As you know, I’ve been recovering from a two-month ordeal of having been environmentally poisoned. Doing the requisite rest everyone tells me to do drives me crazy – seems like it makes the healing take longer than I’d like. I … Continue reading
Tag Archives: emotions
What if you could top chewing on your pain? It’s tiring, boring, and it’s just spiraling you deep into exhaustion. Right now you’re probably stuck in a closed mental/emotional loop that goes nowhere, and makes you feel bad, badder, and … Continue reading
I want to share this with you right quick – I just ordered one of these magnificent rugs for myself!!! I rarely get to keep my own pieces, so I’m excited! The top image shows a rug made for a … Continue reading
I’m almost done with Medium. I’m disgusted. The other day, I posted that it was my birthday. That post got 18 claps. Really? You supposedly read my post, clapped, but didn’t even have the courtesy to wish me a happy … Continue reading
I have been targeted lately by some chin*se assholes who keep asking me if I have registered some of my websites in ch*na, and that they want to do so, themselves. Even going as far as wanting to register … Continue reading
My neighbor Shanna came over, crying, utterly bereft about the election. I told her to put her big-girl panties back on and quit indulging in weeping and wailing and moaning and being angry and sad, moping around like a victim, … Continue reading
Having a basically shy nature, it’s beyond me how people are so obsessed with making selfies. I just don’t get it. Why would anyone want to plaster themselves all over a world-wide platform? Can you tell me? I’m thinking in … Continue reading
The Park Fire here in northern California tried to snake its fiery fingers right into my world, coming within three miles of my house. It freaked the living daylights out of me, relentlessly debilitating me for a whole month. The … Continue reading
I don’t care if you love someone of the opposite sex, the same sex, no sex, weird sex, pronoun sex, or any sex I forgot to mention. I don’t care what rules any outside agency sets up. I don’t care … Continue reading
I was taught that “great artists wait for inspiration to come to them, and then they create.” So obviously, if I wanted to become a great artist, I needed to wait for inspiration to come. Well that’s just total BS. … Continue reading
My buddies love it when I read to them! We gather together and sit on my bed with piles of snacks, and they help me choose which books to read. We love the Mysterious Island, and all of Nathan Lowell’s … Continue reading
I discovered that practice meant giving up trying to achieve perfection. What it really gave me was a calm, quiet belly. Many long years ago, I practiced Tai Chi Sword, and Naginata, a women’s sword-fighting art, where the sword is … Continue reading
I wonder why people feel so free to be outright a-holes, mean sons of bunches, and screaming ranting judgmental karens out to intentionally destroy some innocent person’s reality. I’m thinking about the comments we all make online — on Medium, … Continue reading
The emergency room intake attendant side-eyed me in disbelief from under frowning grizzled brows. Holding my pulse with one hand, with the other he was hurriedly filling in my chart with cryptic slashes and numbers. He looked back down at … Continue reading
‘They’ say “we are all energy, frequencies…” So … I’m wondering … what if we could actually make use of that idea? We are all eating great quantities of chemicals, unbalanced or poisoned nutrients, plastic particles, and industrial byproducts that … Continue reading
Speaking with my business coach about a plan we were creating for my own coaching, I started to get really sleepy. If I didn’t lie down right now, I’d simply collapse on the floor in a puddle… (Watch/listen to me … Continue reading
27 Days Sailing from KAUA’I to CALIFORNIA, Part II One moment, sunny sweet skies — the next, the Mother Hulk of a demon storm with hideous, grotesque grey-green and black clouds pelting us square on with sheets of ice-cold rain. … Continue reading
My now-grown kids have told me they loved it that I was an artist and showed them by example about being creative. However, my personal opinion is that I might have felt more successful as a nurturing, loving mama if … Continue reading
Is it better to just let things go? Or risk being criticized or countered or even cancelled, because of making a mistake? In a post I read on medium the other day, the writer said something I thought was incorrect. … Continue reading
(Published in Small Craft Advisor Magazine) We were in the last part of the first pack. The finish line seemed impossibly far away. It was right then that I made the most colossal mistake. I had been so proud! I’d … Continue reading
(Published in Small Craft Advisor Magazine) Sailing is more than ‘just a skill.’ It’s a life-and-death adventure every time you go out, and if you have even one smidgen of smarts in your head, you know you have to be … Continue reading
What can be done about it? How do we deal with it on a daily basis? I can hardly believe the things men oh-so-casually do to women. The things they have the nerve to say. Even after decades of observing … Continue reading
Grab your power and dance and sing and cry and laugh and have a loud, colorful, delicious full-on life – why the hell not? My friend commented on my post about how what I had thought would be a romantic … Continue reading
I miss my sweet doggie so much. It’s been more than 20 years since I last saw her, but I think of her every day. She was the sweetest Being I ever met. She was English sheepdog size and appearance, … Continue reading
Recently when I was speaking with my advisor about a business and marketing plan we were creating for my coaching, I started to get really sleepy. I felt like if I didn’t lie down right now I would simply collapse … Continue reading
Sitting like a little kid, with her legs straight out in front of her, she was shock-white, with glazed- eyes seeing nothing. The webbing between her left hand first finger and thumb … My mother and I got into a … Continue reading
One day about a month before she left the planet, she turned to me with such a galvanizing look that I felt my feet suddenly get cemented to the floor. If I’d wanted to pay attention to anything else, I … Continue reading
Images flooded my panicked mind of internet police coming to Get Me and Punish Me, hoards of angry women descending upon my house and doing Bad Things to me, being banned from being online forever…. The first time a customer … Continue reading
When I drew this, I was focusing on the white part so much that it wasn’t until later that I saw the funny blue face. I particularly like this one because it’s so silly (Silly really ought to be my … Continue reading