How to Find & Reverse that Big Secret that Keeps You from Your Money Goals

It’s time to get unstuck! Find and reverse the Invisible Secret that cuts your success right out from under you … so you, too, can have your own Big money Breakthrough….

What happens when you carry around a Big Secret – one that is so big and so powerful you live your life right through it without even seeing it?

I call that an Invisible Energy Trap. It’s so much a part of you that you can’t see it. It’s invisible to your conscious mind.

It’s so heavy it’s like carrying around 40 concrete blocks. You’re used to it, so it doesn’t register.

But it gets right in the way when you go for your goals – so you might get close, even a hair’s breadth away from them…but at the last minute? You veer off into lack again. Ugh! Frustrating!

What if you could find your own Big Secret and reverse its powerful energy so you could go ALL the way and accomplish your goals?

Get it all right HERE:

I’m going to show you how to do just that, using beautiful soft, luscious, powerful Divine Feminine Energy and

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EFT Master Rue Hass: What Put Her Reputation On the Line?

I was thrilled to be able to interview EFT Master Rue Hass this week for the Daring Dreamers Showcase on

If you’re a coach, this is a not-to-be-missed interview.

Why? Because last year at right about this time, Rue was contacted by the Colorado State Department of Regulatory Agencies, who told her she was under investigation for practicing as a therapist illegally.

I invite you to listen in and hear what she did, what mistakes she made that could have squelched her  efforts to come out clean, and the tips she shares with you to help keep you from falling into the same position.

Here’s where to get it: (FREE):

Rue was kind enough (and passionate about!) making  a downloadable check list for you of the things she  does now to help keep from being in any situation like  that again.

Here’s where to get the interview & checklist: (FREE):


Daily Om Animal Spirit Guides________________________________________________________________

Samantha Hartley: Get Your Million-Dollar Brand Makeover

How to Make Marketing Easy, More Effective and Profitable (FREEbie video training)!

Could you imagine Pepsi or Coke being as successful as they are if people couldn’t recognize their bottles, cans and boxes? They’d just be any-old-sodas.

Are you just any-old coach?
Any old EFT practitioner?
Any old entrepreneur?

You may not think of yourself as such, but unless you are recognizable amongst the craziness of the marketplace, you probably are. Ouch.

Cool thing is, you don’t have to go crazy with bright colors, big fonts and loud ads to stand out to your perfect-for-you clients or customers!

You can totally build your brand to fit you, your style, your business and your intention behind your biz. All the way from quiet and mellow to super-jazzy-loud. You get to choose.

But how do you know how to do that?

I highly recommend that you allow Branding Expert Samantha Hartley to show you how. When you go through her Million-Dollar Brand Makeover

You’ll discover and learn how to handle:

  • 7 common, everyday things that keep your small business struggling
  • The #1 issue that can drain the money, joy and momentum right out of your business
  • 3 ways to totally unleash your business growth
  • How one coach raised his fees 800% (!) in just a few months (and you can, too)
  • ONE decision that leads directly to increasing your profits, joy and way easier marketing (and a downloadable GIFT)

It’s unreal how much Samantha gives away in her FREE intro video, so I urge you to use this link and see for yourself while it’s still available.

Get it right here – now!

James Malinchak Shares His Millionaire Heart in a Big Way

Today I got caught. I was doing a quick delete-the-crap from my inbox and, out of curiosity, opened  one from millionaire marketing expert, James Malinchak.

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but ABC tv got a bunch of millionaires to go into unadvantaged neighborhoods, to see and feel with it was like to live and be there. They were to look for people who were doing Good Works.

When these millionaires found people who were doing cool stuff – often people who were disabled or disadvantaged, themselves, courageously doing monumental stuff for others – at the end of the period of exploration, the millionaires revealed themselves and gave the chosen people big checks – some 10, some 20 and some 40 thousand dollars.

Pretty cool. Isn’t it a great thing to build your business and success to a point where you can be generous, too, no matter how much you give in time and/or money?

I totally got caught on the ABC site watching all the clips on the various show segments. Watching certainly raised a whole bunch of questions….

1. Maybe you don’t know this, but here in the US, when you get more than a certain amount deposited to your bank account, your bank is required to Continue reading

Hawaii Tsunami – Not –

Thanks so much to all of you who sent me such warm well-wishes last night about the tsunami. I deeply appreciate your lovely, caring messages both in emails and FB posts!

During the tsunami watch last year, my friend, author Jobie Summer and I spent a day waiting for the Big Wave that never came and had a great time discussing A to Z, biz, marketing and online stuff, etc.

But this time Continue reading

Invitation: Come Spend the Day with Me and Get Your Questions Answered Once and for All

INVITATION: Come spend a few hours with me!

How often do you get a chance to be with someone who is an expert in exactly what you’re curious about or need help with? Now’s your chance.

Sometimes the Universe gives me messages so loudly it almost knocks me over.

Yesterday was such a day – it must have been Cosmic Question Day. I got a call from someone who wanted help with EFT. Later on, a guy asking me for ideas about his website. Later, an email asking me to go over some marketing copywriting.

So, after these out-of-the-blue requests, I thought hard about how else I can help you with your own wild needsand questions if you’re not in any of my programs.

See, I don’t meet privately with any but a few Continue reading

The Abundance Paradigm

Flying Free!Want rock-solid proof “The Abundance Paradigm” really works … and works really fast?

“The Abundance Paradigm” goes beyond the Law of Attraction and explains how to co-create your life in a way that actually works.

Below is a mother’s letter about her daughter and the dramatic change she saw in her after viewing the first half of the program. Here is Victoria’s letter to Joe (used with her and her daughter’s kind permission):

“(My daughter) Elizabeth arrived at my house one afternoon with a combination of depression and anger. She wanted to quit school, quit work and basically quit everything. The reasons I can’t even remember, and they really don’t matter. I was very concerned about her though because she is also stubborn when she makes up her mind. This was a very real and potentially dangerous place that she was in.

“I managed to Continue reading

How You Can Have Repeat Passive Income, too

sm-playA couple of the people who thought they could show up live in my Juicy Teleseminars program have emailed and said they can’t come in person, and tha they just want the audios and transcripts.

On the one hand, it’s nice for the few people who did show up because they get my full, undivided attention. They got to make comments, ask questions specific to their own businesses, and get one-on-one help.

On the other hand, I’m wondering if are YOU are missing out by not being there.

On the first call, I showed you how simple it really is to:

  • Use your voice for powerful, heart-filled impact
  • Forget about the hassle finding a niche, because I show you how so easily they almost didn’t believe it!
  • Use your Core Specialty to create really effective programs you’ll LOVE to present and…
  • Deliver them over and over (automatically) for recurring passive revenue streams

What callers said about Call #1:
Maria: I was so reassured about niches, because I’d always been boggled by the very idea of it. You’ve made it sound so easy! I’d felt limited by the idea of choosing one niche, but now I see I’m not at all limited.
Marsha: It was great how you pulled everything together for us, like a complete puzzle.
Tina: I liked the voice Keys, it was very helpful; and your explanation of niches – now I can see how to plan all of my projects.


Somehow I find it really hard to believe someone could invest 695 in a program and not take every advantage of it, like coming on the call live! At least send your call-partner!

So here’s your chance to come on the calls live and get personal attention with your own issues and goals.

And even if you can’t come live, you don’t want to miss out, because I make passive income so much easier for you to create than you’ve ever known was possible.

You’ll discover how to spend less time working so hard as you sing your way to the bank knowing you’ve profoundly helped ten times the amount of people you’re reaching right now.

The first call’s audios are up and ready for you to review before you join us next Friday.

So, I invite you to get the course here, review the first call and bonuses, and join us on Friday at 4pm NY time! I look forward to meeting and working with you!

Even if you, too, want to choose only the audios and goodies, come join us to find out how to create easier and funner and more teleclass profits:

Create Recurring Revenue with Your Juicy Teleseminars

sm-talkALMOST CLOSED! The Create Recurring Revenue with Your Juicy Teleseminars Program starts tomorrow, February 11 at 4pm NY time – are you ready?!?

If you’re working way too hard for your dollars and spending way too much time doing 1-1s when you could be doing group work and creating long-term recurring revenues from that, this program is for you, because I show you how to do that. 1-2-3.

CLICK HERE to make sure you get your seat:
>> Juicy Teleseminar Success is YOURS!

I invite you to consider inviting your friend, partner, spouse or VA to join you, and maybe even share the benefits and split the investment.

I’m offering it at more than half off the usual investment – instead of $1779, it’s only $695. How can you lose? Just give one teleseminar and the proceeds will cover your tuition!

I’m also showing you:
•  How to choose your rich niche and
•  The 5 Critical Keys to using your Voice more powerfully and effectively!

Catch it now while you can – entries close at midnight tonight NY time.

CLICK HERE to reserve your space:
>> Juicy Teleseminar Success is YOURS!

What would it be like if one year from now you were making twice or even three times what you make now – for half the work? You can!

CLICK HERE to discover how you, too, can make more in less time:
Juicy Teleseminar Success is YOURS!

Clear Out Your Path to Abundance – How to Dissolve Uncomfortable Emotions in Minutes

01-grrrrrr2Is your day clogged with unwanted and uncomfortable emotions?

Do they sweep over you and take over before you can blink, and destroy your day?

Here’s an answer. This takes you to video #1: If you have not seen it yet,  make sure to catch it. (If you have, you’ll already have  access to #2, today’s video.)

Yes, EFT works on negative emotions. But it isn’t the  only game in the world. See what you think about this:

If you have unwanted negative emotions that are  affecting your ability to be happy, healthy, and  productive, then I invite you to watch Joe Vitale’s  “Furba” Clearing Video right now:

BECAUSE: In just a few minutes, Joe shows you how  to do his clear, effective process that empowers you to…

•  Identify negative energy in your body and eliminate it  from your life for good.

•  Dissolve negative emotions in just minutes, even if  they’ve been haunting you for years.

•  Clear mental blocks that prevent you from attracting  money into your life.

happy dance!And much more!

Go here:

Joe is generously sharing this video and the clearing  exercises by making them 100% FREE!

And here’s the best part: Finally, you can stop HOPING for things to change  and actually MAKE positive changes happen —  quickly, easily, and effortlessly.

Watch the “Furba” Clearing Video now:

I have a question about his process that I’ll share  with you in a couple of days. But first, I invite you to go  check out how Joe works.

Be careful to really feel the impact of the process. It’s  very simple and powerful. And … I’m wondering….

Super FREEbie Just for You! (Don’t Miss Out This year!)

happy-dance-1colorYou probably won’t be interested in this note if you are not…

… an EFT, energy or health coach who feels like there must be more to this coaching business, (you’re right!)
… an entrepreneur who who thinks there’s more you could do to get people to your websites, products and services …

OK. Maybe…
… you’re beginning in business. You’ve started out, but don’t quite know what to do all the time.
…you’ve had SOME success, but feel stuck at, say, 30 to 100K a year.

Still with me? Great! Because – there are several small but critical mistakes you’re almost certainly making that act as barriers to your search for more progress, success, fin.ancial independence and a really satisfying, fulfilling life. Not to worry – we’ll get you resolution!

If you give teleclasses, you could be leaving a ton of mo.ney on the table because you don’t ________ . (Or maybe you haven’t given teleclasses yet!)

Or maybe you have no ________ to keep you on ________ .

You might be trying to convince people how great your ________ is, and wonder why you aren’t pulling any new clients in.

Or maybe you are trying to show people how terrific your ________ are, but very few buy.

If you make the mistakes that create those scenarios, you probably end up feeling helpless and powerless, like a failure, sensitive to those who said “I told you so” or “you’re too weird….”

Maybe that pesky inner voice says you’re not enough, or no matter what you do it isn’t enough, or that even if you already are somewhat successful, you’ll never be AS successful as you dream of being.

If that’s so, you’ll want to be on my call next week, because I know you want to:

  • get, keep and work with right-for-you clients
  • have in-demand services & products
  • get the word out about what you do and still…
  • be aligned with and in integrity with your values
  • find out how to work less for more p.ay
  • create more recurring income
  • contribute in a big way to more people
  • finally feel great about YOU.

I can help you do that – all of it. So….

I invite you to come to my FREEbie teleclass:
Avoid These 3 Critical Mistakes in Your Business and Expand Your Coaching Biz Success for 2011 on WEDNESDAY, January 26 from 8 to 9pm NY time.

Here’s where you can grab your spot:

I strongly urge you to register now, because I only have 200 spots, and many of them have already been snapped up.

NO, there will be no transcription.
YES, I will be recording the call..

Do plan to be on the call LIVE, as I will be giving away some goodies that later-on audio-listeners will NOT get! (2 valued at $275, 1 valued at $99)

I’ll fill in the blanks for you, and show you how you leave huge amounts of mo.ney doing what you do right now.

I’ll take you through some Power Tapping to turn these fears into creative juice:

  1. … afraid to step out of your comfort zone
  2. … afraid of being ridiculed, laughed at, criticized…
  3. … afraid of standing large in the world
  4. … afraid of being even more powerful…

And we’ll tap on some of the causes of Tech Paralysis:

  1. … I’m so frustrated with tech stuff
  2. … I don’t know what to do first
  3. … I tried Word Press (making a site, doing auto responders, you name it!) & never got anywhere
  4. … I don’t have a clue how to write website copy
  5. … what if I just make a mess and people laugh at me
  6. … I have a site but it’s hostage to a webmaster
  7. … I don’t know who to ask for help

IF YOU HAVE OTHER frustrations, email me right away (Lyon (at) with BRIEF phrases I can add to the tapping!

I’m also going to help you see up to 7 more gaps in your business that are holding you hostage, and how to fill them so you can feel like you’re riding a success-a rocket instead of a stuck-tricycle.

So help yourself out – come to my FREEbie teleclass:
Avoid These 3 Critical Mistakes in Your Business and Expand Your Coaching Biz Success for 2011 on WEDNESDAY, January 26 from 8 to 9pm NY time.

Here’s where you can grab your spot:

I look forward to ‘seeing’ you next Wednesday!

Remember I love you –
aloha –

Do You Make These Enormous Mistakes That Cost You Thousands?

wah!Are You Making These 3 Huge Mistakes?

(Not a coach? If you are an Entrepreneur who wants to market your products and services, an MLMer, a psychic, medium or channel, or have a service-based business, this information will serve you well, too.)

If you are making these mistakes, I can guarantee that you’re feeling frustrated that you don’t have either more of, or the right kind of clients, and that you’re spending way too much time making way too little money.

I invite you to come to my FREEbie teleclass:
Expand Your Coaching Biz Success on
WEDNESDAY, January 26 from 8 to 9pm NY time.

Here are some big ones – see if you can fill in the blanks:

You focus on doing sessions rather than on ________ and ________ & ________ .

Not understanding the real meaning of ________ , you hate selling and ________

Continue reading

Are You A Health, EFT or Energy Coach? Heads Up!

I love me!I hear you!

I’ve been asking exactly what my clients want for this year in their coaching businesses.

This is the gist of what they said.

I bet you can relate if you want to…

  1. …have just the right-for-you number of high-paying clients who want your unique genius
  2. …be able to offer the exact creative tools and systems that help you help your clients resolve their challenges
  3. …meet, get to know & possibly partner with other prospering business owners and entrepreneurs who are also successful helping others thrive
  4. …have a business that is more fun, more lucrative and more simple to run than you ever knew it could be
  5. …cut your work hours down radically as you watch your income increase
  6. …increase your fees while perfect-for-you clients line up around the block to get to work with you
  7. …create multiple recurring streams of income you can depend on month after month so you can relax and feel secure at last
  8. …become a respected author, and create a product line from your book that brings in passive income.
  9. …expand into a new, higher level of prosperity in your life and business that allows you to feel free, flexible and abundant

Sound like any of your dreams for this year? (

I’ve noticed that systems work best. One or two teleclasses here, a CD, Audio or Video there, just isn’t enough if you want your clients to get a really good bite on the success they’re looking to achieve.

It’s proven that the easiest, fastest ways to bring in new clients, increase your income in less time and satisfy your desire to contribute in a big way is through mastering specific systems.

So…I have designed a whole set of systems specifically to fit you and your needs, that provide the structure, support – and even templates and scripts – that you need so you can start making more mo.ney and get top results with your clients as fast as you can.

I’m about to launch this new program – Massive Success Coaching – in February, and wanted to let you know about it so you could be among the first to get your hands on it.

If you like the idea of finally having the correct, proven training, with checklists, templates and strategies that help you meet and exceed your business and coaching dreams for this year, please go here right away and claim your place in line.

I’m only allowing a very few people in (no more than 50), so catch it while you can.

You don’t have to buy anything (in fact, you cannot, as yet!). Just plop your name and email into the boxes at the bottom of the page so I can notify you when it’s all ready to rock and roll!


I look forward to working with you!

Are You Ready to Accelerate Your Success?

up-lil-guyTHIS MONTH ONLY: for committed energy coaches, entrepreneurs, and health practitioners who want to rocket to the next level:

a. VIP: Accelerated Success:
I want to show you how you can more than double your income quickly, have way more impact on the people you work with, and create the success you’re dreaming about. I’ve got a few VIP spots opening up soon where you can work with me to achieve that success (either 1-1 or group).

I invite you to email me to get an application for one of the VIP spots – just email VIP(at)AngelaTreatLyon, and put: “I want to apply for a VIP Accelerated Success Spot!” in the subject line.

If you’ve had a Shorty Strategy and Action Steps Planning Session with me, you know how incredibly powerful and valuable they are.
Continue reading

Please Do NOT Set Goals This Year if You Want Awesome Results!

Don't set goals!You and I both know what happens to most goals. I won’t even go there.

Here’s a way to approach setting what you want to do in the next 12 months that will make it easier and your dreams more attainable.

1. Allow yourself to Dream Dreams instead of ‘goals.’ Dreams are more fun, have more scope, are more colorful, feel really good and are full of great people.
Continue reading

This Author is Soaring!

dying-2-live-coverToday I got a note that made my day. If you’re a coach or consultant or mentor, you know what I mean – especially since I don’t do book mentoring very much anymore. You’ll see what I mean…here it is:

Your guidance, patience and wisdom has been remarkable throughout my [book-writing/publishing/marketing] project. Just think, 18 months ago I wasn’t even thinking about writing a book. Now I have an amazing book – Dying to Live: Embracing the Journey.  It is a fabulous vehicle to speak about a subject I am passionate about, “living life to the fullest.”

Dying to Live gives me the credentials to speak as a “death and dying” expert to medical professionals, and reach out to so many people who are struggling as a caregiver or someone with a terminal illness.

I am humbled by the impact it is making. My goal was to reduce suffering and fear and provide ways to increase quality of life, and that is what Dying to Live is doing.

I have an opportunity to go to UCDavis medical school and give a speech on Thursday. My book is getting a lot of attention, which is wonderful. And I am getting much better at being interviewed.

I am having regular weekly interviews from radio stations all around the country, but now I’m being offered, like the one in Davis, to come talk to medical students! I’m also going to be the only guest on an hour radio talk show on Monday the 10th!

Angela, if anyone is thinking about writing a book I would highly recommend you as their mentor/coach.

Thank you so much,
Joanne Harvey MSW


See what I mean? Did that make me feel great, or what? Yes indeed! All that work we did paid off!

If you’re a coach, and you get your skills, talents, knowledge and unique gifts all lined up together and you truly help people, you’ll get letters like that too. I suggest you go to Amazon (just click on the book cover above) and check out Joanne’s book – I sure learned a LOT from her and I know you will, too.

And you can write books that have as much impact as that, too. It’s important to get your message out – how long have you been sitting on it? Quit squashing it, get up off your duff and start writing! We want to know what you’ve got stashed in that head of yours!

FREE Self Improvement Goodies – Hundreds of Them to Choose!

sm-inspirationIT’S READY! And waiting for you….

What is it? One of the largest, most comprehensive selection of FREEbie Personal Growth Gifts and Internet Marketing Products & Services that you’llfind anywhere!

My buddy, well-known and loved Self-Esteem Expert Dr. Joe Rubino, and his partners, Stephanie Mulac & Carolyn Hansen,predicted that their 5th annual massive Giveaway Event would be the best yet – and they were right.

The line-up of powerful Self Improvement ebooks, memberships, videos, audios, software, and e-courses is incredible.

If you have been asking what to do about a condition you’re experiencing, or how to reach a goal or achieve something, here’s the place to look first.

Go Here: and enjoy looking around!

I have not one, but TWO freebies there – can you find them? One will help you find out what it takes to quickly set up your successful teleclasses; and the other will help you become way more productive than you ever dreamed.

As an extra bonus to the Teleclasses goodie, I added four tapping sessions to quell doubt, fear and procrastination…have at it!

How Three Strange Dreams Led Me to Think of Marketing

dreamingLast week, I had three dreams three nights in a row. I wouldn’t ordinarily share them, but they were so powerful and so relevant to the times I thought maybe you’d appreciate hearing about just one of them.

A backyard – simple, grass, swimming pool…I was standing on the flagstone patio by the pool.

There was a big silver vault, kind of like a marine decompression tank, next to me on my left, with a line of people who were waiting to go in extending for miles over the horizon.

I stood and watched from the side as each person went in and locked the massive door. I heard a rumble and other strange noises, and after about 45 seconds, they would come back out again…except for some.

When those people went in,

Continue reading

Do Yourself A Big Favor As You Start the Year Out

calendarAt this time of year you’re going to see a bazillion people trying to get your attention to sell you their stories, programs, packages – everythings.

From how to handle your time and calendar, to how to make or not make resolutions, get back on track, make a million online, lose the fat you gained over the holidays, buy a new computer, stop drinking, start marketing, write a book – you name it, you’re going to see it – and more.

So what I want to suggest to you is this:

  1. receive them with open arms
  2. keep your mind alert
  3. keep your heart aware as you go
  4. give yourself more time to say yes to any of it than you ever have before.

Read their materials, let them sink in, and sleep on your tentative decision. Here are a few important questions you can ask yourself:

Continue reading

Want to Get A Head-Start on 2011? Here’s How!

cant-hide-itHere in Hawaii, we say: Mele Kalikimaka & Hau’oli Makahiki Hou!

Which, in Hawaiian, means Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…and I hope you have enjoyed your holiday time so far!

And now…we can start envisioning how our Makahiki Hou will be (Makahiki: year; Hou: new, fresh)!

So in order to do that, here are a couple of simple questions I invite you to chew on and cogitate about:

If you and I were to meet up with each other for a delightful afternoon

Continue reading

Happy My-Birthday!

happy birthday to me!I awoke this morning to my neighbor knocking on my door, bringing me home-made chocolate chip cookies and birthday cards from herself and my landlady – how much better than that can you get?

Chocolate chip cookies for brekkie! Yehoo!

And then…imagine my jaw dropping down to basement level as I see my inbox with literally hundreds of emails and facebook birthday wishes – I’m completely overwhelmed! Add tears streaming down my face in gratitude to the image – wow.

If you had told me a mere ten years ago that this would happen, or even that there was a possibility of it occurring I have laughed out loud. At that point I wasn’t a happy gal, and the idea of so many people taking the time to wish me blessings on my birthday would have been far beyond my wildest imaginings.

But today is a very, VERY far cry from then, and I’m practically bursting with gratitude that so much has so radically changed, and that you are in my life. I thank you for loving me, taking the time to sit down and write your greetings and send cards – it’s just beautiful. Thankyouthankyouthankyou! AND…


My lovely Sunday Round Table Prosperity Group (one of my exclusive 4-member-only Prosperity Groups) gave me permission to let you listen in on this – I’m more grateful than I can ever say….

And they also created an incredible screenasver out of some of my paintings – I’ll share it with you when it’s completely ready! I feel so appreciated and loved!

So…because I like to be generous – especially on my birthday – I’ve created some goodies for you.

Now let’s be clear – I don’t like it when people use their birthdays and holidays to sell like hypesters.

I DO like it when they use their birthdays to be really generous. So, I created 3 really huge generouses for you – two for-fee, and 18 FREEbies.



This is the success-creating package I wish I’d had when I first got into business as an EFT/energy practitioner.

There are more tips, tactics, strategies and Continue reading

The Miracle of Ten Good Things

Bob and Molly Belknap 1952Last week as I was working with a client who has gone through more challenge than anyone I have ever met, we were clearing the energy from an incident he was particularly stuck on.

I asked him to list ten things that were good about it. He exploded, asking me how I could be so cruel as to think there was even one good thing.

I waited. There was a long silence as he cooled off and began to contemplate. Finally, sounding very surprised, he said, “Well, I’m a stronger person because of it.”

He added a couple more, and went silent again.

I continued to wait. Silence is like a magnet when you want someone to spill deep information. Most of us are so used to continual blather, but when we’re given the space to consider, we can jump right in and really mine the depths of ourselves. The rewards of a conscious silence are huge. He did jump in and found amazing treasures.

So today, I’m taking time to feel grateful for all the stuff I thought of in my life as mean, ugly, unfair, unwarranted and impossible to deal with.

I thank my brothers who I thought were so cruel by calling me fat and telling me my ears stuck out and that I was ‘just a girl’ so I’d never account for much. Because of them, I am acutely conscious of the miracle of this body, how I’d never be here without it, and how incredibly strong, vibrant and alive it is.

I thank my father for thinking of me as contrary all the way up until the year before he died. We had met for lunch and were in the middle of a huge, finger-pointing argument, and suddenly as I turned to stick him with another barb, he was no longer the big man who wanted power over me. He was just my father, who adored his only daughter, and just wanted a nice lunch with her because he saw her so seldom.

I sat back and looked at him anew; he must have had a similar shift, because he said, “I’ve been wrong all these years. I thought you were contrary, but what you really are is super-curious.”

Would my curiosity about the world, how it ticks and the determination to do more than he said I could have grown so huge without his perpetual saying, “no, you can’t”?

I thank my schoolmates for shunning me and making fun of me in elementary school, because I got to know the smooth comfort of being in the woods and down at the beach by myself and finding so much beauty and love in nature.

I thank my high school mates for making fun of my terrible grades, impossible sense of dress and a face full of zits, so I spent more and more time hiding in the art room. Would I ever have developed the innate sense of what to do with almost any material in the making of art if I hadn’t spent so much time there?

I thank my three ex-husbands, especially the last, for waking me up to how much I needed to find out who was in this body, what she really wanted and needed, and who she really was. I would have continued on with one crummy relationship after the other without that pain to make me wake up, love Me and live Right.

I thank my two amazing, intelligent, innovative, creative love-saturated sons for having pushed every single mother-button possible. I grew to become a much better mother than I ever dared think I could possibly be. I’d never, ever want to send you back!

I thank the terrible depression that had me in living terror, curled up in the fetal position for much of the 35-year period until I was 55 for making me acutely aware of how indescribably beautiful life can be.

I thank all my wonderful close buddies who never allow me to slip into self-pity or less-than-excellence, and who give me the opportunity to be present with and adore them whether they are up or down.

I thank Gary Craig for creating EFT, the tool that allowed me to rescue myself from that hell, and gave me the ability to choose powerful service with my coaching.

I thank every single one of you, and especially you who have taken my teleclasses and coaching – for honoring me by listening to what I say and following my suggestions and finding yourselves more free and getting 100 times bigger results than you’d imagined.

Most of all, I thank my mother for being timid about showing her portraits and watercolors. If she had not refused to show her lovely artwork anywhere but in friends’ houses, I’d never have thought to put my own in galleries and exhibitions around the world so more than my local buddies could see it.

I thank her for being a master of manipulation, because I’d never have learned to spot it when it was happening and make new choices for myself.

I thank her for being socially prim…and yet open to admiration of someone who isn’t.

One night just before she died, I was preparing to go out to a party – by myself. She had agreed to watch my 1 and 3 year-olds. She said, “You’re so brave….” and her eyes were full of tears.

I didn’t know what she meant. She told me that it never would have occurred to her to go out alone, unescorted, unprotected by a man. She held the space for me to be brave, inventive, creative, outrageous, resourceful and really alive. Thanks, Ma.

And I thank Spirit for being so kind to me my whole life, presenting me with opportunity after opportunity to connect and be At Home in my Being – and for sticking with me even when I chose to rebel and be miserable. For being completely non-judgmental and  presenting me with more opportunities even after I had blown so many.

And you – no matter where you live, I send you my most heart-filled love and wishes for a simply lovely day today, and may you be grateful and find good things where only the bad seems to exist, for the rest of your life.

aloha –

Magnetize More Money and Leap to Another Level of Success

Be More Productive Make More MoneyWhen I asked for feedback about what you were challenged with recently, i was shocked, because so many answers we re so similar.

Most of you said, “I want more mo.ney but don’t know what to do.”

There were two camps: one said “I’m stuck and don’t know what to do to get to the next level,” and the other said, “I’m in a panic!”

I get it. I hear you. And I don’t want to wait until The Genius Keys book is out to lend a hand. I’d feel nutso, knowing you were out there struggling and feeling frantic when you don’t have to.

So, read on…whether you’re a successful old hand who just needs a boost to a new level, or you’re new at business, marketing and/or EFT or energy work. Continue reading

Which Tapping Fingers?

karate chop pointThank you, Jay, for this EFT question: how many fingers should you tap the pressure points; and what side of the hand do you do your karate chop?

You can use from one to all of your fingers – and you can even tap mentally, imagining your fingers tapping the points!

Use either hand for tapping the karate chop point, which is the thick, fleshy part of the palm on the side of the hand, right below your little finger.

Tapping chart:

Keeping the Silence

more space to play in!This is a lovely article about the necessity of creating and maintaining ‘white space’ in our lives.

As an artist, I’m deeply familiar with white space – I insist on a lot of it in my work. You’ll find out how to integrate the concept into using more white space in your everyday life….

The Genius Keys: Next Evolution

The Genius KeysA few of you wrote me asking if you could tell your stories in The Genius Keys – how you made the leap from down and dirty to leapin’ and dancin.’

OK, twist my arm! You now have that option, too.

You get everything the Gold 375 gets, only it’s called Gold Story 575. You get more words for your story, which will be integrated within the other chapters. You also get a full listing in the In-Genius Resources at the end of the book.

Read more here, and scroll down to the bottom where you’ll see the various options: You will have to hit ‘refresh” in order to get the most upidated version if you have visited the page previously.

You’re story and/or biz listing is going to be alongside some pretty big names, so I encourage you to take advantage of the positioning possible in this evergreen publication.

You know about positioning, right? That’s how Avis got so well-known. They knew Hertz was #1, so Avis just said, we’re #2 – and effectively cancelled out any others. Pretty smart. Ask yourself what getting better known will do for you….

I’m making a sample of The Genius Keys available on the page so you can see what the book is like, and how your listing or story might look like. Check it out – you’ll see why I say that no one has ever done a book like this one.

Grab your place now so you can plop your story within the chapters and/or get listed in the In-Genius Resources:

Oh – and remember to get your problem solved, too – the Graphic Designer who filled it in (thanks!) got coverage – check out the sample!

Here’s where to list your challenge:

So. What’s keeping you from amping up your success by getting your business, products and/or services more exposure to the world? Tap on it and get through it, because here’s a great chance for you to get more steady exposure than you ever would in a simple magazine or newspaper ad!

Your comments are welcome!