How Do You Feel When It’s Time to Ask for Your Fees?

When it’s time to ask your potential client or your customer for the money, what happens to you?

How do you feel?
•   Squeamish?
•   Guilty?
•   Ashamed?
•   Like your services ‘should’ be free?
•   Does a little voice in your head insist that you’re a fraud? (Many energy pratitioners tell me this – how can I ask for money for such a lala thing?)

I used to feel like I was dying a thousand deaths each and every time I had to tell someone my fees.

I don’t now, though – and there’s a very good reason for that.

Tomorrow on my Money Tapping Group Part 3 call, we’ll be going over the first part of why you freak out when you ask for money from a client – or for higher fees than they have been paying – and what to do about it.

This is one of the most important abilities you must have in order to succeed in your biz – how can you earn the money you need to run and maintain and expand if you can’t ask for it???

Join us, AND get last week’s audio, plus the next 2 calls and audios in The Money Tapping Group Part 3.

READ about The Money Tapping Group Parts 1 and 2:

READ about The Money Tapping Group Part 3:

JUST GET The Money Tapping Group PART 3 NOW:

Think about it. I used to freak out asking for $30 for a full hour session when I first started charging for EFT sessions. My hourly rate now is $595.

Speaking of which, can you see what a great savings you’re getting by only $57.97 for FOUR weeks of coaching? PLUS being able to benefit from the energy of the other passionate entrepreneurs on the call with you?

There’s a way to ask for more money and stay in integrity with your values. Once you find out and use it, too, no matter what rates you charge, you can feel good about it.

I look forward to working with you when you join us!


Want to Publish Your Ebook? Heard About Kobo Book Publishing?

Kobo, a new place to publish your ebooks, like Amazon Kindle.

You can get 45 to 70% royalties on your books, and you get paid once a month. Kobo seems to be a very good deal.

I Need Your Input!

Times are changing. Your needs are changing. And I want to keep up to date.

So, if you would write me a quick comment on this page with very brief phrases about what you’d like help with from me, I’d so appreciate it.

I’ve done surveys, but they seem so cold and distance-making. I want to keep close touch with you, so I’m just asking you to hit the reply button and write a couple of words or phrases.

For instance:
•  I want help tapping on how I feel about marketing, specifically about my website (or copywriting, or social media….)
•  I am broke and want to be prosperous and I don’t know what to tap on or what to do to take positive action
•  I am so depressed I can’t see straight and can’t fix it
•  I can’t make money as an artist
•  I don’t know what to say at networking meetings so I can attract new clients
•  I want to be a speaker but I’m shy
•  add your own: ___________

See what I mean? PLEASE no long stories – I just can’t read them all! Just a phrase or two for a couple of needs you have. You can always ask for more later!

Click HERE or on the title of this article, which will take you to a page where you can make a comment. Many thanks for your help – I appreciate it so much!


Money Tapping Group, Part III!

THE MONEY TAPPING GROUP Part III: Uncover and Clear Out the Limiting Vows in your Heart Chakra…so you can have more freedom, fun and prosperity, and delight in sending out more just-plain-flat-out beautiful Heart Radiance!

Maybe you can you relate to this:

“Sometimes I do something, think it’s great…and then later look at it and wonder what I was thinking! I end up either throwing it out, redoing it, or giving it away because I can’t bear to look at it.”

Or how about this:
“I look back on my life and wonder why I’m not where I thought I’d be at my age. I feel sad and disappointed in myself and my life.”

One more:
“I fell in love with this guy who turned out to be such a jerk, and I decided I’d just be better off not having a close relationship with anyone.”

If you can see yourself in any of those, you’ll love what we’re going to do in the next 4 weeks…because…

The Money Tapping Group, Part III, starts on Thursday of this week!

In this advanced level, consolidating and launching off from the work you’ve done with Chakras 1 through 3, we’re going to dive into and clear out your crucial center-point: Chakra 4, the Heart Chakra, so you can imbue everything you do with more of the radiance of your Deepest Heart than you ever have before.

Without clearing, activating and energizing your Heart Chakra in your activities, you leave so much of your love behind!

And you end up disappointing your own heart, which ends up making you lose confidence and feeling alone, criticized and less-than.

If you have ever felt:  
•   disappointed in yourself or something you’ve done
•   that on some level, maybe you or part of you are not lovable, valuable or worthy
•   like you ‘should’ be more perfect or do things more perfectly
•   sad or heart-broken because you suddenly realize how harshly you’ve treated yourself in your life…

Well…get ready to change all of that!

I’m really excited, because within the next set of 4 Money Tapping Group segments, I’m going to show you how to:

•   Find and eliminate the secret Heart Chakra vows that keep your Heart Chakra from functioning at its full beautiful radiance

•   Stop criticizing yourself so you can begin to bless every inch of yourself: what you’ve done in your life, and what you are, do and have right this moment!

•   Get the Key to finally SEE and resolve the up-to-now invisible blind spots that undermine you

•   Use my 3-Rings ID Map to get to each major level of any issue or project, so you can create clarity and precise results

•   Reset 2 specific set-points you may not have heard about yet that limit your ability to create or even  receive success

What would it be like to stop feeling stuck?
What would it be like to stop beating yourself up with criticisms and sharp  mental or verbal barbs that cut your confidence down?
What would it be like to know what to do next without any doubt?

Starting on our next call, we’re going to:
1.  Open the locks on your heart chakra
2.  Undo the vows you created to keep yourself safe that are now outdated and keeping you from the movement and freedom you desire and deserve
3.   Reset a couple of set-points you may not have heard about yet that limit your ability to create and receive success

I can hardly believe some of the people who have been through the first 2 sets are the same people who started out – they have made such incredible progress! I want that for you, too!

“I’m blown away by the power of the group – again – and your expert guidance and navigation through potentially treacherous waters. Thanks so much for this amazing class…it’s been a great group–actually life changing…thanks for all your support and help. You really are a powerful healer and transformer – I’m so glad you’re still doing this coaching thing…I’m getting new opportunities, so things are shifting for me.”
~ private caller

So I invite you to join me on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th from 5 to 6:30 pm NY time for the first of this next, 4-segment set in the Money Tapping Group Series.

CLICK HERE to get The Money Tapping Group Part II!

Remember, no matter where you live in the world, even if you can’t make it to the calls in person, you can listen at your leisure to the audios.

You can also check out Parts 1 and 2 here –

I look forward to having you on the calls and in our Secret, Secure Group FB Page!


Have You Cleared and Reset Your Money Set Points?

You’ve probably heard a lot of coaches talk about your money set points.

Your money set points are those amounts that:
•  you never seem to earn more than
•  you always get down to a certain level before money comes in again
•  if you earned more, you’d feel bad that you earned more than, say, your dad….
•  or that you can’t even imagine – like, creating millions – without also thinking how much work it will be, how could I ever do that, etc. –

You may have even gone through a money set point process, and you may have even shifted one of yours.

Did you find out what to do next?

Did you find out how to keep open the doors for the universe to bring you your new levels of income or prosperity?

Did you find out how to use your money shadow to  increase your personal power and your money flow?

Or did you eagerly shift your set point…and then wait for the money to come…and it didn’t…and you ended up disappointed and angry that yet aNOTHer process didn’t work?

See, it takes shifting the set point, PLUS some very specific actions. Clear. Focused. Directed.

If you just sit and wait for the dough to walk through your door – well, it’s possible – but it’s magnified if you bolster the entire process by taking action in a specific way. Most people don’t teach you what to do or how to do it or even why.

I AM going to be showing you how to do that on my Money Tapping Group call tomorrow, after we shift your money set points.

Want to shift your set point AND get clear on what to do next to get the flow moving faster? Join us! Tomorrow,  THURSDAY, October 11th at 4pm NY time.

I invite you to join us!

•   Tomorrow’s live call, plus
•   The 3 previous calls in this group:
…including finding out about the hidden power in Chakras 2 and 3 (relationship & money flow; and personal power) and
…how they affect your income and your life, plus
…tapping for clearing of the Chakra 2 and 3 Vows that hold you back.

(You may want to get Money tapping Group Part 1, as well: the 4 audios include the First Chakra info and tapping for clearing your First Chakra Vows that keep you chained and cemented to your family’s habits and beliefs.) [laughing…I typed Cows at first….]

I look forward to having you on the call tomorrow! Do join us on the live call, OK?

Art Success Update!

As you may know, I’ve been revving up my painting and carving for a few months now, as I simultaneously wind down to working with all but the bare-bones minimum coaching – occasional teleclasses, a couple of groups, and some Elite Level clients, and that’s it.

It was darn scary at first, because I honestly didn’t know if I could trust that I could make the switch from more coaching/less art to more art/less coaching and still have the income I’m used to.

And I’ll admit – at first it was pretty tight. But – it served me in that I got to see how I needed to amp up some of my passive income streams so I can do well until the art income increases.

At the same time, I’ve had the great support of many of the people this newsletter goes out to and on facebook – your ‘likes’ and comments have all really helped me keep going. I thank all of you who have emailed me with your support and love – it’s been wonderful – thank you!

It’s helped so much, in fact, that I took the plunge and ordered 5 of my greeting card designs printed up. That’s a big move, because I could get stuck with hundreds of cards if they don’t sell!

Why? Because I don’t take anything for granted anymore, not since almost dying a couple of years ago.

Life has become very precious, indeed. And when I saw how terrific these cards looked, a wave of gratitude just swept over me.

When they came in the mail, I cried – they looked SO good!!! Here’s what they look like! Awesome, yes? (if I do say so myself!) Which ones do you like the most? Feel free to say so in the comment box below! i really welcome your feedback!

AND – yesterday, after weeks of looking, I finally found the right coach. I wanted someone familiar with the wholesale business – someone who’s been there and done that. Many of today’s coaches focus pretty much on people with online coaching businesses.

This gal has been there and done that, and is going to help me create a biz structure, a website that works for wholesale buyers, and I’ll learn how to sell the cards and get the right clients – woohoo – I’m stoked!

I’ll keep you up on what we do, because I know there are a bunch of artists receiving this newsletter – if that’s you, you may be able to do well with making merchandise out of your art. Think of your images on cards, bags, journals, coasters, tiles, mousie-pads, prints…you name it, your art would look great, and could make you a fantastic passive and/or residual income.

I wanted to share how the switch is going for me, because you might be switching, yourself, from one thing to the next – so, know that not only is it possible, it is awesome!

Keep focused and persevere.


Shifting Gears into New Levels of Success and Fun

What a week! Once you make a commitment to change your life, watch out! Because change it will! Whew!

When I decided to focus on doing and marketing my art more, things suddenly changed from feeling like a little trickling stream to a roaring waterfall and huge river!

(And yes, I’m still coaching! I had scaled down to almost zero, and discovered I missed coaching! So I ramped it back up a bit to a modest amount that still gives me time for my artwork.)

Some people say no pain, no gain. I say no pain, hooray! When you’re in the Zone time flies, fun expands, things seem Right and your heart sings – that’s how I like it to be, how about you?

I was asked to do some new greeting card designs, so I’ve been doing a ton of them and having an absolute ball at it! Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?

Not only was I asked to do the card images, but I was invited to put my stone sculpture in a new local Fine Arts Gallery. And, I got to enter a new painting in a local art show today – cross your fingers it gets in. (This is the painting – Birdy I – it’s 20″ x 20″ acrylics and wax, painted on archival board)

I tell you this because you may be one of the many people who are aching to shift from your same-old same-old boring job and afraid to make the decision and take that first step and walk through the door.

The truth? Yes, it will take some time to make the transition! And yes, it can be painful.

But if you plan it right so you have your main ducks in a row (notice I did not say ‘all’ of them!), and do the requisite energy cleaning, you can walk out the door and into your new love-to-be-there job or new level of practice without too much hassle.

Maybe you’re a health or energy coach and you want more income and more people as you put in less hours! Possible? Yes! Totally!

Maybe you’ve felt, on a deep level somewhere, like you’ve had little value to offer people, and you’re finally seeing that that isn’t at all true, and you want to offer more to more people.

You may be shifting from feeling completely invisible to being out there in a more visible, maybe bigger or louder way.

You might think that getting more publicly visible can be ‘scary’ as all get-out.

I have a very different hit on the word ‘scary’ that, if you knew what that was, would help you get through your transition time – that time when your heart is fit to burst with fear and excitement, your hands are sweaty, you’re worried people will either fall away or just not like you, that your stuff isn’t enough or good enough…etc. –

Remember that fear and ‘scary’ and nervous and anxiety are all just names for energy running through your system! What if you called them excitement and enthusiasm and power and creativity?

THIS is why I created the Money Tapping Group! So I can hold your hand and help you tap through the old fears and anxieties that rear up right in your face as you strive toward the places you’re looking to go!

After we accelerate your progress with the super-easy, super-powerful tapping and energy tactics I show you, one day in the near future you’ll look at your life and your biz and you’ll exclaim – “Oh my! All that stuff I worried about is gone!”

That’s when you really get it that all the fears and doubts and self-flagellation and worries about fame and sales and money were a total, grand illusion you carried around with you in your mind!

Now you know how to harvest all the creative power and energy underneath those fears and doubts, and you’re ready to rock and roll in a big way and create any new thing you want.

THIS is personal power in the best possible light.

Listen to what 2 people who were on the Personal Power Money Tapping Group call this week said:

I just want to thank you so much. Yesterday when we spoke I was hating on myself big-time. I was expecting a check that did not come and fearing that it might even be lost. Since then I have had a flood of ideas of what to do to generate the income needed to handle the expenses.

Thank you, Angela, for giving me a way of reclaiming my power and for changing the way that I will envision my choice to take care of my elderly mom. Yay! I just spoke with the bill collectors and took my power back. Wow! Feels amazing. Now onto putting my energy into generating the income to keep my agreement.
– private caller

Hi Angela – I’m blown away by the power of the group – again – and your expert guidance and navigation through potentially treacherous waters. Thanks so much for this amazing class. It’s a huge game changer!
– private caller

You know what my favorite calls are? The ones where I have a maximum of 3 to 7 people on the line. Where each person gets tapped for and questions answered in person.

If you like that kind of supportive atmosphere, where there aren’t hundreds of callers and noisy lines and a million questions that don’t apply to you…and where you can communicate with me all week long on our secret FB page…then you’ll like the Money Tapping Group calls.

… to either join us live, or take advantage of the audios all ready to be downloaded onto your computer for you to access at your convenience.

There’s 1 more call in the Money Tapping Group Part 2. So when you sign up for Part 2, you get
•   access to all 3 previous Part 2 90-minute comprehensive tapping and tactics audios, and
•   you get to come live on Thursday at our newly changed time, 4 to 5:30 pm NY time!

Then in late October and early November we’ll go to Part 3….

Here’s where you can either join us and/or get the audios:

Remember I love you!!!

aloha –

p.s. Whether or not my painting gets into the show today (where, if it does, it will show at a beautiful location – the spectacular Ho’omaluhia Botanical Gardens in Kaneohe – for a month!), I can still show it online and in the new gallery! I win all the way around.

How are YOU winning? I’d love to hear – comments are open below!

Malinda Zarate, Emboldened Heart

Malinda Zarate: from financial planner to Inspiration with an emboldened heart!

I spoke with Malinda a couple of weeks ago and was impressed with her spark – you know how you just kind of Like someone without too much reason why going on in your head? That’s how I liked her.

So we decided to put together a new show in Daring Dreamers Radio.

I was pretty relentless! I grilled her to find out how she went from burned out in her financial planning world and scary-nary, heart-stopping high blood pressure, to expanded and delighted with her successful endeavor, her monthly summits of emboldened=hearted women coaches and experts.

I invite you to listen in: GO HERE! 

Dreaming My Newsletters?

I’ve never told anyone this, but almost every one of my newsletters you’ve read has come from a dream.

I literally write them in a dream state, and when I get up, all the words pour out onto the screen through my fingers in a big tumble.

It’s quite an experience.

Imagine having someone in your mind who has an idea, and is explaining it and talking with you with you about it, in a very lucid, 2-way conversation! That’s what it’s like. I hear it over and over again until all the pieces fit just right.

In actuality, there are a lot more of these dreams than I publish. I just choose the ones that seem the juiciest. Like this one that came through this morning:

As I’ve been walking people through the first chakras in my Money Tapping Groups, I have shared my own experiences as a younger person with each class to illustrate some of the tendencies and vows innate to each chakra.

Yesterday in the class when I was speaking about my teenage self, I noticed that – although I didn’t say so – my attitude towards my younger self was quite harsh, and I even felt a little embarrassed about it, because I found myself projecting the very rigid judgements of my family onto myself.

Subsequently I discovered that I was worried about “what they would think if they knew” I had done those things. This is a chakra 1 thing – “what will they think of me, I’ll get punished, the tribe will shun me,” and so on.

As I contemplated this, I saw that instead of judging my actions so harshly, I could take another view and just congratulate myself for having done some pretty courageous stepping out of the bounds of my family’s invisible, unspoken agreements into new exploratory space.

And that I could be very grateful for the opportunity to have been able to do that; as well as for the safety my family provided me at the time, even amidst their protestations that I was acting so badly!

Over the years as I have been a coach, I have met so many people from all over the world and gotten to hear so many stories that ranged from slightly distressed to virtually horrific. I used to think of my own growing up times as hard, but compared to some, I lived in a goose-down pillow!

What’s important about that is that

Continue reading

What Are 2nd Chakra Vows?

Think of the 2nd Chakra as a level of consciousness.

Whereas the 1st Chakra is all about your environment (everything you can physically feel) and your tribe, the 2nd Chakra, right in the groin area, is more fluid; the energy of it should be flowing naturally in and out of it easily.

The 2nd Chakra is all about money, sex and control.

The energy of the 2nd Chakra is about connection, flow, sensations…how aware people are of you…self-image.

Example: Some people control others by being needy (ever known anyone like that?) Know what the 2nd Chakra Vow is for that one? “I am my pain.” The identity is so closely woven in with the pain that if the pain were to go away, they literally think they don’t know who they are.

You can also think of people whose personalities are solidly wrapped up in their biz, and if you get them all alone in a non-biz setting they have no clue how to act or what to do….

The beliefs:
“I hide who I really am because it isn’t safe to be me.” Ever hear of anyone saying “it’s scary to market my work”? This is why – it’s too unsafe!

“You can’t get what you want, so you get the attention and goodies you want by being needy.” Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Another 2nd Chakra Vow is “I’ll never let anyone take advantage of me again.” So everyone looks and feels like a possible predator. Think that might limit you a bit by shutting out the people who are truly not predators?

A few weeks ago I told you I was studying Wealth Maven Margaret Lynch’s wonderful 7 Levels of wealth Program. (I highly recommend her course:

Well, in over 40 years of extensive energy, psychological and metaphysical training, I’ve never come across information like what she’s bringing to the table. I’ve learned so much I’m astounded.

When you go through traditional chakra training, you don’t hear that each chakra IS a level of consciousness, that you make vows that reside in your chakras, that those vows affect every chakra above it until the vows are cleared!


Continue reading


I made a comment on a post on facebook the other day to which someone took HUGE exception. She replied calling me names, making accusations, etc.

What I know about accusation is this: it tells me more about what a person is afraid of than it says anything at all about me.

The person who attacked me said I ‘created chaos,’ and that I didn’t ‘come from my heart,’ and that she was ‘out there doing the work’ while I was sabotaging it. Huh! Interesting!

I had to laugh, actually, because if she thought her attacking me was a good example of coming from her heart, she has lots to learn! And spiritual pride (I’m better than you because I’m doing the work….) will trip up her well-meant intentions every time.

I tried hard to find the chaos she spoke about, and finally realized it wasn’t really there – it was just how she perceived what was said in the replies to her post.

It seemed to me that if things weren’t all soft and gooey and lala, then it felt chaotic and hurtful to her. Sorry, not going to walk on eggs!

I had zero inclination to defend myself – it would have been like trying to sing a song in the center of a cyclone – a total waste of energy, because she would not be able to receive anything I said.


•  What do you DO when you’re attacked like that?
•  How do you keep grounded, level-headed and heart-centered,
despite the intense energy?
•  How can you not be attacked in the first place?
•  How can you glide through…and actually even create and harvest…beautiful, clean energy from a sticky situation like that?

I’ll be going over exactly that in this week’s Money Tapping Group, because one of the biggest fears people have about being more publicly prominent is that of being attacked.

Here’s where you can sign up for Part II if you’d like.
Four weekly 90-minute sessions (just $57.97).
We meet on THURSDAYS from 6-7:30 p.m.
We start SEPT 20th.
CLICK HERE to get Part 2 NOW


Know what my biggest fear used to be?

Continue reading

Have You Been Asked, “Why Are You Not Playing A Bigger Game?” Maybe You Don’t Really Want to!

Ponder this: How many times have you seen an email or video or website that tells you you ‘need to play bigger,’ or have a bigger business?

I’ve said it myself. But it’s getting old. What if I don’t want to ‘play bigger’?

I believe that you and I should be able to live the full, creative, productive, impactful lives we dream of living.

Whether that means little ole you hibernating in the back woods writing poetry or surfing the big ones, being a big well-known coach, speaker or entertainer, or an artist who does well at selling her art, or a small biz owner just being and feeling really successful selling widgets or educating people with wonderful health stuff.

I see a lot of mentor-clones nowadays – they say the same words, do the same types of videos, the same programs, charge the same rates, and write the same emails as their mentors.

I don’t want to be a mentor-clone. And I don’t want you to be anyone’s clone, either. I want you to be the unique, amazing individual you are, with your wonderful array of tools, gifts, talents, skills and expertise.

I want you to be able to take all of that out into the world and contribute to your heart’s content if that’s what you truly want. That’s what I’m here to support you in doing.

Many people have not one inch of desire to ‘live big, ‘play a bigger game,’ have a ‘bigger business.’ They just want to do what they do, be appreciated and get paid well, without having a big flashy off- or online presence.

You can do that. And it’s OK…and, you can even live big doing that! It just takes clarity, intention, focused action, determination and perseverance. I know you can do it – and are doing it, to your best ability!


Artists! Do You Know How to Tap Your Way to Showing and Selling More of Your Art?

As you might know, I am re-journeying into my art world after a 10-year hiatus. It’s taken some pretty massive tapping, because I’m bumping into all the old beliefs and ideas that limited me before.

The HUGE difference being that now I know what to do when I’m assailed by doubt and fear, and I can take immediate action to change my reality.

This is a VERY big deal for me, because I used to cry myself to sleep every single night – for years – feeling helpless, alone, desperate and dead broke.

Recently I was introduced to a woman who is putting together a new gallery in my town. In the past, I’d have said hello and been friendly, but not said a whole heck of a lot about my work.

I had this belief that “my work speaks for itself, why should I say anything about it? Anyone who doesn’t get it doesn’t deserve to hear it from me!”

Whew – talk about a negative, arrogant attitude!

This time, though, I was able to be friendly AND not only answer her questions, but do it in such a way that really perked her ears up – to the point that she came to my studio (not me lugging my work to her!) and spent 2 whole hours with me going through my paintings, drawings and sculpture.

A gallery owner spending 2 whole hours at my studio? This just doesn’t happen – there’s so much to do get a gallery up and running. But she was entranced and having fun…and the upshot was that she loved my work, wants to show it, and was enthusiastic and excited about it. What more could you want!

I used to be very miserable, very grumpy and perpetually very depressed. Not anymore!

And I can tell you right now that if it hadn’t been for tapping:

  1.  I wouldn’t be here right now, because I’d have done myself in back in the early 2000s. Really.
  2.  I wouldn’t even consider going back into the gallery game or showing or selling my work again
  3.  I wouldn’t be able to feel so happy to talk about my work, market it, share it online and on FB.
  4.  I wouldn’t feel so free. Period. This is big.

So I ask of you: please please free yourself up if you
experience crippling self-doubt.

You know – those nasty phrases you hear in the back of your head as you attempt to create and produce the beauty you see in your mind. Thoughts (usually in a parent’s voice) like:

  •   Who do you think you are?
  •   Artists never make any money – get a real job!
  •   How can I buy paint (materials) when I’m so broke?
  •   Your work isn’t that good! (Especially compared to _____ [fill in with admired artist])
  •   No one will like/understand/buy what you do
  •   You’ll never be good enough
  •   Who would buy your work anyway?

Maybe you have endless, simmering anger about why people won’t buy or appreciate your work, or sadness, grief or fear – all of it unnecessary emotional turmoil.

Isn’t it time to let that suffering go so you can use your energy for what it was intended – creating?

If you don’t know how to use tapping – or, EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, I invite you to read my Basics EFT book (HERE).

It’s a lively read, not a boring, dry instructional. You get lots and lots of tapping with case stories – tap along and get through your major issues right as you read the book. If I could get through my own 35-years of suicidal thoughts in a mere 6 weeks (!), what could YOU do?

The more I look around at the people I love, the deeper I feel about wanting them to resolve their suffering and trials and tribulations, the more I want them to get free. This includes you. Why?

Because I imagine a world where, on a daily basis, people create what they Dream. That world is magical, fun, free, amazing and miraculous, and it’s literally right at the tips of our fingertips. I want that for you.

Why Would an ‘EXPERT’ Take More Classes?

Yesterday, after I attended an excellent teleclass with the amazing Rebecca Marina.

Not soon after it was over, I got an email from someone who knew of me and had heard my voice on the call.

She said she was shocked to hear me on the call, and wondered why I was “still taking classes when you’re obviously an expert at what you do.”

This is such a great question! And I’m sure it’s on the minds of others who don’t ask.

I take more classes because I want:

  •  to find out what others are sharing that I might not know – despite years of experience, I don’t know everything!
  •  to find out what innovations others are making that I could add to my bag of tools so I can serve my people better
  •  to improve my own life, because really, no one is ever ‘done’!
  •  And simply because I’m curious!

Just because I’m an expert at something it does NOT mean I know EVerything! How arrogant would I be to claim that!

I believe in being vulnerable, open and curious, and that includes taking others’ classes to expand myself. There will always be someone who can see my blind spots, and I want to know about them so I can fill them in!

EFT/Business Expert Pamela Bruner partnered up with Jack Canfield on her Tapping into Ultimate Success series this last winter. He said quite candidly in one of the videos that Pamela had helped him with a money issue he’d had.The man’s a millionaire – you might think he had no more money issues at all!

But guess what, no matter what level you’re at, you’re still going to find stuff that bothers you, that you don’t know or about which you’re simply curious.

There’s always more to learn, and it’s exciting as all get out – heck, I found out a key bit of info yesterday that will affect the entire rest of my life.

So I suggest that you not be shy – take the courses that call to you, whether you are a ‘regular’ person or the Crowned Queen or King of the Universe!

Money Tapping Group!

As I said in a pervious post, I have decided to focus more this year on my painting and carving work*, and reduce my coaching hours.

It was really, really – REALLY! – scary to do that.

Why? Well, because as soon as I made the decision, all my old starving-artist fears popped right up in my face.

I was convinced that I would never, ever make a living at my artwork…that no one would want my work…no one would buy it…and I’d end up under a bridge an old pathetic crone. I have practically worn my tapping points out dealing with those old fears and doubts – and it’s worked!

I guess from your point of view it might sound pretty silly that I still had all those doubts, because as an EFT practitioner / trainer and business and marketing mindset coach, I’ve worked on scarcity and marketing fears and doubts about value and all that for the last 11 years – shouldn’t I be done with all that?

But…I had never applied it to the art part of my own life. And there came, like a huge avalanche, all these 50-year old doubts and fears and voices of nay-saying and massive criticism!

I was prepared this time – no longer a defenseless emotionally overwhelmed and totally depressed artist!

Read more HERE!


Thanks for Helping Me Choose Images for This Year’s Holiday, Joy and Love Cards

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you to please help me decide which images were your top five to use over the holidays.

I literally have hundreds of images to choose from, so it’s sometimes hard for me to choose, and as the artist, I tend to have my favorites – which, as I have found out, are not always what everyone else likes.

I have posted below the top five you all chose and some runners-up.

And, I also created cards out of the other 55-plus images you also mentioned. Here’s where to see the galleries of card images on Facebook, so you can see all 60-odd images. If you’d like to order any of the cards, instructions are on each of those pages, as well as below under the images on this page.

Here are the five top choices (in order):
Next to My Heart
Fly Free
Golden Mama
I Deeply and Completely Love and Accept Myself
You Are My Only One

RUNNERS- UP (Here’s where to see the galleries of card images on Facebook):
And Then….
Freedom in Broad Daylight
You Are My Only One
Mama, Mama, O How I miss How You Used to Hold Me!
Made of Day


The greeting cards are 4.25″ x 5.5″
Printed in brilliant color on heavy white stock
Blank inside for your personal message
Set of 12: $35

EMAIL: Lyon at
NOTE in your email:
how many sets of 12 you want
the names of the cards you want
your name, address, phone number

HOW TO PAY: You can use paypal or credit card once we connect.

TIME: It takes about 2 weeks from order to delivery, so if you want your cards by a certain time, order now so you have plenty of time to get them and send them out yourself.

Coming Back to My Deepest Heart’s Passion: Painting and Carving Stone Sculpture!

Recently, I decided to return to the passions of my life: painting and stone sculpture.

I had stopped carving and painting at the end of my time in New Zealand as Artist-in-Residence, in 2002.

Over the last ten years, I had been focusing on my practice as an energy practitioner, helping people resolve fear, pain, resistance to success, and other feelings that left them in emotional turmoil.

I became an EFT practioner and, eventually, an energy practices trainer and teleclass leader – facilitating teleclasses for people who wanted help consciously creating more health, wealth, success and more money for themselves. (EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques*)

I wanted to help inspire people to live their dreams, so I created the Daring Dreamers Radio Show and became a radio show host, focusing on people like me – creators, speakers, coaches, artists and energy practitioners – all small biz owners and entrepreneurs – at

And I worked hard as a business and marketing mindset coach helping entrepreneurs become successful.

Very rewarding, exciting and fulfilling, and all of it gave me an opportunity to really develop social skills I really needed to improve, and it helped me build up my confidence and self-regard.

As soon as I made the decision to start focusing on my artwork again, though, it was just as if I hadn’t even left it a day – all the old beliefs that used to make me cry myself to sleep at night – like, I couldn’t make it as an artist, no one wants my work, no one will buy it, etc. – screamed up to the surface of my mind!

I did a lot of EFT tapping (a LOT!) on those beliefs because they were totally stopping me from believing in myself, in my work and my contribution in the world.

I also tapped on intending for people to find me out of the blue. I worked hard to transform my thoughts and feelings about marketing my artwork, and about finding and connecting with, and marketing to the people out there who would indeed want it!

Not even an hour after the last round of intentional tapping, Lane Tompkins, the co-editor of the NorthWest Sculptors Association Quarterly Magazine calls, and wants to feature my work in his prestigious magazine – and…

Woohoo! Only one month later, and…I’m a cover girl! My sculpture was featured on the cover this week! Cool! They did a grand job of making the article inside beautiful, too – awesome!!! Think I might be stoked?? Hah! (more art at

It was printed in black and white on really nice quality, heavy paper, and the whole magazine beautifully designed and thought out. See below for the inner pages.

If you would like to subscribe, the NorthWest Sculptors Association website is

I posted the entire article page span here on Facebook if you’d like to see the cover and the other images, and read the article.

* Don’t know what tapping / EFT is? Go here: and get a free online demo –

How to Write A Great Newsletter that People Love to Read and so They Eagerly Buy From You

Some of you have asked me why I don’t write every week. Because, you know, the marketing geniuses say, “you should keep yourself in front of your market, write every week….”

Well, I’m very calmly and happily done with “I should.”

When I have something to say, I’ll say it! If a rule works for me, I’ll use it. If it doesn’t, I’ll break it.

Being true to my deepest self is way more important to me than some marketing rule.

I was working with a couple of people last week who

  •  felt nervous
  •  were afraid they were going to be judged
  •  worried about disclosing things their family or friends would think were “too close to home”
  •  worried that they might displease their readers
  •  were afraid they wouldn’t attract any new clients

Listen, your newsletter is for people who love you, love what you do for and with them, and who refer you to others. If you “lose” someone off your mailing list, it’s because they weren’t aligned with you in the first place, and didn’t belong there.

They are not your preferred group* of fans, peers, students and clients. They won’t have bought from you ever, anyway. No big loss!

If they do love you and what you do and still don’t buy, it’s because they either didn’t need it, or they didn’t ‘get’ the value of what you’re offering. Try again!

( * Notice I did NOT say ‘target market’ – isn’t it a little weird to think of your people as targets? We’re not shooting arrows here, we’re serving, right?)

HUGE: your newsletter is for three things:
Continue reading

Help Me Choose Images for Holiday and New Year’s Cards!

This year, I’m having five images of my artwork printed for holiday cards.

(The image you see at the left is one image I pre-ordered to see how it looks – it’s awesome!)

It sounds early to think of that, but it takes time to:
1. get them printed
2. have them sent to me in time to market
3. mail them out to you in time for you to send them.

So, I have to decide right now which ones to use.

Would you please do me a big favor and pick five images you’d want to use as holiday cards?

Which ones, in your opinion, would send the biggest message of inspiration, joy, renewed life, happiness and love to the people you send cards to over the holidays?

If you don’t send Christmas or any of the other religion-based cards, which ones would you send to celebrate and bring in a happy new year (that’s what I do!)?

Here’s where to find them:

Your feedback is really important to me, so I hope you’ll do it right now while you’re thinking about it. Just choose five, take note of the image names, and email me at Lyon at

Whoever chooses the image most picked gets a FREEbie thank you – a downloadable, high-res poster!

NOTE: I decided that this year I’d use a different printing company, because the cost is lower, so I can offer the cards for less than what you see on my site.

I just pre-ordered some cards to see what the quality is like, and I’m really thrilled with them. The paper is nice and heavy, the colors are brilliant and the printing is crisp and clear.

They’re 5.5″ x 4.25″ – a little smaller than the usual greeting cards – and come with blank insides and white envelopes. They will be $3.59 each, and $35 for a dozen, plus S&H.

Thanks so much for helping me out! Wait till you see how gorgeous they are – you’re going to love sending cards this year!

Here’s where to CHOOSE:

Remember I love you!!!

aloha –


If you really love any of them right now and want to pre-order, just let me know which ones you want. Thanks again! Order your choices here: email Lyon at with the names of the images you want. (Preorders: Sets of 12 only.)

Here’s where to find them:


Say NO to ‘too busy’

Have you ever wanted to write someone, but it just wasn’t Time yet?

That’s what this entire last month since I wrote my last newsletter has been like for me. I’ve wanted to write, but each time I sat down and started, nothing would come. Nothing!

I’ve been writing long enough to know what that’s the signal for ‘not yet,’ and if I ignore it, I invariably get into hot water somehow. So – I haven’t written until today, when I was swamped with the feeling of “NOW! Now it’s time to write!” So….

Six weeks ago, I had a major energy setback: I awoke one morning with not one ounce of juice.

I was so exhausted I really didn’t know if I was on my way out of this lifetime – and frankly, didn’t have the energy to care much.

Silly me, I assumed I just needed a rest, so I gave myself a week to just relax and chill.

One week went by…still no energy. Then two…and I started to get really, really bored. I don’t like being bored. At all. But I still had no juice. I didn’t even have the energy to read. This felt scary…when would this feeling zilched-out, having to rest stuff ever END? I started to wonder if this was what the rest of my life was gong to be like.


As I lay there, I thought, OK, I’m exhausted because I’m doing too much. What would happen if I got rid of every last thing that was really, truthfully unessential to my inner and outer well-being, and kept only what mattered to me at the very deepest core level? What would that look like?

So I made a list of all the things I liked to do. Like, business and marketing coaching, radio shows, carving, painting, writing books, communicating with people – both personal and business…. And it was really plain that it was too much – even with the extra help I get from assistants and supporters.

Then, I asked, what was really, really important to me? Which turned out to be was family, friends, and my work as an artist. Period. So then I started mentally eliminating everything else, just to see how that felt internally.


It was hard to do. I’ve put so much into my radio shows, practicing and promoting energy work, marketing, business stuff, writing books, publishing, coaching… to think about giving any of it up really hurt.

But I Knew I had to do it. Because I had worked and worked and worked, and still felt haunted by ‘something missing.’ Something had to shift. I had to make a clear choice.

I have to do what was right for me, so I can live in the free, inspired way I wanted, instead of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and like it was never enough.

It was about that time that a woman who had been a client for a long time reminded me about Margaret Lynch’s 7 Levels of Wealth chakra-tapping Program, so I watched – and tapped with – her intro videos. I had some pretty major ahas, and some amazing things occurred right away that completely changed the entire picture for me.

I’ll let you in on a bit more about that in a second (see below), but first, if you’ve been feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with no hope in sight, you might want to know what I did and apply it to your own life.


  1.  Make a list of everything you do that you consider important. Both personal and business.
  2.  Now ask yourself, if a wild hurricane struck right this second, what would matter so much to you that you would risk taking the time to save it from being destroyed by the storm?
  3.  Now ask yourself, if you died in the next 30 seconds, what would you really honestly regret not having said, done, felt or experienced?
  4.  Now ask yourself, if someone asked you what you were most happy with in your life – whether it’s something you did or became – what would it be?
  5.  Now ask yourself, if that same someone asked you what were you most proud of, what would it be?
In each case, my answer was first and foremost my work as an artist. (If my immediate family lived with me, of course they would be first, too.)

Yes, indeed, I am very happy with and very proud of what I have done with my books, energy work, coaching and radio shows. But my work as an artist far supercedes anything else I’ve ever done.

The funny thing is that, now that I’m a bit older and more mature, I can see that, as good as I have gotten at anything, I’m still ‘young’ at artistic expression, and have SO much more to say and express!

But I don’t want to do everything I had been doing anymore, because trying to do so was sapping my life energy right out of me.

That doesn’t serve anyone! Part of my role as an artist is being a way-bringer – so if I keep walking the path of exhaustion, what does that say to the people who respect me? That it’s OK to sap your strength and die exhausted without completing your life-play? Yugh!

I bought Margaret’s program and tapped along with the videos and made some huge internal shifts.


And I decided that, no matter what, I would cut my coaching back to a drastic minimum (if you want coaching, email me – I have made a little room for a few people each week, and I may be able to squeeze you in); that I would stop doing radio shows; and only write/create books when Spirit moved me. And get totally back into my work as a professional artist once again.

Once I made that decision, the universe plopped support in my lap so fast it was breath-taking.

  1.  I was called out of the blue and interviewed for and asked to submit images to a prestigious sculpture magazine
  2.  I was called out of the blue and asked to submit some of my paintings for a permanent exhibit at a very big local hospital
  3.  I made some critical decisions so that my health could make a U-turn for more strength and stamina
  4.  through a program a friend turned me onto where you’re shown how to eat MORE to get healthy and lose weight, I’ve even dropped 6 pounds….

And best of all, I am experiencing an internal solidity I’ve virtually never felt before in my life – I feel energized, excited and strong.

All because I was willing to say ‘NO’ to too much.

Are you willing to do that, too? I can’t even begin to tell you how much more free I feel.

If you want to feel that way, too, I invite you to use my powerful questions above, and allow yourself the time and space to answer them truthfully, and make some new, life-changing, courageous decisions for yourself.

I really mean it – you’ll save your own life!

Remember I love you!!!

aloha –


Want to know about the eat more lose pounds program? Click here:


Want to know about Margaret Lynch’s awesome program? Click here: 7 Levels of Intentional Wealth Program?

By tapping on the secrets you’ve retained as a child or from past lifetimes that are embedded within your chakra system, you can rejuvenate your life energy, remove the pain and fear around proceeding forward with whatever success you want, and begin to feel more freedom, more energetic and vitally alive.

Don’t be fooled by that internal voice that says, “oh, chakras, I know about them already! What can she teach me?”

Turns out a LOT – she exposes some ideas I can bet right off the bat you never, ever heard of before, unless you’ve already worked with her or her partner. Don’t let “I know that” sabotage your ability to shift your energy around health, wealth and money!

p.p.p.s. And a huge thanks…

…to you sweet people who supported me over the past few weeks with your love and time – you know who you are – I love you!!!


QUOTE of the DAY:

“Your adventure has to be coming out of your own interior. If you are ready for it, then doors will open where there were no doors before, and where there would not be doors for anyone else.

And you must have courage. It’s the call to adventure, which means there is no security, no rules.”

– Joseph Campbell


Angela Treat Lyon

EFT Books and Audios:
Daring Dreamers Radio:
Sculpture and Paintings that add freedom and inspiration to your space:

© Angela Treat Lyon 2012 • All Rights Reserved • Published by Out Front Productions, LLC • Kailua, Hawaii USA • 808-261-0940

No Joke. Reach Millions and Make a Bigger Difference for the People You Serve

How do you reach over a million people on LinkedIn without stressing out, working like a slave or busting a gut in the effort or seeming hypey or spammy?

The other day, I went into my LinkedIn account to look at the stats.

I was just curious as to what had changed over the past year…and I was stunned when I started adding up the numbers of people I had a potential to reach: 1,150,522, to be exact.

How had I ever done that??? I almost fell off my chair!

I looked at the stats a bit more, and realized that most of the expansion was within the last few weeks. What on earth had I done that had made such a huge difference ?

I finally realized that two small things I had changed lately were responsible. And I’m talking very small changes – but changes that, nonetheless, had gargantuan impact. I’d like to share these 2 small changes with you, so you can make them too.

Because it will help you reach a staggering number of people who are in your market and just waiting for you to show up!

And it will help people locate you, know about you and your biz in a flash, and make them want to connect with you, too.

So – I’ve set up a teleseminar so I can share with you what I did (and I’m making it outrageously inexpensive, so you have no excuse not to get it! How does $9.98 sound? Can’t beat that).

How to Make 2 Small Tweaks to Reach Millions of LinkedIn People in Your Intended Market.

You’ll definitely want to get the audio, because you can literally change your reach from hundreds or thousands to millions by taking a few minutes to do these 2 things and do it right.

If we are going to make a big difference this year in the world of conscious entrepreneurship, this is one way to expand our ability to do it.

That’s why I’m making it so completely inexpensive – because everyone who serves and wants to make a difference and improve our world needs it.

The 2 little tweaks I’m going to show you:
•   How to mega-maximize one simple line in your profile – because it shows up where you least expect it, and can make or break your chance for a connection
•   That one change will help you and your biz become way more attractive and magnetize more of your perfect-for-you potential clients…
…find scads of new allies and supporters
…create tantalizing entries your market can’t ignore
…and find and meet celebrities and top-level winners in your market to play with and do JVs with.

Once you connect with these new people:
•   your business can grow faster & more robust
•   you can make more money & feel more financially successful and secure
•   go to sleep at night feeling like you’re Doing It Right

Get the Audio for ONLY: $9.98

You can use Paypal or your credit card.

Yes, it’s a super-low fee – AND…you’ll be surprised by the powerful results you’ll get when you make these tweaks right!

You’ll be able to use the first tweak I’m going to tell you about to great effect on your Twitter and Facebook accounts…and…I’m going to show you one of my top secrets for creating crowd-pulling headlines!

In order to benefit from this teleseminar, you must have a LinkedIn account so you’ll be familiar with what I refer to on your LinkedIn Profile page. I suggest that if you don’t have an account yet, go there and set one up right now, even if it’s all you do at the moment. Be ready!

Get the Audio for ONLY: $9.98


You will get a receipt from ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM). If you need to contact us, please email Lyon at (no spaces, use @ for at).


NOTE: I can show you how, but it’s up to you to take what I give you and use it. So I cannot guarantee millions of people to you – you’re the Prime Mover in your business, so – I show you – you run with it!


Dr. Joann Dahlkoetter, Olympic Peak Performance Coach Shows How to Create an Olympic Edge

I was very honored last week to interview Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Olympic Edge peak performance Coach.

Dr. Joann provides performance psychology, corporate training, and Performing Edge Coach Certification programs for CEOs, coaches, sports parents and athletes to help them reach their highest potential in sports, business and life.

When I spoke with Dr. Joann last week, she had just gotten off the phone with an invitation to coach Olympic athletes at the Sports Training Facility for the next Games in London. What an honor!

In our conversation, I got her to tell us about what helped her to go from starting at 19th place to come in a triumphant 2nd in one of the most brutal races of all – the Hawaii Ironman Triathalon.

She also shares with us how she developed her 3-Ps program afterwards from her extreme experience there.

Some of what else she shows us:
1. What you can do to create consistent peak performance in your life
2. How to use magnets to pull success towards yourself (and let IT do the work for you!);
3. And how to have Olympic Thinking on a steady basis, that helps you win whatever game you play in life and business.

Dr. JoAnn is the CEO of Performing Edge Coaching International Association, a global resource and Certification Training Program for Coaches. If I weren’t already a coach, I’d want this certification myself! If you want to get certified as a Performing Edge Coach, you can click here or on the banner under this post.

CLICK HERE or on the icon to the left to find out Dr. Joann’s secrets to creating and maintaining an Olympic Edge Mindset every day in your life and business.

Can’t get to the shows from here? You can also go to iTunes and search Daring Dreamers Radio for this show.

Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter is the best-selling author of Your Performing Edge and is an internationally recognized performance consultant and world-class athlete:
(get her book on Amazon here).

She is a licensed psychologist and has been a medical staff member at Stanford University Medical Center for 10 years; she is winner of the San Francisco Marathon in 2:43:20; she placed 2nd in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, and was rated the No. 1 triathlete in the U.S. by Triathlete Magazine.


The Wave™ 2012 is Happening – Woohoo! Right NOW!

We’ve all heard tons and tons of talk about about how 2012 is supposedly a defining year for consciousness.

I have to admit that, at first, when I heard all the talk and the big hooha about 12/21/12, I was a bit cynical about it.

It was, “OK, so it’s a big date…” and there are jokes about it, and Mayan calendars…but it didn’t hit Home with me, really.

I just figured consciousness doesn’t stop for one date in one year on an arbitrary human map of time!

But after I questioned the part of me that was so critical and doubtful, it became clear to me that it was my Little Self talking, not my Pure Light part. Know what I mean?

So, a couple of weeks ago, I was having a particularly difficult time, and I asked Spirit to help me and give me something to do that was big, outrageous, different and fun.

And I was instantly blown out of the water. I very clearly saw what my part in this year’s festivities, intentions, actions and outcomes could be. (Notice that? COULD be, not should be! – it was up to me to choose to go with it or not!)

I saw a wave. No, I saw A Wave. It was just a little flutter on the surface of our group consciousness, no more than a dream of a dream. It was so big it shined and rippled over and encompassed the entire Universe.

And I saw it grow and grow and grow, to finally crest – CREST! – kaBLOOIE! – in December.

And the energy soaks the earth, it vibrates it, it fills and radiates out from our planet. And it vibrates all of us. Not one being, not one thing left untouched.

I can’t even begin to tell you the passion, the joy, the energy I felt as I saw all this – I’m no poet – on paper it looks so puny to me, compared!

And as I asked to see how I fit into all this magnificent thing – feeling pretty small withint he scope of it, really – I saw a calendar, with each month witnessing the swelling of the wave, the momentum, the power, the surge…and each month had people swimming in it.

People I could feature on Daring Dreamers Radio to help them spread the word about the Yes-World we are intending and creating right now with our Dreams and wishes and actions.

The Sweet Home we all yearn for is emerging, NOW.

I saw not a one-week, but a 6-month summit…without the pressure of listening to 2 or 3 experts a day for a week, but onece a week, with possible weekend classes….

I’m still developing what I saw, and I’m sure it will evolve, so have patience ….

The first person to inaugurate The Wave 2012™ is my guest, Gary Null – such a powerful man! So exciting to be with and listen to! And how appropriate, with his energy, passion and commitment, that he’s the first!

I interviewed him before I saw The Wave, so I didn’t mention it on that show, but in subsequent ones – here we go! Can you feel it?

I’ve said this for months, and the Energy is increasing – it’s HAPPENING NOW! So stick with me, and we’ll surf this wave to the Yes-World, our Sweet Home, and we’ll continue into 2013 cheering and yahooing and woohooing and having a blast!

So please join me and my featured guest, GARY NULL at Daring Dreamers Radio here:


Rachael Jayne Groover: Are You Feminine and Fearless?

international-organisation-for-human-rightsSometimes I get snagged into facebook. Especially if there’s a good video – “oh it’s only 4 minutes long,” I’ll think – and then I’ll watch some of the related videos when the first one closes…

And before I know it, an hour has gone by and my work has been hanging there waiting for me all this time….And I end up rushing and wishing I hadn’t done that, and I’ll do better tomorrow….

So today I purposely set aside 30 minutes for cruising FB. I figured if I enjoy it that much, I need to integrate it into my life better, so I can honor my desires and wishes without beating myself up.

I’m so glad I did that today, because I found some short little videos on what life is like living in the Taliban reality. Not for the squeamish. But I was so glad I’d seen them, because when I shut the videos down at my allotted 30 minutes, I was awash with emotions – so sad, angry…but mostly grateful.

•  Grateful I don’t have to cover my entire body with a big cloth when I go out – that I can go outside my home unescorted at all!
•  That I wasn’t married off by my father at the age of 9 to another man whose 11 year-old sister my father wanted for ….
•  That I wasn’t ever married to a man who only wanted me to work dark to dark a s another unpaid thread-bare poppy-picker.
•  That I didn’t have to marry a man who burned my hands and feet to punish me for going to sleep since I was too young to be intimate and was terrified of him.
•  That I never had a husband who beat me – in 3 marriages, never even once.
•  That I have never – even during the worst times in my life when I spent 6 months destitute, depressed and homeless in New Mexico in the middle of winter – had to squat on a dusty street begging all day, to go home to a tiny crust of bread in the dim, smelly light of one kerosene lantern.
•  That I can work, drive, read, play, shop and make money without a man standing over me, having to escort me in public.
•  That no one berates me daily for how stupid I am.

•  That no one is in control of me but me.

That last one is the most important of all – no one is in control of me but me. In the end, it’s the choices I make that determine my life.

And the same is true for you, too.

So I invite you to take a really good look at what YOU are grateful for in your own life.

I say all this because today was the day I was going to send out a notice for Feminine and Fearless Video #3 for Rachael Jayne Groover.

I had some nice copy all written…and then I watched those videos. Continue reading

Kasey Traeger, Lady Tech Tamer: Use Video to Amp Up Your SEO

Guest article by my friend, Kasey Traeger, otherwise know as the Lady tech Tamer (thanks, Kasey!)

In spite of the fact that the basic principles of search engine optimization haven’t changed in a few years, many business owners still seem a bit befuddled and confused about SEO, thinking that if they want to achieve really good search results and land on the first page of Google, they need to hire an SEO firm.

Frankly, nothing could be further from the truth. (My apologies to anyone who owns or operates an SEO company, but in my experience teaching SEO techniques to other business owners, I have firsthand experience that business owners can absolutely achieve very favorable SEO results on their own before they bring on the expertise of an SEM company.)

Today, the easiest (and fastest) way to achieve very nice search results is through video. In the spirit of keeping this article brief (as in “Quick Tip”), I won’t bore you with the theory behind it. Instead, here are the quick steps to achieving SEO bliss from your videos.

  1. Choose the keywords that you want to rank for and create a video about that topic.
  2. Upload the video to YouTube and modify the name of the video title to include your keyword phrase.
  3. Add a hyperlink back to your website within your video’s YouTube description.
  4. Embed the video somewhere on your website, usually a blog post, being sure to include your keywords near the video on the page.
  5. As you begin building up a number of videos on your website, create a video sitemap to help the search engines properly index your videos and the content of the pages on which they are embedded.

The last step will probably be the most confusing for many people. To help, I created a short guide that shows how to create a video sitemap for Google. It’s available at

With this bit of powerful knowledge, you’ll find that your website (and your YouTube video pages) will rise to the top of the search results more quickly than with basic blog writing and article submissions. The key point is to make sure you’re uploading videos regularly. The more videos you create, the better your search rank.

Kasey Traeger, The Lady Tech Tamer, is the owner of Web Tech Tamers and your go-to resource for all things web-techy. To receive her free tech tips and web “strategery” info, visit her blog at


Kathleen Gage: How to Grow Your Biz Even if You’re Not Even Around!

I know you’ll love this! Kathleen Gage, an amazing online marketing and business expert, is my featured guest this week.

Question: If someone you loved became ill and you had to take care of them, and stop paying 100% attention to your business, clients and marketing, what would happen to your business?

And especially, what would happen to your income?

Kathleen just spent TWO YEARS caring for first her dad, then her mom, as they became ill and eventually passed on – AND she had to heal herself from a broken ankle she sustained during training for a marathon right before her dad became ill!

Most people would moan and groan and cry why me and say trouble comes in threes….

Want to know the cool thing? Even as she says she was less present in her business all that time, it still grew!

Could you do that? Want to hear how she did it? I invite you to listen in as I speak with the powerful, amazing, creative Kathleen Gage as she relates how she did what she did in her business. And at the same time, was able to develop some very deep spiritual experiences that helped her get through.

CLICK HERE or on the logo to the left to hear my interview with Kathleen.

Or, catch it on iTunes: go to iTunes > podcasts > search for Daring Dreamers.

Be sure to tune in to on Wednesdays at 2 pm NY time (E) to catch Daring Dreamers Radio ON the AIR.

Rachael Jayne Groover: Are You Standing Out, Fearless & Feminine?

If standing out has been a big problem for you…

I know you’ve seen how more and more information is being loaded into everyone’s inbox every day.

So it’s challenging to get your unique message heard…especially if you don’t understand the underlying factors that attract people’s attention and get them to take action right when they first “experience” you.

QUESTION: In all the hustle to get your website working great and getting your videos shot, are you giving enough attention to HOW you express yourself?

See, you need to have a powerful personal presence, a strong voice, and an effective way of speaking.

And, you need to deal with any fear about that if you want to be a feminine leader, magnetic business woman, and/or a great speaker or performer.


You might remember someone I introduced to you last year – singer and inspirational speaker, Rachael Jayne Groover.

She has just released a brilliant FREEbie video course. It helps you feel confident about being seen and heard, so you can ultimately STAND OUT (without fear) and make the positive difference you want to make.

Rachael used to be achingly shy. She was terrified of putting herself “out there.” Now she’s an inspirational leader of thousands of women, and is the author of the best-selling book Powerful and Feminine.

How’d she DO that?

(Impatient? GO HERE!)

In the videos she shares with us what she has learned from her 20 years being on stage, performing,speaking,and shooting fantastic videos that get rave reviews.

She shows…
•  how to massively increase your presence
•  how you can use her tips in the videos you shoot –
…whether you speak on stage or want to walk into a room and make a strong first impression.

So if you want to learn how to:
•  feel more confident
•  feel self-assured and relaxed
•  deliver your passionate message so you can
•  impact more people and
•  make the difference you want to make…

I invite you to watch the first video NOW!

This is a powerful FREEbie video course designed specifically for women, but…men can benefit as well!

Rachael Jayne shares:

•  The 5 most important keys to creating a powerful feminine presence that magnetizes people to you.

•  Her step-by-step process to create videos that inspire people take action.

•  She gives you examples of what she says, along with important tips on how to increase your presence speaking into a video camera.

•  A simple exercise that will energetically protect you from people who would normally drain your energy, that will also inspire people to respect you and your time.

•  The 3 biggest mistakes women make that significantly decrease their presence

•  How to not make these mistakes yourself, especially at those times when you need confidence and courage.

I invite you to watch the first video NOW!

This is a FREEbie video course! It will help you, as a woman, to increase your ability to stand out from the crowd and make the difference you keep saying you want to make.

You’ll learn effective ways to keep your fear from stopping you anymore. I think you’ll love the videos!

Check it out HERE!
