task – to see people get it and run with it is awesome. And you know it. That’s one of the reasons you started doing it, remember? Don’t quit on me now!

And dig this – Linda (Guam) says:
“The [pilot] program with the schools is ending this week. They want me to come back in the fall and teach it at 4 high schools. Will have to expand it from 8 wks to maybe double…and the students’ exit survey/assessments are very telling, touching and moving – THEY ALL MENTIONED THE TAPPING EXERCISES!!!”

So listen up! You can do it! It’s really, really happening – all over the world.

Get yourself out of the no-one-wants-what-I-do funk, quit it with the it’s-too-woowoo, no-one-will-pay-for-that drill, and not knowing how to share what you do. It’s important work you do – I want you to start flying!

The Getting Unstuck System: http://bit.ly/MM-3-get-unstuck-1
Yes, you can choose to get the audios.
Yes, you can choose the audios and transcriptions.
Yes, you can use paypal or your credit card.

Want your biz to be more efficient and profitable? Well, join me and find out what my Getting Unstuck System is! http://bit.ly/MM-3-get-unstuck-1

And remember, you get the audios from BOTH last week’s call and this one.

Are You An Energy Practitioner Who Works with Kids?

One of my favorite things is seeing EFT and energy practitioners get into the school system to help kids, teachers and faculty.

Yes, you can have all kinds of doubts whether ‘the system’ will be open to EFT or energy practices, but the fact is that the Old Guard is dying off, and exciting new information and understanding is finally being supported in school systems.

So if you work with kids, teachers and/or parents, there’s real hope!

Shakti M., one of my Round Table Prosperity Group members, is having great success with her teachers – she was ASKED by the school to come help them! Whodathunkit?

So if you want to see energy practices get into the school system, don’t give up in despair – there really are people who want to learn about it and help you get into the mix.

Get unstuck and let go of your old nasty beliefs that act like a glass wall in front of you. Come to Monday’s Getting Unstuck call, get yourself out of the no-one-wants-what-I-do funk, quit it with the it’s-too-woowoo, no-one-will-pay-for-that drill, and not knowing how to share what you do.

It’s important work you do – I want you to start flying!

Want a 180-Degree Turnaround for YOUR Business?

Want a Biz JumpStart?Claire B. called me yesterday, all excited that the 30-minute JumpStart session we did 2 weeks ago resulted in her feeling excited and getting her act together.

She said, “I’ve already made some surprise connections and some sales…and my biz has gone 180 degrees from where it was!”

Who wouldn’t want that?

Want to get your own JumpStart?

Email me right now at this address to get yours: Lyon (at) AngelaTreatLyon.com, and put JumpStart in the subject line, so you can rush to the head of the line (I only do just so many a month, and half of them for May are already filled). We’ll get back to you with the next step.

Blogging New to You? Here’s How

Want to make the leap to blogging … but don’t know where to start or what to do?

Here’s a good blogging guide that helps you discover:

1.  The 2-step process to choosing a proven money-making niche…get it wrong and you’ll never make any money

2.  The 3 golden rules of keyword analysis…goof up on one rule and ALL your future efforts are wasted.

3.  The exact step-by-step methods to find the best domain name for your blog …99% of bloggers miss this crucial “Search Engine Optimization” step

3.  How to install WordPress in under 1 minute (as long as you choose the right hosting company)

4.  Step-by-step guides and images of each ‘must-have’ plugin you must install on your blog (plus all the tweaks necessary)

5.  The 2 steps you need to take to get Google to index your blog…and don’t believe all the hype…they take no more than 10 minutes to complete

6.  How to follow these 6 tasks that keep 99% of hackers at bay

7.  How to add pages, posts and images the right way  to pick up Google “link-juice”

8.  Tthe optimum number of blog posts you should have

9.  How to write blogs posts so that your visitors think “I like this person, s/he knows what s/he’s talking about. I wonder what else s/he has to say…” And return time and time again

10.  How to write a good title for a blog post

11.  The 5 quickest and easiest ways to start making a blog income

12. How to implement the 3 crucial elements of making money with your  blogging

13. The 3 traits of a successful blogger…do you have them?

I invite you to grab the free blogging guide by clicking here:
(opens in new window)

Blackout A Gift?

Ever get a message from the universe that is so clear you just have to laugh?

Yesterday afternoon, as I was beginning to write an email to my readers, I had already had a really full, really productive day.

I thought, I’ll make a draft, go have a bite to eat, then come back and finish.

And then the power went out.

For 7 hours!

Well! OK, then! Guess the message was to take a break and rest a bit!

So, since it was impossible to do anything more online or on my computer, I thought, this must be a gift! What else can I do now that would help my business, be fun, and make me feel great?

So I decided to draft out on paper what I wanted to say in the email I had been about to write. I had a bite to eat…and since it was still daylight, I sat in the shade and read for an hour or so until it got dark. Since when did I allow myself the pleasure of reading in the afternoon? It was so nice!

And since I didn’t have enough candles to make reading an option in the darkness, I went to bed. Before midnight?!? Yikes! Yup – and it felt great –

I could have bitched and moaned about the work I wasn’t getting done, but I decided to see it as a gift. So, thank you, Universe, for giving me more pleasure!

What opportunities for taking things you’d normally think of as crummy and turning them into gifts have you had (and taken!) lately? Please comment below!

I’ve Been Tapping – Why Do I Feel Crummy Again? I Thought I’d Gotten All Clear!

How many times have I heard the following? Hundreds of times – maybe even a thousand or more.

Let’s get this straightened out right now, since I get notes about this from newbies to EFT all the time, and it would make it easier on everyone if they understood the dynamics of energy tapping.

“When I first found you/your site and the book on tapping, I read it and started tapping. Intuitively I knew EFT was the right thing. Then I went into a hole.

“I am a pretty smart, positive person… but I could not get up in the morning, felt down – I had no idea what was going on.”

Somehow we have this idea that once we start to tap, everything will get all Continue reading

New Coach? Invest in Yourself!

This is a note I sent to someone who wants to get energy practices into the hospitals in his area.

I’m adding it here because I think any new emergy coach could use the same information, inspiration and encouragement.

Here it is:

“Good for you for wanting to get EFT into hospitals! I suggest you follow the work of Deborah Miller, who works with child cancer patients in hospitals in Mexico. I did an interview with her here – http://IDareYouRadio.com – listen to it and get inspired!

Continue reading

Get Unstuck! Easily, Fastly, Funly!

Lately I’ve heard so many of you say you feel totally stuck … you know you ‘should’ be marketing, writing ebooks & articles, giving teleclasses …

(Impatient? Go here:

…but there’s so much to do that you don’t know where to start, how to do it, what to do…

…and you end up paralyzed, doing not a thing…

…feeling crummy, frustrated and ticked off. And really, really bad about yourself.

Or, maybe you’re moving along, but it’s like your feet are frozen solid in 12″ of ice, and you can’t seem to melt it enough to be able to start skating again.

I was stuck in deep depression for over 35 years. I was totally stuck under the spell of Voice of the Squelcher.

Looking back at it, I’m amazed and really fascinated with how fast I was able to erase – ERASE – depression from my life, getting myself unstuck in an incredibly short 6 weeks.

Besides learning EFT (tapping), there were 2 critical, key things that helped me…

Read it all HERE: http://bit.ly/MM-3-get-unstuck-1

Art Enriches My Life

I had a whole bunch of plants on the little patio outside my office door that had gotten way too big for the space – I had less and less room to walk through the space. And besides, they were getting sunburned from too much sun since the shade is retreating with the oncoming summer.

So I moved the big plants out, and one of my favorite sculptures in. This is what I get to see as I sit at my desk and look out my door!

Her name is Happy to Be Me, and she is 24″ x 12″ x 12″, and I carved her by hand out of Oamaru Limestone from New Zealand. You can see more of my sculpture here: http://Lyon-Art.com.

Are You A Beginning Online Marketer and You Don’t Know Quite Where to Start?

Pat O'Bryan Portable Empire UniversityIf you are, there’s hope yet!

I suggest you scope out Pat O’Bryan. I’ve watched him go from broke musician to very prosperous online marketer over the past several years.

He’s got a cool online ‘univeristy’ where he teaches newbies what to do.

He works with you who are absolute beginners – people who are just starting out. He shows you what he does that works, what he’s tried that didn’t work, and helps you achieve realistic goals that, over time, has brought some of his students very substantial success.

Sound like something you might want? Get it here:

Health Practitioners: Listen Up!

May is Health MonthWhat has all of these diseases? Arthritis, asthma, allergies, celiac disease, hepatitis, high blood pressure, lupus, mental health issues, osteoporosis, strokes and skin cancer….

Answer: The month of May!

May is the national awareness month for each of those ailments.

If your expertise ties in to one or more of those diseases, now is the time to pitch the media with information, quizzes and solutions.

How to do that? Start out by getting publicity exert Steve Harrison’s Radio and Television Interview Report – it’s free. Whether you’re in the media or a possible interview guest, this newsletter is a must. I get it every weekeday, and love it.

– from today’s issue at http://bit.ly/Steve-Harrison-RTIR

Do You Pooh-pooh Twitter? You Might Not Want to Be So Hasty!

I suggest you read the article I got the following quotes from, and not to dismiss it so fast.

Read the whole article here:

Might want to see if you can find some easy twitter training to make sure you use it well. Check this out:

This is from a post by Richard Ridley, an award-winning author and paid CreateSpace contributor at CreateSpaceBlogger:

•   Twitter currently has an estimated 89,800,000 unique monthly visitors
•   Women make up 55.8 percent of the users
•   72 percent of Twitter users take action when exposed to advertising
•   18 percent of all Twitter users access the site several times a day

72 percent take action? That’s enormous!

Since I’m always finding cool stuff useful to entrepreneurs, I decided to create a new Twitter page – I’d be so honored if you’d ‘follow’ me there:

I post stuff there that I think will appeal to entrepreneurs, coaches and trainers – handy-dandy ideas, products and sites that will help your business and marketing, as well as environmental and EFT stuff – like Deborah Miller’s work with kids with cancer in Mexico, and Tappy Bears for autistic kids….


Daily Om Deepak Chopra


Want to Take Credit Cards? Here’s How You Can Expand Past Paypal!

For years, it seemed like credit card processing was outrageously expensive and only for the Big Guys, leaving the little guy entrepreneurs, coaches and practitioners out in left field, with paypal and clickbank their only alternatives.

Well, I’ve been speaking with Sabrina at Practice Pay Solutions, and asked her if she would give people who come from my referral to her credit card processing service, Practice Pay Solutions, a better deal.

The long and short of it is, yes!

So, even if you have your shopping cart with someone else (like I do), you can still apply for credit card processing and have very good hopes of being able to qualify – AND you get .05 off whatever package you sign up for, since you’ll be coming through my referral.

So, here’s where to go to apply: http://bit.ly/merchant-solutions

Once you get to the site, click on the black ‘ePayment’ link to the left of the sunflower on the home p age.

If you don’t have a shopping cart yet, you can get a 30- day freebie trial of theirs there, too – click on the black ‘eCommerce’ link. They are coach-friendly, and their live customer service is terrific – they practically bend over bass-ackwards to make sure you have everything you need! I’m so pleased to be able to tell you about all this!

Go apply: http://bit.ly/merchant-solutions


Daily OM - Debbie Ford's Course


What’s The Heretic’s Secret?

If you are truly as committed to being a successful coach, entrepreneur or energy practitioner helping people live better lives as you think and say you are, you won’t want to miss this.

OK. Here’s what It Is. Since I hear so many of you sigh with frustration that you feel overwhelmed, out of breath, confused and exhausted – all Inner Game stuff –

I invite you to check out the program I created for people who want to move beyond money problems:

Reveal and Reverse The Big Invisible Secret that Cuts Your Success Right Out from Under You! Register HERE: http://bit.ly/your-Big-Secret

Because once I show you how to use The Heretic’s Secret, Continue reading