How Do You Create the Actual Path of Your Deepest Dreams?

intentIn my experience as a Business Success Coach, professional Artist, published Author and Radio Show Host, I’ve found that in order for me to live what I dream, I’ve had to be daringly and sharply decisive, unwaveringly committed to my success, and lovingly relentless about holding my Vision.

I found that, when I got really clear about who and how I want to be, what I want to do and how I want to do it, if I follow a very specific path using very specific steps, I can do pretty much anything I want.

There are 6 Crucial Keys, and I want to share them with you.

I’m passionate about you living your Dream! I want you to stop dithering and complaining and blaming and wasting your energy on shame, guilt, resentment or envy. I want you to stop thinking so much and wondering what other people think of you and wondering if… and how… and when…. I want you to start just doing it. NOW.

How much time do you have left on this planet? None of us knows, and it can go in a nano-second. Will you be delighted with what you’ve done? Or disappointed?

Do you have any idea how valuable

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New Book: A Willing Thread

thread-ebk-cover-4hLast year, one of my book-creating coaching clients created a fabulous book, A Willing Thread.

To me, it’s a rich chocolate crazy-quilt of a book. It’s rich, warm, loving and comforting, as well as inspiring and uplifting.

The author, Joy Dolci, is a Coach who only works with a few exclusive people, so to have her wisdom and vulnerability come out in this book is pretty special.

She had a series of life-threatening situations in her life, all of which she has come through and surmounted. The last one debilitated her to the point she practically had to start from zero. Now she’s up and running again and able to do most things we take for granted.

What was most impactful for her during these times of pain and difficulty in function was her very deep, very intense connection with Spirit.

As you access each page of her book – which is more like an open-at-random oracle than a read-through kind of book – you’ll see how she questions Spirit and gets an answer each time. You can see first-hand how she uses tapping to even out the wrinkles in her life, as well as other means to get herself up and going again. It’s a real-life exploration and actualization of the path from pain to ecstasy.

The way she formatted A Willing Thread is unique, to say the least – that’s why I call it crazy-quilt. Each page is a new set of text and images, like a daily vision board, reminder, inspirer.

If you’ve ever wondered how to connect with Spirit or to make your connection stronger, A Willing Thread will help you do it. I invite you to pick up your own copy of A Willing Thread (e-book) here:, and see for yourself. And if you are lucky enough to be accepted as one of her coaching clients, you can do a big happy dance.

A Baudy New Year to You!

happy-dance-1colorI want to wish you one of the most awesome, fun, heart-saturated and outrageously profitable year possible!

Can you feel how the energy has shifted?

Only three days ago it was like slogging through cold wet dirty snow about to freeze around all my cells. Today and yesterday I’ve been so energized I can hardly sit still.

If you want that and don’t have it yet, imagine my hand reaching to yours and giving you a whole big bunch of it! Take it and breathe it in – my love to you!

It’s not just a full moon right now, but a full BLUE moon (the name given to the second full moon appearing in a single month), and someone told me there will be an eclipse on top of it! No wonder the increase in energy!

I’m making a wild left turn this next year. It was such a profound experience to almost leave the planet last March, and to take all the rest of the year to recuperate and get my strength back fully, that I am radically changing directions come 2010. I haven’t quite got all the details lined up yet, but will let you know next week – I want you to come along with me!

So – see you next year! Have a delightful turn of the year – please stay safe and sound but do have a baudy time celebrating….

aloha –

President Obama visits my favorite beach! Watch the video HERE. Wonder if I’ll see him thee – or in a cortege as he traipses through Kailua!

DO YOU HAVE A BLOG? Here are a whole bunch of great blogging tips for 2010.

Quit Crying, Calm Down and Step Up!

donkeyOne day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well.

The animal yipped for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

Finally, he decided the animal was too old to help himself and he just wasn’t able to retrieve the donkey anyway. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.

At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone’s amazement he quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.

Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well, and happily trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you – all kinds of dirt.

The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up!

Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.

The five simple paths to happy-ness:
Free your heart from hatred – forgive.
Free your mind from worries – most never happen.
Live simply and appreciate what you have.
Give more.
Expect more of yourself!

The Birth of an Adventure!

money-fllws-car-siteHave you ever had an absolutely outrageous idea for something that you’d really like to do come into your mind and not go away?

Maybe it’s something that you’ve thought about before, and pushed to the back burner or even all the way to the trash simply because even the thought of it was so completely outside your reality.

Or maybe it’s because you just didn’t see how to make it happen, or that you thought you might get a lot of flack for it.

Well, I’ve had an idea like that floating around in my head for a couple of months now. At first I put it in the trash because it simply didn’t fit what I thought I wanted to be doing in the next 6 to 12 months.

But it just wouldn’t stay there. It kept creeping into the back of my mind, onto the back burner, and recently, coming further and further to the front. Until only a couple of days ago, I gave in to it. OK! OK! I get it! Stop bugging me! I’ll do it!

So I’m telling you today that something magical and adventurous is in the dockets for me in the next three months, but I’m not telling you all about it yet, because I want to conserve the creative energy I need in order to get it happening.

In the kind-time, I’ll say this: I have a new, unique program for helping you get new clients and create your success that will knock your socks off.

I’m also creating a teeny tiny group of Elite Intrepid Explorers (12 at the max) who will be able to accompany me, share experiences, feedback and support on this new adventure. It won’t be cheap, but it sure will be extraordinary. I’ll let you know more details within the next week or so. I’m so stoked I can hardly sit still!

Eliminate Procrastination Audio!

mony-follows-u-siteIf you missed the teleclass this week, you’ll want the audio we made from it now.

Why? Because it was a very powerful call, and as you listen and tap along and do the exercises along with the participants, you can get the same excellent results, too.

I urge you to get it now – not because there is any upcoming deadline you need to meet or anything, but because, more importantly, now is the time we have been waiting for our whole lives. GET IT HERE

We have an amazing opportunity to step forward in these wildly chaotic times and take our stand and say, “Hey! This is how WE want things to go!” And direct the energy in new uplifting directions. And make it happen like we never could before.

So I want you to stop stalling, delaying, waiting, deferring, putting off what your true self wants and knows to be the truth for you. I want you to get up off your butt and increase your energy, your actions and your impact on the world.

When you listen to this audio, not only will you eliminate your procrastination, but you’ll also receive one of the most important tools for shifting your energy in the world (what I’m talking about is faster than tapping, and can be used along with it).

GET IT HERE for just $29.95 (usually would be 79.00).

Have an incredible happy weekend – and I’ll get more information about my new adventure as soon as I can! Can you feel it? I’m buzzing!

Eliminate Procrastination!

ponderLast week I said that if enough people emailed me, I’d do a teleclass on Procrastination.

My goodness! So many people! OK! So, let’s Eliminate Your Procrastination!

If you want to stop saying to yourself, “I-should-
I-should-I-should!” and being miserable because you don’t do it, whatever IT is – then I invite you to join us on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16th at 5 pm NY time, and we’ll knock procrastination flat for you!

Why? Because you’ll be able to be happy inside yourself – no more nag, nag, nag! Click to REGISTER NOW HERE!

The Importance of Play

sm-playDid you know that there was a study done on a murderer and they found that playing when he was a child was suppressed?

Find out why play is so important no just to our ability to be social but to the very working of our brains in this great ten-minute talk on TED.

I love TED’s talks! Check it out HERE. The video is around 20 minutes long.

The Value of Thank You

happy-dance-1colorSomeone remarked recently that she was amazed that I replied to all the birthday greetings on my facebook page.

Maybe I really am old-fashioned, but (ask me if I care if anyone calls me that!) for me, saying thank you, expressing my gratitude to people who extend love to me, is really important.

The way I see it, when someone gives you a gift, they’re handing you their love and a share of their own personal energy.

It’s no small thing, and needs to be acknowledged – not just because they did a really nice thing and I gained from it, but also on an energetic level – saying your gratefuls keeps that person from feeling slighted or even resentful.

I have several…

Continue reading

A Message from the Hopi Elders About 2012

sm-loveI saw this a while ago and really liked it.

A friend sent it to me today, and I thought I’d pass it on to you:

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.

Here are the things that must be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.

The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off toward the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above the water.

See who is there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lonely wolf is over.
Gather yourselves.

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

The Elders
Oraibi, Arizona
Hopi Nation

Do Your Beliefs Undermine & Sabotage You?

sm-oikA while ago, a friend of mine published a book. She asked me for some feedback on the cover before she sent it to the printer.

I suggested to her that, before she did let it go, she might make a couple of small changes on the cover that would make it more compelling to its target audience.

She decided not to, because her designer “had already made lots of changes and I don’t want to bother her, or pay for more changes.”

She was at the effect of her beliefs that, 1. it was too much trouble for the designer, and 2. that it Continue reading

Holding the Gem of Love

hugThis morning I was working with ‘Sam’, a coaching client. At one point in our session, he asked if I was disappointed in his lack of progress.

I was surprised, because he has been making huge leaps and bounds, and, to my mind, didn’t even go near ‘lack of progress.’ He’s so far ahead of where he was 5 months ago you couldn’t really call him the same person.

But people’s feeling are their feelings. They have no logic at all, nor do they have any basis in anyone else’s thoughts. So my own perception of Sam had nothing to do with what he saw for himself.

In truth, deeper than the question of whether or not I was disappointed, what was more real for him was a fear that he had no value and that, try as he might, he wasn’t going to ‘get anywhere’.

Even deeper than that was Continue reading

Don’t Tell Me What to Do!

sm-anger-2I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to death of people telling me what to do and what I should buy from them.

Use the Law of Attraction! Do this technique! You should eat green! You should stop eating sugar! Use this technique to get more clients!

You should…you should…you should!

NO! I shouldn’t! And I won’t, either!

In my experience, the Law of Attraction is vastly over-rated. First, it’s not a law, it’s a principle. And second, you have to add appropriate Doing to the Dreaming or nothing works – something most LOAers forget to tell you.

Yes, envisioning your desire is essential. But do they tell you how to handle the yeah-buts your mind trips you up with that make you feel like you can’t have or be or do what you set out for?

Do they help you find or make up the appropriate steps you need to take to make your dream manifest in the real world?

Do they tell you that you need to have support for when you lose track?

And how do they know what I should eat?

How do they know I’m not from a group of aliens who landed on earth and my blood is made of chocolate, and if I stopped eating sugar I would die!?! Continue reading

Do You Have an Unshakeable Support System?

happy-dance-2In my experience, one of the most precious things that help make your life as great as you wish it to be is an unshakable support system. Whether that consists of your family, friends, co-workers, business team or a great coach, that support is essential.

These are the people (or person) to whom you can go and feel safe, and by whom you feel loved and uplifted.

With them, you can open your heart, let your hurts fall out on the floor for examination and healing, without any judgement or criticisms or you-should-haves.

They hold your hand and support you with massive amounts of love as you be with that pile of scary stuff, deal with it, and decide what to do next.

They stand by you as you transform your circumstances, attitudes, thoughts, or situations into working for you, so you end up feeling good, so you feel open and delighted again.

•  You know for certain that they have the uplifting energy and sweet, unbiased love and support that only someone who believes in you can give you.

•  You know for sure that, even if they don’t have any solutions for your problem, any new perspective through which to look, they still love you without judgement. And that they will be with you until and as you choose something new, something that does work for you.

•  You also know that, even if you don’t don’t like what they have to say, they will tell you the truth of their own experience; they will give you their opinion and perspective; and they will tell you how they feel.

•  And you know that they will never insist that you do anything their way–that yes, they’ll have their say, but they know that you need to make your own decisions that may even be in direct opposition to what they say or would do, themselves.

To have a person in your life who will be this for you is mightily precious.

It’s a gift beyond measure. It’s like Continue reading

That Elusive Inner Connection….

sm-shareOne of the most debilitating things I see happen to my coaching clients and students is temporarily losing the connection with their most sacred inner, creative selves.

That inner self is the very source of creativity, love, sense of place and unbending motivation. To lose connection with that sublime, powerful self is to waver and wobble upon your rightful and fulfilling path through life. The longer the connection remains lost or dormant, the more pain and suffering you experience.

In 1986, I was living in a beautiful house about 2 blocks from the beach in Hawaii. My kids and I got along great. I had a nice car, clothes, food in my belly–and I even had the ‘job’ of my dreams–doing my paintings and sculpture, and showing in exhibitions in Hawaii and internationally.

Yet I was miserable.

I couldn’t figure it out. I had everything everyone asks for, but I still had intense fits of depression that left me feeling broken, weak and sick. I spent hours crying and feeling sorry for myself. My thoughts were utterly black. I kept asking myself, ‘why???’

So I did a radical thing. Continue reading

How One Tomato Saved My Life

tomatoI knew I was dying. It had been five days since I had eaten, and in that time, I’d only been able to barely keep the tiniest licks of water down. Fasting wasn’t a problem. No water, however, was.

It was mid-August, 1984. A week before, as one of the greeting representatives for the Kauai yachting association that held a trans-pacific race every two years, I welcomed a father and son team who came in second in the double-handed (only two people on the boat) race.

I helped them unboard, carry their gear, trash, dirty laundry and empty supply containers up to the docking station where everyone was busily meeting, greeting and celebrating. They still had wobbly sealegs after two weeks on the water, so we went slowly. As soon as they were set, I went on down to the next boat that was just now pulling into the marina.

On the muggy tropical awards night a couple days later, by chance I was placed next to Tony, the father of the crew I had welcomed. He said he was looking for a crew to sail his boat back to California with him as his son had flown back to the mainland already.

Before I could stop my Continue reading

Learn How to Do Psychic Readings!

For Friends of Angela Treat Lyon…

The “Azna Method” Psychic Reader Training
with Rebecca Marina Messenger

Course delivered Worldwide by Phone, Online and Audio.

(Note from Angela: Rebecca told me that she got this information straight from the Source, and didn’t want to go through the usual sales-page rigamarole you usually see.

So here is the conversation she had with Mother Azna, going through introducing the course, why Rebecca is to give it, and what you will get out of it.

If it resonates you, go for it, get the course – I’ll be there, too, right along side you! If it isn’t a fit, well, maybe it isn’t for you. Read on, and see what you think. I’m excited about it!)


After receiving many letters from distressed Readers about finances, I asked Mother what I could do.

Mother replied, “Offer to Teach them a skill that can help  bring in income, and that is always in demand. Teach a man to fish and he will never be hungry.”


Mother Azna, what do you want people to know about your upcoming Psychic Reader training?

Think you might want to be a Psychic Reader? Make a little money, help people, make a big difference in people’s lives? Click on the “Continue Reading” link below!

Continue reading

Do You Ever Say, “I Hate Selling and Marketing”? What if You Could Say, “I LOVE Selling My Work!”


This is for you entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers, energy and health practitioners, artists, authors and bloggers etc., who say, “I hate selling” or “I hate marketing!”

WHY? BECAUSE I’m creating a new, 2015 series of teleclasses for you who hate, dread, won’t do or can’t stand selling and marketing.

I used to hate selling and marketing, too, and I would do just about anything else to avoid spending time even thinking about it.

I hated it so much that I called marketing ‘evil.’ Now I know differently, and that my attitude was the source of over 30 years of misery and repeated, terrible financial crises.

Do you ever hear yourself thinking any of these phrases? I sure used to!

See which ones ring true for you:

  •  I hate selling!
  •  I hate marketing!
  •  Marketing is for rip-offs!
  •  I suck at writing sales copy

READ THE REST HERE and see what I’m cooking up just for you!


Happy My-Birthday Goodies for You!

b-day-cakeEvery year on my birthday, I like to make some of my most powerful, helpful, dynamic audios available to you for way less than usual, because I want to share my celebration of one more year on the planet with you.

I’m the same age as my mother was when she died, sad and alone. I don’t plan on leaving the world any time soon, especially not sad or alone!

So I invite you to help me celebrate! I’m looking forward to happily kicking around for another 10, 20 or 30 years! Maybe even 40, if I can do it in good health – yeah!

1. CLICK HERE to get How to Raise Your Fees Fearlessly by itself, at $27

2. CLICK HERE to get all of the audios and Extra Goodies, and be in the running to get a free session with me – value $450 – only $27 for ALL


Audio #1:

computer-joyDid you  know that your dread of learning or using technology has nothing to do with technology itself? Find out what to do about it, and get yourself clear so you can use these new tools with ease and confidence.

If you have to ask someone else to do stuff to your website, and have to wait a week for them to get around to it, and have to pay gobs of money for it, you’re trapped in a no-win situation.

Stop being trapped by your own inability to do the simplest tech things!

Audio #2:

Let’s resolve the 3 biggest mistakes you make unknowingly that keep your perfect-for-you clients from finding and buying your products and services. Continue reading