What to DO?

wah!Today I woke up feeling really sad. Then it changed to anger. And then I had 3 phone calls all in a row, all from people who said, “I woke up feeling so sad today!”

Why does that happen?

I believe that we live in an energetic river. Not on it – IN it. Like being a star in the Milky Way – the star isn’t riding ON it, it’s IN it, an integral part of it.

And once in a while, a mood-current passes by, and we get caught by it – or not.

How do you know whether it’s yours, or just a mood-current in the cosmos?

I ask myself, “if I’m really sad about something in my life, what could it possibly be?”

I check all the levels of my life – work, family, play, past, present, future, etc. – and if there isn’t anything to really pin the feeling on – except for maybe an old, worn out story I’ve repeated since forever – then – it must be The River’s!

So I pretend I’m The River, and I tap on “I feel so sad!” and intend peace and joy.

If I find something within my life that brings up sadness, then…guess what! I tap on it, and intend peace and joy.

It really doesn’t matter if it’s yours or not – just tap and intend peace and joy. And get the energy running through your body smoothly and clearly.

And then, look around and see what you can do NOW, TODAY, to bring to the ‘outer’ world a reflection of your ‘inner’ world.

DO something that says, “I value Beauty,” or “I value kindness,” or “I value sharing EFT with a complete stranger.”

You’ll feel really good when you do.

Don’t know about tapping? Get the #1 Best-Selling Book HERE: Change Your Mind! with EFT: the Basics (after you get the book, you get a link to another, FREE ebook)


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