OLIVER: Sees You

September of 1999 was a hot one. I had just returned to Santa Fe a short month ago from a stint back east, house-sitting for my dear friend, Cynthia, out on Long Island. I hadn’t been able to find a place I could afford yet.

I did find a little secluded glade down by an arroyo, hemmed in by cottonwoods and brambly brush, on the edge of town. It was just big enough to park my little Kia and have room to turn around in.

Fortunately, I found work doing ad design at the main local newspaper, so at least my dog, Io (EE-oh), and I weren’t starving.

One evening as the sky wheeled through its usual brilliant show of cerulean blues, purples, and fuschias, Io and I came out of our little hidey-hole to go for an evening walk. It was earlier than usual, so I was cautious about anyone seeing where we came out of the weeds.

The very second we emerged, Io took off like a rocket, the leash snapping right out of my hand. She usually pulled on it eagerly, but never had she burst away like that! Continue reading

BELLA: Early

My dad used to burst into my bedroom, at dawn:30 a.m., throwing the door back with a bang, roughly yank all the covers completely off me and my bed, and cheerily spout, “Time to get uuuuuuuppp!!”

He thought he was being SO funny. N O T . But could I ever convince him of that? Or the way I felt terrified of him? Nope. He was a very big man. My space was totally violated, my privacy absolutely irrelevant to him. Nope.

Especially after I started filling in all the places little girls do when they get past a certain stage in their lives. I made my mother get me long flannel night gowns that looked like ones Granny would wear. In summer, cotton. Down to my ankles.

In this day and age when clothing seems to ride as far up near the crotch and down as far to the nips as possible, bare bellies sporting belly-button rings and all, you might think it strange that I grew up freaked out by body exposure. I still don’t like it. I’m OK with most people running around nearly nekked, but don’t ask me to do it.

Yes, I’ve done a bunch of inner work on that, but you know what? There are a lot of things way more important to think about.

Like how people seem to think it’s OK to cuss or yell at or even physically attack someone else for the most absurd reason.

Like how some are so entitled they think the rest of the world should think like they do, or call cops on people of color for nothing.

It’s so hard to deal with. When someone’s in your face, it’s so easy to take the same road and yell back. All that does is make things worse.

I run away if I can. If can’t, I stay quiet. If I can’t do that, I make a comment like, “Wow, you must be having a really bad day,” or something like that.

That can de-escalate a situation fast, helping the person to feel seen and heard. But it doesn’t always work.

I’m no miracle worker, but I keep the peace as much as I can, because I know it has to start with me. If I go off, I only join in to lower the vibes.

If I can keep my equanimity, I can be a reference point for calm, and the subsequent lifting of frequencies.

I can’t change the whole world, but I can change me, or at least stay calm in the face of mayhem. I had to learn how to do that to finally get it across to my father how I felt, because no amount of yelling, whining, or bitching at him worked.

You know what did it? I asked him how he’d feel if some man came into his and my ma’s bedroom and did the whole grab-the-covers thing to her.

You should have seen him turn beet red with rage at the very idea … and then … suddenly … stop, look at me, and get really, really quiet.

Long silence. His head down.

“I’m so sorry, honey,” he said, looking back up at me, actual tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry.” He never did it again.

Peace, calm, and if not joy, at least gratitude. Those things work

BELLA: Early

Prints? Sure. PM me.
text & image © Angela Treat Lyon 2021

BUDDY: in the Light, Shadowed

When I drew this, I was focusing on the white part so much that it wasn’t until later that I saw the funny blue face.

I particularly like this one because it’s so silly (Silly really ought to be my middle name), and so obvious … but not. It’s a great metaphor for my life – I go forward with stuff, and a lot of tangential events and other things happen, and it isn’t until later that I realize/see it.

And I like it, of course, because I love birdies.

I’ve always loved birdies. When I was a kid, we had an osprey nest on our land down by the pond, and I’d watch them for hours as they reinforced the nest, had their brood, flew off again.

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Lately I’ve been really struggling with sleep imbalance.

It’s so strange – I can sleep 2 or 3 hours, but then my legs get all jumpy and I have to get up. Then within an hour or three, my eyes slump shut and I’m sleepy all over again and have to get horizontal before I fall over. And it starts all over again.

Some days, I can be up as much as 8 or 10 hours. Continue reading

SELBY’S Favorite Game (Not Really)

Recently I watched one of those ‘cute’ animal videos where a seal was bouncing a ball around and playing catch with its trainer in one of those sea life shows.

I wanted to relf. Seals belong OUTside. They are cute, sure, until you come up close and dirty – if one decided to attack you for some reason, you’d be shit outta luck.

They weigh nine million pounds more than you do, can bowl you over faster than jets, and in case you didn’t know, those cute little flappy things at the end of their arms? They have claws on them. Sharp. That could rip you apart in seconds. Not to mention a mean set of very sharp, very efficient chompers.

Not cute at all. Powerful, beautiful, natural, belonging in the wild – not in a sterile, empty pool, swimming laps and jumping through hoops and playing endless rounds of ball with a human, no matter how ‘well-meaning’ that human might be.

Many years ago, I was at a flea market a friend had a booth at. She had this little stuffed seal, maybe 10″ long, fluffy and white and a cute smile. I named it my Seal of Approval (I know, groan – ). Now THAT is what is OK to play with, not real, live, sentient beings.

Whenever I see petitions about getting animals out of jail, I sign each and every one of them. I donate a few bucks if I can. The idea of captivity makes my belly hurt.


When I was a little kid, my dad’s mother would come stay with us. Granny. The one whose middle name, Treat, I carry.

I couldn’t stand her. She smelled like Eau d’Oldde Peoplle. And she made this weird little sucking-in whistle sound whenever there was something she disapproved of, but wouldn’t speak about.

This image is how she appeared to me then. Looking back from the perspective of someone who is now the age she was then, I understand more.

She wouldn’t speak up about things she didn’t like because my dad would shut her down. Never in front of us – always in another room. I heard him one time – it wasn’t pretty. So she communicated by sucky-whistle, or one of those high, wobbly hoity-toity voices as she asked us to do something we didn’t want to do.

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I’ve been writing up a storm lately, and last night as I got up to take a little break, I caught my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I left – I looked kinda like this! I realized I’d be practically glued to the screen for days!

So today I’m focusing on remembering fun, funny, silly, laughterish things, jotting down notes as I sip my drink – in the kitchen – far away from the screen.

May your own day be funny, silly and outlandishly outrageously lovely.

text & image
© Angela Treat Lyon 2021


I was very honored to be invited to be the featured guest of the Lone Star Dowsers monthly meeting last week (July 28, 2021)!

First we went into dowsing, then EFT/tapping – pretty deeply. I’ve been using dowsing for 40 years, 20+ of those years using a dowsing rod, getting pretty extraordinary results.

I showed you how to do that, in detail.

Maybe you’ve never wondered why the age-old technique of dowsing is still around – isn’t it just woo-woo-la-la stuff?

Not at all. You’ve heard of the saying, ‘everything is energy,’ right?

Well, dowsers use universal energy to discover lots of details you’d never even guess about, or thought were important!

For instance:

Do you know what a geopathic stress zone is, and why they are critically important?

Did you know that a geopathic stress zone under your bed can cause insomnia? Cancer? Insanity? Continue reading


Burt is the kind of dad everyone should have. Holds little babies as if they were the gods’ own treasures; plays with the toddlers; treats little girls to merry-go-rounds and lots of colorfully illustrated books and art supplies; little boys to Tonka trucks, small-hand size tools and paints, encyclopedias, roller skates and skis; and young men and women as if they were better than royalty.

I had Burt when I was a little kid. Everyone else thought he was Pooh, but I didn’t like that it sounded like he was being pooh-poohed, so I secretly called him Burt. We snuck ginger snaps from the cupboard together.

When I had the run-in with the dentist, Burt became my very, very, very best friend. He held me tight as I laid there splayed on my bed, unmoving, staring at a blurred ceiling, numb, unbelieving, wishing for someone who could tell me who I really was and that I might be lovable and that I’d never be betrayed by any person or my own body ever again.

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SHYLEE: Searching

I was 13 years old the first time I was raped. Not to worry, this will not be a rant or a self-pity party. Just a story about overcoming evil who took the form of a ‘nice’ man everyone liked and respected.

The summer before my sophomore year, my mother thought it would be a good thing to get my teeth taken care of before I was sent away to school in the fall. Well-thought-of in the community, not overly expensive, doing good work, Dr. Rosen (close, but not his real name) was her choice.

Week One was all about x-rays and all that.

Week Two was “Nurse, would you please go get (some medical supply) for me?” as he then cheerfully placed his hand on my thigh, reassuring me that this was going to be a safe and easy procedure. Surely, with how gentle he was, he meant well. Right?

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Some days I feel just like this. Like there’s not a single thing I can get right, and if I do do something right, it isn’t enough, or good enough.

Who the hell sets up those rules??? We are so conditioned! So programmed to think we are less-than, not good enough, not productive enough, not doing enough, not worthy of praise, mock-able, shameful, undesirable…

Well. I reject all of those assumptions. I lived my life ruled by them for way too many years, and suffered too many years of deepest depression, before I finally broke free. (How? Using EFT-tapping and concrete determination.)

Poor Gus looks exactly how I felt on the inside, every day, day after day.

Now? Now I choose what to do, how to do it, to whom to show it – or not – and whether or not it’s good, bad, or just meh.

Be free. Get out of the I’m-not-good-enough BS. Do whatever it takes.

text & image
© Angela Treat Lyon 2021


I have a friend who, no matter what befalls her, is always happy. For a long time, it would piss me off that she never lost her equilibrium. I think I was jealous that I didn’t know how to do that, too. But then she told me why.

She grew up in horrifying circumstances. Imagine the very worst. At 17, after just too much to take, she contemplated finally ending it all.

As she prepared to do the thing, she was suddenly struck by the idea that she could take all of her anguish, despair and angst and use it productively.

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Have you ever watched as birdies peck at seeds on the ground? It doesn’t look like they pick and choose at all – more like they do a general all-over snatch and grab, no matter what it is.

But they actually have sharply discerning senses that allow them to choose ‘seed’ rather than ‘something awful,’ saving them from glomping down tons of stuff that isn’t food.

Petey is smart that way. He likes his seeds Just the Right Size – the small ones aren’t ripe enough, and squooshy ones are too ripe, and the greenish ones? Perf.

They do eat sharp pebbles, which stay in their throats, because they don’t have teeth. How weird is that?!?

text & image
© Angela Treat Lyon 2021


Did you know that a group, or gathering, of ravens is called an ‘Unkindness’? It’s odd to me that that’s so – I’ve never thought of them as unkind.

My dog and I used to walk the arroyos outside of Tesuque, New Mexico. Always there would be groups of huge ravens in the trees above us.

They’d wait until we got right under them and then they’d sound off, all at once – LOUD! – like they were all saying, “Hi! Where ya been? What took you so long?”

We’d always bring kibble and yarn and weird things we’d find in the sandy gullies. I think they liked us.

These drawings are so much fun. They push me in directions I never thought I’d go.

I like seeing the way the colors and shapes interact.

text & image
© Angela Treat Lyon 2021


I didn’t realize, as I was drawing this, that I had drawn 3 horses. See what I mean?

Each of these 3-color images has so far ended up being mysteriously more than what I had thought I’d created! I love that!

text & image
© Angela Treat Lyon 2021


I love Fido. He is faithful, calm, loyal and very wise. He knows just when I’m hurting inside because he comes up to my side and rests his head on my lap, and looks up at me with those big brown eyes that say, “No worries, My-Human, I’ve got this! You just go relax!”

Too bad he isn’t on this physical plane of being! I miss being the human for my other dog who lived with me for ten blessed years in the 90s.

Who are you human for?

Who is your dog or cat or other critter friend?

Do you suppose you and your critter would like a ride on my Moon Broom?

What will you do once you get to the Moon with us?

What adventure would you like to have?

text & image
© Angela Treat Lyon 2021


Well, so I started a new series. This is the Odd Critters Series. Although it will probably include humans, too.

I can’t help it. I just keep seeing all these new beings, and have to draw them.

The underdrawing is all in blue against the black.

Then I go over it with white, and include areas to radiate the light, and leave out the dark shadows. To make, erm, the shadows.

I like how the blue looks against the black, and the white overall.
And how silly she is.

text & image
© Angela Treat Lyon 2021


Have you ever felt like there was a mean mad genie inside your computer who just does not want you to get a single thing to work?

I swear, there are days it would be better to go back to sleep! It really isn’t the computer – it’s an app that doesn’t work the way you’d like (ie., why the hell can’t I use my computer to post on instagram, FFS?) or it’s a stupid website that’s down – gagh!

So here’s poor Feckless Fred, struggling with his electronics, and poor Fido who has to see the horrors of the struggle…

Available in prints, tiles, etc. PM me.

text & image © Angela Treat Lyon 2021


I have a friend who is more prolific than I am! Can you believe it? He paints so much I think he has paint for blood!

So of course I hadda paint him, right? He’s splashing and painting away, and there is his doggie, howling to go for a walk…

Can you see the pens and brushes in the middle of the picture? Spattering ink and paint all over the place?

And the spilled cans of paint under Fido, and the half-full ones under his feet – watch out! Don’t step on them!

Available on all kinds of surfaces – tiles, prints, fabric, wrapping paper…

text & image © Angela Treat Lyon 2021


In January, I enrolled in a course to learn how to create sellable surface pattern designs. I’m intending to find out how to create designs I can sell and license to individuals and companies for reproduction on fabric, wallpaper, wrapping paper, and you name it, all kinds of products.

I started out trying floral designs, but very quickly felt completely out of synch – and then, the instructor said: “Stories! Tell stories!” And my juices started running!

So I started creating tile designs that are repeats within the tile, rather than repeat tiles put together. The more of these tile images I make the more fun I have!

Tonight I made this one, and had to close my windows I was laughing so loud – can you what he’s doing?

I just laughed and laughed – I mean, really – art is soooo serioussss all the time – let’s have a little fun with it – riiight???

Can you guess what the bottles and jars are? What did he put on his hot dog? And poor Fido – will he only get some crumbs, or will he get a real bite?


When I was a kid, I spent my summers sailing and swimming. On weekends, we’d race our boats in little weekend regattas. Either I’d crew for one of my family, or one of them would crew for me.

One weekend when I was 13, my older brother Tom was supposed to crew for me. We got the boat ready, stashed our stuff under the deck, and made sure all the lines were free of tangles.

Tom stepped out of the boat onto the pier, and pushed the boat to the end of the slip – and let go! And stood there waving and smiling … as I nearly had a heart attack, thinking OMG what’s he doing? He yells at me that it’s time for me to solo, get going!

I’m freaking – I’m going all alone? He wants me to solo? I’m only 13! I can’t do this!
Continue reading


Exactly 20 years ago today (April 1, 2021), I returned to the US from my year and a half stint as the first Artist-in-Residence for Gore, New Zealand. I left NZ at 7 am on April 1st, and after a 9 hour flight, arrived in Honolulu at 8 am on … April 1st!

I was so happy to be out of the cold, cutting winds and chilly air, back in my love-home of Hawaii! Gore is about 3000 miles away from the South Pole – with nothing but vast ocean between. The winds would come thrashing through town and it would be all I could do to even get up in the morning – I hate being cold!

I decided I’d paint how I felt about being cold – so here I am, all snuggled up under one of the World Trees, all warm and cozy, dreaming of Hawaii.

While I was in Gore, I was given the use of a couple of side rooms in an old church the local art council had saved from being torn down, and which they were going to turn into an art center. It was the perfect place to hold painting classes, which I did twice a week for several months. That was where I painted this.

oils on canvas, 36″ x 36″
Prints available


Sometimes, before the sun is up all the way, the wind skittles across the glassy-smooth surface of the ocean, and it looks like a pinky-blue streaked mirror.

The swells come rolling in, incessant, constant, hypnotic. Every so often, the current and the swells clash just right, and a surprised wave pops its head up to catch the rising light before crashing in on itself.

It falls in, and the constant rolling continues, never ceasing. Too cold to go dive in, I stand shoulders hunched slightly with the chill, my hands buried in my wooly jacket, never tired of the eternal rhythm and play.

This painting was done after the last class in the Painting Waves course I just took – can you tell I miss the beach?

Original pastels on heavy paper
9″ x 12″
Original and prints available
Contact me if you’d like one or the other!


I grew up on a small harbor right off Long Island Sound.

We used to go down to the little beach near our house and watch the 12-meter racing boats cruise into the harbor on their practice days.

So exciting – they were so huge! One of them could have eaten my tiny 13′ boat for a snack!

Nowadays they have these fancy-ass catamaran things that get going fast enough to fly out of the water on these long foils that look like sticks – so weird.

I don’t think they even look like boats anymore.

I miss the grace and sleek beauty of the older boats like this one.

I called this Wing and Wing because she’s sailing downwind with both her main and jib flying free on either side of the boat, picking up as much wind as she can, since it’s almost a flat day – it’s so thrilling to be on a boat that size, doing that –

Want a print? Contact me –


I think I have mentioned that, for 35 years, I carried in the back of my mind, continual, persistent, destructive thoughts of offing myself. Wondering, how can I do it – pills? A gun? A knife? Drive over a cliff? But somehow my eternal self, the One that is the True me, kept me going.

At one point, I realized that I had to have been amazingly resilient and powerful to not just survive all that time, but then, to conquer those thoughts (with EFT, in 2001).

And I had to ask myself, if I had the inner power to be able to find a solution and then actually use it to conquer those thoughts, then what else could I do? What OTHER kind of life could I create?

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I’m taking a 4-week class on how to paint waves. My first painting was a complete dud – as were #s 2, 3, and 4. And 5. Ugh. Today’s was, too. Well, it was a wee bit better, but did I feel like packing the paints in and running away to some secret place where paint didn’t exist? Ohhh yeah.

So after the class was over, I decided I give it a try in pastels. What a relief! It turned out way better! Whew!

I believe that art is a divine channel for love. I think surfing is, too. My #2 hubbie was a surfer. When I met him, I had not one clue what that meant – hours on the ocean, real, physical connection to the water and the critters in it, physical strength and prowess – it was so beautiful to watch him weave in and out of waves. It seemed like such a sweet connection to the divine.

We split long ago, but my sons are both surfers, and I think of them all as I did this – the first try was acrylics, and this one is a pastel.

Original pastels on paper, 9″ x 12″
Available – contact me if you’d like it or a print.


I like looking at old documents.

Did you know that at one time, writing materials – especially parchment – were so precious that people wrote in tiny, tight script in one direction, and then turned the page 90 degrees, and wrote right over it with more tiny, tight script?

I’ve tried to read documents like that – good grief – it’s almost impossible!

That is, until you train your brain to ignore the perpendicular lines, the page just looks like a mess.

So that’s what I was thinking of when I painted this. And then of course the colors grabbed me and ran all over the script – and how could I resist a sunrise of color and light almost erasing what’s been and showing what could be?

Prints available (up to 50″ sq)
Contact me if you want a print!


Surprise! Black!

Yes, I know people think of me as doing art with outrageous bright gleaming color – and – I also love black and white!

I decided to just go wacky and blast out a really bold piece – I think this fulfills that idea.

I’m thinking of that whole monsters and critters series last year all in black and white – why not an abstract in black and white!

I’m calling it Monsterious to honor the monsters…

Prints only


I think that, if you sliced open my skin and looked inside it with a Soul Microscope, I’d be a bright soft greeny aquamarine color.

Like that soft green near the yellowy-green at the bottom, to the left of center.

Color is what I live on. It makes my life rich, even during times when I feel down or broke or miserable.

All I have to do is make something with bright clear color and my mood goes right back up. And I want to see this image in a 36″ x 36″ panel on the wall – that would wake me up anytime!

Pastel – 20″ x 20″ 
Prints only


There have been times in my life when my entire system went on dizzy-mode. I’d have to stop whatever I was doing, or pull off the road, or stop a conversation I was in, in order to simply not fall down. After a few of them happened, I began to just close my eyes and enjoy it.

After a few times like this, I began to notice shifts in my reality. Things would be slightly out of place; or on a larger scale, I’d not be in my car anymore, or not talking to the person I’d been with; or things would show up unexpectedly.

At first it was scary – what the heck..??? But then I remembered that each time nothing bad had happened, just that things were different.

So I decided to just enjoy the floating sensation, and as I did, say to myself, “something amazing is about to happen…”

Later, I changed it to, “…something amazing is happening…” and I’d picture in my mind something I’d been desiring. As the dizziness continued, I’d say to myself, “I wonder how it will happen this time!”

Today I felt the dizzy mode again – and it lasted for almost a full 30 seconds – a longer time than usual.

I wonder what amazing thing is coming to me!

ALL IS LIGHT is part of a series I did that resulted from meditations about my family. This is my dad. He was a big man, and probably scary looking to many who didn’t know him, but he was one of the kindest people I’ve known. His integrity was monumental. In meditation, his life energy crackled so loudly that it woke me from my trance state. He loved boats and sailing, so of course the ocean had to be part of the drawing, right? I miss him.

Pastels on paper – sold
Prints available – contact me