What Do You Do to Come Back to Your Senses?

Do you ever start something and end up doing something completely and utterly radically different? I fought it, but that’s what happened today. I started out tonight intending to write a story about a disastrous sailing adventure I had when … Continue reading

I Had A Tantrum Yesterday, and It Wasn’t Pretty

Finding out I had zero choice set me on fire. I can usually put up with automated customer service, whether on the phone, or online chat. But this time? Oh my. We bought a new mattress/box-spring set from a company … Continue reading

Are You A Writer or Author?

Do you know where to publish your articles and stories? I’ve added a rich list of various places to publish at the end of this note — you’ll want to bookmark and save this — lots of good info. Maybe … Continue reading

Erecting Energetic Safety Zones

‘They’ say “we are all energy, frequencies…” So … I’m wondering … what if we could actually make use of that idea? We are all eating great quantities of chemicals, unbalanced or poisoned nutrients, plastic particles, and industrial byproducts that … Continue reading

Signals that There’s Something Going on Under the Surface

Speaking with my business coach about a plan we were creating for my own coaching, I started to get really sleepy. If I didn’t lie down right now, I’d simply collapse on the floor in a puddle… (Watch/listen to me … Continue reading

What Happens to You When You Watch Scary Stuff in Movies and Videos?

Sometimes I do things that drain my energy. I forget to stop, and end up an emotional mess. Have you ever done that? A video I watched a couple of days ago that a friend sent me was one of … Continue reading

My Thoughts of Peace Fly Out Far Beyond Me

Because love is a verb. And it acts a million times more powerfully than our puny little minds can imagine. At 13, my dentist decided that deflowering me right in the open, right on the dentist chair, would be a … Continue reading

No More Letting Baby Cry Herself Out!

I had to slowly slowly convince myself to open to receive any thoughts at all that I might be worthy, and even lovable. In a reel I watched tonight by a gal whose name I never caught, she explains how … Continue reading

How Could You Possibly Forget that Trauma?

In sessions with my clients, I’ve heard them say, “I didn’t even remember that until today! It’s been years since it happened!” I’ve experienced that same forgetting, myself: I was raped several times between the ages of 13 and 19 … Continue reading


Recently when I was speaking with my advisor about a business and marketing plan we were creating for my coaching, I started to get really sleepy. I felt like if I didn’t lie down right now I would simply collapse … Continue reading


During this last two years, I’ve watched closely as I and many others have lost income, gained way too much weight, lost our health, got horrifically off track in biz, and felt generally unfocused, exhausted, uninspired and discouraged. I decided … Continue reading


I was very honored to be invited to be the featured guest of the Lone Star Dowsers monthly meeting last week (July 28, 2021)! First we went into dowsing, then EFT/tapping – pretty deeply. I’ve been using dowsing for 40 … Continue reading


In an argument with my son a few days before I left Hawaii to live in California at the end of 2018, he asked me if I had ever had myself checked for mental illness. I was so shaken by … Continue reading


I posted on Facebook a couple days ago that I hadn’t been feeling well. No worries – not The Big V Thing! I got triple-whammied by other completely stupid stuff! First, I must have eaten something off, because I started … Continue reading


Depression is a sneaky bastard. I have experienced it all my life, and because I didn’t know how to handle it, I was even suicidal for years … until 20 years ago when I found EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques … Continue reading

Time to Raise Your Prices!

Last weekend, I went down to the local art center where about 50 artists run a coop gallery so I could sign up for the Open Studios Art Tour. I was pleased to see some pretty good work there. And … Continue reading

Change Your Mind! with EFT: the Basics – Revised!

I’ve gone over and revised  my Signature EFT book, Change Your Mind with EFT, the Basics. When I revised it, I was frankly amazed at how good it is! I expected to have to change and update a whole lot … Continue reading

Did You Get Your FREE Book yet?

The Real Money Secrets is a book I created several years ago as a spoof on all the weird, funny and wacky ways people strive to get more money. I decided to update and republish it because, at the very … Continue reading

I’m Back! Retiring Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be!

Many years ago, my dad, who was a sought-after executive recruiter in New York City, retired at the age of 65. (Yup, he really did wear bow-ties – and tied them himself – none of those cheater clip on things!) … Continue reading

Do You Know How to Use the Secret Mirror?

If you have ever felt like you just didn’t have it in you to do something (like marketing your work!), and dithered along believing that you just couldn’t do it, or didn’t want to even try – for months! years! … Continue reading

Are You Exhausted, Brain-Fogged, Procrastinating? Here’s what to DO!

During the weeks I was flat with pneumonia recently, I had a hard time putting one thought after the next. I didn’t even feel like reading. Now that’s not me at all – you KNOW how much I love to … Continue reading

No More Living Life Like a Zombie!

How do you go about announcing that you feel like you’re coming back from the land of the almost-dead? Well. Maybe that says it! See, five years ago, I had two near-fatal internal organ failures. I got into surgery by … Continue reading

3 Invitations! I invite you to choose 1, 2 or even all 3 options below. When you click on the links, you’ll be taken to the signup forms. Please enter your name and email address, so you can receive my … Continue reading

What to Do When You Feel Like, “I Just Can’t Decide, and It’s Making Me Feel Nuts!”

I received a note from someone today who said she felt torn between doing this and that and couldn’t make up her mind, and it was starting to make her feel crazy. Can you relate? I sure can! It’s never … Continue reading

How to Increase Your Confidence

If you think you have too little money and too much overwhelm, you’ll probably want to read this!! (If you don’t experience that, maybe someone you know might, and this could help them!) Lately, I’ve been meditating. A LOT. Because … Continue reading

What Would You Have to Believe….

I heard this question from someone and thought it was brilliant: “What would you have to believe about yourself in order to feel successful?” For me, it first brought up the question of what success meant to me. I had … Continue reading

What to DO?

Today I woke up feeling really sad. Then it changed to anger. And then I had 3 phone calls all in a row, all from people who said, “I woke up feeling so sad today!” Why does that happen? I … Continue reading