Are You Truly Open to Receive, or Could There Be More?

Today as I worked with someone on opening up, she said she felt jealous of other coaches she sees who are “doing so much better” financially.

“I feel so jealous, because I’ve spent so much time and energy on my website and my marketing, but look what THEY’re doing and how much THEY make! How come I’m not doing that!”

She said, “I’m so angry that I work so hard for not enough return. It’s like there’s a huge boulder in my path.”

We had to laugh as soon as she said “not enough”, because in truth, she is very well-off. But it’s all perception, isn’t it?

(Impatient? Get the audio from the powerful Open to Receive Teleclass now:

And who’s speaking when you say those things?

It isn’t you-as-the-adult-in-this-time-and-space!

It’s you as a kid, from a 5-year old’s perspective, or you’re hearing an echo of what you heard your parents say, or your ex or your teacher…but it ain’t YOU. The real you, the indestructible Real You at your core.


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RANT: The Time is NOW.

In 1988, multiple countries and an unlikely combination of organizations combined efforts to rescue 3 California Grey Whales were trapped in ice, with only one small air hole, five miles from the open sea.

Without more breathing holes, they would die.

Native Inupiat Tribal members worked with Greenpeace, the Oil Companies, the National Guard, and even the Russian Navy to set the whales free.

It was an extraordinary effort. (read more here:

Today I saw an article that made me think of all the comments we make about each other – whether mean, bashing, funny, conspiracy-based, kind, degrading, inspiring, etc. – about ourselves, the gov, politics, black/white issues, the environment, men/women, fat/skinny, drugs, alcohol, abortion, same-sex issues…

Reading the article the post linked to took my breath away.  It was suddenly so crystal clear that all of those issues are utterly meaningless if we lose the planet.

Oh, but Angela! We’re not going to lose it!

Oh yeah? Here’s the link. Read and think again – and PLS SHARE!:

This critical issue has been kept from the public for too long.

It may have been all fine and good to say “we don’t want to panic anybody,” or, “we need to assess this longer.”

But the time has come for every single man woman and child of us to see the danger in this situation.

Not to become balled up in paroxysms of fear and dread and helplessness. That would be purposeless and defeating. Might as well give up right now.


We need to rally.

Humans are good at rallying. And we’re really, really good at it in the face of extreme duress.

I know you can think of at least one effort people who didn’t know each other from anything came together and created a difference for someone or something.

I don’t know of anything going on right now that matches the duress of THIS situation.

That plant blows, we go.

Fried, baby. Won’t be water but a fire next time – isn’t that what the song said years ago?

Is it the end?

Could be, but I say No.

It’s the beginning.

It’s a chance for all of us to get off our selfish positions, give up our you-should-do-it-my-way BS, you-should-think-the-way-I-think, worhsip-the-way-I-do… so we can get together self-less-ly and create a workable solution.

How magnificent would that be?

If a combination of people who have knowledge and expertise can get over their petty crap and get together and work on this…if we can do that for 3 little whales, what can we do for the planet?

I fully trust that the individuals who have the knowledge, experience, expertise and talents to solve this problem will respond.

That’s why I ask you to share this note. Because in truth, we are not 6 degrees of separation form someone who can help, but only 2.

So if you know someone who could help, or someone who knows someone who has experience and could offer help, let ‘er rip and send this to them. You don’t have to include my letter – just send the link!

And then the rest of us can support them in the cleanup of what looks to me like a lynchpin problem for our home and for every single one of us.


Dr. Joe Dispenza: How to Change Your Mind & Create Your Own Reality

What happens when you’re run over by a truck, break 6 bones in your back, and you refuse to get the steel rod your doctors want to insert into your spine?

Dr. Joe Dispenza, who starred in the amazing movie that introduced Quantum Physics to the everyday world, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” was kind enough to be my guest on Daring Dreamers Radio.

In our talk together, he describes how, after refusing the surgery that not one but four doctors urged him to undergo, he laid in bed intentionally recreating his body. And even though “they” said he’d never walk again, his body tells a very different story.

Listen in to find out how he did it, and more – how he takes time each morning to intend and create the day he wants to live, the experiences and relationships he wants to have.

Discover how to ask for what you want…and then to ask for and get signs that the universe is listening! (Wait till you hear what one sign he got was! And what he says about Energy Psychology – woohoo!

How to be bold enough to ask for something more than same-old, same-old, and how to be ready to see signals that surprise you and leave no doubt in your mind that this, indeed, was a co-creation by you and the Universe.

CLICK HERE or on the logo to the left to get to my interview with Dr. Joe. This is one of those interviews you’ll want to hear over and over because it’s so rich in powerful information you can use right away. Or, catch it on iTunes: go to iTunes > podcasts > search for Daring dreamers.

Over the last 10 years, Dr. Joe Dispenza has Continue reading

Pamela Bruner, Millionaire Energy Coach: 5 Steps to Success

Three and a half years ago, EFT Practitioner and Marketing Expert Pamela Bruner was making $375 a month – if she was lucky.

She calls that phase of her business her “imaginary coaching business” phase, because at 375 a month, that’s no viable business!

I wanted to know how she got from 375 a month to over a million a year in just 3 measly years…and how she got to work with the incredible Jack Canfield! And I bet you do, too!

So, I got Pamela to sit down with me so I could pry her secrets from her – and find out all about the fantastic program she just launched, where she teaches others how to do what she did. (I invite you to check out her wonderful program:

Tune in and listen carefully, because she gives simple, easy steps you can take to get where you want to go. But will you DO them? That, my friend, is up to you.

Here’s where to go to get the interview: CLICK HERE or on the logo to the left to go to the interview with the amazing, dynamic, talented Pamela Bruner. Or, catch it on iTunes: go to iTunes > podcasts > search for Daring dreamers.


Dr. Jane Claypool: Spiritual Leader, Author of “Wise Women Don’t Worry, Wise Women Don’t Sing the Blues”

I’m pleased to have found Dr. Jane Claypool because she’s one of those people who is at once unassuming…with a really dynamic and powerful presence. (

As a minister, she trained over 35 ministers in the field and wrote much of the training curriculum for Religious Science International.

She served on the RSI Board of Education and Board of Directors. In 2002, RSI gave her the Raymond Charles Barker Award for her spiritual writing.

She was a teacher, real estate broker, and a freelance writer who has written an incredible 80+ books for teens (!!!); was chosen as Writer of the Year in 1981 by the Society of Children’s Book Writers; and her best selling book, Dreams Can Come True sold over a million copies and was translated into seven languages.

Since she started the Center For Spiritual Living in California, I was curious to hear what her take on Science of Mind is, and how she got past her Catholic upbringing.

She says, “Of all the gifts I’ve received from New Thought, my sense of connection to others is probably the greatest. I used to feel very, very separate from you. I was afraid to let you know me and, at the same time, I yearned to be loved and accepted for my true self. Like many…I had a bad case of what we called alienation….”

I was pleasantly surprised by her way of addressing what was a serious drinking problem – listen in as she explains what’s more important than the problem – and how energy and connection figure in to her work.

CLICK HERE or on the logo to the left to get to my interview with Dr. Jane Claypool – listen in and don’t be fooled by her mellow manner – this is one powerful woman!

You can find her books, Science of Mind Skills and Wise Women Don’t Worry, Wise Women Don’t Sing the Blues at, or here: get direct links to them HERE.

Ken Solin: Author of “Act Like A Man” Has Done the Work

This is for you guys in the crowd!

Most of what I focus on is for women, but when I found Ken Solin, I thought what a perfect match for the guys in my audience!

Ken Solin is a men’s activist and author, most recently, of Act Like A Man, the title being a play on the directive thrown at men from the time they’re boys.

“It’s hard to get men and their emotions in the same room at the same time,” says Solin. “And it’s harder for men to connect to their feelings than it is for women. Women start talking to each other when they’re little girls. Men compete.”

The result is a disconnect between men’s hearts and minds and an emotional gridlock with women.

Ken says men have a hard time opening up to each other, don’t know how, and don’t know even where to begin. Or what that might even do for them. Or how it benefits their relationships with women.

And he offers a solution, like the one he created for himself many years ago. After many years of creating a lot of wealth…and yet feeling miserable…he started on a journey of courage and hasn’t looked back yet. And has helped scores of guys do the same.

If you’re a guy (or if you know a guy) who wants safe, loyal, long-term guy friends, and to find out how to ease the pressure of all the pushed-away anger, fear, worry, etc. that’s lurked inside of you like un-spent ordnance since you were a kid, and you didn’t know what to do about it, here are some answers for you.

I was so pleased to speak with Ken – he’s a man who’s done the work!

CLICK HERE or on the IDYR logo to the left to listen in on my interview with Ken Solin.

If you can’t get it on your iphone, search iTunes > podcasts > Daring Dreamers.

And you can get Act Like A Man at his site:

Stacey Vornbrock: Pioneer Sports Performance Success Expert

Did you know that your emotions come across as actual chemicals in your body?

How do you unweave trauma and the pain, fear and chemicals from your system? How do you stop that flinch in your body when it’s afraid and anticipates more pain?

Stacey Vornbrock is well known as a highly successful Sports Performance Expert, who works with professional athletes to help them increase range of motion, reduce and heal from injuries and perform in top-notch form..

She has pioneered massively successful work with her specific, targeted injury recovery and high-performance tapping protocols using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques for pro athletes.

Listen in as she makes the underpinnings of the actual chemical make-up of trauma, pain and injury crystal clear.

I was fascinated to hear how she helps her sports pros recover quickly, even from jet lag, change in elevation, dehydration and location change (imagine being a pro sports person and having to fly from one game to the next all over the world – you’d be a jet lagged wreck!)!

CLICK HERE to go right to my interview with her! If you can’t get it on your iphone, search iTunes for Daring Dreamers (iTunes > podcasts > Daring Dreamers Radio).

Get her fabulous heal-faster ebooks here:


Carol Tuttle: Energy and Dress Your Truth Expert & Millionaire

How did Carol DO it? How many EFT practitioenrs do you know who have made over 100K in one year – much less millions?

Look at it as if each dollar was a unit of appreciation – because money really is the measure of the quality and quantity of how much you’re serving in the world –

Carol started out with an EFT practice, then began marketing her services, books and products online. Now she helps people dress according to and aligned with their essential energy – it’s pretty cool.

I have to admit that when I first called her to see if she’d do an interview with me for my EFT-Biz-Success program I was really nervous.

I honestly thought she’d have the brusk, impatient manner of the typical corporate jerk who has made a lot of money and ‘who the hell are you.’

Shows you what I believed about people who were self-made millionaires! Had to tap on that one – ! I had wanted to interview her because I knew she had been highly financially successful as an EFT practitioner and wanted to hear how she did that.

I was so surprised to hear her casual, very sincere manner come radiating through the phone lines – when we hung up, I actually felt lifted up by her ability to embrace and radiate simplicity and sweetness!

Perhaps you’ll be as surprised as I was to hear how she places her number one value: connection with her spiritual beliefs – absolutely first, over everything else – and how she works with that to simplify and make her life and business richly rewarding. If you are an energy practitioner, this interview is especially for you.

I wanted to specifically find out how she made so much money with her EFT practice – and she lays it out clearly as to what made her so successful.

If you’ve wondered how to hold onto your spiritual values while you operate in the mundane world, listen carefully to how Carol does it – every day – aligning her business and activities with those values, adamantly sticking to her connection. You can do this, too!

Here’s where to go to listen in:
or go right to the podcast audio here:

If you can’t get it on your iphone, search iTunes for Daring Dreamers.


EFT Tapping…in French?

Parlez-vous français?

Do you remember Nick Ortner’s World Tapping Summit in February 2011, when an exclusive selection of EFT experts presented this fabulous tool to listeners all over the world?

If you happen to speak French, I’m really pleased to let you know about a similar event with you, which will take place from March 29th through April 4th 2012: The 2nd Virtual EFT Congress in French:

My friend and colleague EFT Expert, Maria Annell noticed a sad lack of EFT resources for French speakers, so she created this Virtual EFT Congress, that attracted some 3000 participants from 54 countries for the first edition in 2011!

13 of the most prominent experts in the French speaking EFT world gather to present their special ways of using EFT.

You’ll discover how to:
•   break free from being overweight
•   stop smoking
•   relieve stress
•   overcome the loss of a loved one
•   improve your significant relationships
•   achieve financial success
and much more…

And best of all: you can listen in for free!

The teleseminars will start on March 29th 2012, sign up now – it’s FREE!


Cricket Windsong: Healing with Earth Energies

Have you ever known anyone whose life was completely turned upside down when they were asked ONE simple question? After you listen to my conversation with Healer Cricket Windsong, you will!

Find out how this what-you-see-is-what-you-get spiritual skeptic found a solid connection with Spirit, how that tossed her entire life into a huge storm of total confusion and disruption, and the great things that came from that for her.

If you have doubts about your own connection with Spirit – or if you even have one, listen in.

Cricket’s first-hand experience with combining Earth energies, Native wisdom and Spirit healing has made her into a softly powerful healer.

To find out what the big question was that turned her life upside down, and how what seemed like a pretty gruesome upset turned into a “happily ever after ” continuation of joy GO HERE!

Naomi Tickle: International Face Pattern Recognition Expert

What does your face says about you – even if you’re not saying a word?

I know you’ll love this! My Featured Guest this week on Daring Dreamers Radio is Naomi Tickle, a Face Pattern Recognition Expert.

Do you know what that is? Did you ever see the television series, “Lie to Me“? That series was based on that research and documented, proven information. Naomi was even invited on set as advisor.

Naomi reads your face. She can tell if you are slow and patient or fast-thinking and quick to get the bottom line, sensitive, musical, artistic, theatrical, talkers…

She can tell you what money challenges happen for you if you have a turned up nose (really!), what a certain kind of eyebrow means (like my high-flying ones that seem to want to sprint to the roof), what thin faces and wide faces mean – it’s fascinating!

Daring Dreamers Radio presents Naomi Tickle! Go here to listen in: – free, of course.

Oh, and if you have a large lower lip, thin lips, rounded ears…you’ll have very specific attributes!

(And…did you know if you get her book from her site you get a mini-reading? I got one – she was right on! I was stunned!)


Dr. Eric Pearl: The Reconnection

Dr. Eric Pearl, a practicing chiropractor, was awakened one night by the lamp on his bedside table going on all by itself.

This led to him later discovering how to heal with energy w/o even touching anyone. He now teaches how you can do that, too.

If you don’t know who he is, you’ve really missed out.

I wanted to interview him ever since I read his book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself.

Listen in as he describes how that knowledge of healing came to him right out of the blue, and how he didn’t even believe it, himself.

“When we connect with this energy, there’s an optimal regeneration – a reorganization of tissue outside the illusion of time and space,” he explains.

Here’s where to catch the interview: go HERE, and click on the ON AIR button at 2 pm NY time, or on the IDareYouRadio logo if you miss the live broadcast.

CLICK HERE to go to my interview with Dr. Eric Pearl, and see for yourself what happened when that light went on all by itself….


Am I Jumping the EFT Ship?

Yesterday I posted an article to my list about my radio show with Lisa Nichols; joining with me to save the bees, and my teleclass last week.

There were a bunch of unsubscribes – a few that really surprised me, that were from people who’d been on my list a long time.

When I wrote a few of them asking why. I got a couple notes back, saying it was because they thought I was ‘deserting EFT.”

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Lisa Nichols: Moving Out & Up: from South LA to South Africa

Lisa Nichols, of The Secret & Chicken Soup for the Soul

You no doubt have heard of the movie, The Secret. Probably old hat by now, right?

Well, lucky for me – and you – the people IN The Secret – like the amazing and incredible business and teen-advocate, Lisa Nichols, aren’t old hat!

I invite you to listen in as Lisa Nichols shares what it was like growing up with more liquor stores per block than churches, stores or schools, bottom-of-the-well self-esteem, and an abusive fiancé.

And how she woke up and got herself O-U-T….Out to the point where she was asked to be the ambassador to … well, you’ll find out. Pretty awesome.

Go here: at 2pm NY time tomorrow, Wednesday February 29, and click the ON AIR button in the middle column.

Note: Last week, the radio network got the timing wrong, and didn’t air my show until 2:15 – so if for any reason you don’t hear my dulcet tones at 2pm, hold on and give it a few, OK, because I know you’ll enjoy Lisa!

(If you can’t make it, that’s OK, because you can click on the little IDYR icon under her photo, and go right to the audio.)

You can even get her book No Matter What there, if you should so desire.


Save the Bees!

I‘m surprising myself more and more lately – I never used to be as vocal as I am now, speaking up for things I really care about.

I guess I have finally shed the last of my childhood terror of speaking up.

I’ve discovered that there are some really great online organizations that help causes, people and various movements out.

And that I’m beginning to develop a pretty strong shout out for the ocean, sustainable agriculture, and good, clean food.

And bees!

Remember a few years ago when we tapped for the bees when no one knew why they were getting so sick, and unable to return to their hives?

Well, here’s another way you can help save the little critters – after all, no bees = we go very, very hungry.

Please do visit the new Honey Bee Haven site and sign the pledge to protect our un-replaceable friends.


You Have Some Nerve!

I got a note yesterday from a woman who was enraged about…and refused to come to…my Raise Your Fees Fearlessly teleclass.

How could I “possibly tell people to raise their fees when so many people are having so much trouble even paying their rent, some even starving?”

She demanded, “Why aren’t you telling people how to lower their prices, and give more stuff away for free?”

If you look around, not everyone is starving. There are a great many people not just making it but making it very well. But we’re so used to people giving freebies – videos, products, services – that we are insulted when we have to pay!

In my extensive experience, freebie seekers want more for less, and most often won’t do the work you set for them, because (here’s the funny thing) they don’t value it because…it came free! Vicious circle.

You can argue about that until cows turn blue, but I dare you find me one person who has really done the inner work you set them to do when they got it for free or cheap. They don’t do it; they stay stuck; they keep complaining…and look for more freebies to fix them!

Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t consider freebies a bad thing. I like them, too! But I’m telling you right now, if you…

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It’s Not Always Your Fault

Someone wrote in  today and said she was struggling with food sensitivities, fatigue, migraines and frustration.

She wasn’t sure what to do – rest, power through, try to figure out what’s going on?

There are more things happening here than you can see.

Like most of us in self-help, we think it all has to do with us. Yes, we do ‘create’ our realities, but we forget that there is a subconscious part of our mind that also creates.

Here are a couple things you may be dealing with:

1. Chemtrails – the military continues to spray the atmosphere with chemicals. You may not have it in your location, but air moves, and it’s now ubiquitous. in Hawaii when they spray, I am darn near immobilized for 2 or 3 days when they spray.

2. Mercury is in serious retrograde – until mid April. Lots of backwards energy happening. Astrologists advise us to not make any contractual agreements if possible, and ones you do make, make sure there are get-out-of-them loopholes. (Not sure you can get away without contractual agreements for another 6 weeks!)

3. Past life stuff.…won’t go into that here.

4. Keep focusing on your heart’s deepest dream. even if you can’t move an inch, keep focusing onit, and when you can move again, step right back into the dream. It’s not about “maybe it’s not meant to be’ – it’s about persevering in what has meaning for you.

And yes! Allow yourself to feel the energy! Let it run through you – like electricity through a wire – and not get stuck in you as you try to figure it out!!!

5. And tap!


Split Attention

Yesterday I saw a video online in which a teenager was coming out, announcing to his mom that he was gay.

As the video starts you can see he’s really nervous. The mom walks in, and she asks what’s up – and he won’t say! He keeps putting her off, and she keeps trying to guess.

When she finally gives up, he finally relents and tells her what’s up, that he’s gay.

Sshe puts her arms around his shoulders and hugs him, and tells him she’s proud of him. How’s that for a cool response?

And yet – and this is the part that really bugs me – he can’t stay present enough with her to receive her love! Instead, he’s texting and scrolling his smart phone as they ‘converse’ – which is really her standing with her arms crossed over her chest, talking…and him being barely in the room with her, his attention on his phone.

I think it’s downright rude to the people you’re with if you split your attention between them and whatever’s going on in that little device in your hand. That includes in cars, restaurants and at home.

If you’re going to be with someone, BE with them, and give them the gift of your full presence.

If you’re going to be with someone, give them the gift of receiving them by paying full attention to them!

Personally, I hate it when I’m with someone and they are constantly checking their phone, scrolling on it, calling people. I might as well not even be there! Makes me really question how much they care about my presence!

What do you think about people who are in a constant state of split attention?


Amy Robbins-Wilson: Cheats Death, Creates Unique Mom/Baby Resources

Featured on Daring Dreamers Radio this week:

A freak condition in Amy Robbins-Wilson’s body almost meant the end for both her and her unborn child.

After Amy got through the terrors and recoveries, she still suffered through terrible doubts and fears, depression and discouragement, and her son was too sensitive to even listen to lullabies!

She decided to create the kind of support for babies and new moms she wished she’d had for herself….

I invite you to join me for my interview with Amy as she describes what unique ways she discovered to help new mothers (and babies) through the many stages of new-mom-ism, that most people don’t even know they go through!

Like: post-partum depression, sleep-deprivation, and the fretting and fussing that happens when moms don’t know what baby needs.

If you know any new moms, please send this link to them, as they will get a lot out of it. Thanks!


A Confession About Social Media

I don’t know about you, but thinking about social media makes me feel completely overwhelmed.

You’re told you “must have” Twitter, FB, LinkedIn…and you “must have” a FB personal page…and you “must have” a FB biz page…and you “must have” FB ads…

Truthfully? I end up not wanting to lift a finger. And I almost wish the whole thing would crash back into the ground where it came from. There, I said it – hah!

Thankfully, there are people who put the whole mashup into decent order in understandable language.  So, I thought you’d be interested in these two pages of tips I found today.

I think it’d be really smart to bookmark them and refer to them as you build your social media experience – that’s what I did. Because, like it or not, overwhelmed or not, it actually is the wave of the future if we want any real success in marketing our businesses. Relationship marketing really is where it’s at.


Afraid to Raise Your Fees?

WANT TO KNOW HOW TO RAISE YOUR FEES so you can make more money, get great clients, pay your expenses and keep doing what you love to do without having to get a job to support your passion?

Are you comfy with the fees you charge? Then just delete this – unless you know someone who might want to read it. Please feel free to pass it on to them. Thanks!

Recently I heard from people who said they felt guilty for charging for their coaching.

Others said they felt like they didn’t charge enough, but were afraid to raise their fees, in case they lost the clients they had now.

Others felt exhausted and burned out.

These are pretty classic problems for coaches just starting out or who are trapped by 1-1 sessions.

So I’ve put together a teleclass just to help you get over those problems, if that should be you. I’ve set it up at two different times so even if you live in East Farthest-Away, you ought to be able to attend live.

Here’s where to get at it:

I look forward to having you there!


To Offer Freebies or Fee-bies?

In answer to a query today from an entrepreneur about freebies, here are a few ideas.  There are many reasons to give a class for free. Yes, always to help people with your information, processes, products and services. Of course.

And sometimes, it helps people more to charge for your materials! Because charging for it…

  1.   makes people look at how much they value the info and processes they’ll get,
  2.   how much they value their own commitment to growth
  3.   how much they value the info related to their own value – will it help them serve, or is it just hypnotizing fluff that keeps them from doing their work?

Here are some reasons to offer freebies:

  1.   to introduce yourself to a new market
  2.   to get your message across to new prospects so they sign up with you
  3.   to introduce a new product to a market you already serve
  4.   to practice before you start giving classes or teleclasses big time

If you observe well, just about all of the free teleclasses or videos marketers / practitioners / coaches present are all related to products and services offered by that person. Even the freebies on Youtube.

Be careful of your attitude: “all they want to do is sell me on their stuff!”

Yes, they do. Because they believe in it, that it’s good for someone, and they want to get it out there. There’s nothing wrong with that. You want to get people to sign up with you, too. Nothing wrong with that.

What we, as consumers, need to be careful of is getting sucked into stuff with which we don’t resonate. We look at a freebie intro and think, “I need that!” And then when we don’t get immediate results – because you just won’t from a little freebie – we feel ripped off, like victims, blaming the marketer. It’s not the marketer! It’s US we need to look at, and our clear intentions and boundaries!

Here are some reasons we need to charge for our services:

  1.  When we place a high value on our own work, people respect our work more, because they understand what it took to get to the point that you could charge however much it is.
  2. Think about it – who do you expect to give you credible information? A certified lawyer? Or a very opinionated cab driver, or neighbor? Who worked hard to get credible, spent thousands studying, years developing expertise? Which of them would you expect to pay more for his knowledge or expertise? It’s a no-brainer.
  3.  Charging automatically deletes the tire-kickers and freebie-seekers who sign up and never show up to the class or do the work you are offering them help with. I can’t tell you the number of freebie calls I’ve done where literally thousands signed up, but 3 or 5 showed up. It’s not worth your time.
  4.  Charging attracts the people who want to pay more for high value. They think no-charge, no-value. Look at the people who go to WalMart, and then look at the people who go to Tiffany’s.
  5. Which crowd do you want to work with? Each one needs what you have. The rich have as many problems as those who have less – the problems just manifest in different ways. But who can pay well?

Those are some thoughts to consider when you think about freebies and fee-bies.


What She Said Was….

I have a pet peeve.

I don’t know exactly when this habit of speech started happening in our conversations – maybe a while ago – but what makes me mad is…that!

Why do we preface what we are saying with, “What ____ (fill it in _____) ….”

For instance:
1. What you want to do is (get the right kind of boating shoes)….

2. What that means is (when she gets on the boat she’ll fall off).

3. What happened was (she went on the boat, fell off and)….

4. What makes me mad is (when people preface their statements with a half-qualifying phrase)….

Hello? If you’re writing a book, every time you say that phrase, you’re adding unnecessary words! You’re an editor’s worst nightmare!

If you’re giving a speech, your cadence is destroyed, and you sound like a second-rate teacher who doesn’t have any authority.

Listen to this: What happened was, when she got on the boat, her shoes were the wrong kind, and she slipped and fell off. Of what earthly use is the What happened was part? None!

It makes me nuts! Where did this lousy habit come from? Get rid of it! Here’s what to do: Continue reading

How My Friend Dematerialized Right in Front of Me….

I worked with a friend live on Skype today who was panicking so intensely that she was literally choking.

Afterwards, I was considering how none of the things an energy practitioner would normally say with a client would have worked with her.

You know – ‘it’s just energy, you’re afraid of speaking your truth (throat stuff usually is), just tap on it, maybe it’s because your mom did this, maybe it’s that this or that happened when you were a kid, let’s transform this into power’ … nope.

None of that seemed Right to me. So I just stayed present with her as she cried and cried and coughed and coughed, and even wretched a little. It just seemed like something that was Not Her wanted to be expelled.

I’m never quite sure where the information that comes to me during a session comes from – I don’t usually ask, because it’s pretty special and sacred to me, and certainly doesn’t come from my Little Bitty Me-First Mind!

So after we hung up, I sat in awe as I contemplated the wisdom of what came out of my mouth to her today, and how fast she moved from complete nauseating panic to feeling calm, and even laughter. (Scroll down in this article to see the ghost-like effect that I captured using screen-shots!)

Now, I’m as ready to say “it’s old stuff” as anyone else, so this is not a criticism, but rather, a reminder – that we’re like little pieces of driftwood in the enormous river of life – so of course there’s going to be stuff, energies and feelings that aren’t of our own conscious creation.

It’s really easy to say to someone who is suffering that ‘it’s old stuff, it’s your ego, Continue reading

New to Marketing Online? A Couple of New Resources You’ll Like….

Here are links to a couple of  resources I think you might want to see:

PAGE MODO: They call it “the easiest way to customize and design your Facebook Page” – looks pretty easy – and since everyone is saying “you must have a FB biz page…” maybe it will help you with yours.

MAD MIMI: I think it’s a rather unfortunate name, but regardless – here’s what they say about it:

“Mad Mimi is a simple, intelligent and powerful email marketing utility that anyone can use. Mad Mimi makes email marketing easy for the creator, and easier on the eyes for the receiver.

“With ground-breaking technology, Mad Mimi is the simplest way to create branded, well-designed newsletters and promotions. Sign up free today and get started with simple, lovely email marketing.”

My first hit was that it couldn’t possibly be a US-based site, as no one here in his right mind would offer ‘lovely email marketing’ – ! –

But once I checked it out, it looks really great – especially if you’re just getting started and don’t want to pay 1shopping cart’s basic 59 bucks. (yup – that’s my referral link)


Your Feedback Means So Much to Me!

Thanks so much, those of you who took the time to send in the postcard feedback I sent you about the FREE No Calling Fears Teleclass – I so appreciate it.

It was a new idea for me, to send a card like that.

I liked the idea of using hand-addressed postcards because it seemed more friendly than an email. I wanted a more personal touch – and I was even careful to get recycled paper, and not use slick, toxic fancy paper and inks.

Because…if I’m going to rant about plastic drinking water bottles and being green, I guess I oughta walk green, too, right?

p.s. I invite you to check out my rant-about-plastic site here – this is where I posted all my paintings when I did my campaign for painting 100 painting 100 paintings in 100 days:


Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos: Conquers Cancer Twice with Her Intuition & Prophetic Dreams

Ever had a dream where you were told it was imperative that you go see your doctor…after he had just sent you home with an “all-clear” bill of health?

That’s exactly what one of the amazing, intuitive, prophetic dreams Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos was in her journey through not just one bout of breast cancer, but two, almost exactly five years apart.

If you ever doubted your dreams and your intuition, perhaps this story will help you trust again.

Kathleen, now an advisor to the R. A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, showed what real courage and real inner knowing is when she stood up for herself and said to her doctor what she KNEW was right: “I KNOW something’s wrong, help me…NOW.”

Find out the new policy she got the hospitals to initiate after she was told, “sorry, we can’t help you!” and she got jussssst a little ticked off….

CLICK HERE to hear the whole amazing story!


Can You Really Train Your Brain?

Last week, I had a powerful talk with a hot brain scientist: brain expert Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler – who has created practical ways to amp up your brain power. She and her discoveries about the brain are underline-ably awesome.

If you want to know how to reach higher states of consciousness ON PURPOSE, you’ll want to listen in to my interview with her at

Dr. Jill explains the important brain wave states, and why, if you cannot get through what she calls the Schumann Resonance, your brain remains ordinary and dreamless (ew!); and how, if you can get through that gateway, you can develop deliberate higher states of consciousness, and even an enlightened mind (yay!)

Know what else? That same Schumann Resonance is the same frequency as…get this…the earth’s! Don’t think we’re connected? Wrong!


Dr. Jill shows how the brain is connected to every single cell in the body, and what the real, every day implications of that is – pretty powerful, as it turns out – you really do create your reality!

Here’s what she says: “Each and every thought or memory you have has a Continue reading

Multiple Nano Steps = One (or More) Quantum Leap

Happy Holidays to you!

And…I’m hoping that before the actual day we leap into 2012, you’ll make the intention to make 2012 the best year of your life!

Take a few minutes right now, and picture, think about and feel what it will be like to have the ultimate 12 months; the most fun, fulfilling and prosperous year in your life so far.

Or maybe EVER!

I invite you to put aside all the little voices and beliefs that you aren’t good enough or don’t do it right or who are you to … whatever – and just allow them to rest and relax on the side as you use your mind and heart to dream up your new year.

DECIDE to have a great year. Whether that means about health, growth, business or personal success, family relationships, your body, your mind, or all of the above. Decide.

When you feel like you could burst with feel-good, when you feel cozy and relaxed, or inspired and excited, note how that feels in your body.

Are you energized? Relaxed? Calm? Tingling? Make note of how that feels, because any time you don’t feel that way from now on, you’ll know you’re ‘off,’ and you can stop, take a breath, and decide to tap and get back ‘on’ again.

Decide to keep your mind on track, and any time you catch yourself feeling like you’re heading down the wrong road – stop! Take a breath and recommit to the path of success that you have chosen.

Focus on what you want, what you can do, what you ARE doing … and keep your mind always headed to that success destination! And remember – it’s all about taking nano-steps, not always only the huge leaps.

Don’t think that’s true? Remember how the Wright brothers had to take lots of small steps as they ran towards the cliff to leap off it to fly? Small steps! Small steps!
