If you are truly as committed to being a successful coach, entrepreneur or energy practitioner helping people live better lives as you think and say you are, you won’t want to miss this.
OK. Here’s what It Is. Since I hear so many of you sigh with frustration that you feel overwhelmed, out of breath, confused and exhausted – all Inner Game stuff –
I invite you to check out the program I created for people who want to move beyond money problems:
Reveal and Reverse The Big Invisible Secret that Cuts Your Success Right Out from Under You! Register HERE: http://bit.ly/your-Big-Secret
Because once I show you how to use The Heretic’s Secret, you’ll know how to get your Inner Game scrubbed out and polished up to a high sheen.
Because I’m going to show you how to get the help of the Divine Feminine in a unique way that helps you pop out of that fear, exhaustion, overwhelm and confusion.
Because once you get popped out and shined up, you’ll be ready to rock and roll again, and to serve the people you serve with more clarity, more gusto and more passion than ever (can you feel that? Woohoo!).
You’ll feel more aligned with yourself, your values and expertise, and more capable of knowing exactly what to do, for whom, when and how.
And you’ll begin to see more Units of Appreciation streaming into your accounts than ever.
And you can sigh, and say, “wow, I really AM helping all those people! And I feel great about it.”
Reveal and Reverse The Big Invisible Secret that
Cuts Your Success Right Out from Under You!
Register HERE: http://bit.ly/your-Big-Secret
OK, I can hear it – “it’s just airy-fairy stuff.” But do you really want to stay stuck, afraid, confused, exhausted and overwhelmed?
It’s hard work, dealing with stuckness, confusion and overwhelm! It takes up all your attention, makes you feel heavy, fearful, and anxious, and eventually makes you not like your life very much.
If you are the powerful, independent, intelligent, creative person I think you are, it doesn’t sit very well to feel like that!
I’ll show you the REAL secret. Not the fancy-dancy one The Secret movie was all about. It’s the simple one you need to know so you can quit getting all balled up in a twist feeling crummy and powerless and helpless.
And you don’t have to crawl painfully through your past to seek and maybe never find it.
It’s not some nasty, irreducible core issue, some key thing that’s Wrong With You. Unh-uh. It’s easier and much funner than that!
I’ll show you The Heretic’s Secret. The one that makes your work as an independent so vitally important to the entire world, even if you only serve 2 or 3 people in your practice, ever.
If you are truly as committed to being a successful coach, entrepreneur or energy practitioner helping people live better lives as you think and say you are, you won’t want to miss this.
Remember I love you –
aloha –
I think of money like this: that each unit of currency is an equivalent to one Unit of Appreciation.
You sold one book at $15? Great! 15 Units of Appreciation!
You just got a new client into a 6-month program at $4995? Great! That’s 4995 Units of Appreciation!
Money is just a flag. A signal. Numbers that indicate how much you were able to assist someone(s).
If you ask fees for your services and you don’t have enough signals waving around, there’s something wrong.
There are two places we need to check: to see if your Inner Game is off, or if your Outer Game is out of whack.
If your Inner Game is off, your MindSet (thoughts, habits, feelings, relationships) needs to get cleaned up.
If your Outer Game is off, we check your Actions: your business and marketing systems, processes, programs and sequences. I’ll help you with that part another time.
But right now, let’s get your Inner Game all lined up, pristine clean and revved and ready to go!