What Core Idea Are You Conveying in Your Practice, Books, Talks, etc.?

write your book!Recently, a highly talented coaching client of mine, who has some unique techniques she uses to help people with reclaiming their health, asked me to coach her through writing her first book.

She was absolutely freaked out about it.

She cried – flapping her arms like crazy, pacing rapidly across the floor – ‘I don’t have time to write it! I have no notes, no organization! I don’t know where to start! I have all these ideas, but… people might:

  • steal my materials and ideas,
  • laugh at me,
  • criticize me,
  • debunk me,
  • and I might as a result lose my good standing as a successful businesswoman in the alternative health field.’

In reality, she is already highly respected and helps hundreds of people. But these sneaky, unresolved fears and doubts were lurking there under her every thought and action, crippling her ability to open further into the lives of thousands and help them, rather than just her local hundreds.

Yes, we did use EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques (http://EFTinEveryHome.com).

AND…there is a crticial concept that I showed her that makes it possible for her to use each of her fears and doubts as powerful creative juice from now on. I’ll tell you what happened in a bit –

You may have noticed that people who write books are regarded as Continue reading

Want a Laser-Focused Strategy Session with Me? Grab One Now –

Laugh and hve fun as you work!This for you if: you’re in business, have a website and clients, and want to write a book, get more clients and create even more success.

I invite you to take advantage of my $99 Intensive Strategic Planning Sessions that I’m now making available – my birthday is coming soon and I’m beginning to open up the celebration doors.

I invite you to do it now, because I only have a few slots open, and this key 30 minutes will change your life and business forever!

Oh – and the first 5 people who sign up will get a FREE copy of Change Your Mind! with EFT, the Basic. If you already have it, you get to choose another of equal value.

Remember I love you –
aloha –

Rick Frishman, Auhtor, Publisher on the Daring Dreamers Showcase

Rick Frishman, Author, Publisher, TrainerI had the very good fortune to be able to interview Rick Frishman this week. Rick is an author (12 books!), publisher, and marketing and publicity trainer for authors and entrepreneurs.

If you’re an author (or even a wanna-be author), you’ll really get a lot out of this Daring Dreamers Showcase. Here it is: http://bit.ly/rick-frishman-daring-dreamer

I invite you to join us even if you are not an author, because he gives so many tips that any entrepreneur can use about how to build your customer base, get ready for publicity, marketing, networking and way more.

I mainly wanted Rick to give us ideas about book publishing – both ebook and print book, self-publishing and conventional publishing, but he gave us so much that there are three 20-25-minute segments!

Rick also talks about the 2010 Author 101 University – if you want to publish and market your book and find out how to do it, Author 101 University is one of the best places to go.

You get to meet and hob and nob with business and book pros there for 3 days for only 500 bucks – I can hardly believe how incredibly inexpensive it is – usuallyyou’d fork out at least 1500+ for something like this.

And, you can bring a freebie guest along (PLUS he’s providing a code with which you can save 100 bucks – for my readers only!).

Go here, listen to th audios, and then click on the Auhtor 101 banner at the bottom of the article. You’ll get to not only go to Author 101, you also get a FREEbie ebook from me about how to Eliminate Your Money Fears! http://bit.ly/rick-frishman-daring-dreamer

You’ll definitely want to download all 3 audios for future re-listening!


Rick Frishman, the founder of Planned Television Arts, has been one of the leading book publicists in America for over 30 years.

Working with many of the top book editors, literary agents and publishers in America, including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Wiley, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books, he has worked with best-selling authors including Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, John Grisham, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield….

Don’t Like Clickbank or PayDotCom? New Service for online marketers!

http://bit.ly/payspree-serviceIf you sell digital products online as an affiliate or a vendor, you’re going to love this new service…

Think Clickbank or PayDotCom.com – but with all affiliate payments taken care of instantly and automatically.

I liked what I read, so I signed up for it.

It’s free to sign up, very inexpensive to upgrade, and it works great, so I’m recommending it to you. I invite you to check it out here: http://bit.ly/payspree-service

It’s a FREEbie sign up, very easy to add your own products or start promoting other peoples products – you can start adding and promoting your products for instant commissions right away.

Here’s where to get it: http://bit.ly/payspree-service


Websites for Photographers____________________________________________________________

Do You Know What the Three Cs of Spiritual Marketing Are…and Why You Should Care?

I invite you to read my article on the Three Cs of Spiritual Marketing (and What They Hold Up) on Spiritus, the Spiritual Marketing Directory today! http://bit.ly/SMAMonth

Spiritus is hosting the Spiritual Marketing Awareness Month from yesterday until the end of October!

If you love the idea of using your values and ideals as a platform on which to build your business and marketing strategies – whether on or offline or both – you’ll love what you’ll get from this FREEbie month-long celebration and expo!!

What you DON”T get (yay!):

  • A million teleclasses you have to show up on live
  • A million bonuses you’ll never even look at or use…
  • A million pitches from subsciber-hungry marketers (yes, you can check out and sign up for the experts’ stuff, but you don’t get pitched every other second or have to opt-in to anything you don’t want!)

What you DO get:

  • A series of great (shorty) articles by biz experts that you can read at your leisure
  • Opportunities to connect – real-time – with internet, marketing and business coaches and experts who all put their values first.
  • Their tips, tricks, techniques, strategies, stories and inner secrets for creating online success with your deeply value-driven business.
  • A chance to register on Spiritus and set up your biz there – even if you aren’t tech savvy or hate online stuff. Set your biz up there and just leave it!

(Already know you want to list your biz there? Here’s where you can do that: http://bit.ly/spiritus-for-you)

IDareYouRadio.comPLUS: I invite you to find out more about all this by tuning in to my interview of Shelagh Jones, head honcho of Spiritus on the Daring Dreamers Showcase – click on this link or the I Dare You Radio logo to the left: http://bit.ly/Spiritual-Marketing-Interview

I know you’ll LOVE Spiritus!

List your biz here: http://bit.ly/spiritus-for-you
Spiritual Marketing Awareness Month: http://bit.ly/SMAMonth
Interview: http://bit.ly/Spiritual-Marketing-Interview

Become A Dynamo!

cave-woman-3DID YOU MISS THIS?

I don’t know if you saw this a couple of weeks ago, so I want to make sure you know about it – it’s one of the very best audio sessions for reclaiming and amping up your personal power I’ve ever done.

The end of the year is upon us. I’m asking my prosperity group to amp up and make leaps far beyond their past experiences so by the end of the year, they can all say, WOW, I did THAT??? ]

I want that for you, too. Imagine being able to look back on this year as one of the best ever in your life!

So I’ve decided to share one of our sessions with you. If you’re an entrepreneur, small biz owner or energy practitioner, tapping along with us on this audio will help you to sit up straight, brighten your eyes and feel simultaneously inspired, calm, collected and totally juiced.

You know how sometimes when you listen to recorded audios you have to go through a lot of annoying talk that isn’t about you, and there is only minimal tapping?

I hear you! So on this audio, I’ve edited out everything non-essential and only left in what make sense, which leaves a LOT of great focused, intense tapping.


And this is no ordinary ‘even though…’ tapping – I have a wild style that is simple, direct, and to the point – we get down to the nitty gritty faster than conventional EFT – we get deeper faster than you can imagine.

Why should you invest in yourself and get this audio? Because you’ll get fully grounded (again, more solidly) in your own spiritual source so you can actually create the incredible success you want – from the inside out. I show you just how to do that.

Here’s where to check it out and add it to your collection of most-used audios on your MP3 player: http://bit.ly/inner-dynamo

… you’re teetering between frustration & creativity
… you feel disappointed and bad about yourself because no one’s signed up for your teleclass
… your business or marketing results aren’t up to par
… your feel like your perfect-for-you clients are behind the Impossible-to-reach wall
… you feel guilty when you’re doing this because you ‘should’ be doing that, and you think you ‘should’ be doing that when you’re doing this!

I reveal to you exactly what to do when…
… your connection to Spirit/higher self feels lost
… you really want to stop beating yourself up
… you haven’t been able to stop work-work-work & do more play-play-play
… you want to reconnect with (or expand) your connection with your inner dynamo…

I know you’ll enjoy laughing and tapping along with us, and that your business and/or personal life will feel expanded, juicy and lit up when you’ve completed listening and tapping! http://bit.ly/inner-dynamo

Oh yes – I suggest you get it right away, http://bit.ly/inner-dynamo because in a very short time I’m jumping it up to 29.95, and more later on. It’s only 19.95 right now – that’s one 29th of what you’d get me for for a business consultation!

OR, if you know you want it and don’t want to read anymore, just click HERE or on the red button to the left, and it’s yours, no matter what Your inner dynamotime of day you are looking at this! As soon as the purchase goes through, you’ll be directed to a download page!

Remember I love you –
aloha –

Websites for Photographers

Right or Gracious?

sm-playYou know how ‘they’ are all saying how it’s all about relationship building, not pushy sales? You’ll enjoy this…

Last night, I sent a quick note to a big name in the coaching industry. He’s an ex-teacher, so I thought he’d appreciate a couple of really glaring spelling goofs on his site. I mean, come on, payed? Strategys?

He emphasizes how he had held a prominent position in the education field, awards and all. But his very forceful copy and videos combined with the misspellings left me with a nagging feeling – I really hesitated over whether or not I’d want to either work with or promote him to others.

So I decided to do a little experiment. I wanted to see if he could come through with high-relationship-building points…after all, if I hired him as a coach, I’d want to have our relationsip be comfortable, right? I was disappointed.

Here is what he wrote:
“I teach my clients to always test and if you can believe it the copy with misspellings out pulls the proper spelling.

“Fyi…virtually no one ever comments on misspellings. They focus instead on our material and how helpful it is…

“Angela—you need coaching.

“I know you have talked with our office about coaching.

“Do what you can to come in.”

Goof #1: So now I am ‘virtually no one,’ since “nobody ever comments on misspellings.” Huh – here I thought I was someone….

Goof #2. Did you notice how Continue reading

Are You Connected with Your Inner Dynamo?

Your Inner DynamoBUILD ENERGY & TAKE FLIGHT! (Impatient? Then you’ll probably want to
go here: http://bit.ly/inner-dynamo

In the 1400s, a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have ‘the rule of thumb.’

I hear people complain about how hard they’re having it in ‘these times.’ Think about this….

If you were a woman in the 1100s, you were considered property of your husband, and you were considered BY LAW to be of less value than a dog.

If you were a peasant in the 1500s, you could be thrown out of your domicile (straw-roofed hut, dirt floors, smokey…) with no recourse and nowhere to go. Your few crops were owned by the lord and you only got a small share – and had to make taxes, besides.

If you lived during WWII, you had to use gas, food and water rations and were in constant fear of your spouse coming home in a box, or worse, mangled for life.

If you lived in the … well, what will people write about us in the early 2000s?

The real truth is that Continue reading

Dr. Stephen West, Daring Dreamer

dr-stephen-westThe Daring Dreamers Showcase Presents: Interview with Daring Dreamer Dr. Stephen West

•   How did Dr. West bring back to life a man who was pronounced dead for an hour & a half & already on ice?

•   What exactly happens inside your body when you are shocked or traumatized?

•   Why is that so vitally important – whether it is a physical, mental or emotional shock or trauma?

•   What system inside your body is bigger than, and just as important as your blood circulatory system?

I heartily invite you to listen in on my interview with Dr. Stephen West of PowerHeal.com and discover what the incredible answers are to these questions.

Get to it here: http://IDareYouRadio.com/dr-stephen-west-power-heal

Also, find out:
•   the real reason why so many people experience obesity, edema, joint pain and -itises of all kinds
•   why candida is OK to have (to a point)
•   how you can help yourself resolve physical, mental and emotional issues using his process
•   what chemicals to absolutely avoid in your personal care products because of what they do to your cells

I was skeptical of his claim that he gets 100% results. I’m going to go to his events here in Honolulu next week and check out his process – he says he does a mass group heal at each event – should be interesting.

If you live in Hawaii, he’ll be in Honolulu on the 25th through the 28th – join me for 3 FREEbie nights and an all-day on Saturday – he sure has MY curiosity up!

Here’s where you can check times, days, locations on his event schedule: http://PowerHeal.com

Dr. West stresses that if you are a chiropractor, massage therapist or energy worker, this process will increase your effectiveness big-time. Might want to come to his event – or create one in your area for him.

What Are the Keys to Mastering Marketing?

good feelingI SO recommend this – there’s no one else out there I know of who teaches us weirdo energy freaks how to get out there without feeling like or being perceived as a weirdo energy freak! What am I recommending?

This: EFT Expert Pamela Bruner’s exciting upcoming teleclass series: The Key to Marketing Mastery – specifically for energy and health practitioners who want to make more money and attract more clients so you can help more people and make the world a great place in wich to live!

I wish I’d had this when I started out as an EFT practitoner! Boy, the hurdles I could have totally avoided. Black and blue and limping defined my first 2 years in online marketing. So…

If you ‘hate marketing’ or feel overwhelmed, stressed out or short on time and the very thought of marketing makes you want to run away…

If you have ever wished that there was a marketing course out there that was specifcally for people who do what you do (without all the fear-based text)…

You’ll definitely want to listen in on my interview with EFT Expert and Marketing Master, Pamela Bruner. (Not to worry – it’s short – and it’s a FREEbie!)

Pamela Bruner is the one who put the masterful book, EFT & Beyond, itogether. Now she’s back with another fantastic offering. I felt honored to be given a sneak peek into the Key to Marketing Mastery, her new course exclusively for Transformational Entrepreneurs. I invite you to get the same revealing sneak peek – LISTEN to this shorty audio:  http://bit.ly/Pamela-Bruner

And when you’re done with that, check out her course HERE: http://YourMarketingMastery.com

Author? Artist? Energy Practitioner? Do You Feel Rejected Sometimes?

have-nots-bigAre you an artist who sees people ooh and ahh about your work…and then walk away without buying it?

Or maybe no matter how many galleries you approach, you can’t seem to land a spot in one?

Or maybe you’re an author who has sent your book to a million publishers and are rejected each time?

Or maybe you practice alternative energy therapies, and people look at you when you talk about it as if you just landed from Mars….

Gets a little discourgaing.

BUT – This great story will inspire you – and if you are, indeed, an energy practitioner or know how to use EFT, you have more tools to  deal with it right in your hands than she did!  http://bit.ly/ditch-rejection

Role Model: How to Treat A Mugger

treat people wellBegs the question: are people who do ‘bad’ things are necessarily bad themselves?

Could you have the presence of mind to do what this man did with this young mugger?

I don’t know if I would have – but maybe if we can take a look at how he did it, we could think a little faster if it happens to us – or even someone we see.

Check this article out – it’s very inspiring: http://n.pr/treat-a-mugger

What Happened to Handwriting?

writeMy eyes used to roll over in my head and I’d feel like dying of boredom each time I heard my mother say, “In my day…”

Now I see from the perspective of experience over a lifetime, and realize that she was just sharing with me all the changes she wirnessed. She saw the advent of the telephone, TV, fast cars…imagine how amazing it would have been if she had come from her childhood to today’s world without intervening years! What a shock!

So now here I am, remembering how we used to sit in class for hours making loops and crossing Ts and trying to make our handwriting just like Miss Plier’s (yup, that was my handwriting teacher’s name! This is amazing – http://bit.ly/kids-cant-write

Great Stuff Happens When You Align with Your Deepest Self!

Blue Moon Dreams

100 Days 100 Paintings

In the beginning of July (2010) I embarked upon a project that has literally changed my habits, relationships, use of time, and confidence in myself as a painter.

Right now, one of the worst tragedies resulting from our habit of manufacturing throwaway products is the mess on the beaches and in the oceans created by millions and millions of discarded plastic drinking water bottles.

I decided I was ticked off about how I have to practically climb over all the plastic trash when I go for walks on my favorite beach. I mulled and stewed about what I, a single little entity on the face of the planet, could do to help alleviate the problem and even help create a solution.

I finally decided to commit to painting 100 paintings in 100 days (business days), and put them up for sale for $100 each to raise awareness and money for the cleanup of the planetary mess.

And since I really don’t like working small, I chose to do 9″ x 12″ paintings, instead of the usual 4″ x 6″ most of the people I’ve seen doing 100-day projects like this do. Turns out it’s perfect, because if it got any smaller I’d tear my hair out.

Yes, $100 is about one-tenth of what I’d normally get for a painting this size, but it’s also enormously freeing – I feel like I can play with the work more than if it was trying to be some precious expensive MasterPiece.


I had to ask myself in the very beginning, before I set up a single thing: is this venture something I’d hate doing by the 25th painting? Would it seem more like a job than fun? Would I be able to do what I committed to do? How did my Deep Self, my Souul, feel about it?

I had to laugh, because…

Continue reading

Tip for Saving Time

postI’m constantly looking for ways to cut down on marketing time so I can get back to the easel.

I just found a cool site called fiverr.com where there are hundreds of people who say they ‘do anything for 5 bucks.’

I checked them out & liked what I saw, and hired someone to post my painting project page to their huge list 5 times a day for 4 weeks – all for 5 bucks.

I was surprised, then, when I was given access to a control panel – now I can access it and change the posts as often as I like, and the system tweets automatically, saving me time and energy in my marketing.

And today, not even 24 hours later, I’ve gotten almost 100 new clicks that I probably wouldn’t have gotten before.

Here’s where to find fiverr (yes, two rs): http://fiverr.com – and the company I’m using for tweets is:

To choose someone to do massive tweeting for you, you do have to be careful – make sure you find out the nature of their list – you don’t want your tweets going to some country where they won’t care about your work or buy your products or services.

And make sure you read the feedback from customers – there was one I saw I liked, but the feedback stank. So I used someone whose feedback and work sounded good. Watch for poor English, as well.


Daily Om Spirit Guides


Got Spirit in Your Biz?

yesIf you are a business owner who has spiritual values that you want to integrate into your marketing, you’ll love this.

Listen in to this great shorty clip with CEO Shelagh Jones on her Spiritual Marketing Directory – attraction in action.

Shelagh also takes you through the Three Pillars you must build your business one for real success. Click on this link to go to the audio.

And here’s Spiritus: if you love working with other spiritually-minded people, here’s where to find and check them out!

Thanks to you!

happy dance!Thank you so much for sending me such nice comments about my crazy plan to paint 100 paintings in 100 days (http://bit.ly/100-100-100).

I’ll tell you more of what I’ve learned by doing this experiment in the next couple of days!

It’s been awesome, and 5 paintings have already sold out of 22 – cool! That’s 5 donations I’ve been able to make!

Oh – and I invite you to read the first three of the four articles I’m publishing about what I’m finding out in the process of creating this project – how to get the most of your own Creative Process – go here:
Part 1: http://bit.ly/creation-part-1
Part 2: http://bit.ly/creation-passion-pt-2
Part 3: http://bit.ly/creation-part-3

Daily OM - Peggy McColl

How to Start with a Bang!

Musician Carole King was a regular on my radio in the 60s and 70s. I loved how powerful her voice was, how poignant and true-to-heart her lyrics.

Someone posted the following video on FB today, and I thought it was a great example to watch about not fooling around. Watch as she lovingly, softly announces who she’s bringing onstage to help her, and then how she doesn’t dither around when she starts the song – one huge, loud chord and her belt-em-out voice.

Such a great role model for self-belief and powerful starts! She carried all the way through, too, with variations in mood and tone. I love it!

Don’t Precollapse into I-Won’t Sell-Anything! Expect Success!

vibrateHere’s something I saw in a recent blog comment: “I still submit to shows but not as many. I have been lucky to be invited to shows but I am not expecting the shows to do more than exhibit my work.”

Well, why on earth not?

Expect! Expect! Expect! How can you vibrate,””I’m a happy, successful, appreciated artist (coach, CEO, entrepreneur)” AND “ohhh, I won’t make any sales at this show (speaking engagement, art fair, book signing, coaching session)”?

You can not! Your main vibration’s frequency might be 50,000 Hz, but if some part of you is dragging its feet and vibrating at 9,000, your 50K will be sabotaged.

Tap on it! Expect to make sales! You did NOT go into business to be a failure, feel bad, lose confidence or go broke!

Not familiar with tapping? Go here: EFTinEveryHome.com. Learn how to tap and quit it already with the eternal why-I-can’t-do-its!

Rosie Kuhn for Daily OM

Break the Moldy Old Mold with Me!

Rosey LipsAs I told you last week, I’ve been painting up a storm for my Plastic Drinking Water Boottle Cleanup project.

When I first started it up, I promised myself I’d paint a painting every day (M-F!) for 100 days.

Well, I broke my mold! (You can see the painting that did it above.) I took TWO days to do one painting! So, no Monday painting, and today’s painting is $200, not just 100.

I got a note asking me why the paintings are so cheap, because normally they’d be going for 900 and up for the size they are (9″ x 12″). Today’s break-the-mold painting is Rosey Lips, here: http://100Days100Paintings.com

Easy – I want them to

Continue reading

Do You Like to Be Among the First to Know New Online Marketing How-to’s?

perpetual-launch-formula-smIf you love to get the newest internet marketing info: you’ll like this one if you’re looking for a profitable model to base your online marketing on.

To the left is a sneak peek at the map he’s created.

It’s hard to see so small, so I invite you to go take a gander at his Q & A video here: http://bit.ly/PTL-video

I was curious to know exactly how Ryan Deiss’ Perpetual Traffic Formula works.

If you are, too, you’ll want to watch his Q&A video. Be sure to do it before tomorrow when Ryan goes live with the Perpetual Formula Traffic launch.

Oh yes, If you haven’t got Ryan’s two special reports and his FREE software yet, grab it all while you can, I’m sure he’ll slam the door on it all it soon. http://bit.ly/PTL-video

Who Went From Near Death to Creating a Fabulous Color Therapy Course?


In the five year period following her near death experience in the 80s, Tori Hartman was visited by more than 45 spirits sharing stories. In the next 20 years, Tori pieced together the clues of the strange fables she was told.

From them, she has created an amazing course that helps you finely tune your intuition and clear disempowering beliefs that may have prevented you from moving forward to this point. The secret of how to do this is contained within these fables.

Pretty cool stuff. I thought you’d like to see it (and you even get to choose how much you want to pay!).

Click on the image above, or use this shorty link: http://bit.ly/color-course (Yep, I’ve partnered up with Daily OM. I think their courses are among the very best!)

Start Taking More Action Towards Living Your Passion!

MoonlightAs I continue to paint a new painting every day for the plastic drinking water bottle cleanup project I’m doing (http://bit.ly/100-100-100), spending more and more time at it, I’m really enjoying the focus and concentration it demands on so many levels, all converging in these blobs of color on canvas.

(Image: Moonlight, Acrylics on Canvas, 9″ x 12″ © Lyon 2010)

And I’m seeing, once again, how easy it is to choose a gift, skill or talent and use it as a launching point to create a platform to speak out about things I really care about.

Being as freaked out about

Continue reading

What Teleclasses Do You Want in the Next 5 Months?

What How-to Teleclasses Do You WantI’m considering topics for a new set of teleclasses.

I’d love to know which one or ones you’d be interested in attending. If you would go HERE and answer the one question survey, I’ll give you a little FREE Goody Bonus!

You also get a space to fill in any I didn’t think of, too – thanks so much!

How Do You Get So Much Done?

Be More Productive Make More MoneyDo you…have a project that has been on hold since the dinosaur ages (and wonder if you’ll EVER get around to actually doing it)?

Do you…get distracted easily and lose the plot…and then kick yourself for not getting what you were doing done?

Or do you often stall, or focus on something other than what you need to do or know you must get done?

Do you…feel frustrated because you know you ‘should’ create a freebie report or an ebook or a coaching course but don’t know where to begin…or when to do it…or how…or even what to write?

If so, then you’ll love this, because I’d like to share some of my key secrets of creating and producing with you.

People keep asking me how I can be so productive – writing all my books, doing my radio shows, painting and carving and coaching….

Well, creating is my passion. I do it because I must. I get antsy and irritable if I don’t, actually.

And, more importantly, I have also trained my mind in a certain way that makes it possible to do a whole lot more than I could if I had not.

There are some very specific key points to being able to create and produce what, when and where you want to produce. I’ll let you in on one of the secrets I use – it’s a very specific kind of to-do list that I call a Master To Do List. You can get it HERE for FREE.

I also have some pretty unique ideas that help me compress my time and get way more done

If you’d like to know what compressing time means, and a whole lot more about how to become super creative and productive, I invite you to check out the teleclass I did on How to Be Super Productive. You can get the audio and transcript HERE!

In it, I fill you completely up with rich clues you can use to completely (easily) revamp your time, expand your life and business success, make more mo.ney and have a whole lot more fun in your life.

YES, COMPRESS TIME – because it’s not about time management – you know, planning this at 10 a.m., plan that at noon, and so on. It’s about how I USE the hours themselves to get way more done than usual.

Going to school and getting trained in hourly segments did us a big disservice by

Continue reading

Learning to Paint – Again?

The DukeI’ve been painting all my life, but I’m the first one to admit I have a whole lot to learn. Recently I’ve been experimenting (tearing out my hair!) with acrylics. I’m used to the pliability and richness of oils, and I’m telling you, acrylics is a whole nother beast.

But I’m slowly getting used to and having more fun with it. I decided I’d try out a portrait of our most famous surfer here in Hawaii. Duke Kahanamoku  was a hero for many, many years, and was instrumental in putting surfing on the map.

He was famous for surfing more than a mile and a quarter on one wave outside in Waikiki, so I put Diamond Head and the wave in the painting, along with a softened allusion to his well-known board.  You can see the Duke HERE.

This week I’m playing with images of outrigger canoe paddlers, splashing water (hard!), philodendron leaves (those huge leaves you could hide under) and other tropical images.

I invite you to bookmark and keep an eye on that site, or friend me on Facebook (just search my name), where my images get automatically updated when I post a new one to the art site. I hope you enjoy my work!

AND – remember to live Audacious, Bodacious, Outrageous and ALIVE! Be Bold and take a Stand for what you believe and love.