I fully believe that no matter the intensity and depth of the swamp and the mire and the mud and the insanity that we are going through – and probably will go through a lot more of in the coming … Continue reading
Tag Archives: artists
Have you ever wondered where an artist gets ideas from? I’m asked all the time where my designs, illustrations, paintings and sculpture come from. Well, here’s your answer! The simple answer would be, The Dream World. The more complex answer … Continue reading
People ask me how they can support their favorite artists if they can’t buy from them. Here are a few ideas you can try. • Do you know any gallery owners? If you think your fave artist’s work would fit … Continue reading
I’m taking a 4-week class on how to paint waves. My first painting was a complete dud – as were #s 2, 3, and 4. And 5. Ugh. Today’s was, too. Well, it was a wee bit better, but did … Continue reading
There have been times in my life when my entire system went on dizzy-mode. I’d have to stop whatever I was doing, or pull off the road, or stop a conversation I was in, in order to simply not fall … Continue reading
I was cruising on Facebook, when I saw that my friend, Bruce, who lives in South Africa, had posted 3 or 4 posts saying stuff like, “…Bruce Maxwell Cross …This is my journey thru an incredible life as I lay … Continue reading
This is dedicated to any frustrated artist… I attended an intense marketing workshop today. It made me cry. It put me right smack dab up against the years of deep conditioning I have fought my entire life. I absolutely loved … Continue reading
How many times have we heard, “Laughter is the best medicine”? Lots! Right? Well, a neighbor who is constantly bugging me about this little thing or other started in on me today. I had been standing on my little door … Continue reading
Which would you name it? At first I thought, “Comfort.” But then as I looked at it more, it seemed like “Canoodling” would be a better name. What do you think? I had originally intended it to be totally hot, … Continue reading
KAILUA BEACH CANAL – Painted in the style of André la Derain It was highly educational to replicate this image by André Derain. I learned that, although he had some cool ideas about color and its use, he was a … Continue reading
When I came back to Hawaii in 2002, it was a very scary time for me. I had almost no money, so I had to take a job. The only one I could find was pushing time share brochures into … Continue reading
In late 1999, I was house-sitting for some friends in Tesuque, NM. (pronounced tess-OO-kee) It was bloody cold – maybe you don’t know this, but Santa Fe is 7000′ above sea level, and Tesuque is a bit higher. There was … Continue reading
Every morning before I get up, I do my best to spend an hour in meditation. If I don’t do that, I feel disjointed and discombobulated all day, or at lest until I get to sit and focus inside. It … Continue reading
I’m not sure what year this is from – probably around ’78 or so, since this is stoneware, and I hadn’t switched to porcelain yet. I went through a big froggies phase – painting them on tiles, vases, mugs, plates … Continue reading
I see the world in terms of the Heart – what other way is there to view it if we are to remain at all sane? It has to be the very fundamental core of everything. Sometimes as I read … Continue reading
Last weekend, I went down to the local art center where about 50 artists run a coop gallery so I could sign up for the Open Studios Art Tour. I was pleased to see some pretty good work there. And … Continue reading
Down the street from where I live is this luscious tree with its fabulous blanket of brilliant red flowers, blooming like a rock star year after year. … Continue reading
Celebrating! My first hard-cover collector’s edition of my abstract paintings is finally out! This is huge for me! Huge! I’m so very excited about it! I’m adding pix of a whole bunch of pages below to let you see how … Continue reading
Harlyn and Griffyn Get Lost I’m so excited to announce that my new book is now ready in print on Amazon.com and also on the Kindle! I just got my copies today, and they look gorgeous – nice white paper … Continue reading
Do you ask for what you want … and get it? Last week I had a pretty big upset about something. It ran very deep, and made me feel like I wanted to just pop out of my skin and … Continue reading
I’m not a hypester or brash self-promo kind of person, so pushing my work has always been hard for me. I mention my latest article HERE because, yes, of course I want you to go see my artwork and read … Continue reading
I’m really pleased to bring you Dianne Collins, the amazing woman who wrote, Do You Quantum Think? New Thinking that Will Rock Your World. I think most of us can relate to what Dianne discusses re living your dream and … Continue reading
I’m very stoked to announce that the first two books in my Carving My Life series are published! They are available both in print and as eBooks. I’m so pleased with them – they’re beautiful! You can read about and … Continue reading
3 Invitations! I invite you to choose 1, 2 or even all 3 options below. When you click on the links, you’ll be taken to the signup forms. Please enter your name and email address, so you can receive my … Continue reading
Lately I’ve been cruising Facebook a bunch. Probably too much. I get hooked by the posts on what’s happening out there in the world. Many of them are really upsetting to me – reports of heinous things people do to … Continue reading
I received a note from someone today who said she felt torn between doing this and that and couldn’t make up her mind, and it was starting to make her feel crazy. Can you relate? I sure can! It’s never … Continue reading
People go through their whole lives chasing everything in the material world, and they fail to discover the greatest treasure of all, which is within them. Shut your eyes to the outside world. Direct your thoughts and words to the … Continue reading
Someone asked on FB if she should have a website or a FB biz page for her art. Someone said to set up a print site as well (FAA) as her site or FB. This is what I answered: I … Continue reading
Recently I’ve been posting a series on Facebook of specific women in history, and each post is accompanied by pertinent information about each woman. The series has enjoyed a pretty resounding success, and I’m very pleased! People have been thanking … Continue reading
It’s time to soften. From what I see in the media, we’re about to lose the health of our entire planet. It’s time for the love of power and the warrior mindset in the power-seeking greed-saturated armed forces, police forces … Continue reading