THE BUNNY & THE TORTOISE Give Up the Race and Have a Party Instead

There are days I’m so full of ideas and images they feel like popcorn popping and bursting and trying to get out of my noggin.

The Bunny & the Tortoise Give Up the Race and Have a Party Instead

Let’s stop running and have a party and invite all our friends and eat all the cherries!

Today was one of those days.

Usually, before I open my eyes to fully wake up, I spend a bit of time appreciating what I’m most grateful for, and then going over my basic plans for the day.

Today that wasn’t possible. I had so many images rushing through my mind that I thought it would crack my skull. So many critters and scenes and colors and ideas!

It was so intense it was ecstatic.

I can barely breathe when that happens.

I just lie there watching the swirl of images and color, feeling their energy of pleasure and excitement about being about to be manifest in the ‘real’ world. Almost like being inside a womb with a babe about to be born.

It’s been like this all my life. On days when the images and ideas don’t come, I feel as if I have died. I slump around all day like a blob of old congealed oatmeal. I take a million naps to avoid the feeling.

But never mind that  –  I created my life to be like this!

Because long ago I gave up on the Rat Race - quitting my job as a junior art director at a San Francisco ad agency that was so awful it almost killed my spirit  – and went walkabout.

Life has never been the same since. That was in 1966. Thank my lucky stars, I’ve been able to make my life a living dream ever since - despite all the hardship, loneliness, depression, and heartbreak that comes along with about anyone’s life.

I feel supremely blessed.


Bunny & Tortoise
© Angela Treat Lyon 2024

Have you seen my latest funny critters and fabulous scarf designs?

Here’s where you can see them:

I put them there because so many people I know don’t use instagram, and I want them to be able to see the newest images. So have at it - enjoy!

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