Very smoky here today – hard to see or breathe. Not fun at all.

This image is how I feel about you. I’m so fortunate to have your loving support. It’s been such an emotional rolly-coasty this week!

Huge gratitude for all of you who are envisioning me safe – I really appreciate that – it’s very precious, indeed. I have felt vulnerable before, but never like I have this past week.

This mindless fire monster is a horror I never want to feel again. Even sailing, where the ocean seems like an unforgiving, living being, even then it’s not as bad as facing an unchecked fire.

Today there have been more than 435,000 acres burned. Incinerated. Blackened beyond belief. Crisped. Flattened. Fried. Destroyed.


Especially so, given how it started, with a guy nonchalantly pushing a burning car into a ravine. Can we spell S-T-U-P-I-D?

I’m livid about it. He should thank whatever lucky stars he has that he’s not in front of me right now. Am I a Bad Person if I hope he burns in hell a thousand years for every acre? Or better yet, maybe that he is plopped down right in the middle of the fire area?

Anyway. Despite it all, I still feel immense gratitude, and deep humility that I got spared, when so many were not.
I Love You
© Angela Treat Lyon 2024

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