What Makes Your Presentations So Special?

I want you to be out front, SEEN, and appreciated. Here are seven tips you can employ right now that will help you be more brilliant than you already are. Are you writing, podcasting, or delivering webinars? Amongst a million … Continue reading

Why I Didn’t Follow You On Medium.com

And … a huge thank you to all the folks who have steadily supported me and liked, commented on and followed my stories. I appreciate you so much! 500! Never in my wildest dreams a year ago would I have … Continue reading

What’s the Difference between jpg, tif and png Image Files?

What do the different file type names mean and how do they affect your images? These explanations of file types will help you understand what kinds of files to use for your documents, print books, ebooks or websites. Cover of … Continue reading


I guarantee you that if you do not, they will hang around and expect you to do and pay for everything for them — just like you have their whole lives! Because my parents were so tight-lipped about money, I … Continue reading


One of the problems that exacerbated my naïveté was my dad’s panicky behavior around discussing money. As soon as the very word slipped past any of our lips, it was hammered into oblivion: “We don’t talk about money! It’s nobody’s … Continue reading

Time to Raise Your Prices!

Last weekend, I went down to the local art center where about 50 artists run a coop gallery so I could sign up for the Open Studios Art Tour. I was pleased to see some pretty good work there. And … Continue reading

Happy 2017!!!

How many years have you set great goals for the new year…and ended up not doing them – and then feeling bad about it? Ugh! Me too. And not only that, but on top of not doing what I said … Continue reading

“She Betrayed Me!”

My friend “Benji,” a coloring book artist, told me that, after discussing with her friend an idea that she was working on, that same friend went off and created and published the very same kind of work. “What really bugged … Continue reading

I Posted, “I Need A Hug!” and Got over 100!

Do you ask for what you want … and get it? Last week I had a pretty big upset about something. It ran very deep, and made me feel like I wanted to just pop out of my skin and … Continue reading

Wish You Had Someone Who’d Listen to You & Give You Insights, Strategies & Action Steps?

That’s me. I’ll absolutely do that for you! I’m really good at it, because I really care about you and want you to succeed – whatever that personally means for you. And I have this amazing (even to me!) knack … Continue reading

I’m Back! Retiring Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be!

Many years ago, my dad, who was a sought-after executive recruiter in New York City, retired at the age of 65. (Yup, he really did wear bow-ties – and tied them himself – none of those cheater clip on things!) … Continue reading

Do You Know How to Use the Secret Mirror?

If you have ever felt like you just didn’t have it in you to do something (like marketing your work!), and dithered along believing that you just couldn’t do it, or didn’t want to even try – for months! years! … Continue reading

I Love Low-Key Marketing!

I’m not a hypester or brash self-promo kind of person, so pushing my work has always been hard for me. I mention my latest article HERE because, yes, of course I want you to go see my artwork and read … Continue reading

Dianne Collins on Daring Dreamers Radio: Do You Know How to Quantum Think?

I’m really pleased to bring you Dianne Collins, the amazing woman who wrote, Do You Quantum Think? New Thinking that Will Rock Your World. I think most of us can relate to what Dianne discusses re living your dream and … Continue reading

The Pleiadian Protocol to Reduce Excess Body Mass

Have you ever had a long spell of feeling really great, and then, completely out of the blue, one day you wake up almost in panic, or extreme distress? That’s what happened to me last week, with a very deeply … Continue reading

3 Invitations! I invite you to choose 1, 2 or even all 3 options below. When you click on the links, you’ll be taken to the signup forms. Please enter your name and email address, so you can receive my … Continue reading

Does YOUR Website Reflect Your Brand and Your Personality? I’m really tired of hyped-up programs telling you how to build a website that cost you thousands. It just isn’t necessary. So I’m always on the lookout for people who do … Continue reading

What to Do When You Feel Like, “I Just Can’t Decide, and It’s Making Me Feel Nuts!”

I received a note from someone today who said she felt torn between doing this and that and couldn’t make up her mind, and it was starting to make her feel crazy. Can you relate? I sure can! It’s never … Continue reading

What Would You Have to Believe….

I heard this question from someone and thought it was brilliant: “What would you have to believe about yourself in order to feel successful?” For me, it first brought up the question of what success meant to me. I had … Continue reading

What’s Next After the Pain?

I have a question for you: once you have tapped through your downward spiraling, painful beliefs about yourself, what will you do next? Have you thought about that? When I first started tapping, my thoughts and my emotions were so … Continue reading

Why Doing What You Hate is a Life-Killer

If you have a job or are doing something right now where you spend most of your time hating what you do, this is for you. Be careful what you choose to do. Why? Because as you spend your life … Continue reading

What’s the Real Bottom Line? Is It Money?

Recently I was invited to take a position as a top expert on a very well-known website for people interested in self-growth. I felt pleased and honored, and am considering the position. It would mean more possible income and exposure. … Continue reading

Say Goodbye to the Chaos & Craziness of 2012, Bring in the New Rich, Fun, Happy 2013!

How about we start this next year with a FREEbie teleclass: Clear Out the Old, Make Room for the New! How about if you could say bye-bye to all your chaotic, crazy 2012 energy!?! You know, the energy that makes … Continue reading

One More Week! Woohoo!

Malinda Zarate of EmboldenedHeart.com has been kind enough to leave my interview with her up for another week because of the hurricane. Woohoo! Thanks! If you have struggled with overwhelming feelings of anger, sadness, fear, etc. you’ll want to hear … Continue reading

Art Success Update!

As you may know, I’ve been revving up my painting and carving for a few months now, as I simultaneously wind down to working with all but the bare-bones minimum coaching – occasional teleclasses, a couple of groups, and some … Continue reading

Shifting Gears into New Levels of Success and Fun

What a week! Once you make a commitment to change your life, watch out! Because change it will! Whew! When I decided to focus on doing and marketing my art more, things suddenly changed from feeling like a little trickling … Continue reading

Artists! Do You Know How to Tap Your Way to Showing and Selling More of Your Art?

As you might know, I am re-journeying into my art world after a 10-year hiatus. It’s taken some pretty massive tapping, because I’m bumping into all the old beliefs and ideas that limited me before. The HUGE difference being that … Continue reading

How to Write A Great Newsletter that People Love to Read and so They Eagerly Buy From You

Some of you have asked me why I don’t write every week. Because, you know, the marketing geniuses say, “you should keep yourself in front of your market, write every week….” Well, I’m very calmly and happily done with “I … Continue reading

Are You Truly Open to Receive, or Could There Be More?

Today as I worked with someone on opening up, she said she felt jealous of other coaches she sees who are “doing so much better” financially. “I feel so jealous, because I’ve spent so much time and energy on my … Continue reading

Pamela Bruner, Millionaire Energy Coach: 5 Steps to Success

Three and a half years ago, EFT Practitioner and Marketing Expert Pamela Bruner was making $375 a month – if she was lucky. She calls that phase of her business her “imaginary coaching business” phase, because at 375 a month, … Continue reading