There is so much threatening our freedom right now! So – what to DO???

Leaves, love, and light make everything Possible

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all who celebrate, and to all who do not!

I choose this image named Possibilities for today because times are scary right now, and instead of decrying all day what’s wrong, what’s wrong, and whining and crying and tearing our hair out . . . I believe that it’s up to us to focus the best we can ONLY on what we can do to create peace, love, joy, prosperity and generosity on this planet we call home.

There is so much, on so many levels, threatening our freedom – from politicians playing superiority games to heads of state fucking around with explosives that shouldn’t even exist – it’s up to the rest of us – BILLIONS of us! – to choose the Right Road, and not let their happy giddy games of tit-for-tat be the norm one damn second longer.

Wouldn’t you agree? Or maybe you want to see us blown to smithereens, or people suffer endlessly. If you do, you ain’t no friend of mine, and you can skeedaddle right now.

Blessings upon everyone, regardless, this day of hope and possibility.


© Angela Treat Lyon 2024

p.s. You may notice that I left this image in its raw, hand-drawn state, rather than progressing to a smoothed-out, perfected version like the ones I usually create. I like the overlap of color, and the wobbly lines created by a tremor-y hand. My palette only has 7 colors – I think it turned out OK despite the limitation!


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