Pamela Bruner, Millionaire Energy Coach: 5 Steps to Success

Three and a half years ago, EFT Practitioner and Marketing Expert Pamela Bruner was making $375 a month – if she was lucky.

She calls that phase of her business her “imaginary coaching business” phase, because at 375 a month, that’s no viable business!

I wanted to know how she got from 375 a month to over a million a year in just 3 measly years…and how she got to work with the incredible Jack Canfield! And I bet you do, too!

So, I got Pamela to sit down with me so I could pry her secrets from her – and find out all about the fantastic program she just launched, where she teaches others how to do what she did. (I invite you to check out her wonderful program:

Tune in and listen carefully, because she gives simple, easy steps you can take to get where you want to go. But will you DO them? That, my friend, is up to you.

Here’s where to go to get the interview: CLICK HERE or on the logo to the left to go to the interview with the amazing, dynamic, talented Pamela Bruner. Or, catch it on iTunes: go to iTunes > podcasts > search for Daring dreamers.


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