Isn’t this how it oughta be? Friends getting together, hanging out, playing, singing, dancing, celebrating life, in all its beauty? I say yes!

I’m completely overwhelmed and exhausted by all the upset, violence, anger and fear coating every aspect of our lives.

How did we get here?

Somehow, we gave ourselves permission to spew gouts of hatred everywhere. Not to mention the raping, killing, maiming, and destroying – not just of humans or material property, but the world itself. It’s disgusting.

It has to stop, before the entire world ends up broken to smithereens and stinking like a planet-size sewer, killed by the poison slathered about by a few, ruining life for the many.

How do we turn it around?

How do we DO that?

How hard it is to keep from focusing on the fear!

But we must. We must!

Then what, after we turn our focus?

Keep focused on the beauty, despite the constant distractions of the Dark Side, trying to pull us down.

Keep it simple.

Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by some tempting bit of gossip, ugly politics, relationship woes, self-pity.

ONLY focus on beauty. Focus on creating beauty. Focus on sharing beauty – in whatever form that takes for you.

Even if it’s hard.
Even if it seems impossible.

Do it anyway.

Inch by inch, Beauty shall prevail. Beauty will come back, surround us, feed us.

If we don’t do this? We will be in red hot peepee trouble.
© Angela Treat Lyon 2024

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