I fully believe that no matter the intensity and depth of the swamp and the mire and the mud and the insanity that we are going through – and probably will go through a lot more of in the coming … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Spirit
As you know, I’ve been recovering from a two-month ordeal of having been environmentally poisoned. Doing the requisite rest everyone tells me to do drives me crazy – seems like it makes the healing take longer than I’d like. I … Continue reading
I had a dream tonight that woke me up and made me come running here into my studio to sit down and write it out. In my dream, all of my light-filled friends and allies in the entire world got … Continue reading
Today it’s my birthday – I can hardly believe I have lived this long. I frankly never thought I’d make it past 26. (We won’t talk about Ms Wild Child in the past, now, will we!?!) I posted on my … Continue reading
I have been targeted lately by some chin*se assholes who keep asking me if I have registered some of my websites in ch*na, and that they want to do so, themselves. Even going as far as wanting to register angelatreatlyon.com. … Continue reading
There is so much threatening our freedom right now! So – what to DO??? Happy Thanksgiving Day to all who celebrate, and to all who do not! I choose this image named Possibilities for today because times are scary right … Continue reading
My neighbor Shanna came over, crying, utterly bereft about the election. I told her to put her big-girl panties back on and quit indulging in weeping and wailing and moaning and being angry and sad, moping around like a victim, … Continue reading
I’ve studied healing plants for years, and have always wanted to honor them somehow – the ones I have used always did such wonders for me and my family. So I’m working on creating a series of designs featuring plants … Continue reading
There are days I’m so full of ideas and images they feel like popcorn popping and bursting and trying to get out of my noggin. Today was one of those days. Usually, before I open my eyes to fully wake … Continue reading
As I drove down an obscure, insanely rough, red-dirt road in Baja, I came around a corner, there on my right suddenly reared up an enormous storm-grey rock, as big as a two-story house. What is that doing there?!? I … Continue reading
Can’t keep our friends out of the water! . Let them go! Let them go! Here’s another one with those bright colors. I’ve been hesitant to show the drawings with these garish colors, bcz from what I’ve seen elsewhere, people … Continue reading
A fellow artist asked me: You’ve sent a company your images to see if they’d like to carry your line on their products. How do you know they won’t steal your artwork and put it on their products and sell … Continue reading
Source energies curl and furl in my palms. They remain there until I start working on something. Sometimes they churn and make my hands tingle. As soon as I begin to focus, the energy passes through to my fingers. Way … Continue reading
I used to love to fish. Down at the dock, I’d dangle my feet off the end, feeling the outright peace being saturated with sun and calm and things-are-just-right brings. Sometimes I’d row a skiff out, and float around in … Continue reading
I always think of my underwater scenes as reflective of our human life above the water. . How, at the very same time, life is so full of kindness and compassion, even as it is fraught with rampant killing and … Continue reading
I used to watch my cat sit still for hours watching the birdies – he never, ever gave up. It made me wonder why I often gave up easily. . So I stopped doing that. Now I’m like a ravenous … Continue reading
Isn’t it just like life! You have to brave going through the shit in order to finally get to the gold – which has so much more value, the more trouble it was to get it. TRIGGERS: If you are … Continue reading
I bet you don’t know that there are dog-aliens. They look and act like our dogs, but you can tell at night, because their eyes gleam green when the moon is full. Dawg is a silly, fun-loving, very tall, very … Continue reading
The emergency room intake attendant side-eyed me in disbelief from under frowning grizzled brows. Holding my pulse with one hand, with the other he was hurriedly filling in my chart with cryptic slashes and numbers. He looked back down at … Continue reading
You’re about to lead a workshop or presentation. You want to begin, but your audience comes into the space full of energy, busy-busy chatting, walking around, chaotic. This is for you. What I’m about to show you works for in-person, … Continue reading
Yesterday was my birthday! I never thought of myself as a writer . . . I woke up to grey skies and freezing cold air — I’d forgotten to close my window to only an inch like I usually do. … Continue reading
‘They’ say “we are all energy, frequencies…” So … I’m wondering … what if we could actually make use of that idea? We are all eating great quantities of chemicals, unbalanced or poisoned nutrients, plastic particles, and industrial byproducts that … Continue reading
How my mother was attacked by an enormous rasty-looking tabby cat…. (You can watch/listen to this story in a video at the bottom of this page!) My family used to live in a wonderful old 1880s farmhouse. Upstairs, my folks’ … Continue reading
27 Days Sailing from KAUA’I to CALIFORNIA, Part III As we began to plod our way through the Doldrums, I started having a recurring dream when I settled down in my bunk to sleep after my night watch was over. … Continue reading
Is it better to just let things go? Or risk being criticized or countered or even cancelled, because of making a mistake? In a post I read on medium the other day, the writer said something I thought was incorrect. … Continue reading
Isn’t it funny how, even though a period of time was one of the most painful ones of your life, later on you can look at it as one of the most fortunate? It’s January, 1999. After returning from visiting … Continue reading
I’ll be sitting here writing, or doing some other task, and in the back of my head I’m busy preparing the juicy makings of a delicious tomato salad, or a nice spicy wrap around some cheese and micro-greens, or some … Continue reading
From a Dream, Narrated by The Voice of Dreaming: Word play. Philosophy in Silli-ness. The Doctrine of Jest. Farcicality of Foolery… Starting here and ending where? Unity … Continue reading
A week camping near a lake, lava tubes, a mountain of chunks of beautiful black obsidian and volcanic tufa resulted in this carving… I never liked walking, so any time friends asked me to go hiking, I’d say no. But … Continue reading
I kind of felt bashful, and laughed as I opened my eyes. I realized right away that I was expecting some kind of white-robed, human-shaped being to come into my view. Pretty silly of me – I know that angels … Continue reading