I’m so pleased about our results from our recent Kindle Book Promotion! Check this out – am I proud of my wonderful authors? You betcha! (I have included the links to their pages on amazon if you’d like to get … Continue reading
Tag Archives: make money
I was interviewed by EFT Tap Fest’s Jondi Whitis last week, as to “Why You MUST Show Up.” We had a blast, talking about how critical it is right now in our human journey to speak our truths, to show … Continue reading
Gayla Chepourcoff, the Kindle Course author I told you about a couple of weeks ago, whose first book was Recipes from Always Enough Ranch: How To Make Simple Soft Cheese, has done it again! She not only has written and … Continue reading
I’m so pleased and excited to be able to tell you that one of my Kindle Course students, the amazing Sue Campbell, just wrote and published her first Kindle book, “Write Dynamite Letters“! She even finished it lying in bed … Continue reading
For 35 years, I spent untold time every day quietly contemplating ways to do myself in. Even if the thoughts were only in the back of my mind. Thankfully, I never had even a fraction of the courage/stupidity to do … Continue reading
How would you like to stop struggling with money, as of 2013? WANT PASSIVE INCOME? EASILY COMING IN MONTH AFTER MONTH? YEAR AFTER YEAR? I want the year 2013 to be a pivotal year for you! How can it be? … Continue reading
Yesterday, I was given an astrology reading by a well-meaning, very dear-to-me, much-loving old friend. I’m think astrology is a good thing – even studied it for a bit – but I don’t normally go out of my way to … Continue reading
Malinda Zarate of EmboldenedHeart.com has been kind enough to leave my interview with her up for another week because of the hurricane. Woohoo! Thanks! If you have struggled with overwhelming feelings of anger, sadness, fear, etc. you’ll want to hear … Continue reading
I sent out an email to my list yesterday, asking people for feedback and input on issues they wanted to solve. At the end, I wrote this: “…if you’re not willing to put yourself out and do something for yourself, … Continue reading
I was so pleased to have been interviewed today by Malinda Zarate of EmboldenedHeart.com. She invites guests every month who she feels contributes to the invisible, energetic growth of our planet – what an honor to have been invited! We … Continue reading
Kobo, a new place to publish your ebooks, like Amazon Kindle. You can get 45 to 70% royalties on your books, and you get paid once a month. Kobo seems to be a very good deal. http://www.publishyourownebooks.com/publishing-with-kobo-writing-life/ … Continue reading
Times are changing. Your needs are changing. And I want to keep up to date. So, if you would write me a quick comment on this page with very brief phrases about what you’d like help with from me, I’d … Continue reading
THE MONEY TAPPING GROUP Part III: Uncover and Clear Out the Limiting Vows in your Heart Chakra…so you can have more freedom, fun and prosperity, and delight in sending out more just-plain-flat-out beautiful Heart Radiance! Maybe you can you relate … Continue reading
You’ve probably heard a lot of coaches talk about your money set points. Your money set points are those amounts that: • you never seem to earn more than • you always get down to a certain level before money … Continue reading
As you may know, I’ve been revving up my painting and carving for a few months now, as I simultaneously wind down to working with all but the bare-bones minimum coaching – occasional teleclasses, a couple of groups, and some … Continue reading
What a week! Once you make a commitment to change your life, watch out! Because change it will! Whew! When I decided to focus on doing and marketing my art more, things suddenly changed from feeling like a little trickling … Continue reading
I made a comment on a post on facebook the other day to which someone took HUGE exception. She replied calling me names, making accusations, etc. What I know about accusation is this: it tells me more about what a … Continue reading
Ponder this: How many times have you seen an email or video or website that tells you you ‘need to play bigger,’ or have a bigger business? I’ve said it myself. But it’s getting old. What if I don’t want … Continue reading
As you might know, I am re-journeying into my art world after a 10-year hiatus. It’s taken some pretty massive tapping, because I’m bumping into all the old beliefs and ideas that limited me before. The HUGE difference being that … Continue reading
As I said in a pervious post, I have decided to focus more this year on my painting and carving work*, and reduce my coaching hours. It was really, really – REALLY! – scary to do that. Why? Well, because … Continue reading
Recently, I decided to return to the passions of my life: painting and stone sculpture. I had stopped carving and painting at the end of my time in New Zealand as Artist-in-Residence, in 2002. Over the last ten years, I … Continue reading
Some of you have asked me why I don’t write every week. Because, you know, the marketing geniuses say, “you should keep yourself in front of your market, write every week….” Well, I’m very calmly and happily done with “I … Continue reading
This year, I’m having five images of my artwork printed for holiday cards. (The image you see at the left is one image I pre-ordered to see how it looks – it’s awesome!) It sounds early to think of that, … Continue reading
Have you ever wanted to write someone, but it just wasn’t Time yet? That’s what this entire last month since I wrote my last newsletter has been like for me. I’ve wanted to write, but each time I sat down … Continue reading
How do you reach over a million people on LinkedIn without stressing out, working like a slave or busting a gut in the effort or seeming hypey or spammy? The other day, I went into my LinkedIn account to look … Continue reading
I was very honored last week to interview Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Olympic Edge peak performance Coach. Dr. Joann provides performance psychology, corporate training, and Performing Edge Coach Certification programs for CEOs, coaches, sports parents and athletes to help them reach … Continue reading
We’ve all heard tons and tons of talk about about how 2012 is supposedly a defining year for consciousness. I have to admit that, at first, when I heard all the talk and the big hooha about 12/21/12, I was … Continue reading
Sometimes I get snagged into facebook. Especially if there’s a good video – “oh it’s only 4 minutes long,” I’ll think – and then I’ll watch some of the related videos when the first one closes… And before I know … Continue reading
Guest article by my friend, Kasey Traeger, otherwise know as the Lady tech Tamer (thanks, Kasey!) In spite of the fact that the basic principles of search engine optimization haven’t changed in a few years, many business owners still seem … Continue reading
I know you’ll love this! Kathleen Gage, an amazing online marketing and business expert, is my featured guest this week. Question: If someone you loved became ill and you had to take care of them, and stop paying 100% attention … Continue reading