One of the Best Ways to Get Media and Client Exposure

01-good-stuffOne of the best ways to get exposure for your work is to write 5-600 word articles.

Here’s a great FREE article that has exact instructions about how to create your article’s resource box.

This is the info at the end of your article that includes your name, © and date, and links to your sites.

If you do it right, you’ll choose specific related keywords and embed them with links to your site in a way that gets you more traffic and exposure.

This is a really handy article:

I Hate(d) Goals

postIf you’re one of those artists who say, “don’t tell me I have to market my work, I just make it,” you’ll really appreciate the solutions for easier marketing in this note today.

That actually goes for you health, biz and energy coaches and practitioners, too – especially the Right-Brain goals ally I’m going to tell you about!

When anyone says to me that I need to set goals, I literally cringe. Well, I used to. That was before I figured out how to do it my own way.

I thought of a goal as either a big, probably long-term aspiration, or a little soon-to-be-accomplished something. Either way, I’d think of them and feel nuts. Here was this big picture, and I couldn’t encompass it in my mind in a practical way.

I felt like I couldn’t set or accomplish goals, that I was a failure, something must be wrong with me because I didn’t relate to all the goal stuff people taught, how come they can do it but not me….

Then someone pointed out to me that when I was thinking about goals and feeling crazy it was because it was too big a picture. I couldn’t sink my teeth into it and make any progress because I didn’t know where to start.

She told me that I needed to set my goals first, and then go FURTHER and create little steps to take to accomplish them. Then I’d be OK. Because then I could do each step and cross it off my list, and feel satisfied I was making progress. It’s the steps, not the goals, that I need to think about, even though the goal is always in the back of my mind keeping me on track.

THEN! I was introduced to the coolest goals-help I’ve ever seen: the Artist’s Goal Wheel – all in right-brain languageing, colors and steps. You’ll love this if you’ve ever thought of goals and groaned. Check it out here: Artist Goal Wheel

I use it, myself, and thought you’d love it, too. And yes, I get a cut if you buy it – I’ve taken the time and energy to test and try it, and I absolutely do not recommend anything I haven’t tried and liked.

As a matter of fact, I invite you to listen in on my interview with Tara Reed, the artist (and licensing expert) who created the Goal Wheel here:

Now you know how I’m able to be so ultra productive – I’ve written over 60 books in the past 8 years. How many other people do you know who have? Plus audios, websites, coaching, speaking…do you think goals bother me anymore? Uh unh.

I don’t JUST think of my goals anymore. I hold them clearly in my mind, and then every day I ask myself, “what’s the next step I need to take to get where I’m going?” I guarantee you that using that one question (and Tara’s Goal Wheel!) will get you out of the boghole of confusion and worry faster than any other you can ask.

Don’t ask why, ask what. Asking why only gets you more questions. Asking what: what steps can I take right now, what connections can I make right now, etc., will get you moving towards results.

Sun, Sand & Sculpture!


Every once in a while you just gotta stop and not just smell the roses (gardenia, jasmine…) but go down to the beach and have a romp!

My friend, Financial Advisor Jobie Summer (who specializes in advising other financial advisors in Socially Responsible Investing) and I went down to Kailua Beach the other day and made this Spiral-Belly gal and attending Sea Horse….come join us next time!

4th annual smARTist Telesummit Home-Study Edition is Ready!

audio-3hIn January, the 4th annual smARTist® Telesummit knocked another phenomenal event out of the park!

With their extraordinary line up of art-career experts and successful working artists, it is truly the push many emerging artists needed to transition from “just getting started” into a full-fledged, successful art career.

Knowing how important this information is, Ariane Goodwin, who started this whole ball of wax, decided not to stop there, and created the fantastic smARTist® Telesummit Home-Study Edition.

The Home-Study Edition comes with a whole pile of goodies, including audio downloads, CDs and transcripts of the ENTIRE event. Curl up on the couch and soak in all 14 presentations from all 11 keynote speakers, listening till your heart is content!

If you’re new in the art world, breaking into it can be an intimidating proposal. Knowing where to start is hard enough, knowing what to do when you get there can be even more confusing.

Even if you’re a successful artist already,

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Artists: Fear of Rejection Ruining Your Sales?


Hint: It’s who you know – in a surprising but everyday way….

Last week I worked with a women who is a really fine watercolor painter. She told me she was in big, bad financial trouble. She kept on saying, “If I could only make more sales!”

But then she’d cry and shake her head and complain that it’s a bad economy, she didn’t know where to turn, she didn’t know who could help her or what to do….

I asked her if she would be comfortable teaching others how to use watercolors, too. “Oh, yes,” she said. “But there’s nowhere here to teach….”

I asked her if there was:
…an arts supply store in her town or in the nearby area. Yes.

…a bank, restaurant, cafe, or coffee shop. Yes to all.

…a high school or community college, or university nearby. Yes, a high school and community college.

But she was freaked out that they would reject her, that her work wasn’t good enough (she does really nice work), that she “couldn’t teach at the college because she had no credentials.”

And she ended up sobbing, saying that she would end up homeless and all alone. She took her problem all the way to being dirty, alone, afraid and completely destitute!

We worked through her fears (of course using my old pal, EFT) and discovered an underlying pattern of rejection stemming all the way from a childhood friend rejecting her in a really big, really nasty way. She’d kept part of herself closed down and private ever since – and no wonder!

It was her Big Secret, and it affected every aspect of her life.

HERE’S WHAT’S IMPORTANT: I could show her….

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101 Ways to Live to 100: Mellen Thomas Benedict

mellen-thomasSometimes I see waves of popularity run through my ebooks and audios.

For some reason, Mellen Thomas Benedict has been really up in the charts recently, so I figured you might want to check this out:

A while ago, Mellen Thomas Benedict and I created a teleseminar on 101 Ways to Live to 100: The Secrets of How to Thwart Aging! Debunking Common Aging Myths! CLICK HERE TO GET IT

Why? Because I wanted everyone to know his story! It’s incredible!

Mellen died from a heavy duty case of brain cancer. He spent a considerable amount of time dead – completely flat-lined – but suddenly came back, whole – without brain damage!

He has dedicated his life since then to sharing the extensive information he received on ‘the other side,’ and his highly evolved inventions that help people live longer in increased health. You’ll love the teleclass we did together:

101 Ways to Live to 100: The Secrets of How to Thwart Aging! Debunking Common Aging Myths! CLICK HERE TO GET IT

(You also get a very cool FREEbie: the incredible story about how Visionary Mellen Thomas Benedict died from brain cancer and came back.)

Have You Ever Wanted to Say: I Quit!

sm-where-i-wanna-b2Have you ever wanted to say that? Just throw in the towel and walk away? I have. And it’s always been a sharply defined moment that brings better things and options into my life when I actually made that choice.

When I came back to Hawaii from being the first artist in residence in Gore, New Zealand, I was so convinced that I had to find a job to ‘tide me over as I settled in’ that I took a job for the first time in over 20 years.

Imagine standing from 10 am to 5pm in the sizzling Waikiki sun, with only a half hour lunch break (and no food or drinks allowed win your booth), getting tourists to sign up for time-share demonstrations. For $7 an hour. Mmmm, fun! I don’t THINK so.

I tried hard to make it work. I sat demurely at my booth providing tourist help; I experimented with working theidea of time share slowly into conversations; I finally ending up literally walking over to people and pushing the brochures into their hands. It was the essence of push marketing.

If I had any ‘shy’ left, by then it was gone. But I detested who I had to be to do that, and how I was doing it. I felt like an predator. I felt nauseous just thinking about driving in to work.

As I drove over the mountain on what was to be my last day, I had to Continue reading

Kickstarter: Funding for Artists and Other Creatives

artist-pigeesHere’s a new source for funding I didn’t know about. Check it out!

Kickstarter is a unique funding platform for artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, journalists, inventors, explorers…submit their projects for funding and if approved, are added to the site for any and all visitors to donate to them.

The Purpose Prize for Social Entrepreneurs

kisslifeHere’s a very cool prize I just heard about:

The Purpose Prize awards $100,000 prizes to five social entrepreneurs who are 60 years or older and are trying to improve their communities through their work.

As a society, little has been done to support the remarkable efforts of these individuals, which further supports the notion of a decline in the second half of life, rather than a time of creativity, invention and contribution.

These awards were created to honor and support the elders in our communities who are making a difference.

Civic Ventures, 123 Townsend Street, Suite 505, San Francisco, CA, 94107, phone: 415-430-0141, fax: 415-430-0144
info [at]

Quit Wanting the Spectacular and Missing Out on What’s Right Inside of You!

pigees-jump3hHave you noticed how so many people want and expect to ‘make a difference,’ be ‘big,’ be or do something spectacular and important?

What if we all just really ‘got it’ that it’s enough to be ourselves and to give being who that is the very best we can? It may be even more than enough.

Why do we feel like we need to make a big splash and change the world? We really don’t, you know.

Just being you is enough. If you are you enough to stand up for yourself or your kids or your co-worker, if you are you enough to enter an art competion, if you are you enough to write an essay about a pet peeve to the NY Times, wouldn’t that be more effective than hiding at home afraid to make a peep? Wouldn’t that make a difference?

One song, one piece of art, one article, one EFT session can….

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99 for 99….


If you are an entrepreneur, energy, EFT or health practitioner or coach, this is for you!

What if someone gave you a major boost in your business succes right now?

What would it do for your business if you could get the guidance you need in order to get off the ground, out of that stuck place or off that plateau?

See, I think each of us has an awesome responsibility as coaches and energy practitioners and people who help others. I believe we need to 1. do what we’re really good at and serve through that; and 2. get the awareness out about that. If we don’t, how can the people who want our services, help and guidance find or use us? They can’t!

Being ‘successful’ at your business is not about you, personally. It’s about the fact that you have been good to your word and provided valuable services, and have gotten the word out about it enough that people foound you and were served by you.

The common compensation for that is usually money, and the spreading of the word about you. So when you think of the word ‘money,’ it’s a very narrow view to think, “I shouldn’t make money off my service,’ or ‘I can’t be spiritual if I make money,’ or I should give it all away for free.’ That’s mistaken thinking.

All money is doing is greasing the skids so you can keep doing what you do best. And if you are so good at it that you start to make more than you need, you can joyfully turn around and help others do it, too. Not too bad an idea, eh?

Or maybe you think of marketing as intrusive, pushy or hard to do. What if I told you that all it is in truth is a building of relationships. Where each time you got together with anyone, it’s an opportunity to shine with how much you adore what you do. That’s excting!

Instead of introducing yourself by saying something dull and unexciting like, “I’m an energy practitioner,” and seeing people’s eyes glaze over, what if you said, “I help small business owners create outstanding success where their highest values shine through every aspect of their products and services”? Do you see how that would generate more interest and keep the focus off you and onto what you do for them?

Are you already at a good place and just need a little boost to get up to the next step?

Great! I want to be there by your side, providing a solid platform of support with my own knowledge, skills and expertise in business and marketing and the use of energy practices to help you move forward like greased lightning. We need you and your skills! Don’t hold them back!

jump2-5Imagine if you got started out of that hole right now!

Imagine jumping off that plateau right now!

Well, I want to help you get there, so I’m doing the unheard of!!

I know there are those of you who only need a small boost to get going in a big way, and for some my regular session fees of $575 each, or the usual $757 a month package for three months doesn’t work. But there’s a way around that…

Maybe you never thought of this: just three 45-minute sessions with me are enough to set you up for 6 to 12 months because I give you so much business and marketing info and very deep tapping support.

Since there are so many people who need that boost, I’m doing an experiment…

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Harriete Estel Berman: Artist Contracts Guidelines!

ponderHave you ever wondered about your artist’s contract?

Or if the one you’re signing is really and truly on the up and up?

Check out this whole long list of documents, guidelines and such that you can use in your own work.

Here’s a partial list of what Harriete has for you:

Artist Fundamentals

Professional Guidelines (Get the one page handout with a list of all the topics in the Professional Guidelines on her site:

INVENTORY RECORD: Documentation and Provenance
Condition Report Form
Guide to Professional Quality Images
Working with Digital Images Effectively

Juried Opportunities
TOP TEN TIPS for Getting Into a Juried Exhibition, Show, Book or Magazine
Juried Exhibitions
Comparison of Jury Ranking Systems
Artist Checklist: Exhibitions

Fundraising Auctions

Open Studios
Open Studios: Artist Checklist
Open Studios: Guide for Art Organizations

Exhibition Contract
Model Release Form
Model Consignment Contract

Additional documents
Artist Checklist: Claims for Damaged Work
Resources for Legal and Professional Advice

And she has an ASK Harriete your professional questions: Questions and Answers about the Professional Guidelines. Advice for artists, crafts people and the arts community. Information to assist artists and crafts people in their professional develop.

Artist contracts, guidelines, etc.

The Cost of Free – and Why So Much is Free Online

computer-joy[Guest post by Art Licensing Expert, Tara Reed]
I love the internet! It has given people access to information and resources never before possible – and much of it is FREE!

So much is free, in fact, that many have become irritated when they actually have to pay for services and information.

I have been meaning to write this post for some time now… not to make anyone feel bad or negatively rant and rave, but to make sure those who don’t create and sell content online stop to think about the “cost of free.”  I have been asked many times, “Why do you do all of this?”  “How are you making any money if you give all these things away for free?” and other similar questions.

Stuck? Stalled? Crumble the Impossible!

crumbleI sometimes have dreams that last all night…or seem like it, anyway – and last night I had one more.

I think the stage started getting set for it at 5:30 am yesterday when a friend in NM called me to warn me about the tsunami. I’m just not a morning person, and I felt ‘off’ all day. I couldn’t seem to get to the mental clarity I’m so used to enjoying. Even as we were all sitting in the school parking lot up on the hill waiting for the all-clear, I was silently tapping on how I felt, but never could seem to get all the way out of the mood.

When I got home, I got a note from a friend who is a psychologist, talking about how she had been in ‘right-brain’ all day as she and her own family had been up on a hill on the other side of the island. That made sense to me! We were in ‘survival’ mode, and right brain had prevailed over.

And then last night in my dream – all night, it seemed to me – I saw a from-above, slow-time re-enactment as the Earth shuddered broke itself free from constriction – in Chile and Japan – and how her waters reflected those changes.

What came next surprised me. An enormous Sticky Something appeared right in front of me. Try as I might, I couldn’t get through, over, under or around it, and even if I tried backing away from it, it held me like glue.

I felt smothered, angry and frustrated. But as soon as I remembered that I could tap on it and started mentally tapping (in my dream!) it started to do something that really jolted me.

After the Jolt, the Impossible ended up falling away from me. There was a voice at the end, that said, “even the impossible crumbles one day.” The dream replayed itself over and over and over again until it felt like someone had etched into my head.

“Even the impossible crumbles one day.” I awoke with that echoing through my mind. The huge Sticky Impossible disappeared. I felt as if nothing could stop me, and that I could do anything I wanted.

How would you like to feel as if nothing was impossible, too? You can! Go here:

I’d like to show you the Jolt. It’s actually quite soft, while being lightning fast, painless and simple. You can incorporate it easily into your own life so you, too, can end up feeling unstoppable, and that nothing is impossible.

I invite you to sample this next week’s Round Table Tapping Group teleclass to Crumble the Impossible.

You get a full palette of goodies during the Round Table Tapping Group 3 Sundays a month at 4pm NY time – and this week, if you’re feeling slowed down, on an endless plateau, or totally stuck and just can’t seem to resolve it, I’m going to show you how to Jolt that softly and surely into empowerment and freedom.

You’ll feel like nothing can stop you, just as in my dream. I want you to feel free and empowered to live your own Deep Dream, too!

So whether you feel slowed down, on an endless plateau, or totally stuck, please join me to Crumble the Impossible on SUNDAY, MARCH 7th, from 4 to 5:30pm NY time.

Get the teleclass and audio here: 29.97

Join the Round Table Tapping Group – which includes Sunday’s Crumble the Impossible: here: $59.97 (3 calls mo.)

aloha –

p.s. THANKS AGAIN! I can’t tell you how very gratifying it was to get home yesterday and find all your messages – thanks again – you mean so much to me!!

2010 EFT/Tapping Summit: Did You Miss Out?

sm-erghWhat happens when brain chemistry and incorrect beliefs mix? Not good stuff, I assure you. And what would happen if that could be resolved?

I’ve been working with a businessman who, several years ago, had suffered so severely from job, money and family problems that a deeply ingrained voice of self-doubt convinced him to jump out a window in an attempt to end his emotional pain. In our session, he laughed as he said, “I couldn’t even do that right!”

No laughing matter. In any way shape or form. (Can you see the still-present self-doubt? “I can’t do anything right!” Guess what we resolved!)

sm-happinessImagine if he had had EFT/Tapping to help ease himself out of the pain!

I remember that pain, having gone through it for so many years myself. It’s absolutely unbearable. It throws your chemical balance off so you don’t think straight. You can’t think. You can’t concentrate. You have the most amazing imaginings about what people think of you and are saying behind your back; about your own place and abilities in the world – all of them so wrong, so bizarre, so outlandish they make the world as painted by Hieronymus Bosch look like fun.*

Imagine if everyone in the world had EFT/Tapping right at their fingertips!

It’s not called the Emotional FREEDOM Techniques for nothing. Wondering what I’m talking about? Go here and register and turn your whole life around – even if it’s a great life, you can make it better!

I want the entire universe to know

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Jobie Summer: Financial Advisor on Socially Responsible Investing

jobie-summerMy guest this week on the Daring Dreamers Showcase at is Financial Advisor, Jobie Summer. Jobie specializes in advising other financial advisors, particularly in the area of Socially Responsible Investing. GO HERE TO LISTEN.

When we first met, I didn’t realize how relevant the information she shares is for those of us who are not financial advisors. But when it became clear to me that her knowledge and her products would be as interesting and helpful to others, too, I asked her to be my guest so she could talk about what you need to know as an investor or future investor.

You’ll hear:
•  how Jobie helps other advisors market their practices
•  how she helps create change in our economy
•  why Socially Responsible Investing is so importnat
•  what to do to get your financial advisor up to date
•  what you can do to make a huge difference in the economy and environment as a shareholder

Jobie Summer is the founder of Resources for Advisors. She has been a leading financial advisor for nearly 15 years. She has been recognized with many National awards as well as having many designations: she is a Certified Financial Planner, Certified Estate Planner and Certified Fund Specialist.

What is unique about Jobie is that

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Money: Got Challenges?

sm-disappointment-2“Agh! Such chaotic times!!” That’s what a good friend of mine said to me yesterday. We were speaking about how, while life seems to be speeding by at an unprecedented rate, so many people we know are having such difficult times on so many levels.

She said, “if it isn’t money, it’s relationships, if it isn’t that, it’s business – you name it, people are practically flipping out crazy exhausted or swamped in fear and overwhelm!” (And then we tapped on our mo.ney beliefs….)

Maybe you can relate to the fear and craziness, too. I can – remember I told you I was going to do more carving and get my artwork out there more? It’s been like wading through half-set superglue with all the previously hidden beliefs that have been coming up begging to be cleared. I’ve tapped myself silly these last few weeks. And it’s helped – a lot.

Here are some of the phrases I hear from some of my coaching clients recently – are any of them what you hear yourself say?

I’m scared
I never have enough mo.ney
I hate feeling such dread every day
I feel like a failure
I feel disappointed and even bitter at times
It wasn’t supposed to be like this

I have mo.ney but I want more!
I don’t know how to get it

I don’t know what I want to do
I don’t even know who I am

I’m shy
I have low confidence
Why would anyone pay me for this tapping thing?
I want to make a difference but I feel like a fraud if I can’t ‘get there’ before I help others to do it

If you said yes to ANY of those, I heartily invite you to do yourself the huge favor of joining me this weekend for the first Round Table Tapping Group Teleclass.

sm-creativity-2If you’d like to…
•  quit your day job
•  grow your business substantially
•  make money and get to
•  do what you like for rest of your life
•  become an effective leader
•  help others to succeed
•  get your income to skyrocket
•  feel amazingly good – expanded, free, excited, calm and happy
You can do that!

In this 90-min teleclass (that includes tapping on your issues and Q&A afterwards), you’ll get major support in doing exactly that. Imagine the power of the group tapping on your challenges and desires – it expands the energy by multiples!

I suggest that you just come for one call and see how much better you’ll feel afterwards, and how much more open to options and opportunities you’ll be. If you’re new to tapping, you’ll probably be surprised as you come off the call tingling with energy!

I said I’ve been tapping a lot on myself – I want to make sure you have the advantage of being able to tap through your stuff with someone who’s been there, done that and come out the other side – me.

===> Not only are you going you feel better, but you’ll have more room for expanded options, ideas and opportunities that you simply don’t see right now if you’re in a constricted state.

You’ve heard me say that success is a feeling; that life is a journey. And if you can feel good along the journey, you’ve already created success – all you need to do now is expand it!

So it’s imperative to shed the dread, shun the fear, drop the depression, blues, I’m-a-failure and I-can’t, and come along and tap those things into usable creative energy you can use to feel…not good…not better…but GREAT. I’ll help you do that.

I invite you to register now and grab your seat. Of course, if you got the whole kit and kaboodle and did all three calls in the upcoming month, you’d get Sunday’s call and two others, too, for the price of two classes. Your choice. Feel great once, or feel great three times for not much more.

Ditch Dread & Fear & Open to More Money Doing What You Love
HERE: $29.97

Round Table Group: 3 Calls:
HERE: $59.97

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

More Money! More Gumption!

sm-inspirationI have a question for you. Where do we get off thinking everything ought to be hunky-dory easy as pie? What happened to “challenges develop character?” What happened to what my folks used to call gumption?

“Aw,” my father would say to me, “you’ve just run out of gumption!” He was saying that I had no initiative or courage, that I didn’t have the gumption to try. [The word is supposedly Scottish, of unknown origin].

Well, he may have been right. In our world, we’ve come to expect things to be easy. We have indoor toilets and bathing, running water – running HOT water, electricity, paved roads, automobiles, schools, warm clothes, easy communication…all things absolutely no one took for granted anywhere in the world not even a hundred years ago.

Nonetheless. There’s still room for gumption.

It’s an inner adventure now, and it’s time to rev up your gumption and stand firm – even within the chaos of the world – and commit to even more strongly living your deepest dreams, becoming successful in the way YOU want to be successful – using your natural skills gifts and talents.

Soooo…what’s in the way? “Oh I can’t do that!…No matter what I do it isn’t good enough…What would people think?…People would laugh at me…My husband would never let me do that…I don’t have the money!…I’m scared of ( _ _ fill in ___ )…etc.

Aren’t you tired of all the same old stories? Haven’t we resisted our destinies, futures, successes, our potentials, our Dreams enough????

I’m amping up the challenge to you. I’m scaling up my deepest dreams, my own depth of dreaming, and I’m doing it. You can, too. It’s not that difficult, especially when you have support.

I’ve found that it’s really a matter of a combination of being OK with me, knowing I’m providing value, working with a great coach, and planning my time better. You can do that!

So I put together two hefty tapping groups for you gumptious people who want to tap on, clear and transform your fears and resistance to success and transform the energy into creativity. We meet three times a month, and inexpensively, at that.

I also created a forum where you can discuss tapping from A to Z and connect and help each other open to more money and success, and meet and make new connections and buddy-tap. And build up your gumption.

It’s no fun living a life of fear or numbness. I can tell you that from long experience of having done it. The fear and the dread is unbelievabl e. But when you have a tool to clear it, there really is no excuse. Especially when you can use the same energy for building a new life, the dream your heart has yearned for since you were born.

Once you really get it that you have the key to your future at your fingertips and how to use that key on a steady, consistent basis, your life will utterly shift. Then what? It’s up to you to decide!

I invite you to join me when we start on the 20th and 21st (Saturday and Sunday at 4pm NY time). Here’s where to go to rev up your gumption:

I look forward to meeting with you and seeing you turn what used to be problems into launching pads for major massive exciting fun and success.

aloha –

p.s. And if you live here on Oahu, you can even come to my live tapping group on Wednesday nights – we’ll be working on MORE MONEY! Here’s where to grab your seat:

81,000 People Can’t Be Wrong!

sm-talkWhen you were a kid watching Superman or Wonder Women, did you wish that you could have super powers like they did? I sure did.

And not just to fly or kick someone’s butt, either. I just wanted to be less scared. I was painfully shy. I wanted to feel powerful, whatever the situation.

Well, now I have something even better. I have tapping. And if you’re not familiar with it, I think you’re going to love it for what it will do for you.

And if you do know about tapping, you’ll be delighted about this year’s Tapping Summit. Last year, Nick Ortner and crowd attracted over 81,000 people to the first World Tapping Summit. Not too shabby for a relatively ‘new’ modality.

And you may have heard…the doors for the 2010 Tapping World Summit are officially open!

This is a FREEbie online event, and it’s the biggest event in the EFT / Tapping world.

You may be familiar with these top EFT / Tapping practitioners in the world: Carol Look, Patricia Carrington, Brad Yates, Bob Doyle, Carol Tuttle…They’ll be presenting…and in fact, there will be over 18 instructors in all with over 20 presentations…

I heartily invite you to take a look here at what you will experience, at no charge to you:

You can listen to all of presentations or just a few of them – you get to pick the topics that interest you.

If you’re looking to create a prosperity mindset, clarity and creativity, more energy, higher focus, better physical and emotional health – and much, much more – then you’ll want to register for this FREEbie online event:

I suggest that you go there right now as you’re thinking about it. Once you register, you can listen in as the practioners present live; and you can also opt to the audios for listening later on at your convenience, and reviews later on when you want to hear that one particular thing she said, or that one point he made…go for it!

aloha –

P.S. Remember, this Event is brought to you at no charge…

P.P.S. – You don’t have to travel or book a room anywhere… you get to experience the entire event from the comfort of your own home.

Why Does Tapping Work?

vibrateTime and time again, people ask me why tapping works. I found a great article by an acupuncturist here in Hawaii in a local health magazine that gives a good idea why.

I have included excerpts of it here. As you probably know, when we tap we use acupuncture meridians, so just imagine she’s talking about tapping as well as acupuncture.

I like it that she calls us the original transformer – you know how I’m always saying “It’s just energy!” Fits right in perfectly. Here are a few important excerpts from her article:

You Are the Original Transformer
– Sherry Malin, RN, MAcOM, CNOR, LAc

You are electrifying! Your body is an amazing… collection of complex systems and intricate functions.

Did you know that the human body generates electrical energy  through organic and cellular action? This energy travels throughout your body through [energetic] pathways.

Variations in energy generation and current can create imbalance in ionic charges. The variation is associated with pain and disease.

Research has shown that we generate AC electrical fields around our nerves and muscles, and DC electromagnetic fields around our brain.

Acupuncture points have greater electrical conductivity than surrounding tissues. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture stem from its ability to discharge potential ionic differences. Doing so helps bring about optimal charge conditions within the body.

I hope that enlightens you a little bit – it sure made sense to me. Thanks, Sherry!

Survey Thanks!

sm-askThanks so much for particiapting in my survey for the beginning of 2010. I really appreciate your input – how else am I to know what you want if you don’t holler it to me? It’s great to know so I can do my best to provide what you need in order to live your Dream.

Here is what you said you wanted most:
How to Use Energy Practices to Create A Life I Really Love

Next in line:
How to Make More Money Doing What I Love

And third:
How to Develop a Solid, Dynamic Wealth MindSet

I was amazed to see that a few things I had thought you would want are low on the priority list. I had thought of doing a 14-Day Tapping Challenge, but it seems to bottom out.

Much more asked for was the Round Table Tapping Group – so I’m in the process of setting that up to open soon. We’ll tap 3 times a month of what YOU want to work on.

Last year there was more interest in marketing. Now it’s the fundamentals – a life you really love, more money and mindset. We can do that!

I was surprised to see that recorded audios were way more popular (65%) than live teleclasses (44.7%), and both of those outranked anything by miles.

Favorite issues were all over the board. So, I’m in the process of developing programs for you.


In the kind-time, here is one more chance to get yourself a freebie, $195 value Success Strategy Session. I’m only taking a few more this month, and may not do them for a while, if at all. Just email me at: Lyon (at) with “I Win Now!” in the subject line. Do it quickly before I close it down.

Rock Slide – Finished!

Here it is! Can you see his little toes?

Why do my horses have fingers and toes and a face on the shoulder? Because they are Magical Beings who can change form according to whim and fancy – why be a boring old human when you sift into Horse or Bird or Whale? Here’s Rock Slide, now polished and all gussied up with a pretty background:

All images © Angela Treat Lyon 2010, all rights reserved internationally

A Ton of Opportunity….

sm-creativity-2You have probably seen this quote from Albert Einstein: “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Well, this weekend I had a ton of opportunity…. Imagine my horror when I awoke after the night’s huge storm to no phone line and a computer that wouldn’t turn on – when I had a full schedule of clients and emails to get out!

Sometimes the opportunity is really to take the day off. So I did, and as the computer guy fixed my machine, I had a nice day planning out a few things, resting, reading…and holy cow! 90 bucks to fix the ON button? Wow. Well, at least it wasn’t something impossible to fix!

Why is flexibility important? Because I believe that, as I Deepen my experience of walking my talk and Living my Dream, I must stay ultimately bendable and able to slide, run, duck, laugh and fly when needed, be humble enough to know I can’t do it all, and ask for help when I need it.

So I might plan something, but if the Universe says, “Angela, REST!” then you better believe I’m going to rest. And call a buddy for support! (Thanks, Rebecca!)

Being flexible didn’t mean turning into a wet noodle – I didn’t drop the ball on the court or get out of the Game – I still took the computer down to the Mac Hospital, and I still met with my clients using my cell phone. But I cancelled until today the things I had on my schedule that called for sitting in front of the screen (like writing this note) and using the land line.

Are you that flexible? CAN you be? Because if you can be, your life will run more smoothly and you can be happier with yourself, your life and accomplishments. That’s part of living your Deepest Dream.

How do you create your life so you, too, can Deepen your own Dream?

I invite you to

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2 Surprise Portraits!

Many, many years ago, I did a slew of portraits for people. A couple of weeks ago, my brother contacted me and asked me to do ones of his grandkids.

Quite frankly, I didn’t know if I was too rusty, but I said yes anyway – what the heck. Why not try it and see if the old fingers remember what to do, right?

I’m so pleased with the results! Here are photos of the portraits of Hunter and Caroline. Cool, no?


Create YOUR Dream in 2010!

reclaimRecently, a friend sent me a long detailed news article all about how the APA (American Psychological Association) had once again refused ACEP’s (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) bid to get approval for energy therapies for continuing education certification. Very disappointing.

It would have been really easy to get upset about it – “why don’t they see how effective it is, what were they (not) thinking, when will it ever be ‘normal’ for energy practices to be accepted….”

BUT…in Dr. Mercola’s newsletter this week, he speaks about how any innovation goes through 3 stages: people laugh at it, thinking it’s crazy; violent opposition; and acceptance into the mainstream.

So, I figure that, since congress is past the laughter and mockery stage and is now on its 4th refusal, acceptance is close behind. Not long now!

How does that apply to you and your own life?

Have you ever thought up something that was so exciting to you that you shared it with your loved ones and friends – only to have them laugh and tell you it was crazy? Or impossible? Or did they (mother, father, husband, wife….) violently oppose any thought of it happening – maybe even forbid you to do it?


Huh? Why good???

Because now you know you…

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