Sometimes, before the sun is up all the way, the wind skittles across the glassy-smooth surface of the ocean, and it looks like a pinky-blue streaked mirror. The swells come rolling in, incessant, constant, hypnotic. Every so often, the current … Continue reading


I grew up on a small harbor right off Long Island Sound. We used to go down to the little beach near our house and watch the 12-meter racing boats cruise into the harbor on their practice days. So exciting … Continue reading


I think I have mentioned that, for 35 years, I carried in the back of my mind, continual, persistent, destructive thoughts of offing myself. Wondering, how can I do it – pills? A gun? A knife? Drive over a cliff? … Continue reading


I was cruising on Facebook, when I saw that my friend, Bruce, who lives in South Africa, had posted 3 or 4 posts saying stuff like, “…Bruce Maxwell Cross …This is my journey thru an incredible life as I lay … Continue reading


When my kids were little, they were friends with a pair of brothers whose mother was insanely over-protective. She used to drive me nuts. I can still hear her shrill shriek, “Don’t climb that wall, you’ll fall off! If you … Continue reading


It was 1966. I was 21. I was new to California culture, having been brought up back East. I had come west to stay with an aunt and uncle in San Francisco, after I divorced my first husband. I eventually … Continue reading


How many times have we heard, “Laughter is the best medicine”? Lots! Right? Well, a neighbor who is constantly bugging me about this little thing or other started in on me today. I had been standing on my little door … Continue reading


I posted on Facebook a couple days ago that I hadn’t been feeling well. No worries – not The Big V Thing! I got triple-whammied by other completely stupid stuff! First, I must have eaten something off, because I started … Continue reading


In the mid-80s, I had been living in Kailua, on Oahu, in Hawaii. I had a nice house, drove a Volvo station wagon, had a simple carving studio, enough to eat…but I was unhappy. And I couldn’t figure out why. … Continue reading


I’ve been asked how I do these pastel paintings. I do them in three main stages. First comes the idea, sketched roughly in black ink on a little scrap of paper. Then, I prepare a bigger sheet of paper or … Continue reading


I’ve been talking about procrastination lately. Mainly because I’ve been doing it, myself. I know, bad me. I couldn’t figure out why until speaking with a friend today. I happened to just blurt out that after this relief money runs … Continue reading


Sometimes I get caught by the Shoulds. As you probably know, besides being an avid sculptor and painter, I’ve also been a Peak Performance coach for many years. When covid hit, I put everything on the back burner and hibernated … Continue reading


I’m not sure why everyone thinks they need to write about the current happenings (referring to the wave of black people being killed by cops and unmarked special ops troops). Yes, it is horrifying. Yes, I detest it, just as … Continue reading


KAILUA BEACH CANAL  – Painted in the style of André la Derain It was highly educational to replicate this image by André Derain. I learned that, although he had some cool ideas about color and its use, he was a … Continue reading


In late 1999, I was house-sitting for some friends in Tesuque, NM. (pronounced tess-OO-kee) It was bloody cold – maybe you don’t know this, but Santa Fe is 7000′ above sea level, and Tesuque is a bit higher. There was … Continue reading

Time to Raise Your Prices!

Last weekend, I went down to the local art center where about 50 artists run a coop gallery so I could sign up for the Open Studios Art Tour. I was pleased to see some pretty good work there. And … Continue reading

Happy 2017!!!

How many years have you set great goals for the new year…and ended up not doing them – and then feeling bad about it? Ugh! Me too. And not only that, but on top of not doing what I said … Continue reading

Change Your Mind! with EFT: the Basics – Revised!

I’ve gone over and revised  my Signature EFT book, Change Your Mind with EFT, the Basics. When I revised it, I was frankly amazed at how good it is! I expected to have to change and update a whole lot … Continue reading

“She Betrayed Me!”

My friend “Benji,” a coloring book artist, told me that, after discussing with her friend an idea that she was working on, that same friend went off and created and published the very same kind of work. “What really bugged … Continue reading

Do You Allow Your Inner Guidance?

Have you ever wanted to keep doing something you love, but it just seemed like something was in the way? I’ve felt like that. I couldn’t figure out what what to do. Finally, I made a very simple, very powerful … Continue reading

Did You Get Your FREE Book yet?

The Real Money Secrets is a book I created several years ago as a spoof on all the weird, funny and wacky ways people strive to get more money. I decided to update and republish it because, at the very … Continue reading

Twisted Tales Book #2 is out!

The Big Bad Wolf Steals the Magic I’m so excited to announce that book #2 in the Twisted Tales series, The Big Bad Wolf Steals the Magic, is now ready in print on Amazon.com and also on the Kindle! I … Continue reading

My New Book Is Out!

Harlyn and Griffyn Get Lost I’m so excited to announce that my new book is now ready in print on Amazon.com and also on the Kindle! I just got my copies today, and they look gorgeous – nice white paper … Continue reading

Do You Speak UP?

“How Do You Speak Up Fearlessly?” I’ve been speaking up a lot on Facebook about the recent situation in Indiana where war has pretty much been declared on gay people. They are trying to instigate a new law there saying … Continue reading

Courage, Clarity & Confidence

What happens when you lack courage? You think about what you’d like to do…but then you just cave in and don’t do it, right? Repeatedly. And then you wonder why you aren’t where you want to be in your life … Continue reading

I Posted, “I Need A Hug!” and Got over 100!

Do you ask for what you want … and get it? Last week I had a pretty big upset about something. It ran very deep, and made me feel like I wanted to just pop out of my skin and … Continue reading

Wish You Had Someone Who’d Listen to You & Give You Insights, Strategies & Action Steps?

That’s me. I’ll absolutely do that for you! I’m really good at it, because I really care about you and want you to succeed – whatever that personally means for you. And I have this amazing (even to me!) knack … Continue reading